Hope High School Online is a charter school for students in 9th through 12th grades. The school offers year round virtual learning with independent study.
The major thing to look at when deciding on a virtual school is if your child will do their schoolwork. For students that have discipline and determination will do well with an online school. However, if your child is one that just cannot sit still work independently the school is not the best way to go. Virtual schools have a log in and allow students to work at their own pace but they must log in and do their work instead of doing other things while on the computer.
Students that want to learn and receive their diploma love the school as it offers the chance to catch up on credits or even graduate early. The school has teachers available for students that need the extra help online, but once again the student must ask. Since all learning is accomplished online, students must have the initiative to study, learn, and ask teachers for help with needed. Students love the fact they can go to school online at any time. This allows them to have a job, enjoy friends, and still receive a high school diploma.
As we look at the test scores of students compared to other schools in the state of Arizona, you must remember that in a virtual school, students are mainly responsible for their own learning. In order for students to graduate from high school, they must pass the AIMS series of tests. Percentages of students that passed or exceeded the exam along with state averages include 52% in reading with the state average at78%, in science 16% with the state at 42%, in writing 38% with the state at 68%, and in math 25% with the state at 60%.
Hope High School Online
5651 W. Talavi Blvd, Ste. 170
Glendale, AZ 85306