English Composition Intermediate
Prof. Joel Gonzaga
In his English Composition course, Joel Gonzaga helps you write better, whether you are a fledgling writer or experienced wordsmith. Joel's style reflects his years of experience teaching both native English speakers as well as a year abroad working with ESL students. In the course, Joel covers all aspects of essay writing, from things to read, brainstorming, researching, critical thinking, to rhetoric. Lessons come with assignments to help students solidify the latest lessons, as well as downloadable sample essays for comparison.
Reading Comprehension Intermediate
Prof. Joel Gonzaga
In his Reading Comprehension course, Joel Gonzaga helps you ace the standardized tests as well as gain a lifelong appreciation for reading. Joel's style reflects his years of experience teaching both native English speakers and ESL students. Joel also makes his course as entertaining as possible with topics covering Nikola Tesla to zombies, all the while dispensing useful tips and tricks. Everything is covered from root words, themes, and plays, to skimming and standardized testing. Lessons come with assignments to help students solidify the latest lessons, as well as downloadable compositions.
English Composition 8
Prof. Joel Gonzaga
Reading Comprehension 8
Prof. Joel Gonzaga
Really nice lecture! I love this kind of learning. It's not just cramming, but also creativity, not just input, but output as well.Thank you a lot.
Wish you all the best.
A student who struggling and enjoying reading