Located in Anchorage, Highland Tech High is a 7-12 school that follows the standards-based model. It advocates mastery of the curriculum through rigorous academics and project-based learning with the integration of technology. Individual attention is given to students, not just to meet the state and district standards, but also providing them a solid foundation for higher education or employment.
Highland Tech High which came into existence in 2003, is the first school to use standards-based curriculum in the Anchorage School District. It is the brainchild of parents whose children attended the Aquarian Charter School. The first graduating class commenced in 2006. The school had from the beginning focused on business and technology. The current enrollment is at 450.
Individual learning plans for each student, project work, small class sizes and a low student-teacher ratio take education at HTH to a higher level and are the key ingredients for the school’s success. Children go through performance levels and are expected to master eight skill sets before they can graduate, which include reading, writing, math, technology, science, geography and languages, character education and business.
The study schedule at Highland Tech High resembles the working world more than a school. Days consist of three blocks and extracurricular activities and individual tutorials begin after 4 pm. Students actively interact with mentors at different levels: from shadowing them in career fields of interest to working off-site in industry internships.
5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd., Ste. 1
Anchorage, AK 99504
Phone: 907-742-1700