Apex Academy Middle School opened in 2003 and provides educational opportunities for students in 6th through 8th grades. This charter school offers small classrooms with around 100 students enrolled each year.
The school offers all kinds of extra curricular activities that go beyond the core subjects to ensure the whole child is enhanced in their studies, which will help to create productive leaders of society. A extracurricular activities found at Apex Academy Middle School include academic games, character education, athletics, chess club, dance, drama, cultural clubs, language clubs, field trips, mentoring, gaming club, robotics, national honor society, student government, student action groups, photography, and yearbook.
The Apex Academy Middle School is a part of the Leona Group, which has many accomplishments in the past including managing finances of the schools, improving the achievement of students, developing partnerships within the community, and starting up new charter schools.
The students in grades 7th and 8th took the AIMS test, which is the Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards. The test is a requirement of all public students in the state and measures how well students have mastered the learning standards set forth by the state.
The percentages of students that passed or exceeded the test were as follows. In reading, 43% of 7th graders passed with the state average at 82%, in 2010 57% passed the exam; in writing 14% with the state average at 53%, in 2010 36% passed; and in math 21% passed with the state average at 61%, in 2010 36% passed the exam. A look at previous test results, 7th graders at Apex Academy Middle School were always lower than the state averages for the last 5 years.
In reading, 25% of 8th grader passed the exam with the state average at 71%, in science 33% with the state average at 63%, in writing 70% with the state average at 86%; and in math 17% passed with the state average at 54%. The same results in testing scores for 7th and 8th graders are apparent with lower scores than the state average.
Apex Academy Middle School
945 W. Apache Trail
Apache Junction, AZ 85220