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AP World History Prof. Ronald Schooler

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  • Level Advanced
  • 70 Lessons (37hr : 05min)
  • 2,048 already enrolled!
  • Audio: English

Follow Professor Ronald Schooler through his comprehensive course on Educator covering everything you'll need to know to ace your AP class and exam. He utilizes his experience as an AP World History grader of 10+ years and believes that history is never done and requires students to become investigators instead of memorizers. He brings this idea into his course which focuses on critical thinking, essay writing skills, and a walk-through of a real AP World History exam. Topics covered include everything on the AP syllabus from Empires to Global Interactions, Social Organization, Industrialization, and Imperialism. Professor Schooler began his teaching career in 1966, taught AP History from 1984-2007, and has been a grader/reader for AP World History for every year but one since its inception in 2002.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction to AP World History

  Introduction 9:59
   Intro 0:00 
   What Can We Do For You 0:22 
    Get A 5? 0:38 
    AP World History Course Description 1:28 
   What Can World History Do For You? 3:22 
    Learn To Love And Appreciate Your Heritage 3:32 
    Career Will Be More Multi-ethnic 4:38 
    Jobs Require Thinking Skill 5:19 
    Employers Want Workers Who Can Think And Write 5:40 
    Meet Fascinating Personalities 6:26 
   Work With Me On Educator.com 8:02 
    Your Score Will Improve 8:13 
    Fun Along The Way 8:42 
   Next Session 9:20 
    Basic Geography 9:23 
  Basic Geography 26:47
   Intro 0:00 
   AP World Geography 0:20 
    Common Language About Place 0:24 
    AP Exam Uses These Terms 0:43 
    Learn-Recall 2:27 
   Let's Start With A World Map 3:11 
   This Is Easier 3:40 
   What Roles Do Physical Features Play 3:44 
   What Role Does Human Nature Play 4:05 
   Showing Biomes- Afro-Eurasia 4:38 
   Showing Altitude 5:41 
   Geographic Areas Of Africa 6:12 
    North Africa 6:30 
    Sub-Saharan Africa 6:34 
   North Africa 7:02 
    Sahara Affects North Africa 7:19 
    Mediterranean Affects North Africa 7:24 
   West Africa 7:58 
    Shows The Whole Continent 8:40 
   East Africa 9:35 
    Shows The Whole Continent 10:16 
   Central Africa 10:24 
    Shows The Whole Continent 10:45 
   Southern Africa 10:59 
    Shows The Whole Continent 11:25 
   Southeast Asia 11:40 
   South Asia 12:32 
   East Asia 12:51 
   Central Asia 13:29 
   The Americas 14:08 
   North America 14:45 
   Latin America 15:30 
    Starts At Mexico 15:35 
   The Caribbean 16:07 
   The Middle East 16:41 
   Europe 17:57 
   Oceania 20:49 
   AP World Areas To Know 21:45 
   Is This The World 22:54 
    Map-Representation Of The World 23:01 
   True Or False? 23:18 
    Can't Say Maps Are Unbiased 23:30 
    Isolated Development 23:42 
   Why Are China And India So Different 23:56 
   True Or False? 24:55 
    Do Humans Affect The Environment/Environment Affect Humans 24:58 
    Both True 25:16 
    Geography Has Large Affect On People 25:34 
   Our Next Session 24:41 
    Themes 25:54 
  Themes, Part I 25:27
   Intro 0:00 
   AP World History Is About 0:30 
    Interaction 0:42 
    Comparison 1:42 
    Change And Continuity 2:00 
    Thinking Skills 2:23 
    Evidence Based Communication Skills 2:53 
    Understanding Others In Their Own Terms 3:59 
    Riding Fine Line Between Content And Skills 4:57 
   AP History Redesign 6:03 
    Less Memorization, More Learning And Thinking Skills 6:27 
    Dig Deep In Some Areas 7:27 
   AP World History Themes 8:21 
    Theme 8:29 
    Something That Permeates The Whole 8:26 
    Something That Is Repeated 9:02 
    Something That Ties The Larger Work Together 9:23 
    More Implicit Than Explicit 9:41 
    Theme Determined 10:54 
    Listen To data 11:02 
    Propose 11:06 
    Debate 11:11 
    For Now (Open To Revision) 11:17 
    Repeat 11:27 
    Example: How Do You Know A Dog When You See One? 11:40 
    Clues In The Background 12:29 
    Overriding Theme 12:34 
    Start, Going Someplace? 12:53 
   Overarching Theme 13:25 
    Better? 13:30 
    Worse? 13:56 
    World Historians Are Leery 14:18 
   Theme I 15:16 
    Humans Interact With Environment 15:20 
   I. Humans Interact With The Environment 15:30 
    Demography And Disease 15:35 
    Disease- Especially Epidemic 16:14 
    Migration 17:26 
   Why Are There People Everywhere 17:29 
   I. Humans Interact With The Environment 18:05 
    Patterns Of Settlement 18:08 
    Technology 18:18 
   Technology 18:28 
    Stirrup 18:40 
   Theme II 19:02 
    Development And Interaction Of Cultures 19:07 
   II. Development And Interaction Of Cultures 20:35 
    Religions 20:39 
   Religions 20:41 
   II. Development And Interaction Of Cultures 21:04 
    Philosophies And Ideologies 21:09 
   Theme III 22:27 
    State Building, Expansion, And Conflict 22:35 
   III. State Building, Expansion, And Conflict 23:02 
    Political Structures And Forms Of Governance 23:05 
    Empires 23:11 
    Nations And Nationalism 23:20 
    Revolutions 23:26 
    Regional, Trans-regional 23:37 
   UN General Assembly Hall 23:50 
   AP World History Themes 24:27 
  Themes, Part II 41:41
   Intro 0:00 
   AP World History Themes 0:17 
    Humans Interact With The Environment 0:27 
    Development And Interaction Of Cultures 0:51 
    State Building, Expansion, And Conflict 3:14 
   Theme IV 6:55 
    Creation, Expansion, Interaction Of Economic Systems 7:00 
    Agriculture And Pastoralism 17:18 
    Trade And Commerce 8:00 
    Labor Systems 9:04 
   Nepali Girl Working In A Brick Factory 9:11 
   Theme IV 11:32 
    Industrialism 11:38 
   Industrialism 11:44 
   Industrialism-Point Of View 12:04 
    Romanticizing 12:22 
   Theme IV 14:28 
    Capitalism And Socialism 14:30 
   Theme V 15:36 
    Development And Transformation Of Social Structure 15:47 
    Gender Roles 16:00 
   Gender Roles-Analysis 16:49 
    Intended Audience 18:13 
    Another Family Picture 19:01 
    Father Runs Things 21:29 
    Nuclear Family 23:15 
   Theme V 24:32 
    Family And Kinship 24:36 
    Racial And Ethnic Constructions 25:19 
   Race In Brazil- Analysis 26:37 
   Theme V 28:01 
    Social And Economic Classes 28:11 
   Lower Class In 1890s New York 28:17 
   Upper Class New York 29:08 
   Descendants Of Vanderbilt 29:51 
   Any Idea As To These Guys Descendants 30:39 
    People Ought Not To Live Like This 31:09 
   Theme V 32:16 
   Check-up: True Or False 32:33 
    Objectively By Historians 32:45 
    Every Era Of History 33:44 
    Generalizations 34:10 
    Pathogens 34:27 
    Consensus Of World History 35:05 
    Globalism 35:37 
    Dictated By Nature? 37:40 
    Biology 38:24 
   AP World History Themes 39:20 
    Environment 30:29 
    Cultures 30:34 
    State-Building 39:37 
    Economic Systems 40:01 
    Development Of Social Structures 40:13 
  The Four Historical Thinking Skills 33:19
   Intro 0:00 
   What Are Thinking Skills? 0:42 
   What Influences Our Opinions And Beliefs 1:15 
    Family 1:17 
    Teachers 1:55 
   What We Learn In School 2:00 
    Religions 2:33 
   Temple To Rama, India 2:43 
   Our View Of Reality Is Filtered 3:20 
    Being Notions 4:05 
   Why Learn Thinking Skills 4:10 
    What Kind Of Person Do You Want To Be 4:25 
    Accepts, Does Not Question 4:30 
    Ask Questions, Seeks Answers 4:39 
   The Dangers Of Thinking Skills 5:40 
   What Happened To Socrates 5:55 
   Thinking Involves Our Brain 7:34 
    Fast Way 7:50 
    Slow Way 7:52 
   Why Is Critical Thinking Underused 9:06 
    Work, Lazy 9:13 
    Difficult To Learn 10:05 
    Advertisers, Politicians, Swindlers Use It Against Us 10:35 
    Benefit Life From Learning And Using Skills 11:22 
   I. Crafting Historical Arguments From Historical Evidence 11:26 
    Arguments-Carefully Constructed Reasons 12:57 
    Evidence Consists Of Events, Documents, Geography, Reasoning 13:09 
   Gender Roles In Europe In The Late 18th Century 14:17 
    Patriarchal Family Is Ideal 16:03 
   II. Chronological Reasoning 17:25 
    Historical Causation 17:37 
    Continuity And Change Over Time 19:39 
    Patterns 20:12 
    Periodization 20:19 
   Periodization 20:31 
    Creation Of Historians As They Look At Evidence 20:47 
   III. Comparison And Contextualization 23:43 
    Compact Time 24:07 
    Contextualization- Back Up 24:23 
   Contextualization Example 24:49 
    Context: Small Pox Epidemic 25:30 
    Bernardino de Sahagun 25:54 
   IV. Historical Interpretation And Synthesis 26:46 
    All History Is Interpretation 27:04 
    Synthesis- Bring It All Together 27:45 
    Diverse Interpretation Of The Past 27:54 
    Interpretation Change Over Time- Historiography 28:08 
    Synthesis- Make Meaning 29:03 
   Why Doesn't Papua New Guinea Rule The World 29:51 
    Jared Diamond 30:22 
   Historical Thinking Skills 32:00 

Section 2: Period I: Technological & Environmental Transformations

  Period I: Technological & Environmental Transformations to C. 600 BCE, Part I 26:12
   Intro 0:00 
   2000000-Present 0:28 
    Thinking Skills 0:35 
    Suspend Own View TO Understand Others View 1:15 
    Humans Have Been Around Since 2000000 BP 1:38 
    History Is Shorter Than Our Time On Earth 4:36 
    Not Many Early History Records 5:02 
   What Happens C. 2000000 BP to C. 10000 BP 5:05 
    Paleolithic Accomplishments 5:08 
    Paleolithic Means Old Stone Age 5:30 
   The Use of BCE and CE 6:14 
    Defining BCE and CE 6:15 
    How Is Year One Determined 7:40 
    Julius Caesar 9:46 
    The Julian Calendar 10:24 
   10000 BCE- Present 13:24 
   Why Is C. 10000 BCE Important 14:21 
    Periodization 14:31 
    Neolithic Age 14:53 
    Farming (Agriculture) Begins 15:05 
   Was The Development Of Agriculture The Most Unfortunate Event In History 15:26 
    Positives 15:52 
    Population 15:33 
    Cities 16:00 
    Knowledge 16:03 
    Writing 16:07 
    Architecture 16:12 
    Religion Refined 16:21 
    Technology 16:29 
    Arts 16:33 
    Negatives 16:43 
    Inequality 16:48 
    Suffering 17:11 
    Wars More Brutal 17:29 
    Decline In Happiness 17:55 
    Less Healthy Diets 19:20 
    Environmental Damage 19:37 
    Forced Labor 19:53 
   Pastoralism Develops Alongside Agriculture 20:16 
    Raising Livestock 20:34 
    Effects Of Pastoralism 21:43 
    Overgrazing 21:50 
    Diversity Of Animals Diminished 22:07 
    Development Of Elites 22:33 
    Patriarchal Societies 22:45 
   Examples Of Improvements In Agriculture, Production, And Trade 23:25 
    Pottery 23:38 
    Plows 23:47 
    Woven Textiles 23:56 
    Metallurgy 24:12 
    Wheels And Wheeled Vehicles 24:59 
   The Foundational Civilizations 25:35 
  Period I: Technological & Environmental Transformations to C. 600 BCE, Part II 27:07
   Intro 0:00 
   Foundational Civilizations - Mesopotamia 0:22 
    Cradle of Civilization 0:44 
    What Does Mesopotamia Mean 0:49 
    Highly Developed Religion 1:22 
    Goddess Apart of Highly Developed Religion 1:49 
    Clock and Compass from Mesopotamia 2:25 
    Monumental Architecture- The Ziggurat 2:29 
    Mesopotamians Left Us Monuments 3:10 
    Fertile Crescent 3:27 
   Foundational Civilizations - Egypt 4:22 
    Egypt- The Gift of the Nile 4:30 
    All Cities On the Nile River 5:06 
    Architectural Outstanding Building of the Egyptians- The Pyramids 5:27 
   Foundational Civilizations - Mohenjo- Dara and Harappa in Indus River Valley 5:50 
    Indus River 6:06 
    The Harappas Built Huge Cities Out of Bricks 6:38 
   Foundation Civilizations- Shang in Huang He Valley 6:54 
    The Yellow River 7:07 
    Advanced Chinese Culture 7:19 
   Foundation Civilizations- Olmecs in Mesoamerica 7:29 
    Giant Head Sculptures 7:52 
   Foundation Civilizations- Chavin in Andean South America 8:09 
    Huge Stone Walls 8:25 
   Agricultural vs. Pastoral Societies 8:40 
    Agricultural Led to Cities 8:58 
    City-States 9:03 
    Pastoral Societies 9:30 
    Developments in Transportation 9:59 
    Development and Improvement of Weapons 10:32 
   Development of Iron Weapons 11:00 
    Iron Age 11:09 
   Development of Writing 11:21 
    Cuneiform 11:30 
    Writing System 11:46 
    Egyptian Hieroglyphics 12:04 
   Development of Writing- Record 12:46 
    Early Alphabets 12:47 
   Development of Writing- Literature 13:36 
    The Epic of Gilgamesh 14:08 
    Gilgamesh Interaction With God 14:19 
    Siduri's Advice 15:08 
    Utnapishtim And The Great Flood 16:16 
   Development of Religion 17:04 
    The Vedic Religion (Indian) 17:14 
    Hebrew Monotheism 17:39 
    Importance of Written Law (10 Commandments) 18:21 
    Ethical Monotheism 19:03 
    Hebrew Scriptures 19:18 
    Zoroastrianism 19:40 
    Heaven and Hell 21:00 
   Development of Trade 21:04 
    Between Egypt and Nubia 21:16 
    Between Mesopotamia and The Indus Valley 22:38 
   Period One- C. 10000 BCE-C.600 BCE 23:24 
    Human Freedom and Equality 24:23 

Section 3: Period II: Organization & Reorganization of Human Societies, 600 BCE - 600 CE

  Period II: Organization & Reorganization of Human Societies, c. 600 BCE to c. 600 CE 37:15
   Intro 0:00 
   C. 600 BCE to C. 600 CE 0:25 
    Classical Period 0:26 
   Key Concepts C. 600 BCE to C.600 CE 1:53 
    All Three Concepts are intertwined 2:55 
   The Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies 3:30 
    Religion, The State, Economic State 3:54 
   The Codification of Religious Traditions 4:12 
    Karl Jaspers- 'The Axial Age' 4:16 
    Periodization 4:50 
    Major Civilization Ideas With One Lasting Effect 5:38 
   Buddhism 7:23 
    Development of the Religion 7:48 
   Confucianism 9:49 
    Development of the Philosophy 10:18 
    Five Relationships 10:46 
    Filial Piety 11:20 
    Education and Administration 11:45 
   Daoism 13:01 
    The Teachings of Laozi 13:12 
    Yin and Yang 13:26 
    Harmony With Nature 14:04 
    Wu-Wei (Non Action) 14:15 
    Health 14:38 
   Christianity 16:18 
    The Teachings of Jesus 16:23 
    Apostle Paul 16:49 
    Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 18:21 
    Acts of Missionaries and Traders 18:44 
    Adopted As Official Roman Religion in 380 19:03 
    Monasticism 19:10 
   Greco-Roman Philosophy 19:38 
    The Teachings of Socrates 19:52 
    The Teachings of Plato 20:03 
    The Teachings of Aristotle 20:40 
    Logic 20:48 
    Empirical Observation 21:31 
    Nature of Political Power and Hierarchy 21:59 
   School of Athens by Rafael 22:37 
   Animism 23:12 
    Shaman 23:35 
   Ancestor Veneration 24:41 
    Venerate People 25:15 
    Mexico Day of the Dead 25:36 
   Distinctive Artistic Expressions 25:54 
    Ramayana 26:03 
    In India the Mahabharata 26:41 
   Distinctive Architectural Styles 27:33 
    Mesoamerica- Pyramids 27:45 
    Chichen Itza 28:17 
   Intermixing of Greek and Indian 28:33 
    Sculptural Developments 29:40 
   Key Concepts C. 600 BCE to C.600 CE 29:42 
    Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies 29:54 
   Compare These Two Documents 30:39 
    The Truth of Dukkha 31:15 
    The Truth of the Origin of Dukkha 31:33 
    The Truth of the Cessation of Dukkha 31:44 
    The Truth of the Path Leading to the Cessation 31:59 
    Buddha, 5th Century BCE 32:16 
    Han Yu 32:24 
    Buddha-Bone 33:52 
  Period II: The Development of States & Empires, C. 600 BCE - C. 600 CE 35:56
   Intro 0:00 
   States And Empires Multiply & Grow 0:18 
    Persian Empires 0:43 
    Qin And Han Empires 0:48 
    Maurya And Gupta 0:54 
    Phoenicia, Greek City-States, Hellenistic, Roman Empires 1:00 
    Teotihuacan, Maya City-States 1:16 
    Moche 1:26 
   Sassanid Persian Empire 1:33 
   Sassanid Empire 2:02 
    Peak Of Ancient Iranian Civilization 2:11 
    Persia Influenced Rome 2:30 
    Formation Of Both European And Asian Medieval Art 2:59 
    Transferred From The Sassanids 3:21 
   Qin Empire 4:17 
   Han Empire (Dynasty) 4:45 
   Maurya Empire 4:56 
   Gupta Empire 5:41 
   Phoenicia 6:09 
   Hellenistic Empire 6:54 
   Alexander The Great 8:10 
   Roman Empire 8:22 
   Mesoamerica: Teotihuacan 9:39 
   Andean South America-- Moche 11:10 
    Buried People With Precious Metals and Stones 11:31 
   Empires And States 12:03 
    Foundational Civilization 12:11 
    New Techniques Of Imperial Administration 12:16 
    Centralized Governments 12:39 
    Elaborate Legal Systems 12:54 
   Example: Achaemenid Empire 13:29 
    Persian Achaemenid Empire 13:41 
    Darius The Great 14:08 
    Uniform Code Of Laws And Justice 15:35 
    Satrapies 15:58 
   Darius (522 BCE) 18:31 
   Darius (522-486 BCE) Builds Persepolis 19:38 
   Empires And States 21:10 
    Military Power 21:15 
    Diplomacy 21:39 
    Military Personnel 23:11 
   Unique Social And Economic Institutions 24:24 
   Cities: Athens, The Acropolis 24:46 
   Unique Social And Economic Institutions 26:46 
    Social Structure 27:34 
    Ways To Maintain Food Supply 28:26 
   Patriarchy: An Example 29:30 
    Esther From Hebrew Scriptures 29:33 
    King Got Advice 30:25 
   The End Of The Classic Empires 33:19 
    External Problems 34:12 
   Did The Great Wall Achieve Its Purpose 34:43 
    Yes, But Mongols Eventually Come 35:12 
  Period II: Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication & Exchange, C. 600 BCE - C. 600 CE 26:24
   Intro 0:00 
   Transregional Trade Develops 0:27 
    Land routes 1:04 
    Water routes 1:13 
    Luxury Goods and Raw Materials 1:23 
   Eurasian Trade Routes 2:59 
   New Technologies Facilitate Trade 5:10 
    Bactrian Camel 5:27 
    The Stirrup 5:55 
    Monsoon Winds 6:39 
    Dhaw 7:10 
   Much More Than Just Goods Are Exchanged 7:53 
    Crops 8:08 
    Rice-Champa 8:16 
    Cotton- India 8:49 
    Changes In Farming Techniques 9:17 
    The Qanat System 9:23 
    Crops were exchanged 10:32 
    Diseases 10:41 
    Plagues (Small Pox And Measles) 11:09 
    Depopulation 11:39 
    Military Weaknesses 11:44 
    Similar Plagues Weakened The Han Empire 12:13 
    Religious and Cultural Traditions 12:24 
    Christianity 12:40 
    Hinduism 16:22 
    Buddhism 17:12 
   Bamiyan Buddhas Of Afghanistan 18:19 
    Buddha Built In Mountain Was Destroyed In 2001 19:21 
   Angkor Wat, Cambodia 20:11 
    Churning Of The Ocean Of Milk 20:22 
   Period II, C. 600 BCE-C. 600 CE 21:32 
    Codification 21:47 
    New Belief Systems 23:22 
    States and Empires Develop And Grow 24:49 
    Unique Social And Economic Dimensions Develop 25:10 
    Transregional Networks of Communication 25:45 

Section 4: Period III: Regional & Transregional Interactions, 600-1450

  Period III: Regional & Transregional Interactions C. 600 - C. 1450 CE 36:50
   Intro 0:00 
   A New Universal Religion--Islam 0:46 
    Mohammad- Founder Of Islam 1:06 
    Religion Expands 3:16 
    Mohammad Influenced By Place 3:27 
    Trade Metropolitan 4:04 
    Mohammad's Early Life 5:02 
   The Rapid Spread Of Islam 6:09 
   Islam Today 9:29 
   Christianity Today 10:09 
   Buddhism Today 11:11 
    Confined In Asia 11:20 
   Hinduism Today 11:41 
   The Number Of People In Major Religions 12:31 
   Exchange Networks Expand 14:43 
    Mesoamerican And South America 15:06 
    Existing Trade Routes 16:07 
   Existing Trade Routes 16:35 
   Trans-Saharan Trade 17:36 
    Inter Regional Trade 18:28 
   New Trading Cities 18:47 
   Baghdad The New Abbasid Capital of Islam 19:21 
    Baghdad- Traditional Place 21:01 
   Baghdad, City of Trade And Learning 21:49 
    New Point Where Roads Cross 22:04 
    Center Of Learning- The House Of Wisdom 23:15 
    Cross-Cultural City 23:31 
    The Golden Age of Islam 24:06 
   House of Wisdom Library 29:55 
   House of Wisdom Library--Science 30:08 
    A Place Of Translation 30:24 
   Baghdad, Center For Medical Training 30:42 
   Camel Saddle 31:25 
   Caravansary 31:35 
    Inside the Caravansary 31:56 
   New Forms of Exchange 32:07 
    Hawala- Bill Of Exchange 32:36 
   Technological Advances At Sea 33:27 
    Astrolabe 33:35 
    Compass 33:57 
    Larger Vessels- Dhow, Junk 34:10 
    Junk- Translation From Chinese 34:17 
   Astrolabe From 10th Century 35:00 
   Clocks Were First Like Astrolabes 35:11 
    What You Can Learn From Astrolabes 35:23 
    Time of Prayer 35:59 
   C. 600-C. 1450 36:20 
    Regional And Transregional Interactions 36:32 
  Expansion & Intensification Of Communications & Exchange Networks, Part II 49:11
   Intro 0:00 
   Facilitation Of Commercial Growth 0:55 
    State Practices 1:05 
    Mint Coins 1:25 
    Paper Money 1:54 
   Large Government Projects-Grand Canal 2:34 
   Trade Organizations-Hansiatic League 4:03 
   Expansion Of Empires Increases Trade 4:53 
    China, Byzantine, Caliphates, Mongols 5:14 
   China-The Song 960-1279 5:24 
    Manufacturing Of Porcelains 5:43 
    Invention of Paper 6:55 
    Block Printing 7:17 
    Arts And Literature 7:47 
    Invention Of Gunpowder 8:02 
    The Civil Service Examinations 8:45 
    Revitalized Confucian Thought- Neo-Confucianism 10:08 
    Influence Of Culture On Periphery 11:06 
   The Byzantine Empire 12:08 
    Cyrillic Alphabet 12:38 
    Constantinople 13:35 
    Preservation Of Roman Law 13:55 
    Effects Of The Crusades 14:40 
   The Caliphates 17:08 
    Immediate Inheritors of Mohammad 17:30 
    Umayyad Caliphate 18:10 
    Abbasid Caliphate 18:24 
   Mongols Seemingly Come Out Of Nowhere 19:35 
   Mongols Conquer (Almost) All 20:05 
    How Did They Do That 20:18 
   Genghis Kahn 20:39 
   Division Of The Empire 20:54 
    Empire Divided Into Four Parts 20:58 
   Mongols Reinvigorate Trade 21:57 
    Use Of Passport 22:13 
    Local Rule 22:22 
    Downside- The Plague 22:53 
   The Mongol Warrior 22:58 
    The Mongol Horse 23:12 
   People Movement Causes Effects 23:34 
    Environmental And Technological Adaptations 23:47 
    Camels and Camel Caravans 24:00 
    The Vikings 24:14 
    Horses In The Asian Steppes 24:49 
    Major Migrations 25:01 
    Bantu 25:13 
    Polynesian Migration 28:06 
    Spread of Languages And Creation of New Ones 28:48 
   Cross-Cultural Exchanges 32:33 
    Fostered By Trade Networks 32:39 
    Diasporic Communities 33:42 
    Interregional Travelers 35:59 
    Ibn Battuta, Marco Polo, Xuanzang 36:18 
   Xuanzang 36:44 
    Buddhist Monk At 13 36:59 
    Travels the Silk Roads To India 37:59 
    Sanskrit Buddhist Texts 38:55 
    Translates Texts Into Chinese 39:18 
    Xuanzang Travels Map 40:00 
    Painting of Xuanzang 40:29 
   Diffusion Of Cultural Traditions 41:04 
    Hinduism And Buddhism Moved To Southeast Asia 41:33 
   Angkor Wat: A Hindu Temple 41:41 
   Hindu Iconography 42:10 
   Indian Stories 42:25 
   Yet A Stupa Outside 42:39 
    Stupa: Buddhist Way Of Worship 42:48 
   Diffusion of Science And Technology 43:17 
    Mathematics 43:24 
    Science And Philosophy 44:36 
    Printing And Gunpowder 45:14 
   Diffusion Of Crops And Pathogens 45:39 
    Bananas Move To East Africa 46:06 
    Champa Rice To China 46:34 
    Cotton, Sugar, And Citrus Spread 47:02 
    Pathogens 47:25 
    The Black Death (Plague) 47:28 
   C. 600 CE-C. 1450CE 47:55 
    Expansion And Intensification Of Communication And Exchange Networks 48:35 
  Period III Continuity & Innovation of State Forms & Their Interactions C. 600- C. 1450 CE 38:01
   Intro 0:00 
    Innovation-Change 2:50 
    State Forms-Government 3:09 
   Key Concepts of Period III-600-1450 3:50 
   Continuity In Government 4:34 
    Han-The Classic Dynasty Of Chinese History 4:47 
   Remarkable Stability In China 5:32 
    The Middle Kingdom 5:49 
    Confucianism 6:16 
    Buddhism 7:18 
    Daoism 7:48 
    Mandate of Heaven 8:07 
    The Scope Of Empire 9:01 
    Language 9:27 
    Propertied Elite 10:08 
    Trouble On The Periphery 10:33 
   Innovations In Government 10:48 
    Tax Farming 10:53 
    Religion In Byzantium 12:48 
   Comnenus Mosaic, Hagia Sophia 13:58 
    Christian Church 14:20 
   Zoe Mosaic, Hagia Sophia 15:35 
   Innovations In Government 15:53 
    Tribute System In China 16:05 
   Kowtow 17:29 
    Blessing To The Emperor 17:52 
   New Forms Of Government 18:49 
    Islamic States- Caliphate 18:55 
    The Mongol Khanates Became Muslims 19:48 
    City-states in Italian Mediterranean, East Africa, And Mesoamerica 20:19 
    Feudalism In Europe and Japan 20:45 
   Al-Amdalus (Muslim Spain) 21:43 
   How Did Cordoba Become Tolerant? 22:07 
    Muslim Secured The Iberian Peninsula 22:20 
    Cooperation- The Way To Get Ahead 22:43 
    Interaction Common 23:02 
    Western Christians Benefit 23:16 
    Why Did This All Change? 23:45 
    Who Benefited? 24:36 
   What Happened On The Other End Of Empire? 24:42 
    The Delhi Sultanate 24:52 
    Turkic Conquerors 25:03 
    Hinduism And Islam Are Radically Different 25:15 
    Conversions From Lower Castes 25:44 
    Muslims- Minority 26:03 
    Sufism 26:23 
    Sikhism 26:45 
    The Core And Periphery 26:56 
   Sultan Hunting Party 27:40 
   New Italian City-States 27:51 
   Competition For Sea Trade 28:22 
    Invention of Banks From City States 28:52 
   Synthesized Traditions (Syncretism) 28:54 
    China's Influence upon Japan 29:35 
    Language And Writing 29:39 
    Konji 30:26 
    Hiragala 31:03 
    Katagane 31:14 
    Romaji 31:27 
    Buddhism and Confucianism Changes 32:05 
    Government Decentralized 32:31 
    Art And Music 32:59 
    Clothing 33:13 
   Kimono 33:16 
   Technological And Cultural Transfers 33:38 
    Compass 33:55 
    Tang China And Abbasids 34:04 
    Across Mongol Empires 34:21 
    During The Crusades 35:37 
    Europeans Found Out They Were Ignorant 36:30 
   Pope Urban II Calls For A Crusade 36:48 
   Saladin Recaptures Jerusalem 37:10 
   C.600-C.1450 37:32 
  Period III Increased Economic Productive Capacity & Its Consequences C. 600-C.1450 CE 42:49
   Intro 0:00 
   Key Concepts of Period 3-600-1450 3:14 
   Innovations Stimulate Food Production 4:22 
    More Food Means Increase In Population 6:14 
   The Three Field System In Western Europe 6:53 
    Main Crop: Wheat 8:00 
    Legumes- Crops Good For Diet And Soil 8:07 
    Fallon- More Growing At Any One Time 8:24 
   Widespread Use Of The Moldboard Plow 8:50 
   Chinampa Field System In Mesoamerica 9:32 
   Aztec Chinampas 10:16 
   Transporting of Crops to New Areas 11:12 
    Sugar Cane Transported To Mediterranean 11:27 
   Expanding Manufactured Exports 12:40 
    Boosting Economy 13:46 
    Manufacturing 14:10 
   Fate Of Cities Varied 14:13 
    Invasions 14:34 
    Disease 16:14 
    Declining Temperatures 16:46 
    Decline of Cities 16:55 
    Some Cities Did Well 17:00 
    End Of Invasions 17:08 
    Availability of Reliable Transportation 17:30 
    Warmer Temperatures 800-1300 17:49 
    Crops Grew Better 17:57 
    Greater Availability Of Labor 18:18 
    Older Cities' Dominance Replaced By New Cities 19:17 
    Venice Became Powerful 19:59 
   Some Changes In Labor And Family Life 20:07 
    Free Peasants 20:17 
    Nomadic Pastoralism 20:28 
    Craft Production And Guild Organization 20:35 
    Coerced And Un-Free Labor 21:17 
    Labor Taxes 21:33 
    Military Obligations 21:38 
    Women Exercised More Influence 22:13 
   Peasant Revolts 24:12 
    Mongol Yuan Dynasty Brought Down By Peasant Revolts 24:29 
    Ming Dynasty By Hong Wu Emperor 25:37 
   Family Structure 26:14 
    Changes From Religious Origin 26:26 
   Review Quiz 33:25 
    Three Concepts 35:35 
    Key Events 37:16 
    Rise of Islam 37:45 
    Christianity 37:50 
    The Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, And Ming Chinese Dynasties 38:26 
    Great Zimbabwe, Mali, Mansa Musa In Africa 38:45 
    China Influence In Japan, Lady Shikibu And Tale Of The Genji 39:06 
    The Mongols Create A Large Empire 40:12 
    Ancient Trade Routes 40:37 
    The Koryo Dynasty In Korea 42:00 
   C. 600-C.1450 42:10 
  Gender In World History 34:23
   Intro 0:00 
   Why Is Gender A Theme In World History? 0:47 
    Theme 5: Development And Transformation Of Social Structures 1:16 
    Historical Thinking Skill 4: Historical Interpretation And Synthesis 1:36 
    Gender Roles And Relations 2:58 
    Family And Kinship 3:00 
    Racial And Ethnic Constructions 3:03 
    Social And Economic Classes 3:10 
    Theme: Recurs 3:26 
    Critique Diverse Historical Interpretation 4:09 
    Recognize How Models Of Historical Interpretation Change Over Time 4:15 
    Historiography 4:33 
   Generalizations On Gender 5:23 
    Abigail And John Adams 5:36 
   Abigail Adams 8:12 
   Generalizations On Gender 8:21 
    Enlightenment 9:53 
    Backlash 13:14 
   Reason For Subordination 14:08 
    Seclusion Of Women 14:28 
    Foot Binding 14:39 
    The Harem 15:34 
    The Corset 15:44 
    The Father As Provider, Mother As Nurturer 16:40 
    The Father As Secretary Of State, The Mother As Homeland Security 17:43 
   The Situation Today 19:48 
   How We Got Here 12:07 
    Gender Equality 21:33 
    Interpretations Changes Over Time 21:39 
    History Is Not Static 22:05 
   Gender And Religion 28:48 
    Debate Vs. Discussion 29:31 
    Religion 30:43 
    Neoconfucianism 31:21 

Section 5: Period IV: Globalizing Influences, 1450-1750

  Period IV: Global Interactions C. 1450-C. 1750, Part I 39:15
   Intro 0:00 
   1450-1750 Key Concepts 1:12 
    Globalizing Networks Of Communication And Exchange 1:39 
    New Forms Of Social Organization And Modes Of Production 2:10 
    State Consolidation And Imperial Expansion 2:43 
   Periodization 4:39 
    Era- Product Of Historians 5:16 
   Networks Globalize 8:32 
    Atlantic System 8:46 
    Expand Trade And Travel 9:38 
   Columbus Caravel, The Nina 10:17 
   Improved Maps Were Important--1459 11:22 
   Improved Maps Were Important--1520 12:09 
   Improved Maps Were Important--1630 12:36 
   Stepped-up Maritime Reconnaissance 13:12 
    Zeng He 13:42 
    Ming Dynasty 14:14 
    Fleet Of Ships 14:47 
    Prince Henry The Navigator 16:55 
   Bartolomeu Diaz 18:37 
   Vasco da Gama 19:00 
   Stepped-up Maritime Reconnaissance 20:34 
    Christopher Columbus 20:38 
   Voyaging Into The Unknown 21:37 
   Trade Winds Favored Columbus 22:33 
   Columbus' Voyages 23:07 
   The Meeting Of Americans And Europeans 24:02 
   Oceania And Polynesia 25:15 
    Europeans Did Not Venture Much Into the Pacific 25:34 
   Changed Times=Changed Business Models 25:42 
    Risk Aversion 26:30 
    New Economic Policy: Mercantilism 28:18 
    World-Wide Connection: Flow Of Silver 31:00 
   The Atlantic System 31:37 
    Main Export- Slaves (West Africa) 31:56 
    Sugar And Tobacco 33:16 
    America Gets Involved- Rum 33:50 
   Results Of The Atlantic System 34:33 
    Mixing Of Africans, Europeans, And Americans 34:54 
    New Unequal Social Systems Set Up 35:10 
    Penninsulares 35:33 
    Creoles 36:05 
    Black Slaves 37:10 
   1450-1750 Key Concepts 38:17 
  Period IV: Global Interactions C. 1450- C. 1750, Part II 56:38
   Intro 0:00 
   1450-1750 Key Concepts 0:26 
    Globalizing Networks of Communication And Exchange 1:01 
    New Forms of Social Organization And Modes Of Production 1:20 
    State Consolidation and Imperial Expansion 1:42 
   Mastering The Document Based Question 2:12 
    2002 DBQ 2:44 
    Essays- Truest Measures 4:14 
    Silver Trade From Americas By Spanish Led To Commercialization 8:53 
   What Do All DBQ Questions Ask Us To Do? 10:09 
    Rubric 10:27 
    Generic Rubic 10:39 
    Thesis 11:29 
    Support Thesis 11:37 
    Use All Documents 11:51 
    Group Documents 11:55 
    Points Of View Of The Documents 12:11 
    Shows Need For Additional Document 12:23 
   Prioritize Your Study 13:17 
   Step 1: Parse The Question 15:58 
    Look For The Verb-Analyze 16:36 
    Look For The Object Of The Verb-Effects 17:49 
    Look At The Adjectives-Economic & Social 18:45 
   Parse The Question 19:16 
    Paraphrase 19:38 
   Analyze 19:49 
    Examine Methodically 19:58 
    Synonyms 20:44 
    Discover Or Reveal 21:00 
   What Is In The Economic Category 22:14 
    Production, Distribution, And Use of Income, Wealth, And Commodities 22:21 
    Goods And Services 22:53 
    Economy 23:05 
    Production 23:20 
   What Is In The Social Category 23:45 
    Human Society 23:58 
    Family, Gender, Race, Ethnic Considerations 24:13 
    Religious Beliefs and Culture 25:02 
   Thinking Skill: Recognizing Cause and Effect 25:08 
    Cause: When Spanish Discovered Southern Americas 26:02 
    Effects: Social And Economic 26:33 
   Confine Your Essay To Social And Economic 26:44 
   What Do You Do With The Map? 28:24 
    Historical Background 28:51 
   Write The Paraphrased Prompt 29:14 
    Investigate The Effects 29:25 
    Levels Of Society 30:16 
    Activities Around Trade And Exchanges Of Goods 30:39 
    The Trade In Silver 31:25 
   What We Do With Each Document 33:42 
    Evaluate The Source For Point Of View 33:55 
    Chronology (Change Over Time) 34:28 
    Put It In Context 35:39 
    Paraphrase, Don't Quote 36:26 
    Summarize The Document 37:49 
    Make Notations 38:21 
    Suggest Another Document? 38:40 
   Let's Do This With Document I 39:26 
    Source: Chinese County Official A Rule Given To Limit Wedding Expenses 39:40 
   Planning Graphic Organizer 47:38 
   Let's Do This With Document II 48:55 
    Source: Spanish Scholar Wrote A Book On Economics 49:01 
   Planning Graphic Organizer 54:02 
   Mastering the DBQ 56:15 
  Period IV: Global Interactions C. 1450- C. 1750, Part III 26:04
   Intro 0:00 
   1450-1750 Key Concepts 0:20 
    Globalizing Networks Of Communication And Exchange 0:33 
    New Forms Of Social Organization And Modes Of Production 0:55 
    State Consolidation And Imperial Expansion 1:09 
   Mastering The Document Based Question 1:27 
    Involves World History Themes 1:59 
    Silver Trade From Americas By Spanish 2:16 
   What Do We Do With Each Document 2:30 
    Evaluate The Source For Point Of View 2:57 
    Chronology 3:23 
    Paraphrase, Don't Quote 4:07 
    Summarize The Document 4:41 
    Make Notations 5:37 
   Let's Do This With Document III 6:37 
    Source: Chinese Court Official In A Report To The Emperor 7:07 
    Brave To Make A Criticism Of The Government 10:04 
    Economic Problems 11:30 
    Social 12:38 
   Planning Graphic Organizer 13:16 
    Farmers Are Suffering 13:28 
    Lower Crop Production 13:50 
    Lack Of Distribution 14:04 
    Inflation Hurt the Ordinary Citizen 14:32 
   Let's Do This With Document IV 15:11 
    Source: British Merchant Who Traveled To East Indies 15:23 
    POV-British Jealous 17:27 
    Might Tend To Exaggerate 17:56 
    Social- Not Much 18:40 
    Economic- Portuguese Doing Well 18:50 
   Planning Graphic Organizer 19:14 
    Portuguese Doing Well (Economic Effect) 19:31 
   Let's Do This With Document V 20:06 
    Source: Chinese Writer 20:24 
    POV- Seems To Be Objective 21:44 
    Economic- Money System Using Silver 24:01 
    Social- Farmers Are Hurt Financially 24:44 
   Planning Graphic Organizer 25:24 
   Mastering The DBQ 25:53 
  Period IV: Global Interactions C. 1450- C. 1750, Part IV 25:29
   Intro 0:00 
   1450-1750 Key Concepts 0:19 
   Mastering The Document Based Question 1:26 
    Document 6 1:40 
   What Do We Do With Each Document 1:56 
    Source-Point Of View 2:05 
    Chronological Order 2:18 
    Read Carefully 2:28 
    Paraphrase 3:00 
    Summarize 3:11 
    Notations 3:18 
    Additional Document 3:52 
   Let's Do This With Document VI 4:03 
    Source: Spanish Priest 4:22 
    Missionary To The Indians 5:07 
    Might Exaggerate The Awfulness Of The Work By Indians 7:10 
   Planning Graphic Organizer 8:27 
    Social Effects: Indian Workers Are Grossly Misused 8:38 
    Economic Effects: Spread Of Silver All Over The World 9:06 
   Let's Do This With Document VII 9:42 
    Source: Chinese Court Official Who Wants To Repeal A Law That Forbids Foreign Trade 9:59 
    Confucian Scholar 10:22 
    Might Be Aligned With Merchants And Speaking For Them To Change Law 11:44 
    Social Effects: Can't Pinpoint 13:21 
    Economic Effects: Chinese Merchants Are Losing Out 13:32 
   Let's Do This With Document VIII 14:27 
    Source: English Scholar From A Debate On A Bill To Limit Indian Textile Imports 14:38 
    POV- English Scholar Knows The Harm Of Luxury Imports But Says It Should Not Be Stopped 16:18 
    Perhaps English Scholar Enjoys Luxury Goods 17:15 
   Planning Graphic Organizer 18:00 
    Social Effects: More Wealthy Have A Lot Of Luxury Goods 18:08 
    Hurtful To The English Economy In Long Run 18:28 
   DBQ: Putting It All Together 19:13 
    Discover A Thesis 19:17 
   Planning Graphic Organizer 19:38 
    Tension Between Rich And Poor 19:40 
    Poorer Classes Lose Out, Native Workers Lose Out 19:59 
    Merchants Losing Status 20:20 
    More Wealthy People Get Luxury Goods 20:32 
    England, Spain Connected 20:46 
   Structure Of DBQ Essay 21:35 
    Thesis: Social - Economic Effects Of The Flow Of Silver 21:47 
    Topic Sentence- Inflation 22:47 
    Poorer Classes Suffer 23:15 
    Could Be Tying It All Together 23:33 
    Conclusion (Restatement Of Thesis) 23:45 
  Period IV: Global Interactions C. 1450-C.1750, Part IV 26:10
   Intro 0:00 
   2006 DBQ- Flow Of Silver, 1550-1725 0:21 
    Learn About Period 4 0:45 
    Historical Thinking Skills 0:53 
    Improve Performance On The DBQ Essay 1:20 
    Improve Overall Score 1:28 
   Essay Scores Are Key To Improvement 1:33 
   DBQ: Putting It All Together 5:06 
    Write In Margins 5:16 
    Define Point Of View 5:25 
    Come Up With Extra Documents 5:29 
    Graphic Organizers 6:25 
    What Does Question Ask 6:40 
    Groups In The Documents 6:59 
    Outline 7:15 
   What Do The Clues Tell You? 8:04 
    Detective 8:12 
    Investigate 8:31 
    Historian 8:57 
   Social And Economic Effects 9:20 
    Area 9:28 
    Social Effects 9:32 
    Economic Effects 9:47 
    Tension B/T Rich And Poor 9:56 
    Extravagant Spending 10:06 
    High Prices For Poorer Classes 10:13 
    Inflation Hurts Spain 10:20 
    Poor Farmers 10:30 
    Deflation Hurts China 10:39 
    Portuguese Doing Well Trading Silver To China For Goods 12:33 
    Poor Farmers Income Hurt By Silver As Money Policy 12:48 
    Helps Middlemen Gain Wealth Over The Poor (Money Changers) 13:12 
    Indian Mine Workers Worked Too Hard 13:30 
    A Lot Of Silver Has Entered The World Markets 13:37 
    Chinese Merchants Are Losing Money -China's Ban On Trade 13:57 
    Luxury Goods Part Of Life 14:36 
    Hard Cash Leaving England Poorer In Long Run 14:49 
    How To Put This Together 14:55 
    Same Effect- Poor People Are Hurt 15:39 
    Governments Losing Out 15:59 
   Write Our Discovered Thesis 16:16 
    Huge Flow Of Silver 16:45 
    From Spanish America 16:53 
    Going To Asia And Europe 17:16 
    Caused Negative Economic Effects In National Economies 18:37 
    Hardship On Poorer Classes 19:03 
    Benefit Only The Wealthier Class 19:23 
    3 Points 20:53 
   Group Documents By Thesis Parts 21:41 
    National Economies Are Being Damaged 21:50 
    Poor Are Hurt 21:54 
    Rich Are Hurting Economy By Spending Too Much 22:59 
   Structure Of DBQ Essay 22:28 
   Mastering The DBQ 25:46 
  Part IV: Global Interactions C. 1450- C.1750, Part V 28:11
   Intro 0:00 
   2006 DBQ- Flow Of Silver, 1550-1725 0:14 
    What We Have Done So Far 0:29 
    Parsed The Question 0:38 
    Set Up Graphic Organizer 0:55 
    Read Each Document 1:17 
    Analyzed Graphic Organizer For A Thesis 3:40 
    Grouping Documents 4:27 
    Topic Sentence 4:37 
   What Do The Clues Tell Us 4:50 
   Social And Economic Effects 4:57 
    Tension B/T Rich And Poor 5:06 
    Prices For Poorer Classes 5:09 
    Poor Farmers Can't Plant Crops 5:11 
    Extravagant Spending 5:24 
    Inflation 5:26 
    Deflation 5:27 
    Portuguese Benefiting 5:30 
    Poor Farmers Income Hurt By Silver 5:38 
    Mime Workers Affected 5:46 
    Luxury Goods 5:58 
    Cashflowing Out Of Europe Into Asia 6:19 
   The Introductory Paragraph States The Thesis 6:23 
    No Introductory Sentence Needed 6:41 
    Thesis- One Or Two Contiguous Sentences 7:22 
    Roadmap To The Rest Of The Essay 8:08 
   Group Documents By Thesis Parts 8:14 
    National Economies Being Damaged 8:23 
    Poor Are Hurt 8:26 
    Rich Are Hurting Economy By Spending Too Much 8:28 
    Points For Arguments 8:35 
   Structure Of DBQ Essay 9:18 
    Going To Do Conclusion 11:02 
   First Body Paragraph 11:13 
    MUST Begin Every Paragraph With Topic Sentence 11:26 
    Never Begin Paragraph With 'Document…' 11:46 
    Show Grouping 12:13 
    Use Linking Words 12:22 
    Grouping Upfront (Docs 1,2,3,4,7,8) 13:11 
    Back It Up 14:15 
    (Doc 1) Equals Use 14:51 
    Showing Understanding Of Document 15:03 
    Using The Document 15:31 
    Stating A Point Of View 16:32 
    Linking Word- 'Also' 16:45 
    Summarized 17:13 
    Giving A Point- POV 17:28 
    Another Voice=Extra Document 18:18 
   Second Body Paragraph 18:35 
    Use A Transition 19:58 
   Structure Of DBQ Essay 19:13 
   Second Body Paragraph 19:24 
    Using 'While' As Our Transition 19:30 
    Grouping Docs 1,3,5,6 19:46 
    Harmony In The Community- POV 20:18 
    Chinese Government Hording Influx Of Silver- Using 20:45 
    POV- Bravery 20:58 
   Third Body Paragraph 21:13 
    'Although' As Transition 21:22 
    Topic Sentence- Wealthier Classes Spent Heavily 21:52 
    Linking Word- 'Also' 22:48 
    Linking Word- 'Additionally' 23:05 
   The Conclusion- The Last Paragraph 23:40 
    Show Your Stuff 24:30 
    Add Nuance 25:03 
    Don't Say Anything Against Your Thesis 25:24 
    Add What You May Have Forgotten 25:52 
   Mastering The DBQ 26:31 
    Practice, Practice, Practice 27:31 
  Period IV: Global Interactions C. 1450-C. 1750, Part VI 20:35
   Intro 0:00 
   The Columbian Exchange 0:14 
    Two-Way Movement 0:46 
    Purposefully And Inadvertently 0:55 
    Transfer Of Plants 1:09 
    Transfer Of Animals 1:39 
    Transfer Of Peoples 2:05 
    Transfer Of Pathogens 2:35 
    Transfers Enhanced Diets Of Both Regions 2:50 
    Pathogens Worked Havoc Upon Native People 3:33 
    Columbian Is Not A Trading System 3:56 
    Corn Not Traded In A System 4:18 
    Manioc 4:56 
    Peppers 5:36 
   The Unintended Exchange 6:22 
    Smallpox, Influenza, And Measles 6:29 
    Malaria and Yellow Fever 7:22 
    Rats, Mosquitoes 8:26 
    Worms 8:38 
   Cash Crops Introduced Into Americas 9:08 
    Sugar Cane 10:01 
    Tobacco 10:45 
   Brought By Africans 11:39 
    Rice 11:44 
    Okra 12:20 
   Results Of European Farming Methods 12:36 
    Deforestation 12:51 
    Soil Depletion 13:16 
   Results of Columbian Exchange 14:20 
    Farming 14:43 
    Growth In Population In Eurasia 15:28 
    Domesticated Animals In America 15:55 
    Great Weakening Of The American Peoples 16:51 
    Creation Of Creoles 17:46 
    Mestizo 19:08 
  Period IV: Religious Growth & Change 23:47
   Intro 0:00 
   Increased Interactions and Religion 0:24 
    Expand The Spread 0:42 
    Encouraged Reform 0:53 
    Syncretic Results 1:13 
   Changes In Islam 1:21 
    Sufi Group 1:35 
   Adaptation 2:49 
    Picking Up Other Cultures 3:26 
   Shia, The Minority Of Muslims 3:36 
    Aren't As Many Shia As Sunni 4:14 
   Geographic Divisions Of Shia And Sunni 4:20 
    How Has Minority Status Affected Shia Islam? 5:29 
    Martyr Complex 5:40 
   Changes In Christianity-Reformation 7:35 
    Martin Luther 7:42 
    Hostile Divisions 9:58 
   The Thirty Years War 10:21 
    Started By Religious Differences 11:00 
    Defenestration Of Prague, 1618 12:06 
   Mateo Ricci To China 13:05 
    Missionary Movement 13:17 
    Loyola-Spanish Soldier 13:28 
    Society Of Jesus (Jesuits) 13:46 
    Mateo Ricci 14:24 
    Ancestor Veneration 16:40 
   Jose de Anchieta To Brazil 17:55 
    Converted Indians 18:14 
   Syncretism 18:38 
    Santeria 18:54 
    Vodun (Voodoo) 19:34 
   Appeals To Popular Saints 20:08 
    Mexican Priest In The 1920s Killed 20:22 
    Santo Toribio Romo Helped Illegal Immigrants 21:25 
  Period IV: Changes In Literature, Visual & Performing Arts 23:26
   Intro 0:00 
   Economic Prosperity-The Arts Flourish 0:17 
    Cause: Trade Created Great Wealth 0:48 
    Effect: Wealthy Donors 1:10 
    Cause: Governments Increased Taxes 2:04 
    Effect: States Built Impressive Buildings 2:17 
    Cause: Moveable Type Invented 2:36 
    Effect: Literacy Grew 3:46 
    Common Languages 4:47 
    Effect: Innovations In Visual And Performing Arts 5:07 
   Patrons Of Renaissance Arts 5:09 
    Lorenzo de Medici Of Florence 5:16 
   St. Peter's Basilica, Rome 6:00 
    3D: Understanding The Concept of Perspective 6:54 
   The Renaissance In Europe 7:29 
    Shakespeare 7:38 
    Popular Literature And People Responding To It 9:03 
    Printing Allowed Spreading 9:18 
    Sixteenth Chapel-Michelangelo 9:29 
    Realistic In Art 10:43 
   Renaissance Architecture 10:46 
    Chateau de Chambord 10:53 
   Art And The Humanities Blossom 11:21 
    Sir Thomas More's Book Utopia 12:04 
   The Other Side Of The Renaissance 14:12 
    The Triumph Of Death 14:25 
   Popular Literature Proliferates 15:53 
    Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince 15:57 
    Lying 16:30 
    Flattery 16:35 
    Say One Thing And Do Another 16:38 
    Tricks 16:53 
   Wood Block Prints In Japan 17:24 
    Kabuki Play 17:52 
   Journey To The West 18:43 
    One Of Four Classic Novels 18:52 
   Chinese Popular Literature 19:28 
    Monkey, Pig, Warlord, Magic Steed 19:40 
    Adventure 20:00 
   West African Literature, Sundiata 20:15 
    Prince Warrior 20:29 
    Oral Story Rather Than Written 20:43 
   Reviewing The Main Concept 21:00 
    Funding For Visual And Performing Arts Increased 21:09 
  Period IV: New Forms Of Social Organization & Modes Of Production, Part I 36:15
   Intro 0:00 
   Spanish Coerced Labor 0:20 
    The Hacienda System 1:19 
    The Encomienda System 1:23 
    African Slaves 2:50 
   The Plantation System 4:06 
    Harvesting Sugar Cane 4:24 
    Similar To A Factory 6:20 
    Maroon Colonies 8:38 
   Enslaved Africans Sent To The Americas 9:05 
    African Slaves Used To Grow Sugar Cane 9:42 
    Massive Amount Of People Thrown Into Slavery 10:25 
    Trans Saharan Trade Routes 10:46 
    Demand For Slaves Raised 10:57 
    Opening Of Transportation 10:43 
    No End To Demand 11:54 
   Russia Serfs 12:09 
    Agricultural Workers 12:21 
    Land Owners Pushed For Slaves 13:59 
   Russian Landowners Play Cards 14:40 
    Picture- Gambling Using Serfs 14:58 
   Causes And Effects 16:41 
    Sugar Consumption And Demand- Could Be Both 16:50 
    Plantation System-Effect 17:49 
    Mita System-Peru Incas- Cause 18:57 
    American Peoples Weakness Against The Europeans-Effect 20:27 
    Spanish Laws Against Enslavement of Indigenous Americans-Effect 21:23 
    Widespread Adoption Of Catholic Christianity In Americas-Effect 22:59 
    Traditions Governing Relationships-Racial Mix-Effect 23:29 
    Racism-Both? 24:11 
   Multiple Causes, Multiple Effects 26:20 
   The Past Is A Foreign Country 26:42 
    Detritus-Junk Left Over From Past 27:12 
    Understanding POV 28:15 
    Patterns Emerge 28:54 
    Agree With Colleagues? 29:12 
    New Understandings and Interpretations Emerge 29:34 
   How Can I Learn All This Stuff? 31:32 
    Come Up With What is Striking 32:07 
    You Do Thinking Of Past 32:59 
    Learning New Material Tied To What You Know 33:10 
    Problem Of Time Factor 34:01 
    Problem Of Size Factor 34:06 
   Reviewing Main Concept 34:54 
    Traditional Peasant Agriculture Increased And Changed 35:00 
  Period IV: New Forms Of Social Organization & Modes Of Production, Part II 29:01
   Intro 0:00 
   Effects Of Social Changes 0:25 
    New Elites Created 2:10 
    Manchus In China (Qing) 2:27 
    Ming Lost Energy And Became Corrupt 2:56 
    Peasant Rebellion 3:39 
    Qing Leaders Given Go Ahead To Take Over 3:50 
    Foreign Dynasty 4:13 
    Become Confucian And Work Alongside Chinese Officials 4:47 
    Middle Class 5:33 
    Between Upper Class And Peasant 6:58 
    Wealth But No Commensurate Role In Government 7:33 
    Nouveau Riche/Bourgeoisie 7:42 
    Les Bourgeores Gentilhoame 8:46 
    Banker 10:59 
   Existing Elites 12:29 
    Zamindars In Mughal Empire 12:38 
    Inherited Princes 12:50 
    Raja, Nabob 13:29 
   Gender And Family Restructuring 14:22 
    Tied To Economics 14:56 
    Growth Of Cities 15:08 
    Growth In Middle Class 15:33 
    Fading Of Feudal Ideas 15:57 
    Wanting Best For Children-Education 17:21 
    'Help' As Hired Servants, Not Tied To 'Family' 19:11 
    Europeans Marrying Southeast Asian Women 20:02 
   New Ethnic And Racial Classifications 20:54 
    Mulatto 21:22 
   St. Martin de Porres 22:13 
    Religious Mulatto In Peru 22:35 
    Communicate With Animals 24:06 
   Why The Growth Of Mestizo Population 26:38 
    Intermixing Of Spanish And Indian 26:45 
    Influence In Latin America 27:55 
   Reviewing The Main Concept 28:03 
    Traditional Peasant Agriculture Increased And Changed 28:28 
    Plantations Expanded And Demand For Labor Increased 28:33 
  Period IV: State Consolidation & Imperial Expansion, Part I 15:23
   Intro 0:00 
   Rulers Legitimate And Consolidate Power 0:20 
    Using Art To Display Power 0:37 
   Using Religion To Legitimize Rule 2:06 
    Some That Exist? 2:40 
    Son Of Heaven And Mandate Of Heaven 2:50 
    Neo-Confucianism 2:58 
    Qing Adopt Confucianism 4:02 
    Carry Out Confucian Rites 4:13 
   Rulers Used Ethnic And Religious Groups 5:08 
    Vasco de Quiroga 5:39 
    Republica de Indios 6:52 
   Bureaucratic Elites & Professional Military 7:52 
    Ottoman 8:00 
    Devshirme-Janissaries 9:05 
    Balkans 9:27 
   Raising Revenue For Expansion 10:45 
    Tax Farming 10:59 
    Tribute 12:20 
    Squeeze Is Upon Peasants 13:24 
   The Essential Concept 14:28 
    Legitimize And Consolidate Power 14:46 
  Period IV: State Consolidation & Imperial Expansion, Part III 35:10
   Intro 0:00 
   The Empires Strike Back 0:57 
    Inward And Outward Problems 2:29 
    Three Things 2:50 
    Competition Over Trade Routes 3:01 
    Rivalries Among States 3:13 
    Local Resistance 3:30 
   Competition Over Trade Routes 3:40 
    Pirates 3:47 
   Competition For Trade Routes 4:07 
   Lots Of Places To Hide Out 4:54 
   Piracy Or Privateering 5:26 
    Distinct Between The Two 5:30 
    Privateering: State Support 5:46 
    Piracy: Independent 5:53 
    Welsh Pirate Captain Bartholomew Roberts 6:14 
    Honest Service 7:01 
    Thin Commons 7:38 
    Plenty And Satiety 8:59 
    Hazards 10:01 
   Sir Francis Drake 11:56 
    English Privateer 12:13 
    Let People Go, But Took Their Money 13:55 
    Queen Elizabeth I Knights Him 14:04 
    State Sponsored 14:49 
   State Rivalries 15:31 
    Thirty Years War 15:45 
    Catholics Vs. Protestants 16:21 
   Large Scale Sieges 17:24 
   Local Populations Exploited 18:17 
   Towns Ransacked 19:22 
   Massive Battles 20:15 
   King Gustavus Adolphus O Sweden 21:40 
    Lutherans 23:05 
    Economic & Political Factors 23:43 
   The Belligerents 23:59 
   Holy Roman Empire 24:37 
   The Results 25:47 
    Economy Ruined 25:57 
    Religious Antagonisms 27:04 
    Future Of States 27:56 
    Core-Periphery 28:22 
   Local Resistance To Empire 30:43 
    Ikko Ikki- Japanese Peasants 31:04 
    Battle Of Azukizaka 31:43 
   Peasant Uprise To Tokugawa Shoganate 33:20 
   Review Of The Importate Concept 34:21 
    Competition, Rivalries, Local Resistance 34:31 
  Period IV: Contextualization 36:20
   Intro 0:00 
   Understanding Historical Events In Context 0:56 
    Regard Past As Foreign Country 1:33 
    Using Context Gets Accurate past 2:25 
    Not Taking Context-Inaccurate-Lazy Thinking 2:36 
    Bigger Picture 4:52 
    World Influences 5:20 
   The Spanish Conquest 6:04 
    Racial Superiority 6:31 
    Technology 7:15 
    Religion 7:50 
    National Story 8:24 
    Heroes 9:01 
   The Aztec Empire 9:44 
   Hernan Cortez 10:08 
    Governor Saw Him As Rival 11:31 
   Cortez's March 11:36 
    500 Men 11:42 
   Montezuma 12:12 
   Context-Disease 13:48 
    Small Pox 14:02 
    Population Immunity 14:27 
    Killed 30% Of Those Who Got it 14:47 
    Native Americans Had No Immunity- Almost 100% Killed 14:58 
   From The Florentine Codex 15:39 
    Bernadino Sahagun 15:50 
   The Devastation Of Small Pox 18:05 
    Indians Died In Heaps 18:19 
    Homes Became Tombs 18:41 
   Context- Brutal European Warfare 19:28 
    Moors Removed From Spain 19:51 
    Brutal Warfare 20:44 
    Religious Wars Are Brutal 20:51 
   Cortez Sinks His Ships 21:32 
   Context-Native Allies 22:12 
    Human Sacrifice 23:13 
   Human Sacrifice Has Consequences 23:45 
    Cortez Attack Aztecs 26:49 
   Context: La Malinche 26:51 
    One Of The Slave Women Given To Cortez 27:44 
    Malinche Knew A Lot Of Languages 27:58 
    Valuable As Interpreter 28:23 
    'Next To God, She Is Responsible For My Success' 28:35 
   Traitor Or Hero? 29:21 
    Cortez And Malinche Has A Son 29:43 
    Mother Of Mexicans 29:53 
    Also A Traitor 30:32 
   Context-Religion 31:18 
    God's Will 31:31 
    Montezuma- People Needed To Appease Gods 32:30 
   Quetzalcoatl 33:05 
    Some People Believed Cortez Was Quetzalcoatl 33:45 
    To Kill Him Might Be Wrong 33:53 
   Context Is Essential 34:17 
    World Historical Context 34:37 
    Luck 35:00 

Section 6: Period V: Industrialization & Global Integration, 1750-1900

  Period V: Industrialization & Global Capitalism, Part I 30:13
   Intro 0:00 
    Periodization 0:41 
    Farming 1:29 
    Classic Civilization 1:41 
    Atmosphere 2:05 
    Industrialization 2:31 
   Industrial Revolution 2:34 
    Revolution: Change That Happens Very Rapidly 2:58 
    Short Period Of Time In Which Things Changed 3:15 
    Luddites 3:35 
    Huge Change 4:05 
    Long Period 4:55 
    Incremental Change 5:23 
   Major Change In How Goods Are Made 6:19 
    Europe's Location On The Atlantic 7:22 
    Geographic Distribution Of Coal, Iron, Timber 7:48 
    European Demographic Changes 8:26 
    Urbanization 9:29 
    Agricultural Revolution In Productivity 9:36 
    Establishment And Protection Of Private Property 10:34 
    The Abundance Of Rivers And Canals 10:48 
    Access To Foreign Resources 11:20 
    Accumulation Of Capital 11:55 
   Machines And Fossil Fuels 12:42 
    Steam Engine 12:55 
    Coal Used As Fuel 13:03 
    James Watt 13:53 
   The Factory System 12:25 
    Josiah Wedgwood Making Of Pottery 15:28 
   The Factory System Creates Consumers 15:51 
    Scientific-High Temperatures 16:01 
    Queen's Set 17:20 
    Modern Selling Techniques 17:38 
   Created A Desire For Political Influence 18:16 
    Abolitionist 18:48 
   The Spread Of Industrialism 19:34 
    Systems And Technology 19:58 
    Technologies Spread 20:29 
   Relative Share Of World Manufacturing Outputs 1750-1900 21:35 
   GDP Per Capita 24:14 
   The Two industrial Revolutions 26:35 
    Steel (Bessemer Process) 26:45 
    Electricity 27:24 
    Chemicals 27:43 
    Precision Machinery 27:55 
   The Main Concept 29:25 
    Industrialism Changed How Goods Were Produced 29:35 
  Period V: Industrialization & Global Capitalism, Part II 20:50
   Intro 0:00 
   Industrialism Integrates Global Trade 0:37 
    Periphery 1:38 
    Colonies Provide Single Natural Resources 1:46 
    Rubber 2:16 
    Guano (Bat Poop) 4:35 
   Industrialization Puts Some Out Of Business 5:52 
    Textile Production In India 6:10 
    Calico 6:29 
    Madras 6:0 
    Textile Mills Need Raw Materials 6:46 
    Ghandi Reacts 7:42 
   Industrialization Needs New Markets 8:52 
    Opportunity In China 9:43 
    Government Cooperation 9:56 
   The McCartney Mission, 1793 10:13 
   Why Isn't On One Knee Enough? 13:02 
   Chinese Emperor's Letter To King George III 13:59 
   Extensive Mining Centers Developed 15:08 
    Copper From Mexico 15:33 
    Manufacturing Created Great Wealth 15:57 
    South Africa Gold Mines 16:33 
    Core And Periphery 17:32 
   The Main Concept 19:02 
    New Patterns Of Global Trade 19:25 
    Industrialists Sought Raw Materials And New Markets 19:44 
  Period V: Industrialization & Global Capitalism, Part III 15:02
   Intro 0:00 
   Where Is The Money For Industrialism 0:24 
    Financial Instruments Expanded 1:28 
    Stock Markets 1:47 
    Insurance 3:39 
    Gold Standard 5:00 
    Limited Liability Corporations 5:45 
   Business Insurance 7:33 
    Lloyds-Coffee House 7:41 
    Limiting The Risks 9:05 
    Capitalism 9:30 
   Business Expands Beyond The Nation 9:34 
    Transnational Companies 9:43 
    United Fruit Company 10:31 
    Banana Republics 11:28 
    Chicita 12:53 
   The Main Concept 13:24 
    Facilitate Investments 13:35 
    Various Financial Institutions 13:44 
    Developed And Expanded 14:09 
  Period V: Industrialization & Global Capitalism, Part IV 24:58
   Intro 0:00 
   Communications & Transportation 0:50 
    Development Of Railroad 1:09 
   When Railways Started In Europe 2:01 
    1830-First Railway In England 2:14 
   Rapid Growth! 3:37 
   Steamships 4:27 
    Designed To Cross Atlantic 6:21 
    The Old Western 6:25 
   Integration Of Systems 6:28 
    Invention Of The Screw-Propeller 7:25 
   Canals 8:12 
    Moving Goods 8:19 
    Erie Canal 8:26 
   Major Canals Change World Connections 9:55 
    Suez Canal 10:02 
    Panama Canal 11:23 
   What Issues Remain After Canal Are Built? 13:26 
    Where Are They Located? 13:32 
    Who Should Control Them? 14:39 
   Communication 15:29 
    The Telegraph 16:17 
    Time Zones 17:12 
   How Would This Change The World 18:47 
   What Does It All Mean 19:58 
    A Need 20:12 
    Simple Technological Answer 20:44 
    More Complex Solutions 21:21 
    Intertwined 22:01 
    Rapid Speed Increase 22:23 
  Period V: Industrialization & Global Capitalism, Part V 43:47
   Intro 0:00 
   Variety Of Responses To Global Capitalism 0:28 
    Attempts to Change Capitalism 0:57 
    Change For The Better 1:13 
    More Stuff 1:35 
    Light 2:14 
    Communicate 2:39 
    For The Worse-Children Work 3:09 
    People In Non-Industrializing Areas 4:05 
    Elite Benefited 4:39 
    Ordinary People Suffer 5:27 
   Children Working Past 7 PM 6:32 
   Children Reporting To The Night Shift 7:24 
   What Does It All Mean 7:39 
    Some People Benefit 8:02 
    Owners Of Factories 8:20 
    Some People Have It Not So Good 8:36 
    Children Working 8:51 
    Working In The City 10:58 
    Free-For-All 11:21 
    Individualism 11:39 
    Bad With Good 12:51 
    Who's Running The Show 13:29 
    Government 13:49 
    Industrialist 14:10 
    Answers To Downsides of Industrial Capitalism 15:38 
   Reaction to Children Working 15:44 
    Welfare 15:59 
    Child Labor Laws 16:10 
    Compulsory Education 16:19 
    Playgrounds 16:51 
    Work Permits 17:28 
   Unions Form And Seek Goals 18:42 
    Combination Act of 1799 (Great Britain) 19:14 
    Repealed 19:41 
    Reenacted 19:45 
   Unions Have A Rough Start 19:53 
    Great Railway Strike 20:06 
   Alternate Visions To Capitalism 21:37 
    Utopian Socialism 21:48 
    Anarchism 22:44 
    Marxism 23:59 
   Karl Marx And Communism 24:06 
    Bourgeoisie 24:34 
    Proletariat 25:47 
    Two New Classes 26:38 
    Struggle Involves Violence 28:56 
   Meanwhile In China And the Ottoman Empire 32:34 
    Conservative Societies 33:04 
   State Sponsored Responses To Industrialization 34:11 
    Modernizing 34:23 
    Meiji Restoration In Japan 34:44 
    Self-Strengthening Movement 35:24 
   Reform Within Industrial Capitalism 37:26 
    Public Education 38:05 
    Limit Working Hours 38:49 
    Social Security System 39:19 
    Expansion Of Suffrage 41:13 
   Main Concept 41:56 
    Global Capitalism-Variety Of Responses 43:03 
  Period V: Industrialization & Global Capitalism, Part VI 29:08
   Intro 0:00 
   Changes In Ways People Live 0:14 
    PERSIA-Acronym 0:29 
    Political 0:56 
    Economic 0:59 
    Religious 1:01 
    Social 1:02 
    Intellectual 1:04 
    Arts 1:06 
    Political- Government 3:38 
    Economic- Goods & Services -Distribution 3:55 
    Religious- Deep Philosophical 4:39 
    Social- Classes- Hierarchy 6:34 
    Intellectual- Ideas 7:10 
    Arts- Paintings, Statuary, Architecture 7:42 
   Social Changes 9:12 
    Class Structure 9:29 
    Nobility 9:38 
    Clergy 9:50 
    Everyone Else 10:36 
    Factory Workers 12:13 
   The Bourgeois Problem 12:33 
    Deserve 13:52 
   The Proletariat 14:20 
    Fair 14:44 
    Marx- Opiate Of The People 16:02 
    Armed Forces 17:12 
    Proletariat Work For All 18:04 
   Family Dynamics 18:43 
    Effects 18:55 
    Family Size 19:01 
    Difference In Families Among Classes 20:11 
    Urban Compared With Rural 21:37 
   Children At Play 22:33 
    How The other Half Lives 22:46 
   The Problems Of Rapid Urbanization 24:40 
    Lack Of Planning For The Increase 25:30 
    Poor Health Conditions 25:34 
    Slums 25:42 
    High Concentration Of Economically Distressed People 25:54 
    A Buyers Market For Labor 26:09 
    Massive Pollution Problems 26:24 
   Main Concept 27:20 
    Significant Transformations In Industrialized States- Fundamental Restructuring 28:04 
    Global Economy 28:35 
    Industrialization Change The Way Society Works 28:43 
  Period V: Imperialism & Nation-State Formation, Part I 36:06
   Intro 0:00 
   Establishing Transoceanic Empires 0:19 
    Quasi-state 1:25 
    Complete Colony 1:39 
    Sepoy Revolt 1:45 
    Queen Victoria 4:40 
   Why Is The Sepoy Rebellion A Turning Point 5:51 
    Spark 6:18 
    Drive Muslims And Hindus Together 7:27 
    Affects On Those Who Adopted English (Western) Ways 7:44 
    Local hereditary Leaders 8:40 
    English In India 9:38 
    English In England 11:08 
   Queen Victoria In 1845 12:58 
   Victoria Declared Empress Of India, 1876 13:27 
   Empires Expand In Asia And Pacific 15:10 
    French Move Into Southeast Asia 15:45 
    French Indochina 16:17 
    Japanese Fight For Control Of Korea 16:26 
   The French Expand Their Holdings In Asia 17:03 
   New Settler Colonies Established 17:53 
    Australia And South Africa 18:09 
    Botany Bay 20:13 
   British Take South Africa 20:35 
    Cape Town As Trading Center 21:05 
    English Settled IN South Africa 21:24 
    Boers 21:31 
    Boer War And Zulu War 22:03 
    Indian Laborers 22:10 
   Economic Imperialism 22:32 
    Example: The Opium Wars 23:35 
    Could Grow In India 25:20 
    Reversed Flow Of Silver 25:33 
    Social Deterioration 26:22 
    Naval Forces 27:09 
   What Were The Chinese Options 27:13 
    Letter From Lin Zecu 27:41 
    Xu Naiji 28:42 
   What Is The Role Of Industrialism 30:44 
   The Results Of The Opium Wars 31:56 
    China Severely Weakened- Unequal Treaties 32:14 
    Free Trade 33:28 
   Main Concept 35:01 
    Industrializing Powers-Transoceanic Empires 35:14 
  Period V: Imperialism & Nation-State Formation, Part II 27:07
   Intro 0:00 
   Imperialism Influenced State Formation 0:17 
    Japan 0:36 
    Appearance Of Commodore Perry In Tokyo Harbor 1:36 
   The Commodore 2:26 
   Makes The Most Impact On This Artist? 3:31 
   An American Hero 5:06 
   English Translation Of The Treaty 5:44 
    Open Up Trade With United States 8:51 
   Imperialism Influenced State Formation 9:56 
    Change In Deeply Conservative Climate 10:11 
    The Meiji Restoration 11:12 
   Meiji Japan 13:00 
    Consolidated And Centralization Of Power 13:08 
    Close The Gap-Technology 13:24 
    State Sponsored Modernization And Industrialization 13:46 
   Russia And the United States 14:32 
    Manifest Destiny 14:44 
    The Mexican War 16:10 
    Railroad 17:17 
   Ottoman Empire Shrinks 18:23 
    Mohammed Ali 18:55 
   New States On The Periphery 20:06 
    The Zulu Kingdom 20:15 
   New Military Tactics And Organization 20:52 
    Shaka Zulu 20:59 
   New Expressions Of Nationalism 21:47 
    Taking In New Territory 22:06 
    People's Concept Of Nationalism 22:15 
    Gun Of Imperialism 23:15 
    Filipino Nationalism 23:33 
    Resistance to Spanish 24:39 
    American Control- Liberation 24:52 
    Liberation Didn't Happen 25:04 
   Main Concept 26:00 
    Imperialism- State Formation And Contraction 26:27 
  Period V: Imperialism & Nation-State Formation, Part III 43:24
   Intro 0:00 
   Imperialism Justified By Racial Ideologies 0:18 
    Key Issue: Race 0:37 
    Historical Point Of View 1:22 
    Effects Of Racial Ideas 2:25 
    Is It Real? 3:01 
    Influence 3:43 
    Move More Towards Ethnicity 5:25 
    Race Based Upon Observable Physical Characteristics 6:20 
    Ethnicity Is Culture 8:29 
    Cultures Within Cultures 12:29 
   On The Origin Of Species, 1859 12:36 
    Charles Darwin 12:51 
   Voyage Of HMS Beagle, 1831-36 13:15 
    2nd Voyage 13:23 
    Took Five Years 14:15 
    Mapping 15:02 
   Fuegian Jemmy Button 15:30 
    Went Back To Land To Be Missionaries 16:32 
    Darwin Realized Difference Between People Is Culture 17:43 
   Voyage Of HMS Beagle, 1831-36 18:56 
    Galapagos Island 19:09 
   Natural Selection And Human Society 20:34 
    Natural Selection 20:57 
    Gradual Process 22:07 
    Traits 22:14 
    Reproductive 22:25 
   Survival Of The Fittest 22:58 
    Weeding Out The Progeny 23:31 
    Lesser Adaptation 23:48 
    Ones With Greater Adaptation- Stronger Survive 23:51 
    Laissez-Faire 25:08 
    Racism 25:55 
    Warfare 26:07 
    Colonialism 26:17 
    Imperialism 26:30 
    Social Darwinism 26:47 
   Caveat 27:26 
    Eugenic Type 27:44 
    Compassion 28:51 
   Ideology 29:16 
    Academic Definition 29:36 
    Parse 30:34 
    Pattern Clusters- Stuff Grouped Together 31:15 
    Normatively Imbued- Normal Concepts 32:05 
    Conceptual Maps-Representation Of Reality 33:53 
    Complex To Simple 35:42 
    Social Truth 36:48 
   Which Is Closer To The Truth 38:37 
    Serious downsides 38:56 
    Benefit 39:00 
    Politic As A Whole 39:23 
    Social-Economic System 39:37 
    There's A Problem 40:14 
   Main Concept 40:52 
    New Racial Ideologies Facilitated And Justified Imperialism 41:05 
  Period V: Scientific Revolution 22:45
   Intro 0:00 
   What Is It That 1750 Represents? 0:12 
    Out Of Order 0:36 
    Inexact Date 1:03 
    World-Wide Effect 1:30 
    Industrial Revolution 3:44 
    Factors That Led 4:56 
    Scientific Revolution 4:59 
    Historians Do Not Think It Should Be Called Scientific Revolution 5:35 
    Slow Process 6:05 
    Ordinary People Not Effected 6:11 
   Scientific Revolution Begins In 16th Century 6:30 
    Vesalius 6:46 
    Dissections Of Cadavers 7:31 
    Harsh Criticism 7:56 
   Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642 8:06 
   Galileo Studies The Moon, 1610 8:23 
    Created A Better Telescope 8:43 
   Galileo's Trial For Heresy, 1616 9:40 
    Brought Him To Trial-1616 10:29 
    Guilty For Heresy- House Arrest 10:42 
   Francis Bacon And Scientific Method 11:12 
    Francis Bacon Said Test It 12:21 
   Extensions Of Bacon's Ideas 12:35 
    Scientific Method- Road To Truth 12:40 
    Technological Growth 13:18 
    Industry 13:44 
    Transportation 13:46 
    Communications 13:48 
   Isaac Newton, 1642-1726 13:54 
    Greatest Science Mind 14:11 
    Gravity 15:01 
    Laws Of Motion 15:02 
    Calculus 15:04 
   Perhaps The Most Significant Science Book 15:10 
   An Example Of A Science Mind At Work 15:38 
    The Apple Tree 15:39 
   Further Uses Of Newton's Idea 16:36 
    Enlightenment 16:48 
    Natural Law 17:04 
    Social Behavior 17:44 
    Get Rid Of Superstition 17:52 
   Periodization 18:07 
    Periodization: Construction Of Historians 19:10 
   Main Concept 19:29 
    Scientific Revolution Led To Enlightenment 19:43 
    Essential Precursor 20:02 
    Sea-Change In Thinking Of European Intellectuals 20:16 
    Most Scientists Remained Within The Christian Faith 21:11 
    Science Showed How God Worked, Not Eliminate God 21:50 
  Period V: Worldview Change 33:01
   Intro 0:00 
   The Modern Period Of History 0:45 
    We Think Horse To Car 1:18 
    Up-To-Date 1:40 
   Historical Modern Vs. Pre-Modern 1:47 
    Modernity 2:04 
    Differences 2:12 
    Pre-Modern: Authority Final Say 2:20 
    Modern: Challenge Authority 2:42 
    Pre-Modern: Tradition 2:58 
    Modern: Science Leads To Truth 3:11 
    Pre-Modern: Spiritual World Is Real 3:37 
    Modern: Spirits Are Illusions 4:01 
    Pre-Modern: Illness Is Spiritual 6:13 
    Modern: Illness Is Physical 6:31 
    Pre-Modern: Religion Is Primary 7:46 
    Modern: Religion Is Secondary 7:51 
    Pre-Modern: Progress Is Suspicious 8:59 
    Modern: Progress Is Good 9:04 
    Pre-Modern: Intuition Is King 9:28 
    Modern: Reason Is King 9:59 
   Are You A Modern Person 10:34 
    Which Authority Do You Trust On Medicine 11:56 
    Pre-Modern: Girls Don't Play Football 14:19 
    Modern: Right To Play Football 15:05 
    Celebrate Columbus Day 15:19 
   Forces Toward Modernity 17:22 
    Greco-Roman, Chinese, Indian Learning 17:40 
    Arab Golden Age 17:59 
    Crusades 18:18 
    Renaissance 18:47 
    Exploration And Conquests 19:11 
    Scientific Revolution 19:39 
    Reformation From Renaissance 19:57 
    Enlightenment 21:17 
    Nationalism 22:35 
    Industrial Revolution 23:11 
    Capitalism 23:27 
    Imperialism 23:56 
    Human Rights 24:37 
    Freedom Movements 24:59 
    Conservative Backlash 25:17 
    Anti-Modernity 25:40 
    Boco Haram 26:18 
    Down With Western Education 26:40 
   Main Concept 28:03 
    Worldview Change 28:13 
    Corollaries 29:33 
    Opposition 30:02 
    Elite Accepted 30:23 
    Clashes Between Modernity And Its Critics 31:40 
  Period V: Nationalism, Revolution, & Reform, Part I 23:11
   Intro 0:00 
   Key Question 0:20 
    Are People Basically Good Or Bad 0:30 
    Nurturing 1:28 
    Blank Slate 1:45 
    Enforcing Strong Laws 2:43 
    Calvinist Liturgy 3:30 
    Thomas Hobbes 3:45 
    Precursors To Revolutionary Changes 4:16 
    The Reformation 5:01 
    Defied One True Church 5:17 
    Radicals 6:33 
    Rightly Interpreted By Individuals 6:50 
   Key Concept 7:22 
    Rational And Scientific Take Precedent 7:38 
    Testing Authority Of Those In Charge 7:52 
   The Enlightenment 8:04 
    Intellectual, Philosophical, And Scientific Movement 8:42 
    Eschewed Tradition-Rely On Reason 9:28 
    Enhance Religion 9:52 
    Politics And Social Relationships 10:00 
    Newtonian 10:28 
    Human Interaction- Natural Laws 11:05 
    Revealed Religion 11:17 
    Didn't Jive With Newton 11:50 
    Reason, Mathematics, Science 12:14 
   Voltaire, 1694-1778 12:55 
    Well-educated 13:33 
    Writer 14:02 
    Critic Of The Church And The Monarchy 14:23 
    Religious Liberty And Against Political Tyranny 15:00 
   One Enlightenment Figure: Voltaire 15:37 
    Gift Of God Through Newton 17:11 
   Candide, 1759 17:22 
    People Could Be Better 18:38 
   Voltaire's Legacy 18:41 
    Fought For Civil Rights 19:06 
    Deist 20:02 
    Exposed Hypocrisies And Injustices Of Ancient Regime 21:27 
    Coffee 22:02 
   Main Concept 22:12 
    Applications To Human Society 22:25 
  Period V: Nationalism, Revolution, & Reform, Part II 36:53
   Intro 0:00 
   The Influence Of The Enlightenment 0:16 
    Influence On Politics 0:56 
   John Locke, 1632-1704 1:08 
    Absolute Monarchy 2:25 
   Locke's Revolutionary Ideas 3:04 
    Social Contract 3:09 
    State Of Nature 3:16 
    Government Protected Those Rights 4:28 
    Separation Of Church And State 5:46 
    Right To Life, Liberty, And Property 7:31 
    Tabula Rosa- Blank Slate 8:26 
    Basic Notion Of Liberalism 9:09 
    Breeding Counts 10:45 
   Enlightenment And Revolution 11:46 
    Declaration Of Independence 12:17 
    Self-Evident 12:28 
    All Men Created Equal 12:41 
    Unalienable Rights 12:51 
    Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness 12:55 
    Thomas Jefferson 13:06 
    Government Instituted 14:10 
    Consent Of The Governed 14:19 
    Right Of The People 14:33 
    French Revolution Take Place 15:27 
    Declaration Of The Rights Of Man, 1789 15:37 
    Rights Of Man 15:57 
    Natural, Unalienable, Sacred Rights 16:15 
    Men Are Born And Remain Free And Equal In Rights 17:07 
    General Good 17:26 
    Natural And Imprescriptible Rights Of Man 17:56 
    Liberty, Property, Security, And Resistance To Oppression 18:10 
    Law- General Will 18:54 
    Same For All 19:10 
    Equal In Eyes Of Law 19:15 
    Cases And According To Forms Prescribed By Law 19:56 
    Arbitrary Order 20:15 
    U.S. Bill Of Rights, Ratified 1791 21:08 
    1st Amendment 22:14 
    8th Amendment 24:00 
    4th Amendment 25:25 
    James Madison 25:27 
    Esimon Bolivar's Jamaica Letter, 1815 26:52 
   Enlightenment And Social Change 29:02 
    Anti-Slavery 29:28 
    Ending Serfdom (Russia) 30:29 
    Universal Manhood Suffrage 30:58 
    Women's Rights 33:32 
   Main Concept 34:53 
    Natural Rights, Freedom Of Religion, Government, Science 35:03 
    Revolution In Politics And Social Order 35:39 
  Period V: Nationalism, Revolution, & Reform, Part III 28:05
   Intro 0:00 
   A New Force In The World- Nationalism 0:19 
    Flags 0:57 
    Symbol Of Nation 1:08 
    Meaning Of Flag 1:17 
   Nationalism As A Powerful Motivator 1:44 
    Politicians Manipulate 1:54 
   What Is Needed To Product Nationalism 3:18 
    Well-defined Borders 3:36 
    Central Government 3:49 
    Common Ethic 4:24 
    Common Language 4:50 
    Common Myths 7:24 
    Common Distaste For Others 8:55 
    National Causes 9:49 
   Expression Of Nationalism 10:48 
    Shakespeare 10:54 
    France 1830 12:02 
    1848 Revolution 12:57 
    Venezuela- Hugo Chavez 13:54 
    People Sign Up Because Of Nationalism 15:05 
    Right/Wrong- My Country 15:44 
    American Fries 15:57 
   Main Concept 17:11 
    18th Century- Powerful Force 17:22 
    Rally Citizens- Especially War 17:39 
  Period V: Nationalism, Revolution, & Reform, Part IV 26:16
   Intro 0:00 
   Discontent Breeds Anti-Imperialism 0:36 
    Guaranteed Markets For Their Goods 1:08 
    Protection Of A Powerful Nation 1:35 
    Technology Infusion 1:44 
    Highly Developed Civilization 2:06 
    Under Thumb Of Others 2:25 
    Mughal Empire 2:56 
    Maratha 3:15 
    Shivaji 3:25 
    Hindu Self Rule 3:38 
   Marathas Challenge Mughal Rule 3:59 
    Central Area Controlled 4:16 
   Revolution Rock The Status Quo 5:06 
    American Revolution 5:11 
    1776-1783 5:58 
    George Washington Crosses Delaware River 6:19 
    French Revolution 7:30 
    Called State General 8:41 
    Third Estate 8:56 
    Victory Of French Revolution 9:30 
    Declaration Of Rights Of Men 9:37 
    Women Of Paris 9:42 
    Demand King And Queen Come Back 10:17 
    King And Queen Came Back 10:23 
    King Beheaded 10:41 
    Deism 11:04 
    Hero 12:05 
    Pants 12:30 
    Reign Of Terror 12:36 
    Robespierre 13:27 
    New Governments 13:56 
    Napoleon Bonaparte 14:20 
    Dictator 14:44 
    Haitian Revolution 14:52 
    Massacre Of The Whites By The Blacks 15:34 
    Didn't Stay As Unsophisticated Battle 15:44 
    Began To Organize To Throw Off Slavery 16:11 
    Toussaint L'Ouveture 16:22 
    Revolution Was Successful 17:51 
    Haiti Became A Nation 17:56 
    European Roots In Enlightenment 18:08 
    African Roots 18:17 
    Latin American Revolutions 19:11 
    1810- Creoles Decide To Stand Up 19:59 
    Simon Bolivar 20:05 
    San Martin- Leader In Argentina 21:39 
    1830- Almost All Latin America Free 22:36 
   Slave Revolts 23:33 
    Maroon 23:52 
    Suriname 24:39 
   Main Concept 25:29 
    Increasing Discontent - Reformist 25:38 
  Period V: Nationalism, Revolution, & Reform, Part V 28:58
   Intro 0:00 
   Discontent Breeds Anti-Imperialism 0:36 
    Not All Anti-Colonial Movements Succeeded 1:31 
   The Boxer 'Rebellion' 1:35 
    China 1900 2:00 
    Named By American Missionaries 2:11 
    China Not Going Well 2:35 
    Things Used To Be Good 2:50 
    Blamed Foreigners 3:12 
    Solution: Kill Foreigners 3:28 
    Beijing Map 3:49 
    Picture Of Boxers 4:25 
    Most Vulnerable Were Missionaries 4:45 
    Saw As Trying To Change Chinese Society 6:02 
    Soldiers Look Unprepared 6:16 
    8 Nations 6:36 
    Military Delegation To Put Down Boxers 7:01 
    American Marines 7:49 
    Did Boxers Accomplish Goal? 8:12 
    Restore Authority, Dignity 8:20 
    Boxers Captured 9:07 
    End- Executed 8:27 
    Aftermath Of Boxers 9:38 
   Prophetic Uprisings 10:52 
    Millenialism 11:29 
    The Taiping Rebellion 13:37 
    Hong Xiuquan 13:59 
    The Ghost Dance 17:27 
    The Xhosa, Cattle Killing Movement 19:36 
   Xhosa Cattle Killing Movement, 1856-58 19:41 
    Xhosa Prophet Nongquawuse 20:04 
   Reform Movements 21:42 
    Self-Strengthening Movement In Qing China 22:06 
    The Tanzimat Movement In The Ottoman Empire 23:25 
   The Tanzimat Movement 23:26 
    Reorganization 23:33 
    Sultan Mahmud II 23:40 
    Janissaries 23:48 
    Educational Aspect 25:25 
    Legal Aspect 25:52 
    Religious Aspect 26:15 
    Ended With Sultan Abdul Hamid 27:23 
   Main Concept 27:37 
    Increasing Discontent- Propelled Reformist & Revolutionary Movement 27:48 
  Period V: Global Migrations Part I 14:38
   Intro 0:00 
   The Demography Of Migration 0:17 
    Migrants Increased Significantly 0:49 
    Industrialization & Enlightenment 1:21 
   Changes In Food Production 1:30 
    King George III 1:53 
    Farmer King 2:31 
    Science And Technology To Produce More Crops 2:45 
    Improved Domestic Animals 3:06 
    New Lands 3:32 
    Large Increase In Population 4:04 
   Changes For The Peasantry 4:10 
    Enclosure Movement 4:58 
    Took Away The Common Lands 6:17 
   Plants From Everywhere Grow In England 7:49 
   Population Growth Leads To Migration 8:51 
    Disrupted By Changes In Agriculture And Medicine 9:19 
    Transportation Systems 9:57 
    Where Are People Going to Go? 10:20 
   The City Of Chicago 10:32 
    People Move From Country To City 10:45 
    Industrial Revolution In Cities 12:03 
    Population Increase Accelerates In Late 1800s 12:54 
   Main Concept 13:20 
    Improvement In Food Production Led To Increase World Population 13:35 
    Urbanization 13:47 
  Period V: Global Migration Part II 28:32
   Intro 0:00 
   The Whys Of Migration 0:22 
    Two Factors 0:38 
    The Push 0:49 
    Programs 1:40 
    Economic Reasons 2:36 
    Religious Push 2:53 
    The Pull 3:19 
    Economic= jobs 3:23 
    Religious 3:36 
    Degree Of Voluntary 3:55 
   Locating To Find Work 5:08 
    Cities 5:38 
    Manual Laborers 5:45 
    Potato Famine- Irish Died 6:00 
    Ended Up Building Railroads 6:34 
    Chinese Laborers- Rail Lines Through Sierra Mountains 6:45 
    Engineers 7:36 
    Missionaries 8:14 
    People With Skills Who Wanted To Set Up Churches, Schools, Etc. 9:16 
   Who Is Going To Do The Work Of Slaves 10:08 
    Do We Lose Demand For Sugar 10:35 
    Going To Increase 10:44 
    What Will Replace Slavery 10:52 
    Some Slavery Persist 11:10 
    Indentured Servitude 11:25 
    Contract Labor 11:37 
   'Contract' Labor 12:30 
    Transcontinental Railroad 12:48 
    Unifying Force 13:06 
    Promitary Point, UT 14:43 
    No Chinese People In Picture 15:01 
   First Chinese Contract Laborers In Hawaii 15:19 
    Growing Sugar Cane 15:38 
    First Chinese Contractor in 1852 15:45 
   First Japanese Contract Laborers In Hawaii 16:18 
    Women Also Came To Work In Fields 17:01 
    At One Point 41% Of People Of Hawaii Were Japanese Descent 17:11 
   Indian 'Contract' Labor 18:00 
    Mauritius- Island Off East Coast Of Africa 18:05 
    Misrepresented Contract 18:57 
    Picture Of Mauritius 19:38 
   Effects Upon Original Population 19:54 
    Majority Of People Were Descendents Of Indian Contract Laborer 20:08 
    Hawaii- 41% Japanese 20:28 
    Fiji- Indians And Fijian Hostility 20:43 
    Peru- Japanese 21:28 
    Alberto Fujimori 22:01 
    Argentina- Italian People 22:58 
   Convict Labor 23:55 
    America's South 25:03 
    Reconstruction 25:14 
    Slavery Is Over 25:22 
    Blacks Had To Have A Job Or Go To Prison 25:41 
   Not All Immigrants Stayed 26:31 
   Main Concept 26:58 
    Migrants Relocated For Variety Of Reasons 27:15 
  Period V: Global Migrations Part III 22:42
   Intro 0:00 
   Conflicts Resulting From Migration 0:39 
    Enormous Amount Of People Move 0:50 
    Mostly Male 1:18 
    Young 1:39 
    Women At Home 2:43 
    idea Was Bring Women Later 3:20 
    Settle In Immigrant Communities 3:37 
   New Communities From Migrations 3:55 
    Chinese Most Widespread People Over The Earth 5:01 
    Southeast Asia 5:33 
    The Caribbean 7:46 
    South America 8:14 
    North America 8:37 
   Reactions Against New Immigrants 11:30 
    Changing Culture 11:52 
    Pigtail Ordinance 12:06 
    Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882 13:44 
    Chinese Began To Grow Vegetables 19:32 
    Chinese Went Into Fishing 19:54 
    Started Their Own Laundry 20:56 
    Chinese Restaurants 21:16 
   Main Concept 21:27 
    Large Scale Nature Of Migration- Significant Changes 21:37 
  Period V: Nationalism, Revolution, & Reform Part VI 39:32
   Intro 0:00 
   New Political Ideologies Spread 0:27 
    Liberalism 1:21 
    Socialism 1:23 
    Communism 1:25 
    Liberalism Reaction Against Absolute Monarchism 1:43 
    Capitalism 2:50 
    Socialism From Excess Of Capitalism 3:18 
   Liberalism 3:58 
    Enlightenment Thinking 4:04 
    Govern Themselves 4:09 
    Education Is Important 4:28 
    People Should Be Free 4:57 
    Protect Rights Of People 5:11 
   Socialism 5:47 
    Early Industrial Revolution Produces Poverty 6:02 
    The New Capitalism-Wealthy, Government On Their Side 6:34 
    Greater Share In Profits 7:04 
    Alternative To Capitalist System 7:12 
   The Paris Commune (1871) 7:44 
    Franco-Prussian War 7:52 
   The Paris Commune (1871) Passed Laws 9:12 
    Separation Of Church And State 9:26 
    Remission Of Rents 9:51 
    Abolition Of Night Work In Bakeries 10:17 
    Pensions To Unmarried Companions And Children Of National Guards Killed On Active Service 10:40 
    Free Return-Workmen's Tools 11:14 
    Postponement Of Commercial Debt Obligations 12:15 
    Rights Of Employees 12:47 
   Key Issues For Socialist 13:28 
    Laissez Faire Capitalism 13:35 
    Government Power To Get Greater Share Of Industrial Profits To Workers 14:27 
    Workers Protected From Abuses Of Employers 14:53 
    Provisions Made For Workers- Injury Or Age 15:29 
    Moderates In Capitalist System 16:19 
    Radicals- Throw Out Capitalist System 16:34 
   Communism 17:06 
    Type Of Socialism 17:15 
    Karl Marx 17:24 
    Fredrick Engels 17:28 
    Communist Manifesto 17:31 
   The Essence Of Marx 18:19 
    Labor Theory Of Value 19:36 
    Series Class Struggles 20:41 
    Capitalists And Workers (Bourgeoisie And Proletariat) 21:33 
    Proletariat Will Over Come Bourgeois- Violent Revolution 22:00 
    Energize The Proletariat To Action 22:35 
    Temporary Dictatorship Of The Proletariat 23:02 
    Classless Society 23:20 
    According To Ability, According To Need 23:24 
   The Importance Of The French Revolution 23:47 
    School For Communism 24:10 
    Purity Of Thought 24:19 
    Party Must Act As One 24:46 
    Enemies Silenced 24:50 
    Bourgeois Eliminated 24:54 
   Extension Of The Enlightenment-Feminism 25:27 
    'All Men Are Created Equal' 25:52 
    Tradition 26:31 
    Patriarchy 26:48 
   Olympe de Gouges, 1748-1793 27:07 
    Invited To Salons 27:33 
   Declaration Of Rights, 1791 28:21 
    Declarations Of The Rights Of Women And The Female Citizen 28:30 
    Mount The Scaffold, Right To Mount The Speaker's Rostrum 30:16 
   De Gouges Not Party Line Enough 30:43 
   Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 31:14 
    Reworded Declaration Of Independence 33:05 
   Declaration Of Sentiments, Seneca Falls 33:26 
    Lucritia Mott, Speaker At Convention 33:27 
   Bombshell Resolutions At Seneca Falls 34:10 
    Duty Of Women- Sacred Right To Elective Franchise 34:28 
    Monopoly Of The Pulpit 35:15 
    Securing To Woman Equal Participation With Men 35:17 
   Main Concept 36:08 
    Discontent With Monarchist- New Ideologies 36:17 
    Women's Rights 37:47 
  Period V: Indentured Servitude, Part I 45:30
   Intro 0:00 
   Materials Needed 0:21 
   Working With The DBQ 1:53 
    Beef Up Ability 2:09 
    Thinking Skills 2:24 
   Reviewing The Process 3:16 
    Parse The Essay Prompt 3:33 
    Read Historical Background 4:30 
    List Things That Prompt Asks 4:46 
    Make A Row On The Chart For Each Document 4:59 
    POV 5:52 
    Discover What Documents Answer The Prompt 7:12 
    Grouping 7:48 
   Ok, Let's Get Started 8:19 
    Parse The Prompt 8:29 
    Verb 8:34 
    Object 8:43 
    Modifiers 8:51 
    Analyze 10:04 
    Beneath The Surface-Parts-Why 10:11 
    Object: Main Features 10:43 
    Aspects: Causes And Consequences 10:56 
   2003 DBQ Grid 11:32 
   The Next Step-Parse The Documents 11:50 
    Paraphrase, Don’t Quote 12:38 
    Use Every Document 13:12 
    Points Of View 13:46 
    Possible Slants Of The Authors 14:51 
    Three Groups 15:48 
    Missing Document 15:57 
   Read The Documents As A Detective 16:39 
    POV On Each Document 17:55 
    Seek Additional Document 18:09 
    Look For Connections 18:24 
    Main Points 18:32 
    Thesis Must Address All Parts 18:49 
   Document 1 19:26 
    Source- Hermon Merivale 21:00 
    Analyze- Military 23:15 
    Cause-End Of Slavery 24:16 
    POV-Understate Voluntary Part Of The Servitude 24:45 
    Other- Indentured Servant 26:14 
    Consequences- Effort Is Required 29:05 
   Document 2 30:02 
    Source- Editorial In A South African Newspaper 30:11 
    POV- Editor Maybe Reacting To The Presence Of The Colonial Governor 31:37 
    Other- Town Councilman 33:26 
    Main Feature: Growing Sugar Needs A Lot Of Labor 34:34 
    Causes- Labor Needed, Slavery Ended 35:39 
    Consequences- Strife With Native Population 36:02 
   Document 3 37:06 
    Map 37:12 
    Main Feature- Workers Come From India, China, Japan 37:26 
    Causes-Islands Were Successful In Growing Sugar 39:18 
    Consequences-Large Number Of Indian, Chinese, Japanese People 40:32 
    POV-Someone Made It For Purpose 42:10 
   Reviewing The Process So Far 43:13 
   The Rest Of The Documents 45:06 

Section 0:

  Period VI-VII: Indentured Servitude, Part II 40:23
   Intro 0:00 
   Materials Needed 0:25 
   Working With The DBQ 0:49 
    Beef Up 0:58 
   Reviewing The Process 1:16 
    Parse Essay Prompt 1:24 
    Historical Background 1:32 
    POV 2:13 
    Discover As You Read 2:24 
    Thesis 2:58 
    Grouping 3:01 
   Ok, Let's Get Started 3:08 
    Analyze 3:22 
   Document 4 4:13 
    Source- Chart 4:32 
    POV- Selected 5:16 
    Main Features- Lots of People Left China, Japan, & India 7:22 
    Causes- End Of Slavery, Need For Labor 8:14 
    Consequences- Make Changes In Home Country & New Century 8:58 
   Document 5 10:01 
    Source- Photos 10:07 
    Main Features- Looks A Lot Like Slavery 12:08 
    Consequences- A Lot Of People Stayed And Worked 12:48 
    Causes- Must Have Been Hard To Return To Country Of Origin 13:09 
    POV-Photographer Frames 14:01 
    Posing 14:32 
   Document 6 16:08 
    Source- Chart 6:15 
    Main Features- Native Population Going Down 16:43 
    Mostly Men 17:26 
    Causes- Large Importation Of Workers 18:22 
    Consequences- Culture Changes 19:57 
    Government Document Closes To Accurate 20:36 
   Document 7 21:06 
    Source- Contract For Indentured Servants 21:15 
    Main Features- Was It Accurately Represented 23:59 
    Other- Someone Who Observed 25:53 
    POV- Recruiting Document 27:14 
    Causes- Need Labor 28:19 
    Consequences- May Not Be As Promised 28:58 
   Document 8 29:27 
    Source-Ramana, A Worker 29:43 
    Main Features- All Against The Contract 30:57 
    POV- Complaint May Be Exaggerated 31:31 
    Other- See More To See If This Is Normal 32:00 
    Causes- Taken Advantage Of 33:53 
    Consequences- Ill Health, Death 34:05 
   Document 9 34:31 
    Source- Stats From Government Records 34:39 
    Main Features- By 1920s, The Immigrant Workers Were Either Significant Minority Or Majority 35:31 
    Consequences- Stayed 36:29 
    POV- Official, Trustworthy 38:05 
    Causes- Poor Wages 38:22 
   Reviewing The Process So Far 39:05 
   Write From An Outline 39:38 
  Period VI: Science & The Environment 23:54
   Intro 0:00 
   Science And The Environment 0:34 
    Science Is Key 2:19 
    New Technology 2:32 
    Threats To The Environment 2:44 
   Technologies Affect The World 2:54 
   Results Of New Technologies 3:26 
    Limits Of Geographical Distance Eliminated 3:41 
    Downsides Of Controlling Info 4:19 
    Access Continues To Grow 5:09 
   New Paradigms Rock Science 6:10 
    Thomas Kuhn 6:37 
    Model Problems And Solutions 7:19 
   Einstein Knocks Newton's Universe 7:28 
    E=mc2 8:55 
    Theory Of Relativity 10:03 
   Niels Bohr And Quantum Physics 11:13 
    Gravity 12:03 
    Predictable 12:15 
   Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle 12:51 
    Can't Know Velocity And Particles At Same Time 13:41 
    Observer Changes What Is Observed 13:59 
   The New Psychology 14:25 
    Subconscious 14:45 
   Scientific Theories Fall Into The Popular Mind 15:24 
    The Theory Of Relativity 15:35 
    The Uncertainty Principle 16:23 
    Popular Psychology 16:55 
   The Green Revolution 17:14 
    Chemicals 17:33 
    Genetically Modifying 17:56 
    Irrigation 18:45 
   Medical Advances Prolong Human Lifespans 19:47 
    Polio 20:14 
    Virus 20:19 
   Science And The Environment 22:31 
    Science Developed Rapidly 22:54 
    Technologies 2:05 
    Threats To The Environment 23:14 
  Period VI: Population Explodes, Environment Implodes 16:05
   Intro 0:00 
   Science And The Environment 0:34 
    New Technologies 0:53 
    Growth In Population 0:59 
    Threats To The Environment 1:03 
   Exploitation Of Resources 1:39 
    Unprecedented Levels 1:57 
   Global Warming 2:36 
    Controversial 2:46 
    Political Parties 3:22 
    Science? No. 4:18 
    Economic 5:48 
    Climate Change Is Real 6:50 
    Not Predictable 6:57 
    Negative 7:02 
   Cause Of Climate Change 8:00 
   Western Draught 9:31 
   Desertification 10:16 
   The Rate Of Species Extinction 11:14 
   How Shall We Deal With This 11:52 
    Political Football 12:01 
    Be Positive 13:15 
    Be Negative 13:54 
   Science And The Environment 14:55 
    Science, Rapid, New Technology, Growth In Population 15:04 
    Changed Relationship With The Environment 15:21 
  Period VI: Demographic Shifts Occur Because Of Innovations, Disease, & Modern Warfare 26:17
   Intro 0:00 
   Science And The Environment 0:51 
    Demographic Shifts 1:03 
   Diseases Of The Poor 1:05 
    Malaria 1:34 
    Hepatitis 2:26 
    HIV-AIDS 5:20 
    Schistosomiasis 5:52 
    Intestinal Parasites 6:09 
   Emergent Epidemic Diseases-1918 Flu 6:42 
    Pandemic 6:58 
   Emergent Epidemic Diseases-Ebola 7:56 
    West African Cities 8:39 
    Irrational Behavior 9:12 
    Chart 9:54 
   Lifestyle Disease 11:22 
    Type 2 Diabetes 11:40 
    Sedentary Lifestyle 11:55 
   Effective Birth Control Emerges 13:03 
   Birth Control Desirable- and Not Desirable 14:06 
   Effects Of Birth Control Availability 16:14 
   Why Opposition To Birth Control 17:42 
    Genocide 17:51 
    Control Amount Of Children 18:06 
    The Chinese One-Child Program 18:23 
    Moral Issue 18:34 
    Abortion 19:29 
    Changed Society 19:39 
   New Military Technology 20:11 
    The Tank 20:47 
    The Airplane 20:48 
    Nuclear Weapons 20:50 
   New Military Tactics 21:50 
    Firebombing 21:52 
   New Military Tactics-High Casualties 22:23 
    Dresden City Center 22:40 
    Tokyo Firebombing 23:14 
    Atomic Bomb 23:46 
    Hiroshima 24:02 
    Nagasaki 24:42 
   Science And The Environment 25:10 
    Key Concept 25:35 
    Demographic Shifts 25:39 
  Period VI: Europe Domination Gives Way To New Forms Of Transregional Political Organization 38:45
   Intro 0:00 
   Older, Land-Based Empires Collapse 1:15 
    Ottoman 1:38 
    Russian 1:39 
    Qing 1:41 
   Why Older, Land-Based Empires Collapse 2:16 
    Internal And External Causes 3:32 
   Qing As An Example 5:58 
    Military Defeats 6:06 
    Protracted War 6:43 
    Forced To Make Concessions To Western Powers 7:30 
    Prince Gong 8:01 
    Self-Strengthening Movement 8:14 
    Technical Stagnation 8:39 
    Boxer Rebellion 10:38 
    Death Of The Emperor And Empress Dowager Cixi 11:12 
    Regional Power Centers Take Control 11:47 
   Can Old Ways Succeed In The Modern World 12:11 
   Colonies Go For Independence 16:21 
    Decolonization 16:46 
    Inevitable? 17:00 
   Some Colonies Negotiate Freedom 20:01 
    Negotiate 20:14 
   India Negotiates Independence 20:52 
    The First Indian National Congress 21:07 
    Gandhi 21:52 
    Salt March 23:12 
   Independence Through Armed Struggle 25:09 
   Vietnam Independence Through Warfare 27:33 
    Colonized By French 27:47 
    Put Down by French 28:22 
    World War II 28:50 
    Resource To Fight The War 28:57 
    Viet Ninh 29:32 
    Hanoi 30:55 
   Nationalist/Communist Forces Win Battle 31:30 
    Ho Chi Minh 31:33 
    Dien Bien Fhu 31:49 
   Vietnam Divided-North And South 32:05 
   The North Attempts To Unify 33:32 
    Slippery Slope-All Communist 33:47 
   Global Conflicts And Their Consequences 37:06 
    European Domination Losing Out 37:22 
    Transregional 37:34 
    Decolonization 38:07 
  Period VI: Emerging Anti-Imperial Ideologies Aid In Dissolving Empires & Making New States 40:48
   Intro 0:00 
   Nationalist Leaders Challenge Imperialism 0:31 
    Mohandas Gandhi 0:43 
    Ho Chi Min 0:46 
    Kwame Nkrumah 0:48 
   How important Is The Person 1:24 
    Dynamic Leader Creating Situations 1:40 
    The Great Man Theory 1:56 
    Situations Waiting For Leader? 2:17 
   Kwame Nkrumah- African Lenin 5:03 
    Gold Coast 5:21 
    Italian Invasion Of Ethiopia 5:42 
    Pan-Africanism 6:12 
    Colonial Abuses 6:36 
    Self-Rule 7:06 
    Called Himself African Lenin 7:10 
    Started A Political Party 8:41 
    Put In Jail 8:51 
    Nkrumah's Party Wins In A Landslide 10:00 
    'Motion Of Destiny' 10:24 
   Regional, Religious, & Ethnic Movements 10:57 
    Challenge Colonialism 11:28 
    Challenge Imperial Boundaries 11:32 
    Quebecois 12:02 
    Biafra 13:09 
   Mohammad Ali Jinnah, 1876-1948 13:59 
    Moderate 15:22 
    All India Muslim League & Indian National Congress 16:02 
    Effective Muslim Participation 16:19 
    Difficult 16:31 
    Resigns From Congress 16:53 
    Rejects Gandhi's Methods 17:10 
    Separate State For Muslims 17:44 
    Creation Of Pakistan 18:08 
   Transnational Movements 19:30 
    Pan-Africanism 20:15 
    Pan Arabism 20:43 
    Communism 20:47 
    Democracy And Free-Market Capitalism 21:15 
   Gamal Abdel Nasser, 1918-1970 21:58 
    Egyptian Nationalist And Pan Arab 23:10 
    Coup That Overthrows The King- Establish New Government 23:33 
    Suez Crisis Of 1956 24:09 
    United States Doesn't Want To Help 24:53 
    United Arab Republic 25:31 
    Socialism 26:18 
    Soviet Union- Cold War 26:41 
    High Aswan Dam 27:24 
    Non-Aligned Group Of Nations 28:08 
    Third World 28:33 
    Third World- Poor Countries 29:32 
    Socialist Model 30:19 
    Authoritarian 30:26 
    Outlawed Muslim Brotherhood 30:53 
   Communist And Socialist Influences 33:23 
    Latin American, Asian, And African Countries 33:38 
    Mexico 34:29 
    Revolution Of 1910- Land Reform- Priority 35:42 
    Ejidos 36:01 
    American Oil Interests Nationalized 36:37 
    1934 Agrarian Code 37:56 
   Global Conflicts And Their Consequences 38:11 
    Decolonization 38:25 
    Transregional Political Organization 38:46 
    The Three Worlds 38:51 
    Cross National Lines And Thinking 39:00 
  Period VI: Political Changes Were Accompanied By Major Demographic & Social Consequences 43:50
   Intro 0:00 
   Changes In Colonial Boundaries 1:46 
    Nation-States 2:06 
    Decolonization 3:31 
    Intellectual Reasons 4:49 
    Enlightenment 5:20 
    Problems In The Transitions 6:03 
    Speed 6:39 
    How Much Say In Running Of Colony Before Independence 7:01 
    Boundaries 9:36 
    Ethnic/Language Groups 10:23 
    Arbitrary Line Drawing 10:52 
   Colonial Empires To Nation-States 12:00 
    England 12:05 
   Special Problem Of the Middle East 17:48 
    Empires Dissipate 18:16 
    Centers Of Powers 18:31 
   Why Would Any Of This Change 19:07 
    Sick Man Of Europe 19:41 
   Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916 21:10 
    Simplified Map 21:45 
   The Balfour Declaration, 1917 23:04 
    Sympathy 23:20 
   The Treaty Of Versailles 25:48 
   How To Handle A Multi-Ethnic State 26:58 
    Yugoslavia 27:07 
    Marshal Tito 27:27 
    Czechoslovakia 27:47 
    Iraq & Syria 28:29 
    Saddam Hussein 28:42 
    Assad 29:00 
   Migrations Of Former Colonists 29:44 
    Migrate To Metropoles 30:05 
    Continued Connection 30:48 
    Algerians To Paris (France) 31:36 
    12% Of French-Algerian Descent 32:14 
    2nd Class Citizenship 32:30 
    Religious Issues 32:55 
   French Laws 32:59 
    Ban On Face-Covering In Public 33:22 
    European Court Of Human Rights 34:00 
    Outlawed Wearing Hijabs 34:06 
   French Riots, 2005 35:32 
   French/North African Cuisine 36:06 
    Casse-croute Tunisian 36:29 
   Conflict Results In Refugees 37:00 
    Armenia 37:31 
    The Holocaust 37:51 
    Cambodia (Killing Fields) 38:08 
    Rwanda (Hutu Massacre Of Tutsis) 38:39 
   Rwandan Genocide 38:42 
    German Colony 38:58 
    Hutu And Tutsi 39:05 
    Hutu President Killed- Catalyst 40:00 
   Rwandan Genocide, 1994 40:27 
    Mostly Killed By Machete 40:33 
    More Than 2,000,000 became refugees Escaping Zaire 40:47 
   Palestinians: Another Displacement Of Peoples 41:24 
    Refugee Camps 42:24 
    5,000,000 Camps Today 42:37 
   Key Concept 42:53 
    Political Changes Accompanied By Major Demographic & Social Changes 43:16 
  Period VI: Major Conflict Dominates The 20th Century Causing Both Attempts Toward Peace & Toward Intensifying Conflicts 37:37
   Intro 0:00 
   Groups And Individuals Oppose War 0:49 
    Human Nature? 1:16 
    Conflict Is Human 1:41 
   Buddhists In South Vietnam 2:08 
    Buddhism Is Major Religion In Area 3:18 
    Buddhist Oppressed By South Vietnam Government 3:28 
    Catholic Church Largest Land Holder 3:51 
    Refused To Participate In Land Reform 4:50 
    Ngo Dinh Diem 5:19 
    Only Catholics Held Position Of Power 6:25 
    Priests- Private Armies Destroy Buddhist Pagodas 6:38 
    Peaceful Demonstrations 6:56 
    Buddhist Flag Outlawed 8:38 
    500 Monks Demonstrated In Hue- Hunger Strike 9:00 
    Soldiers Poured Plastic Chemicals On Praying Monks 9:29 
    Thich Quang Duc 9:47 
    Self-immolated 9:51 
    Martial Law 11:03 
    Coordinated Series Of Attacks On Buddhist Pagodas 11:22 
    US Removed Support On Diem 12:07 
   Of The Malcolm Browne Photo 12:33 
    Thich Quang Duc's Message 12:50 
   MLK & Non-Violence As A Political Tactic 14:11 
    Practical- Nonviolence Only Road 15:25 
    Quote By MLK 16:57 
    Courage To Put End To Suffering By Willingly Suffering Themselves 17:36 
   Segregation Forever? 19:09 
   Opposing The Status Quo In China, 1989 20:14 
    Tiananmen Square Protest 20:21 
   Tiananmen Square Protest, 1989 20:55 
    89 Democracy Movement 20:59 
    Hu Yao-Bang 21:06 
    Harm Of Inflation 21:33 
    Protests 21:49 
    Protests Ended 23:11 
    Illegal To Speak About 23:17 
   Military Answer Is: More Military 24:30 
    Idi Amin Of Uganda 24:57 
    Agusto Pinochet 26:12 
    President Allende 26:29 
    Francisco Franco 28:29 
    Won Spanish Civil War 28:40 
    Close To Nazi Germany 29:03 
   Terrorism As A Method 30:34 
    Violent Activities Against Civilians To Gain Political Goals 31:00 
    Irish Republican Army (IRA) 31:18 
    British Sent Troops 33:20 
   IRA Institutes 'The Long War' Strategy 33:50 
   Popular Culture Influenced 34:34 
    Conflicts Profound Influence On Popular Culture 34:53 
    James Bond 35:13 
    23 Movies 35:23 
   Key Concepts 36:23 
    Conflicts Dominate 20th Century 36:44 
  Period VI: States Responded Differently To The Economic Challenges Of The 20th Century 26:01
   Intro 0:00 
   The Communist Way 0:52 
    Large Issue 1:28 
    Industrial Output 1:34 
    Steel Production 2:05 
    Five-Year Plans 2:21 
    Mao's Program 2:39 
   The Great Leap Forward 2:47 
    Massive Urbanization 3:10 
    Cooperatives 3:26 
    System Wasn't Working 5:24 
    Mao's Secret Weapon- Peasant Power 5:32 
    Produce Steel 5:50 
   Peasants Make Steel At Night 5:53 
   Meanwhile Back In Capitalism 7:17 
    Progressivism 7:52 
    President Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson 8:00 
    Laissez Faire Given Another Chance 8:44 
    1929 The Great Depression 8:58 
    Franklin Roosevelt- The New Deal 9:14 
   The Great Depression As Change-Agent 9:38 
    Chart Showing Unemployment 11:30 
   New Government Programs 12:13 
    Social Security 12:17 
    WPA 12:49 
    Federal Food Stamps 13:24 
    Not Everyone Thought It Was A Good Idea 14:22 
   New Independent Nations Economic Plans 15:01 
    Example: The Asian Tiger Nations 15:36 
   Asian Tigers (Dragons) 16:11 
    Export Industries 16:15 
    High Public Savings Rate 16:43 
    Government Spending Came Down 16:54 
    Liberal Economics 17:40 
   Asian Tiger Cubs 17:55 
   A Turn Toward Conservative Economics 20:37 
    President Ronald Reagan 21:21 
    Margaret Thatcher 21:26 
    Deng Xiaoping 21:32 
    Augusto Pinochet 21:35 
   Second Generation Chinese Communism 22:16 
    Deng Xiaoping 22:18 
    Mao Chose Hua Guofeng 22:52 
    Deng Xiaoping Took New Role 23:12 
    Deng Xiaoping Used Communism 23:31 
    Liberalize Economics 23:55 
    China Today Result Of Deng's Radical Change Of Direction 24:37 
   Key Concepts 25:01 
    Communist Countries- Tight Control On Economy 25:13 
    Western Outgrowth Of Depression 25:28 
    70s More Conservative Economic Policies 25:50 
  Period VI: International Interdependence Is Facilitated By Global Organizations 42:39
   Intro 0:00 
   International Organizations Formed 1:39 
    World War I And II 1:52 
    Shock To The System 2:42 
    What To Do Differently 2:59 
    Don't Let Germany Arm 3:24 
    Maintain Greatest Fighting Force 4:26 
    Don't Trust Russians 5:47 
    Don't Trust The Americans 6:25 
    Combined Force Of Western Nations To Deter Soviet Aggression 7:00 
    Suppress Communism 8:01 
    Russia/Soviet Union- Prevent Western Incursions 8:42 
    Don't Want WWIII 9:22 
    International Organization 9:50 
    Protracted Engagement 10:30 
    New Nations 10:59 
    Nuclear Weapons 12:13 
    International Controls 12:42 
    Chemical And Biological Weapons 13:37 
    International Agreements 13:44 
    Limits 14:36 
   League Of Nations 14:52 
    Woodrow Wilson 15:10 
    Fourteen Points 15:17 
    League Of Nations 15:40 
    The Gap In The Bridge 16:22 
   The United Nations 18:01 
    Took Over League Of Nations 18:24 
    UN Buildings In NYC 19:00 
    Security Council Room 19:15 
    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon 19:53 
   Evaluating The United Nations 20:27 
    Critics Say Toothless 20:33 
    Spends Money Foolishly 21:07 
    Too Powerful & Takes Away A Country's Right Sovereignty 21:52 
   International Economic Institutions 23:36 
    World Bank And International Monetary Fund (IMF) 23:45 
    Economic Issues Drive Conflict 24:16 
    Economic Disparity 25:10 
    Trade- International Issue 25:50 
    How Would World Trade Made Fairer Among Nations 26:29 
    International Trade Agreements 26:46 
   World Trade Organization 27:13 
    Global Rules Of Trade 27:35 
    Ensure That Trade Flows As Smoothly, Predictably, And Freely 27:44 
    GATT 28:09 
    Nations Belong To WTO Based On Agreement 28:21 
    WTO Can Overrule National Policy- Loss Of Sovereignty 28:52 
    Achieve Some Kind Of Parity Among Nations So All Benefit 29:36 
   The Rise Of Non-Governmental Organizations 30:13 
    NGO 30:29 
    Non-profit 30:40 
    Globalism 31:50 
   Doctors Without Borders 32:27 
    France Sided With Biafrans 33:09 
    French Sent Doctors to Biafra As Part Of Red Cross 33:26 
    Red Cross- Complicit With Nigerian Government 33:54 
    Humanitarian Organization 34:22 
    Viola, Medecins Sans Frontieres 34:34 
   Doctors Without Borders Missions 34:44 
   Regional Trade Agreements 35:22 
    Complete Free Trade Among Members 36:08 
    Single Currency, The Euro 36:17 
    Trading Bloc 36:59 
    NAFTA 37:56 
   The Rise Of The Multinational Corporations 38:09 
    Corporations Expand 38:26 
    Economic Clout 39:00 
    Allegiance To Stockholders 39:07 
    Influence Politics 39:23 
    More Profit Outside Of US 39:44 
   Environmental Organizations 40:36 
    Greenpeace 40:55 
   Key Concept 41:28 
    The World Is Becoming More Global 41:39 
    States, Communities, And Individuals- Interdependent 41:49 
    Global Governance 42:03 
  Period VI: New Conceptualizations Of Society & Culture By New Technologies 37:55
   Intro 0:00 
   Acceptance Of Human Rights Spread 0:46 
    Why Oppose Human rights 2:17 
    National Leaders Agree To Universal Human Rights ? 3:09 
    Concept A Western Idea And Doesn't Fit? 4:09 
   Universal Declaration Of Human Rights 5:07 
    Larger After WWII 5:19 
    War Crimes 6:03 
    People Became More Sensitive To Problems People Faced 6:17 
    Solution? 6:50 
    The Answer Is Human Rights 7:14 
    Publication Of Universal Declaration Of Human Rights 7:50 
    Inalienable Rights 8:28 
    Born Free 9:24 
   Universal Declaration, Article 26 9:46 
    Taking Human Rights To Education 10:15 
    Equally Accessible On The Basis Of Merit 10:42 
    Respect For Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms 11:48 
    Prior Right To Choose Kind Of Education 12:44 
   Limited Success Of Human Rights 13:13 
    Pierre N. Leval In Foreign Affairs 13:50 
   Cultural Identities And Reactions 15:03 
    Wish To Be Understood 15:32 
    Chains Of Culture 13:36 
    Queer 15:45 
    Negritude 17:50 
   Negritude 19:57 
    Equality Of All Races 20:05 
   Black Is Beautiful 21:07 
    Harlem Renaissance 21:28 
   On The Other Hand, Exclusion Politics 23:35 
    Xenophobia 24:10 
    Large People Movements 24:39 
    Understandable Resistance 24:51 
    Political Movements 25:06 
   New Forms Of Spirituality Emerge 27:43 
    Falun Gong 28:21 
    Li Hongzhi 28:30 
    QiGong 29:20 
    Combines Exercises With Moral Teachings 31:04 
    Moral Teachings Are Important 31:32 
    Five Exercises 32:45 
   Emergent Fundamentalism 33:10 
    Strayed Way Off-Course Led To Weakness And Unfaithfulness 33:35 
    Return To the Past When Religion Was Pure 34:00 
    God Will Reward 34:19 
   Key Concept 34:37 
    New Ideas Challenged Old Assumptions 36:50 
  Period VI: Popular Consumer Culture Became Global 6:43
   Intro 0:00 
   Sports Intertwine With Nation 1:12 
    FIFA 1:29 
    European Nations 1:43 
    International In 1930 1:51 
    200 Nations 1:57 
    World Cup 2:05 
   FIFA Involves The World 2:47 
   Music And Film Become Global 2:59 
    Example: Reggae 4:04 
   Key Concept 5:06 
    Popular And Consumer Culture Become Global 5:12 
  AP Practice Exam: Multiple Choice, Part I 42:58
   Intro 0:00 
   Improving Your Score On Multiple Choice 0:18 
   Basic Multiple Choice Strategy 1:49 
    Good Sleep 2:08 
    Set Your Attitude 3:12 
    Read The Question Carefully 4:17 
    If You're Not Sure Of Answer 4:35 
    Mark On Answer Sheet 6:54 
    Double check 8:18 
    Get The Easy Ones 8:22 
    Beware Of Your Pace 9:06 
   Question 1 11:12 
    Neolithic Age 11:26 
    Stumbling Block: Vocabulary Word Sedentary 11:33 
   Question 2 13:48 
    Neolithic Age- How Life Changed 14:26 
    Population Improved 16:30 
   Question 3 17:09 
    Roman, Han, Gupta 17:25 
   Question 4 19:09 
    Judaism And Hinduism 19:17 
   Question 5 21:57 
    Unique 21:19 
    Influences 22:44 
   Question 6 26:05 
    Bantu Migration 26:11 
   Question 7 28:57 
    Cross Out When Reading Passages 33:46 
   Question 8 35:38 
    Incas And Aztecs 35:45 
   Question 9 37:38 
    What Causes Cities To Grow 37:53 
   Question 10 39:28 
    Map Question 39:37 
   Next Session 42:22 
  AP Practice Exam: Multiple Choice, Part II 48:48
   Intro 0:00 
   Improving Your Score On Multiple Choice 0:22 
   Basic Multiple Choice Strategy 1:18 
    Good Sleep 1:29 
    Set Your Attitude 1:40 
    Read The Question Carefully 2:13 
    Good Technique 2:30 
    Gut Feeling 4:18 
   Question 11 4:50 
    Periodization 5:25 
    Late 1400s 5:57 
    What's The Reason For This Period 6:12 
    Discovery Of The Americas By Europeans 6:27 
    Find The Answer, You're Done 8:35 
   Question 12 9:16 
    Columbian Exchange 9:23 
    Africans Came To Western Hemisphere 12:09 
    African And European Diseases Go To The Americas 12:27 
   Question 13 13:10 
    Plantation System 13:14 
    Reasons For Plantation 13:49 
    Cash Crops- Sugar And Tobacco 14:45 
   Question 14 15:10 
    Influence Population Trends In Europe And China 15:25 
    American Crops- Sweet Potatoes 19:33 
   Question 15 20:35 
    Chronological Thinking 20:42 
    Why Did Portuguese Not Have Trade With West Africans Until 15th Century 21:00 
    Technology 21:36 
    Diseases Work, But Not The Right Order 25:08 
   Question 16 25:26 
    Overthinking Question 25:34 
    Evidence 26:57 
    Did Europeans Control Most Of The Trade In 1600-1700 28:11 
    European Merchants Only Took Small Part 31:00 
   Question 17 32:09 
    Additional Document 32:50 
    How Much Profits Made In Slave Trade- Portuguese 33:44 
    European Slave Trader's Account Books 34:58 
   Question 18 36:19 
    Long Passage, One Answer 36:48 
    Pressed For Time? 36:56 
   Question 19 40:35 
    Nature Of Empire In 16th Century 40:44 
    Name 40:50 
    Mughal & Ottoman 41:19 
    Gunpowder 42:41 
   Question 20 44:29 
    Heart Of The Matter 44:35 
    Why Did The Europeans Dominate 44:50 
    Industrial Revolution 45:31 
   Next Session 48:10 
  AP Practice Exam: Multiple Choice, Part III 45:17
   Intro 0:00 
   Improving Your Score On Multiple Choice 0:20 
   Basic Multiple Choice Strategy 0:57 
    Get Good Sleep 1:14 
    Set Your Attitude 1:32 
    Read The Questions Carefully 2:05 
    What Happens When You Don't Know 2:10 
    Eliminate Wrong Answers 2:27 
    Reject Second Thoughts 3:18 
    Some Questions Are Difficult, Answer Easy Ones First 3:33 
    Skip Time Consuming Questions, But Mark Answer Anyways 3:57 
    Be Aware Of Your Pace 4:15 
   Question 21 4:43 
    Graphs 5:04 
    Pacman 5:58 
    What’s The Reason For Change In Exports/Imports 6:36 
    Industrialization Caused This Increase 7:55 
   Question 22 9:16 
    Second Industrial Revolution 9:23 
    Airplane 10:39 
    Electricity And Steel 10:55 
    1850-1900 No Airplanes Or Radio, Wrong Time Period 11:24 
   Question 23 11:56 
    'EXCEPT' 12:04 
    Underline 'EXCEPT' 12:32 
    Population Growth 12:46 
    Green Revolution Wrong Time Period 14:57 
   Question 24 15:14 
    We Refer To Chinese Dynasty Not Empire 16:01 
    Which Empire? 16:29 
    Only Japanese 16:43 
    We Don't Refer To The Others As Empires 16:57 
   Question 25 17:14 
    Tricky Question- Lead You Astray 17:21 
    Africa-China Involvement 18:00 
    Pay Attention To Adjective- Ex. Extensive 19:09 
    Competition Among Imperialist Power 19:55 
   Question 26 20:57 
    Who Is Haiti Connected To? 21:35 
    Haiti Was Possession Of France 22:09 
   Question 27 23:03 
    Emphasis 23:24 
    Comparison Between North And South 24:13 
    Enlightenment 24:50 
   Question 28 28:46 
    Several Possibilities 28:55 
    'Leading' (Most Important) 29:05 
    Medical Innovations 30:49 
   Question 29 33:21 
    Major Force Of 19th And 20th Century 33:25 
    Cold War 33:32 
    Nationalism 37:53 
   Question 30 40:29 
    1980s-1990s International Relations 41:00 
    Reduction In The Cold War 42:43 
   Next Sessions 43:58 
    Comparison Essay 44:24 
    Change And Continuity Over Time Essay 44:27 
  Period V: Indentured Servitude, Part III 53:18
   Intro 0:00 
   Needed Materials 0:33 
   Essay Format 0:52 
   Five Paragraph Essay Format 2:13 
    Intro Paragraph Containing The Thesis 2:19 
    Topic Sentence 3:26 
    Document 1 says 4:05 
    Evidence From Documents 4:35 
    Groupings 4:47 
    Linking Words 6:15 
    POV 6:23 
    Possible Additional Documents 6:30 
   Getting To A Thesis 7:01 
    Causes And Consequences 7:43 
    Main Features 7:55 
    Indentured Servants- Slavery By Another Name 8:48 
    Near Slavery Conditions 9:25 
    Near Slavery In Kind Of Work 10:00 
    End Of Slavery 10:52 
    Need Of Cheap Labor 10:59 
    Large Number Of People Moving Around 11:22 
    These Immigrants Brought Change To Places They Worked 12:05 
   Let's Write The Essay- 1st Paragraph 12:56 
    Thesis 14:13 
    Indentured Servitude- Characterized By Being Very Near Slavery 14:19 
    Causes: Unfortunate 16:25 
    Large Number Poor People From Asia 18:01 
    Roadmap 19:32 
   Let's Write The Essay- 2nd Paragraph 20:29 
    First Argument 20:43 
    Evidence 22:17 
    Footnote 27:20 
    Extra Document 30:50 
   Let's Write The Essay- 3rd Paragraph 31:56 
    Second Argument- Causes 32:00 
    Documents 3, 4, 7 Illustrates… 34:24 
    POV 37:50 
   Let's Write The Essay- 4th Paragraph 39:40 
    Consequences 39:42 
    Evidence- 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 42:08 
    POV 44:47 
    Extra Document-Townspeople 45:12 
   Let's Write The Essay- 5th Paragraph 46:11 
    If No Concluding Paragraph- Zero Harm 46:28 
    Good For Adding Anything Missed 46:40 
   Reviewing The DBQ Process 48:37 
    Answer All Parts 48:42 
    Draw Chart 48:46 
    Additional Columns 49:05 
    Discover As You Read 49:12 
    Topic Sentences 50:05 
   Dealing With The Time Factor 51:06 
    Biggest Mistake Is Not Planning 51:16 
    Will get More Points If Organize 51:34 
    Give Practice Essays To Peers Or Teachers 51:59 
    Re-Do 52:14 
    Repeat 52:24 
   Good Luck! 54:40 
  Change & Continuity Over Time Essay Question Practice 29:42
   Intro 0:00 
   Materials Needed 0:21 
   Working With The CCOT 1:03 
    It is Historical Thinking Skills Intensive 1:25 
    Many Students Don’t' Understand the Work That Historians Did to Write the Narrative 2:15 
    Many Students Do Not Use Time to Plan Their Essays 4:03 
   What is the Benefit for You? 4:31 
    Goal is to Help You Beef Up Your Abilities in Historical Thinking Skills 4:43 
    2014 AP World CCOT 5:13 
   The Rubric For The Essay 5:25 
    Valid Thesis 6:48 
    Addresses All Parts 6:56 
    Substantial Historical Evidence 7:05 
    Relevant World Historical Context 7:23 
    Analyzes Process Of Continuity 7:59 
    How Hard It Is To Do Each One 8:15 
   Parse the Essay Prompt 9:57 
    Analyze 10:30 
    Continuities and Changes 11:02 
    Participated in Interregional Trade 11:29 
    About 1500-1750 13:09 
   Use a Graphic Organizer to Plan the Essay 13:38 
    Continuities 14:43 
    Why Did That Happen 14:51 
    World Historical Context 15:08 
    Evidence 15:42 
   Beginning and End of the Period 15:57 
    Beginning and End 16:16 
    Evidence 16:43 
   Change Points 17:10 
    Time 17:23 
    Columbus is Key Here 17:46 
    Discovery of Large Silver Deposits 17:59 
    Demand for Sugar 18:27 
    Use of Plantation System 18:57 
    De La Casas 19:09 
    Economic Success 20:17 
    Trade Success 22:20 
   Continuities 22:45 
    European Powers Were Present 22:53 
    Native People Were Always on the Short End of the Stick 23:13 
    Latin America Produces Raw Materials and Europe Produce Finished Goods 23:34 
   Analysis 23:51 
    Because De La Casa's Plea Was Heard 23:53 
    Increase in Demand for Sugar 24:37 
    Profits Being Made Led to Competition 25:15 
   World Historical Context 25:28 
    World Trading System 25:30 
    Colonization 26:48 
   Evidence 27:21 
    Items of Trade 27:22 
    Triangular Trade 28:19 
   Next Session 28:46 
  Change & Continuity Over Time Essay Question Practice, Part II 28:34
   Intro 0:00 
   The Rubric For The Essay 0:26 
    Valid Thesis 0:36 
    Addressing All Parts Of Question 0:41 
    Using Evidence 0:49 
    Relevant World Historical Context 0:58 
    Analyzes Process Of Continuity 1:04 
   Parse The Essay Prompt-ATDQ 1:25 
    Understanding 2:34 
    Continuity And Changes 2:38 
    Caribbean And Latin America Participated 2:46 
    Interregional Trade 2:57 
   Getting The Thesis Point 3:08 
    Continuities, Change Points, Beginning Date And Situation, Ending Situation, Ending Date 4:51 
   Using Our Graphic Organizer 5:31 
    Beginning, End, Change Points, Continuity 5:42 
   Beginning, Change Points, End 5:54 
    In Regard To Trade 6:22 
   Continuities 6:25 
    Raw Materials 6:45 
    Sell Finished Goods 6:53 
   Getting The Thesis Point 6:58 
    Continuities: European Powers, Oppressed Native Peoples 7:08 
    Period: 1500-1750 7:14 
    Change: Little Or No Interregional Trade To Multiregional Trading 7:39 
   Caveat On The Thesis 8:09 
    Cannot Count For Any Other Points 8:33 
    Restate Thesis In Concluding Paragraph 8:51 
    Not True For Rubric 9:04 
   Double-Dipping 9:13 
    The Magic Sentence 9:31 
    The Reason Why…. 9:40 
    1 Point Analysis 10:13 
    Evidence Points 10:41 
    World Historical Context 11:06 
   Essay Structure 11:50 
    Thesis 12:00 
    Roadmap 12:02 
    First Argument 12:11 
    Second Argument 12:18 
    Third Argument 12:21 
    Concluding Paragraph 12:24 
   Possible Body Organization Ideas 13:34 
    Continuities 13:48 
    Major Changes 13:51 
   The First Paragraph- Roadmap 14:11 
    Influx Of Europeans Opened Up Interregional Trade 14:26 
   Remember What It Is About 15:14 
    Trade 15:26 
   Beginning, Change Points, End 16:09 
    De la Casas 16:24 
   The Body Paragraphs Must Have 16:44 
    Topic Sentences 17:05 
    Evidence Sentences 17:23 
   First Body Paragraph 17:38 
    Evidence Sentence: Silver Mines In Peru And Mexico 18:05 
    World Historical Context 18:38 
    Analysis Sentence 19:03 
   Second Body Paragraph 20:33 
    Topic Sentence: Sugar-Sweet Tooth 20:43 
    Evidence Sentence: Plantations 20:57 
    Analysis Sentence: Ratio Ideology Justify African Slavery 21:12 
   Third Body Paragraph 22:09 
    Topic Sentence: Indigenous Forced Labor Difficult To Maintain 22:35 
    Evidence Sentence Sentences: De La Casa 22:50 
    Analysis Sentence: Topic Sentence Contains 23:15 
   Concluding Paragraph 23:35 
    Restate Thesis In Creative Way 23:39 
    Write Something Important You forgot 24:13 
    Attach General Meaning From World History 24:33 
   How To Get More Points On Your Essay 26:31 
    Parse The Prompt 26:40 
    Plan 26:58 
    Practice 27:23 
  Comparison Essay Question Practice, Part I 30:26
   Intro 0:00 
   Materials Needed 0:22 
   Parse The Essay Prompt- ATDQ 1:11 
    Answer The Dang Question 1:39 
    Analyze 2:13 
    Similarities And Differences 2:39 
    Two Empires 3:04 
   How To Make Your Choice 3:08 
    Choose The One You Know The Most About 3:21 
    Religion Being A Part Of Politics 3:52 
   Parse The Essay Prompt- ATDQ 6:48 
    Gupta & Caliphates 6:58 
   The Rubric For The Essay 7:31 
    Adjusted To Fit Student Work 9:05 
    Thesis Needs Both Similarity And Difference 9:15 
    Direct Relevant Comparison 9:45 
    Analysis- Why? 10:28 
   Stay On The Task At Hand 10:51 
    Don't Write Generic Economic, Political, Social Essay 11:43 
   What Is The Task At Hand 11:52 
    Religion To Rule 12:02 
   Use A Graphic Organizer 12:15 
    Venn Diagram 12:29 
    Commonality 12:53 
    Both Used Religion To Establish Legitimacy 14:40 
    Both Used Religion To Promote Ethics 16:30 
    Differences 17:50 
    Caliph Was Both Ruler Of Politics And The Last Word In Religion 18:35 
    Both In Hinduism & Buddhism, The Ruler Was A Practitioner 19:44 
    Language Of Islam Is Arabic, Spread Because Of Religion 21:55 
    The Language Of Hinduism Is Sanskrit & Many Languages Made It Difficult To Rule 24:29 
   Getting The Thesis Point 26:28 
    Plug And Play 27:08 
   Using The Thesis Template 28:00 
   Caveat On The Thesis 28:43 
    Thesis Cannot Count For Any Of The Other Points 28:57 
    Restate Thesis In Concluding Paragraph 29:07 
    Double-Dip 29:27 
   Next Session 29:42 
    Writing Essay 29:50 
  Comparison Essay Question Practice, Part II 22:59
   Intro 0:00 
   Materials Needed 0:18 
   What Is The Task At Hand 0:55 
    Similarities And Differences 1:04 
    How They Used Religion To Rule 1:17 
   The Rubric For The Essay 1:27 
    Thesis One Point 1:39 
    Address All Parts 1:44 
    Use Evidence 1:50 
    Make One Direct, Relevant Comparison 1:58 
   Use A Graphic Organizer 3:08 
    Venn Diagram 3:20 
   Possible Body Organization 3:40 
    Similarities 3:50 
    Differences 3:56 
   Essay Structure 4:14 
    Paragraph One Contains Thesis 4:16 
    Each Paragraph Begins With Topic Sentence 4:48 
    Conclusion 5:06 
   Remember What It Is About 5:27 
    Using Religion To Rule 5:36 
   First Paragraph 5:55 
    Good To Have Roadmap 6:02 
   Second Paragraph- Topic Sentence 6:18 
    Do Not Start With Fact 6:30 
   Second Paragraph- Evidence 7:17 
   Third Paragraph- Topic Sentence 10:56 
   Third Paragraph- Evidence 11:16 
   Fourth Paragraph- Topic Sentence 13:39 
   Fourth Paragraph- Evidence 13:56 
   Fourth Paragraph- Analysis 15:33 
   Fifth Paragraph 16:37 
   Concluding Paragraph 18:05 
   Restate The Thesis 18:14 
   Conclusion 18:05 
    Restate The Thesis 18:11 
    Attach General Meaning 19:14 
   How To Get The Most Points On Your Essay 21:46 
    Parse The Prompt 22:02 
    Plan 22:13 
    Practice 22:28 

Duration: 37 hours, 05 minutes

Number of Lessons: 70

Student Feedback


2 Reviews

By ROBERT MILLERJuly 24, 2015
I joined educator.com today with a 12 month subscription. This is the first discussion/lecture I have visited. This is a great lecture. I am taking related courses and this lecture provides great thoughts which are helpful to me right at this moment.  
By Farhan MohiuddinJuly 18, 2015
just had a quick question proffesor. I was wondering if you read a book called "A History of the world in 6 glasses". if so i had some questions. Thank You

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