Hawthorne Mathematics and Science Academy opened in 2003 for grades 9th through 12th. As the name implies this school has a special focus on math and science within its rigorous curriculum. The objective is to set standards and challenge each individual student to reach their potential.
At this school, the core subjects are an essential part of the student success story. There are plenty of electives to choose from as well. Latin, Spanish, newspaper, student council, yearbook, technology, drama, drawing/painting and video/film production are all offered. Students can choose participate in sports such as cross-country, football, soccer, basketball, softball, baseball and P.E.
The student reviews of Hawthorne were on the bad side as compared to what parents had to say. Students claimed the teachers made them feel dumb, the work was too demanding and they just felt insulted. Parents understood that the work was challenging, but it is not supposed to be easy as college and the workforce.
The Academic Performance Index showed an increase from 875 to 894. The statewide goal is 800.
The California Standards Tests is used to learn if students are mastering core subjects. The various tests are given to 2nd through 11th grades in English, grades 2nd through 7th are given tests in math, and science tests are administered to students in grades 5th, 8th, and 10th, while history tests are given to students in 8th and 11th grades.
The hard work and demanding curriculum showed that it does make a difference with test results that were all above the state average except in one subject for the 10th grade. 47% of students passed the Chemistry exam and the state average was 51%.
10th graders are challenged with the California Exit Exam, which showed excellent results on both the English and Math exams. 95% passed the English exam with the state at 83%. 99% passed the Math exam and the state was at 84%.
While Hawthorne Mathematics and Science Academy might be tough on its students the results do speak for themselves. Set up a tour today and speak with the teachers to see if your child is ready for the challenge.
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Hawthorne Mathematics and Science Academy
4467 W. Broadway
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Phone: 310-973-8184