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Treasure Island SIATech Review

Treasure Island SIATech opened in 2000 for students in grades 9th through 12th. The school works to close the gap and to improve ethnic diversity as well as ensure that each student receives a quality education. The school focuses on equality while avoiding racial and gender discrimination.

The main focus of Treasure Island SIATech is for students to be able to speak other languages besides English fluently, develop a passion for music, art, poetry and films based upon their own lives. The school also provides computer instruction to help students compete in our ever-changing technology world with software program instruction like Microsoft Word and Excel, as examples. At this time, the school does not offer extra curricular activities, sports or student clubs.

Parents stated Treasure Island SIATech is unlike any other their children have attended. Teachers are very respectful and treat each student as if they were adults while allowing them to have an opinion. The school is providing an exceptional education where diversity is welcomed. Students love the school, teachers, and staff and believe that it is providing them with the knowledge they need to succeed. On the other hand, some students are not happy that the school does not offer any sports or other activities.

The Academic Performance Index was not available at this time.

The California Standards Tests is used to learn if students are mastering core subjects. The various tests are given to 2nd through 11th grades in English, grades 2nd through 7th are given tests in math, and science tests are administered to students in grades 5th, 8th, and 10th, while history tests are given to students in 8th and 11th grades. The results of the exams were not available at the time of this writing.

To ensure the school is the perfect fit for your family, you should talk with other parents and take a tour of the school prior to enrollment.

Have you studied at Treasure Island SIATech?
Please provide a brief review of your experience at Treasure Island SIATech in the comment section to help other readers!

Treasure Island SIATech
351 Ave H Bldg. 442, Treasure Island
San Francisco, CA 94130-1648
Phone: 415-277-2371


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