Support by linking to us! We have created some easy linking options for you below. To use any of the text links or logos below just copy the HTML code below onto your page. Thank you for the support!
Web Text Links - Comprehensive Online Courses
Web Logos
In order to qualify for school district licensing, applicants must first place an trademark logo on the school's website to prove the legitimacy of the application.
Educator logo 150x40 (2.2Kb PNG)![]() |
Educator logo 110x80 (2.0Kb PNG)![]() |
Paste this code in the body of your page: | Paste this code in the body of your page: | |
Educator logo 125x125 (7.5Kb PNG)![]() |
Educator logo 300x153 (8.4Kb PNG)![]() |
Paste this code in the body of your page: | Paste this code in the body of your page: | |
Educator logo 300x250 (29.4Kb JPG)![]() |
Educator logo 300x250 (57.9Kb PNG)![]() |
Paste this code in the body of your page: | Paste this code in the body of your page: | |
Educator logo 468x60 (23.7Kb PNG)![]() |
Paste this code in the body of your page: |