Visalia Technical Education Center opened in 2010 to serve students in 9th through 12th grades. The school offers a career minded focused education that will allow students be prepared for the work force or for entering into a college or university. The school offers a structured personal curriculum that provides students with the tools necessary for their futures. The student body is multi cultural including Hispanic, White, Asian, American Indian, and African American.
Along with core subjects, the school offers one extra curricular activity, which is photography. The school also offers a variety of sports and other activities.
Both parents and students are very pleased with the teachers are devoted to the school and students. Students like the school and the opportunities that are available. The major complaint is the lack of activities and events.
The Academic Performance Index declined 64 points to 659. The statewide goal is 800. Parents were very disappointed with the drop in the score and are discussing the situation with administration and teachers.
The California Standards Tests is used to learn if students are mastering core subjects. The various tests are given to 2nd through 11th grades in English, grades 2nd through 7th are given tests in math, and science tests are administered to students in grades 5th, 8th, and 10th, while history tests are given to students in 8th and 11th grades.
The percentage of students passing the exams was below average or was not available.
the California High School Exit Exam tests 10th graders mastering skills in English language arts and mathematics. The percentage of students passing the English exam was 73% with the state average at 83% and in math 59% passed with the state at 84%.
The school is providing a quality education; however, it would be in your best interest to learn more about the results of the exams and why the API score dropped before enrolling your child.
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Visalia Technical Education Center
2245 South Linwood
Visalia, CA 93277
Phone: 559-730-7510