Bryan Cardella
Slide Duration:Table of Contents
25m 34s
- Intro0:00
- Anatomy vs. Physiology0:06
- Anatomy0:17
- Pericardium0:24
- Physiology0:57
- Organization of Matter1:38
- Atoms1:49
- Molecules2:54
- Macromolecules3:28
- Organelles4:17
- Cells5:01
- Tissues5:58
- Organs7:15
- Organ Systems7:42
- Organisms8:26
- Relative Positions8:41
- Anterior vs. Posterior9:14
- Ventral vs. Dorsal is the Same as Anterior vs. Posterior for Human Species11:03
- Superior vs. Inferior11:52
- Examples12:13
- Medial vs. Lateral12:39
- Examples13:01
- Proximal vs. Distal13:36
- Examples13:53
- Superficial Vs. Deep14:57
- Examples15:17
- Body Planes16:07
- Coronal (Frontal) Plane16:38
- Sagittal Plane17:16
- Transverse (Horizontal) Plane17:52
- Abdominopelvic Regions18:37
- 4 Quadrants19:07
- Right Upper Quadrant19:47
- Left Upper Quadrant19:57
- Right Lower Quadrant20:06
- Left Lower Quadrant20:16
- 9 Regions21:09
- Right Hypochondriac21:33
- Left Hypochondriac22:20
- Epicastric Region22:39
- Lumbar Regions: Right and Left Lumbar22:59
- Umbilical Region23:32
- Hypogastric (Pubic) Region23:46
- Right and Left Inguinal (Iliac) Region24:10
38m 25s
- Intro0:00
- Tissue Overview0:05
- Epithelial Tissue0:27
- Connective Tissue1:04
- Muscle Tissue1:20
- Neural Tissue1:49
- Histology2:01
- Epithelial Tissue2:25
- Attached to a 'Basal Lamina'2:42
- Avascular3:38
- Consistently Damaged by Environmental Factors4:43
- Types of Epithelium5:35
- Cell Structure / Shape5:40
- Layers5:46
- Example5:52
- Simple Squamous Epithelium6:39
- Meant for Areas That Need a High Rate of Diffusion / Osmosis6:50
- Locations: Alveolar Walls, Capillary Walls7:15
- Stratified Squamous Epithelium9:10
- Meant for Areas That Deal with a Lot of Friction9:20
- Locations: Epidermis of Skin, Esophagus, Vagina9:27
- Histological Slide of Esophagus / Stomach Connection10:46
- Simple Columnar Epithelium12:02
- Meant for Absorption / Secretion Typically12:09
- Locations: Lining of the Stomach, Intestines13:08
- Stratified Columnar Epithelium13:29
- Meant for Protection14:07
- Locations: Epiglottis, Anus, Urethra14:14
- Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium14:46
- Meant for Protection / Secretion16:06
- Locations: Lining of the Trachea / Bronchi16:25
- Simple Cuboidal Epithelium16:51
- Meant for Mainly Secretion / Absorption16:56
- Locations: Kidney Tubules, Thyroid Gland17:14
- Stratified Cubodial Epithelium18:18
- Meant for Protection, Secretion, Absorption18:52
- Locations: Lining of Sweat Glands19:04
- Transitional Epithelium19:15
- Meant for Stretching and Recoil19:17
- Locations: Urinary Bladder, Uterus20:36
- Glandular Epithelium20:43
- Merocrine21:19
- Apocrine22:58
- Holocrine24:01
- Connective Tissues25:06
- Most Abundant Tissue25:11
- Connect and Bind Together All the Organs25:20
- Connective Tissue Fibers26:13
- Collagen Fibers26:30
- Elastic Fibers27:55
- Reticular Fibers29:58
- Connective Tissue Cells30:52
- Fibroblasts30:57
- Macrophages31:33
- Mast Cells32:49
- Lymphocytes34:42
- Adipocytes35:03
- Melanocytes36:08
- Connective Tissue Examples36:39
- Adipose Tissue36:50
- Tendons and Ligaments37:23
- Blood38:06
- Cartilage38:30
- Bone38:51
- Muscle39:09
51m 15s
- Intro0:00
- Functions of the Skin0:07
- Protection0:13
- Absorption0:43
- Secretion1:19
- Heat Regulation1:52
- Aesthetics2:21
- Major Layers3:50
- Epidermis3:59
- Dermis4:45
- Subcutaneous Layer (Hypodermis)5:36
- The Epidermis5:56
- Most Superficial Layers of Skin5:57
- Epithelial6:11
- Cell Types7:16
- Cell Type: Melanocytes7:26
- Cell Type: Keratinocytes9:39
- Stratum Basale10:54
- Helps Form Finger Prints11:11
- Dermis11:54
- Middle Layers of the Skin12:16
- Blood Flow12:20
- Hair13:59
- Glands15:41
- Sebaceous Glands15:46
- Sweat Glands16:32
- Arrector Pili Muscles19:18
- Two Main Kinds of Hair: Vellus and Terminal19:57
- Nails21:43
- Cutaneous Receptors (Nerve Endings)23:48
- Subcutaneous Layer25:00
- Deepest Part of the Skin25:01
- Composed of Connective Tissue25:04
- Fat Storage25:11
- Blood Flow25:43
- Cuts and Healing26:33
- Step 1: Inflammation26:54
- Step 2: Migration28:46
- Step 3: Proliferation30:39
- Step 4: Maturation31:50
- Burns32:44
- 1st Degree33:50
- 2nd Degree34:38
- 3rd Degree35:18
- 4th Degree36:27
- Rule of Nines36:49
- Skin Conditions and Disorders40:02
- Scars40:06
- Moles41:11
- Freckles/ Birthmarks41:48
- Melanoma/ Carcinoma42:44
- Acne45:23
- Warts47:16
- Wrinkles48:14
- Psoriasis49:12
- Eczema/ Rosacea49:41
- Vitiligo50:19
19m 30s
- Intro0:00
- Functions of Bones0:04
- Support0:09
- Storage0:24
- Production of Blood1:01
- Protection1:12
- Leverage1:28
- Bone Anatomy1:43
- Spongy Bone2:02
- Compact Bone2:47
- Epiphysis / Diaphysis3:01
- Periosteum3:38
- Articular Cartilage3:59
- Lacunae4:23
- Canaliculi5:07
- Matrix5:53
- Osteons6:21
- Central Canal7:00
- Medullary Cavity7:21
- Bone Cell Types7:39
- Osteocytes7:44
- Osteoblasts8:12
- Osteoclasts8:18
- Bone Movement in Relation to Levers10:11
- Fulcrum10:26
- Resistance10:50
- Force11:01
- Factors Affecting Bone Growth11:24
- Nutrition11:28
- Hormones12:28
- Exercise13:19
- Bone Marrow13:58
- Red Marrow14:04
- Yellow Marrow14:46
- Bone Conditions / Disorders15:06
- Fractures15:09
- Osteopenia17:12
- Osteoporosis17:51
- Osteochondrodysplasia18:22
- Rickets18:43
35m 2s
- Intro0:00
- Axial Skeleton0:05
- Skull0:21
- Hyoid0:25
- Vertebral Column0:29
- Thoracic Cage0:32
- Skull0:35
- Cranium0:42
- Sphenoid0:58
- Ethmoid1:12
- Frontal Bone1:32
- Sinuses1:39
- Sutures2:50
- Parietal Bones3:29
- Sutures3:30
- Most Superior / Lateral Cranial Bones3:50
- Fontanelles4:17
- Temporal Bones5:00
- Zygomatic Process5:14
- External Auditory Meatus5:43
- Mastoid Process6:07
- Styloid Process6:28
- Mandibular Fossa7:04
- Carotid Canals7:50
- Occipital Bone8:12
- Foramen Magnum8:30
- Occipital Condyle9:03
- Jugular Foramina9:35
- Sphenoid Bone10:11
- Forms Part of the Inferior Portion of the Cranium10:39
- Connects Cranium to Facial Bones10:51
- Has a Pair of Sinuses11:06
- Sella Turcica11:26
- Optic Canals12:02
- Greater/ Lesser Wings12:19
- Superior View of Cranium Interior12:33
- Ethmoid Bone13:09
- Forms the Superior Portion of Nasal Cavity13:16
- Images Contain the Crista Galli, Nasal Conchae, Perpendicular Plate, and 2 Sinuses13:54
- Maxillae15:29
- Holds the Upper Teeth, Forms the Inferior Portion of the Orbit, and Make Up the Upper Jaw and Hard Palate15:50
- Palatine Bones16:17
- Nasal Cavity Bones16:55
- Nasal Bones17:07
- Vomer17:43
- Interior Nasal Conchae18:01
- Sagittal Cross Section Through the Skull19:03
- More Facial Bones19:45
- Zygomatic Bones19:57
- Lacrimal Bones20:12
- Mandible20:58
- Lower Jaw Bone20:59
- Mandibular Condyles21:05
- Hyoid Bone21:39
- Supports the Larynx21:47
- Does Not Articular with Any Other Bones22:02
- Vertebral Column22:45
- 26 Bones22:49
- There Are Cartilage Pads Called 'Intervertebral Discs' Between Each Vertebra23:00
- Vertebral Curvatures24:55
- Cervical25:00
- Thoracic25:02
- Lumbar25:05
- Atlas25:28
- Axis26:20
- Pelvic28:20
- Vertebral Column Side View28:33
- Sacrum/ Coccyx29:29
- Sacrum Has 5 Pieces30:20
- Coccyx Usually Has 4 Pieces30:43
- Thoracic Cage31:00
- 12 Pairs of Ribs31:05
- Sternum31:30
- Costal Cartilage33:22
13m 53s
- Intro0:00
- Pectoral Girdle0:05
- Clavicles0:25
- Scapulae1:06
- Arms2:47
- Humerus2:50
- Radius3:56
- Ulna4:11
- Carpals4:57
- Metacarpals5:48
- Phalanges6:09
- Pelvic Girdle7:51
- Coxal Bones / Coxae7:57
- Ilium8:09
- Ischium8:16
- Pubis8:21
- Male vs. Female9:24
- Legs10:05
- Femer10:11
- Patella11:14
- Tibia11:34
- Fibula11:52
- Tarsals12:24
- Metatarsals13:03
- Phalanges13:21
26m 37s
- Intro0:00
- Types of Joints0:06
- Synarthrosis0:16
- Amphiarthrosis0:44
- Synovial (Diarthrosis)0:54
- Kinds of Immovable Joints1:09
- Sutures1:15
- Gomphosis2:17
- Synchondrosis2:44
- Synostosis4:59
- Types of Amphiarthroses5:31
- Syndesmosis5:36
- Symphysis6:07
- Synovial Joint Anatomy6:49
- Articular Cartilage7:04
- Joint Capsule7:49
- Synovial Membrane8:27
- Bursae8:48
- Spongy / Compact Bone9:28
- Periosteum10:12
- Synovial Joint Movements10:34
- Flexion / Extension10:41
- Abduction / Adduction10:58
- Supination / Pronation11:58
- Depression / Elevation13:10
- Retraction / Protraction13:21
- Circumduction13:35
- Synovial Joint Types (By Movement)13:56
- Hinge14:04
- Pivot14:53
- Gliding15:15
- Ellipsoid15:57
- Saddle16:29
- Ball & Socket17:14
- Knee Joint17:49
- Typical Synovial Joint Parts18:03
- Menisci18:32
- ACL Anterior Cruciate19:50
- PCL Posterior Cruciate20:34
- Patellar Ligament20:56
- Joint Disorders / Conditions21:45
- Arthritis21:48
- Bunions23:26
- Bursitis24:33
- Dislocations25:23
- Hyperextension26:01
53m 7s
- Intro0:00
- Functions of Muscles0:06
- Movement0:09
- Maintaining Body Position1:11
- Support of Soft Tissues1:25
- Regulating Entrances / Exits1:56
- Maintaining Body Temperature2:33
- 3 Major Types of Muscle Cells (Fibers)2:58
- Skeletal (Striated)3:21
- Smooth4:11
- Cardiac4:54
- Skeletal Muscle Anatomy5:49
- Fascia6:24
- Epimysium6:47
- Fascicles7:21
- Perimysium7:38
- Muscle Fibers8:04
- Endomysium8:31
- Myofibrils8:49
- Sarcomeres9:20
- Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Images9:32
- Sarcomere Structure12:33
- Myosin12:40
- Actin12:45
- Z Line12:51
- A Band13:11
- I Band13:39
- M Line14:10
- Another Depiction of Sarcomere Structure14:34
- Sliding Filament Theory15:11
- Explains How Sarcomeres Contract15:14
- Tropomyosin15:24
- Troponin16:02
- Calcium Binds to Troponin, Causing It to Shift Tropomyosin17:31
- Image Examples18:35
- Myosin Heads Dock and Make a Power Stroke19:02
- Actin Filaments Are Pulled Together19:49
- Myosin Heads Let Go of Actin19:59
- They 'Re-Cock' Back into Position for Another Docking20:19
- Relaxation of Muscles21:11
- Ending Stimulation at the Neuromuscular Junction21:50
- Getting Calcium Ions Back Into the Sarcophasmic Reticulum23:59
- ATP Availability24:15
- Rigor Mortis24:45
- More on Muscles26:22
- Oxygen Debt26:24
- Lactic Acid28:29
- Creatine Phosphate28:55
- Fast vs. Slow Twitch Fibers29:57
- Muscle Names32:24
- 4 Characteristics: Function, Location, Size, Orientation32:27
- Examples32:36
- Major Muscles33:51
- Head33:52
- Torso38:05
- Arms40:47
- Legs42:01
- Muscular Disorders45:02
- Muscular Dystrophy45:08
- Carpel Tunnel45:56
- Hernia47:07
- Ischemia47:55
- Botulism48:22
- Polio48:46
- Tetanus49:06
- Rotator Buff Injury49:54
- Mitochondrial Diseases50:11
- Compartment Syndrome50:54
- Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva51:44
40m 7s
- Intro0:00
- Neuron Function0:06
- Basic Cell of the Nervous System0:07
- Sensory Reception0:31
- Motor Stimulation0:47
- Processing1:07
- Form = Function1:33
- Neuron Anatomy1:47
- Cell Body2:17
- Dendrites2:34
- Axon Hillock3:00
- Axon3:17
- Axolemma3:38
- Myelin Sheaths4:07
- Nodes of Ranvier5:08
- Axon Terminals5:31
- Synaptic Vesicles5:59
- Synapse7:08
- Neuron Varieties9:04
- Forms of Neurons Can Vary Greatly9:08
- Examples9:11
- Action Potentials10:57
- Electrical Changes Along a Neuron Membrane That Allow Signaling to Occur11:17
- Na+ / K+ Channels11:24
- Threshold12:39
- Like an 'Electric Wave'13:50
- A Neuron At Rest13:56
- Average Neuron at Rest Has a Potential of -70 mV14:00
- Lots of Na+ Outside15:44
- Lots of K+ Inside16:15
- Action Potential Steps16:37
- Threshold Reached17:58
- Depolarization18:29
- Repolarization19:38
- Hyperpolarization20:41
- Back to Resting Potential21:05
- Action Potential Depiction21:38
- Intracellular Space21:43
- Extracellular Space21:46
- Saltatory Conduction22:41
- Myelinated Neurons22:49
- Propagation is Key to Spreading Signal23:16
- Leads to the Axon Terminals24:07
- Synapses and Neurotransmitters24:59
- Definition of Synapse25:04
- Definition of Neurotransmitters12:13
- Example26:06
- Neurotransmitter Function Across a Synapse27:19
- Action Potential Depolarizes Synaptic Knob27:28
- Calcium Enters Synaptic Cleft to Trigger Vesicles to Fuse with Membrane27:47
- Ach Binds to Receptors on the Postsynaptic Membrane29:08
- Inevitable the Ach is Broken Down by Acetylcholinesterase30:20
- Inhibition vs. Excitation30:44
- Neurotransmitters Have an Inhibitory or Excitatory Effect31:03
- Sum of Two or More Neurotransmitters in an Area Dictates Result31:13
- Example31:18
- Neurotransmitter Examples34:18
- Norepinephrine34:25
- Dopamine34:52
- Serotonin37:34
- Endorphins38:00
1h 7m 43s
- Intro0:00
- The Brain0:07
- Part of the Central Nervous System1:06
- Contains Neurons and Neuroglia1:22
- Brain Development4:34
- Neural Tube4:39
- At 3 Weeks5:03
- At 6 Weeks6:21
- At Birth8:05
- Superficial Brain Structure10:08
- Grey vs. White Matter10:43
- Convolution11:29
- Gyrus12:26
- Lobe13:16
- Sulcus13:39
- Fissure14:09
- Cerebral Cortex14:31
- The Cerebrum14:57
- The 'Higher Brain'15:00
- Corpus Callosum15:53
- Divided Into Lobes16:16
- Frontal Lobe16:41
- Involved in Intelligent Thought, Planning, Sense of Consequence, and Rationalization16:50
- Prefrontal Cortex17:09
- Phineas Gage Example17:21
- Primary Motor Cortex19:05
- Broca's Area20:38
- Parietal Lobe21:34
- Primary Somatosensory Cortex21:50
- Wernicke Area24:06
- Imagination and Dreaming25:21
- Gives A Sense of Where Your Body Is in Space25:44
- Temporal Lobe26:18
- Auditory Cortex26:24
- Auditory Association Area27:00
- Olfactory Cortex27:35
- Hippocampi27:58
- Occipital Lobe28:39
- Visual Cortex28:42
- Visual Association Area28:51
- Corpus Callosum30:07
- Strip of White Matter That Connects the Hemispheres of the Cerebrum30:09
- Cutting This Will Help Minimize Harmful Seizures in Epileptics30:41
- Example31:34
- Limbic System33:22
- Establish Emotion, Link Higher and Lower Brain Functions, and Helps with Memory Storage33:32
- Amygdala33:40
- Cingulate Gyrus34:50
- Hippocampus35:57
- Located Within the Temporal Lobes36:21
- Allows Consolidation of Long Term memories36:33
- Patient 'H.M.'39:03
- Basal Nuclei42:30
- Coordination of Learned Movements42:34
- Inhibited by Dopamine43:14
- Olfactory Bulbs / Tracts43:36
- The Only Nerves That Go Directly Into the Cerebrum44:11
- Lie Just Inferior to Prefrontal Cortex of the Frontal Lobe44:31
- Ventricles44:41
- Cavities Deep Within the Cerebrum44:43
- Generate CSF45:47
- Importance of CSF46:17
- Diencephalon46:39
- Thalamus46:55
- Hypothalamus47:14
- Pineal Gland49:30
- Mesencephalon50:17
- Process Visual / Auditory Data50:38
- Reflexive Somatic Motor Responses Generated Here50:44
- Maintains Consciousness51:07
- Pons51:15
- Links Cerebellum With Other Parts of the Brain and Spinal Cord51:33
- Significant Role in Dreaming51:52
- Medulla Oblongata51:57
- Interior Part of Brain Stem52:02
- Contains the Cardiovascular, vasomotor, and Respiratory Centers52:16
- Reticular Formation53:17
- Numerous Nerves Ascend Into the Brain Through Here53:35
- Cerebellum54:02
- 'Little Brain' in Latin54:04
- Inferior to Occipital Lobe, Posterior to Pons / Medulla54:06
- Arbor Vitae54:29
- Coordinates Motor Function and Balance54:51
- Meninges55:39
- Membranes That Wrap Around the Superficial Portion of the Brain and Spinal Cord55:41
- Helps Insulate the Central Nervous System and Regulate Blood Flow55:55
- Brain Disorders / Conditions58:35
- Seizures58:39
- Concussions1:00:11
- Meningitis1:01:01
- Stroke1:01:42
- Hemorrhage1:02:44
- Aphasia1:03:08
- Dyslexia1:03:22
- Disconnection Syndrome1:04:11
- Hydrocephalus1:04:41
- Parkinson Disease1:05:17
- Alzheimer Disease1:05:50
32m 6s
- Intro0:00
- Nervous System Flowchart0:08
- Spinal Cord3:59
- Connect the Body to the Brain4:01
- Central Canal Contains CSF4:59
- Becomes the Cauda Equina5:17
- Motor vs. Sensory Tracts6:07
- Afferent vs. Efferent Neurons7:01
- Motor-Inter-Sensory8:11
- Dorsal Root vs. Ventral Root9:07
- Spinal Meninges9:21
- Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic10:28
- Fight or Flight10:51
- Rest and Digest13:01
- Reflexes15:07
- 'Reflex Arc'15:20
- Types of Reflexes17:00
- Nerve Anatomy19:49
- Epineurium20:19
- Fascicles20:27
- Perineurium20:51
- Neuron20:58
- Endoneurium21:06
- Nerve Examples21:43
- Vagus Nerve21:48
- Sciatic Nerve23:18
- Radial Nerve24:04
- Facial Nerves24:14
- Optic Nerves24:28
- Spinal Cord Medical Terms24:42
- Lumbar Puncture24:49
- Epidural Block25:57
- Spinal Cord/ Nerve Disorders and Conditions26:50
- Meningitis26:56
- Shingles27:12
- Cerebral / Nerve Palsy28:18
- Hypesthesia28:45
- Multiple Sclerosis29:46
- Paraplegia/ Quadriplegia30:48
58m 38s
- Intro0:00
- Accessory Structures of the Eye0:04
- Eyebrows0:15
- Eyelids1:22
- Eyelashes2:11
- Skeletal Muscles3:33
- Conjunctiva3:56
- Lacrimal Glands4:50
- Orbital Fat6:45
- Outer (Fibrous) Tunic7:24
- Sclera8:01
- Cornea8:46
- Middle (Vascular) Tunic10:27
- Choroid10:37
- Iris12:25
- Pupil14:54
- Lens15:18
- Ciliary Bodies16:51
- Suspensory Ligaments17:45
- Vitreous Humor18:13
- Inner (Neural)Tunic19:31
- Retina19:40
- Photoreceptors20:38
- Macula21:32
- Optic Disc22:48
- Blind Spot Demonstration23:34
- Lens Function25:28
- Concave25:48
- Convex26:58
- Clear Image28:11
- Accommodation Problems28:31
- Emmetropia28:32
- Myopia30:46
- Hyperopia32:00
- Photoreceptor Structure34:15
- Rods34:32
- Cones35:06
- Bipolar Cells37:32
- Inner Segment38:28
- Outer Segment38:43
- Pigment Epithelium41:11
- Visual Pathways to the Occipital Lobe41:58
- Stereoscopic Vision42:02
- Optic Nerves43:32
- Optic Chiasm44:25
- Optic Tract46:28
- Occipital Lobe46:58
- Vision Disorders / Conditions48:03
- Myopia / Hyperopia48:10
- Cataracts49:11
- Glaucoma50:22
- Astigmatism52:14
- Color Blindness53:12
- Night Blindness54:51
- Scotomas55:19
- Retinitis Pigmentosa55:46
- Detached Retina56:06
36m 57s
- Intro0:00
- External Ear0:04
- Auricle0:22
- External Acoustic Meatus1:49
- Hair2:32
- Ceruminous Glands3:04
- Tympanic Membrane3:53
- Middle Ear5:31
- Tympanic Cavity5:47
- Auditory Tube5:50
- Auditory Ossicles7:52
- Tympanic Muscles9:19
- Auditory Ossicles12:02
- Inner Ear13:06
- Cochlea13:23
- Vestibule13:30
- Semicircular Canals13:36
- Cochlea13:57
- Organ of Corti14:44
- Vestibular Duct15:03
- Cochlear Duct15:11
- Tympanic Duct15:20
- Basilar Membrane16:30
- Tectorial Membrane17:02
- Hair Cells17:17
- Nerve Fibers20:54
- How Sounds Are Heard21:30
- Sound Waves Hit the Tympanum22:10
- Auditory Ossicles are Vibrated22:23
- Stapes Vibrates Oval Window22:31
- Basilar Membrane is Vibrated in Turn22:35
- Hair Cells are Moved with Respect to Tectorial Membrane22:46
- Cochlear Nerve Fibers Take Signals to Temporal Lobes23:24
- Frequency and Decibels23:30
- Frequency Deals with Pitch23:36
- Decibels Deal with Loudness25:30
- Vestibule27:54
- Contains the Utricle and Saccule28:22
- Maculae29:29
- Semicircular Canals31:05
- 3 Semicircular Canals = 3 Dimensions31:12
- Movement Gives a Sense of How Your Head is Rotating in 3 Dimensions31:28
- Each Contains an Ampulla31:49
- Hearing Conditions / Disorders33:20
- Conductive Deafness33:24
- Tinnitus34:05
- Otitis Media34:51
- Motion Sickness35:19
- Ear Infections36:31
36m 41s
- Intro0:00
- Nasal Anatomy0:05
- The Nose0:11
- Nasal Cavity0:58
- Olfaction3:27
- Sense of Smell3:28
- Olfactory Epithelium4:58
- Olfactory Receptors7:23
- Respond to Odorant Molecules7:24
- Lots of Turnover of Olfactory Receptor Cells8:25
- Smells Noticed in Small Concentrations9:07
- Anatomy of Taste12:41
- Tongue12:45
- Pharynx / Larynx14:11
- Salivary Glands14:31
- Papilla Structure16:56
- Gustatory Cells17:39
- Taste Hairs18:04
- Transitional Cells18:28
- Basal Cells18:33
- Nerve Fibers18:48
- Taste Sensations19:06
- Sweet19:49
- Salty20:16
- Bitter20:28
- Sour20:46
- Umami20:31
- Water22:07
- PTC23:11
- Touch25:00
- Nociceptors25:08
- Mechanoreceptors25:14
- Nociceptors26:30
- Sensitive To…26:41
- Fast vs. Slow Pain28:12
- Mechanoreceptors31:15
- Tactile Receptors31:21
- Baroreceptors35:20
- Proprioceptors36:07
45m 20s
- Intro0:00
- Heart Anatomy0:04
- Pericardium0:11
- Epicardium1:09
- Myocardium1:24
- Endocardium1:49
- Atria and Ventricles2:18
- Coronary Arteries3:25
- Arteries / Veins4:14
- Fat4:31
- Sequence of Blood Flow #15:06
- Vena Cava5:24
- Right Atrium6:18
- Tricuspid Valve6:26
- Right Ventricle6:49
- Pulmonary Valve7:14
- Pulmonary Arteries7:35
- Sequence of Blood Flow #28:22
- Lungs8:24
- Pulmonary Veins8:26
- Left Atrium8:36
- Left Ventricle9:00
- Bicuspid Valve9:08
- Aortic Valve10:15
- Aorta10:23
- Body11:20
- Simplified Blood Flow Diagram11:44
- Heart Beats and Valves16:09
- 'Lubb-Dubb'16:19
- Atrioventricular (AV) Valves16:47
- Semilunar Valves17:04
- Systole and Diastole19:09
- Systole19:14
- Diastole19:23
- Valves Respond to Pressure Changes20:29
- Cardiac Output21:36
- Cardiac Cycle22:59
- Cardiac Conduction System24:52
- Sinoatrial (SA) Node25:44
- Atrioventricular (AV) Node27:12
- Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)28:46
- P Wave29:10
- QRS Complex30:14
- T Wave31:23
- Arrhythmias32:14
- Heart Conditions / Treatments35:12
- Myocardial Infarction (MI)35:14
- Angina Pectoris36:23
- Pericarditis38:07
- Coronary Artery Disease38:26
- Angioplasty38:47
- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft39:53
- Tachycardia / Bradycardia40:51
- Fibrillation41:54
- Heart Murmur43:22
- Mitral Valve Prolapse44:53
39m 58s
- Intro0:00
- Types of Blood Vessels0:05
- Arteries0:09
- Arterioles0:19
- Capillaries0:38
- Venules0:55
- Veins1:16
- Vessel Structure1:21
- Tunica Externa1:39
- Tunica Media2:29
- Tunica Interna3:18
- Differences Between Arteries and Veins4:22
- Artery Walls are Thicker4:34
- Veins Have Valves6:07
- From Artery to Capillary6:38
- From Capillary to Vein9:39
- Capillary Bed11:11
- Between Arterioles and Venules11:23
- Precapillary Sphincters11:30
- Distribution of Blood12:17
- Systematic Venous System12:36
- Systematic Arterial System13:23
- Pulmonary Circuit13:36
- Heart13:46
- Systematic Capillaries13:53
- Blood Pressure14:35
- Cardiac Output15:07
- Peripheral Resistance15:24
- Systolic / Diastolic16:37
- Return of Blood Through Veins20:37
- Valves21:00
- Skeletal Muscle Contractions21:30
- Regulation of Blood Vessels22:50
- Baroreceptor Reflexes22:57
- Antidiuretic Hormone23:31
- Angiotensin II24:40
- Erythropoietin24:57
- Arteries / Vein Examples26:54
- Aorta26:59
- Carotid27:13
- Brachial27:23
- Femoral27:27
- Vena Cava27:38
- Jugular27:48
- Brachial28:04
- Femoral28:09
- Hepatic Veins29:03
- Pulse Sounds29:19
- Carotid29:27
- Radial29:53
- Femoral30:39
- Popliteal30:47
- Temporal30:52
- Dorsalis Pedis31:10
- Blood Vessel Conditions / Disorders31:29
- Hyper / Hypotension31:33
- Arteriosclerosis33:05
- Atherosclerosis33:35
- Edema33:58
- Aneurysm33:34
- Hemorrhage35:38
- Thrombus35:50
- Pulmonary Embolism36:44
- Varicose Veins36:54
- Hemorrhoids37:46
- Angiogenesis39:06
41m 25s
- Intro0:00
- Blood Functions0:04
- Transport Nutrients, Gases, Wastes, Hormones0:09
- Regulate pH0:30
- Restrict Fluid Loss During Injury1:02
- Defend Against Pathogens and Toxins1:12
- Regulate Body Temperature1:21
- Blood Components1:59
- Erythrocytes2:34
- Thrombocytes2:50
- Leukocytes3:07
- Plasma3:17
- Blood Cell Formation6:55
- Red Blood Cells8:16
- Shaped Like Biconcave Discs8:25
- Enucleated9:08
- Hemoglobin is the Main Protein at Work10:03
- Oxyhemoglobin vs. Deoxyhemoglobin10:32
- Breakdown and Renewal of RBCs12:03
- RBCs are Engulfed and Rupture12:15
- Hemoglobin is Broken Down12:23
- Erythropoiesis Makes New RBCs14:38
- Blood Transfusions #115:02
- A Blood15:29
- B Blood17:28
- AB Blood19:27
- O Blood20:53
- Rh Factor21:54
- Blood Transfusions #224:31
- White Blood Cells25:33
- Can Migrate Out of Blood Stream25:46
- Amoeboid Movement26:06
- Most Do Phagocytosis26:57
- Granulocytes27:25
- Neutrophils27:44
- Eosinophils28:11
- Basophils29:20
- Agranulocytes29:37
- Monocytes29:49
- Lymphocytes30:30
- Platelets32:42
- Release Chemicals to Help Clots Occur33:04
- Temporary Patch on Walls of Damaged Vessels33:11
- Contraction to Reduce Clot Size33:22
- Hemostasis33:40
- Vascular Phase33:53
- Platelet Phase34:30
- Coagulation Phase35:15
- Fibrinolysis36:12
- Blood Conditions / Disorders36:29
- Hemorrhage36:41
- Thrombus36:48
- Embolism36:59
- Anemia37:14
- Sickle Cell Disease38:04
- Hemophilia39:19
- Leukemia40:47
1h 2m 59s
- Intro0:00
- Functions of the Respiratory System0:05
- Moves Air In and Out of Body0:37
- Protects the Body from Dehydration0:50
- Produce Sounds2:00
- Upper Respiratory Tract #12:15
- External Nares2:34
- Vestibule2:42
- Nasal Septum3:02
- Nasal Conchae4:06
- Upper Respiratory Tract #24:43
- Nasal Mucosa4:53
- Pharynx6:01
- Larynx8:34
- Epiglottis8:48
- Glottis9:03
- Cartilage9:27
- Hyoid Bone12:09
- Ligaments13:04
- Vocal Cords13:15
- Sound Production13:41
- Air Passing Through the Glottis Vibrates the Vocal Folds13:43
- Males Have Longer Cords15:32
- Speech =Phonation + Articulation15:41
- Trachea16:42
- 'Windpipe'17:42
- Respiratory Epithelium18:45
- Bronchi and Bronchioles20:56
- Primary - Secondary - Tertiary21:41
- Smooth Muscles22:29
- Bronchioles22:46
- Bronchodilation vs. Bronchoconstriction23:42
- Alveoli24:30
- Air Sacks Within the Lungs24:39
- Alveolar Bundle is Surrounded by a Capillary Network27:24
- Surfactant28:47
- Lungs30:40
- Lobes30:48
- Right Lung is Broader; Left Lung is Longer31:35
- Spongy Appearance32:11
- Surrounded by Membrane32:28
- Pleura32:52
- Parietal Pleura32:59
- Visceral Pleura33:38
- Breathing Mechanism35:27
- Diaphragm35:32
- Intercostal Muscles38:21
- Diaphragmatic vs. Costal Breathing39:10
- Forced Breathing39:44
- Respiratory Volumes41:33
- Partial Pressures of Gases46:02
- Major Atmospheric Gases46:14
- Diffusion47:00
- Oxygen Moves Out of Alveoli and Carbon Dioxide Moves In48:37
- Respiratory Conditions / Disorders51:21
- Asthma51:25
- Emphysema52:57
- Lung Cancer53:45
- Laryngitis / Bronchitis54:25
- Cystic Fibrosis55:38
- Decompression Sickness56:29
- Tuberculosis57:31
- SIDS59:10
- Pneumonia1:00:00
- Pneumothorax1:01:07
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning1:01:21
59m 28s
- Intro0:00
- Functions of the Digestive System0:05
- Ingestion0:09
- Mechanical Breakdown0:15
- Digestion0:33
- Secretion0:59
- Absorption1:22
- Excretion1:33
- Alimentary Canal (GI Tract)1:38
- Mouth2:13
- Pharynx2:18
- Esophagus2:20
- Stomach2:29
- Small Intestine2:33
- Large Intestine2:41
- Rectum2:49
- Anus2:51
- Oral Cavity (Mouth)2:53
- Salivary Glands2:58
- Saliva3:59
- Tongue5:04
- Teeth5:28
- Hard Palate / Soft Palate5:42
- Teeth6:19
- Deciduous Teeth9:27
- Adult Teeth9:56
- Incisors10:14
- Cuspids10:42
- Bicuspids11:07
- Molars11:27
- Swallowing14:06
- Tongue14:19
- Pharyngeal Muscles14:57
- Soft Palate15:05
- Epiglottis15:23
- Esophagus16:41
- Moves Food Into the Stomach Through 'Peristalsis'16:54
- Mucosa18:28
- Submucosa18:30
- Muscular Layers18:54
- Stomach #119:58
- Food Storage, Mechanical / Chemical Breakdown, and Emptying of Chyme20:42
- 4 Layers: Mucosa, Submuscoa, Muscular Layers, Serosa21:27
- 4 Regions: Cardia, Fundus, Body, Pylorus22:51
- Stomach #224:43
- Rugae25:20
- Gastric Pits25:54
- Gastric Glands26:04
- Gastric Juice26:24
- Gastrin, Ghrelin28:18
- Small Intestine29:07
- Digestion and Absorption29:09
- Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum29:46
- Peristalsis29:57
- Intestinal Villi30:22
- Vermiform Appendix32:53
- Vestigial Structure!33:40
- Appendicitis / Appendectomy35:40
- Large Intestine36:04
- Reabsorption of Water and Formation of Solid Feces36:20
- Ascending Colon37:10
- Transverse Colon37:16
- Descending Colon37:22
- Sigmoid Colon37:36
- Rectum and Anus37:48
- Rectum37:51
- Anus38:38
- Hemorrhoids39:24
- Accessory Organs41:13
- Liver41:26
- Gall Bladder41:28
- Pancreas41:30
- Liver41:40
- Metabolism43:21
- Glycogen Storage43:34
- Waste Product Removal44:42
- Bile Production44:50
- Vitamin Storage45:04
- Breakdown of Drugs45:25
- Phagocytosis, Antigen Presentation46:24
- Synthesis of Plasma Proteins47:05
- Removal of Hormones47:19
- Removal of Antibodies47:31
- Removal of RBCs48:07
- Removal / Storage of Toxins48:21
- Gall Bladder48:50
- Stores Bile Made by Liver48:53
- Common Hepatic Duct49:24
- Common Bile Duct Connects to the Duodenum49:31
- Pancreas51:28
- Pinkish-Gray Organ51:45
- Produces Digestive Enzymes and Buffers52:05
- Digestive Conditions / Disorders52:50
- Gastritis52:54
- Ulcers53:03
- Gallstones54:09
- Cholera54:51
- Hepatitis55:14
- Jaundice55:31
- Cirrhosis56:34
- Constipation56:52
- Diarrhea57:23
- Lactose Intolerance57:37
- Gingivitis58:24
1h 17m 2s
- Intro0:00
- Metabolism Basics0:06
- Metabolism0:10
- Catabolism0:58
- Anabolism1:12
- Nutrients2:45
- Carbohydrates2:57
- Lipids3:01
- Proteins3:04
- Nucleic Acids3:23
- Vitamins3:54
- Minerals4:32
- Carbohydrate Structure5:13
- Basic Sugar Structure5:42
- Monosaccharides7:48
- Disaccharides7:54
- Glycosidic Linkages8:07
- Polysaccharides9:17
- Dehydration Synthesis vs. Hydrolysis10:27
- Water Soluble10:55
- Energy Source11:18
- Aerobic Respiration11:39
- Glycolysis13:25
- Krebs Cycle13:34
- Oxidative Phosphorylation13:44
- ATP Structure and Function14:08
- Adenosine Triphosphate14:11
- ATP is Broken Down Into ADP + P16:26
- ADP + P are Put Together to Make ATP16:39
- Glycolysis17:18
- Breakdown of Sugar Into Pyruvate17:42
- Occurs in the Cytoplasm17:55
- Phase I18:13
- Phase II19:01
- Phase III20:27
- Krebs Cycle21:54
- Citric Acid Cycle21:57
- Pyruvates Modify Into 'acetyl-CoA'22:23
- Oxidative Phosphorylation29:36
- Anaerobic Respiration34:33
- Lactic Acid Fermentation34:52
- Produces Only the ATP From Glycolysis36:05
- Gluconeogenesis37:36
- Glycogenesis39:16
- Glycogenolysis39:27
- Lipid Structure and Function39:58
- Fats40:00
- Non-Polar41:42
- Energy Source, Insulation, Hormone Synthesis42:02
- Saturated vs. Unsaturated Fats43:18
- Saturated Fats43:22
- Unsaturated Fats44:30
- Lipid Catabolism46:11
- Lipolysis46:17
- Beta-Oxidation46:56
- Lipid Synthesis48:17
- Lipogenesis48:21
- Lipoproteins48:51
- Protein Structure and Function51:48
- Made of Amino Acids51:59
- Water-Soluble52:23
- Support53:03
- Movement53:23
- Transport53:34
- Buffering53:49
- Enzymatic Action54:01
- Hormone Synthesis54:13
- Defense54:24
- Amino Acids54:56
- 20 Different 'R Groups'54:59
- Essential Amino Acids55:19
- Protein Structure56:54
- Primary Structure56:59
- Secondary Structure57:29
- Tertiary Structure58:28
- Quaternary Structure59:20
- Vitamins59:40
- Fat-Soluble1:01:46
- Water-Soluble1:02:15
- Minerals1:04:01
- Functions1:04:14
- Examples1:04:51
- Balanced Diet1:05:39
- Grains1:05:52
- Vegetables and Fruits1:06:00
- Dairy1:06:36
- Meat/ Beans1:06:54
- Oils1:07:52
- Nutrition Facts1:08:44
- Serving Size1:08:55
- Calories1:09:50
- Fat-Soluble1:10:45
- Cholesterol1:13:04
- Sodium1:13:58
- Carbohydrates1:14:26
- Protein1:16:01
44m 37s
- Intro0:00
- Hormone Basics0:05
- Hormones0:38
- Classes of Hormones2:22
- Negative vs. Positive Feedback3:22
- Negative Feedback3:25
- Positive Feedback5:16
- Hypothalamus6:20
- Secretes Regulatory Hormones7:18
- Produces ADH and Oxycotin7:44
- Controls Endocrine Action of Adrenal Glands7:57
- Anterior Pituitary Gland8:27
- Prolactin9:16
- Corticotropin9:39
- Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone9:47
- Gonadotropins9:52
- Growth Hormone11:04
- Posterior Pituitary Gland12:29
- Antidiuretic Hormone12:38
- Oxytocin13:37
- Thyroid Gland Anatomy15:16
- Two Lobes United by an Isthmus15:44
- Contains Follicles16:04
- Thyroid Gland Physiology16:50
- Thyroxine17:04
- Triiodothyroine17:36
- Parathyroid Anatomy / Physiology18:52
- Secrete Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)19:13
- Adrenal Gland Anatomy20:09
- Contains Cortex and Medulla21:00
- Adrenal Cortex Physiology21:40
- Aldosterone22:12
- Glucocorticoids22:35
- Androgens23:18
- Adrenal Medulla Physiology23:53
- Epinephrine24:06
- Norepinephrine24:12
- Fight or Flight24:22
- Contribute to…24:32
- Kidney Hormones26:11
- Calcitriol26:20
- Erythropoietin27:00
- Renin27:45
- Pancreas Anatomy28:18
- Exocrine Pancreas29:07
- Endocrine Pancreas29:22
- Pancreas Physiology29:50
- Glucagon29:57
- Insulin30:54
- Somatostatin31:50
- Pineal Gland Anatomy / Physiology32:10
- Contains Pinealocytes32:33
- Produces Melatonin32:59
- Thymus Anatomy / Physiology34:17
- Max Size Before Puberty34:49
- Secrete Thymosins35:18
- Gonad Hormones35:45
- Testes35:51
- Ovaries36:20
- Endocrine Conditions / Disorders37:28
- Diabetes Type I and II37:32
- Diabetes Type Insipidus39:25
- Hyper / Hypoglycemia40:01
- Addison Disease40:28
- Hyper / Hypothyroidism41:00
- Cretinism41:30
- Goiter41:59
- Pituitary Gigantism / Dwarfism42:39
- IDD Iodized Salt43:30
35m 8s
- Intro0:00
- Functions of the Urinary System0:05
- Removes Metabolic Waste0:14
- Regulates Blood Volume and Blood Pressure0:31
- Regulates Plasma Concentrations0:49
- Stabilize Blood pH1:04
- Conserves Nutrients1:42
- Organs / Tissues of the Urinary System1:51
- Kidneys1:58
- Ureters2:17
- Urinary Bladder2:25
- Urethra2:34
- Kidney Anatomy2:47
- Renal Cortex4:21
- Renal Medulla4:41
- Renal Pyramid5:00
- Major / Minor Calyx5:36
- Renal Pelvis6:07
- Hilum6:18
- Blood Flow to Kidneys6:41
- Receive Through Renal Arteries7:11
- Leaves Through Renal Veins9:08
- Regulated by Renal Nerves9:21
- Nephrons9:27
- Glomerulus10:21
- Bowman's Capsule10:42
- Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)11:31
- Loop of Henle11:42
- Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)12:01
- Glomerular Filtration12:40
- Glomerular Capillaries are Fenestrated12:47
- Blood Pressure Forces Water Into the Capsular Space13:47
- Important Nutrients13:57
- Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)14:25
- Lining is Simple Cubodial Epithelium with Microvilli14:47
- Reabsorption of Nutrients, Ions, Water and Plasma15:26
- Loop of Henle16:28
- Pumps Out Sodium and Chloride Ions17:09
- Concentrate Tubular Fluid17:20
- Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)17:28
- Differs From the PCT17:39
- Three Basic Processes17:59
- Collecting System18:35
- Final Filtration, Secretion, and Reabsorption18:52
- Concentrated Urine Passes through the Collecting Duct19:04
- Fluid Empties Into Minor Calyx19:20
- Major Calyx Leads to Renal Pelvis19:26
- Summary of Urine Formation19:35
- Filtration19:40
- Reabsorption20:04
- Secretion20:35
- Urine21:15
- Urea21:31
- Creatinine21:55
- Uric Acid22:09
- Urobilin22:23
- It's Sterile!23:43
- Ureters24:55
- Connects Kidneys to Urinary Bladder25:00
- Three Tissue Layers25:17
- Peristalsis25:38
- Urinary Bladder26:08
- Temporary Reservoir for Urine26:12
- Rugae26:44
- Trigone26:59
- Internal Urethral Sphincter27:10
- Urethra27:48
- Longer in Males than Females28:00
- External Urethral Sphincter28:46
- Micturition29:14
- Urinary Conditions / Disorders29:47
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)29:50
- Kidney Stones (Renal Calculi)30:26
- Kidney Dialysis31:47
- Glomerulonephritis33:29
- Incontinence34:25
44m 23s
- Intro0:00
- Lymphatic Functions0:05
- Production, Maintenance, and Distribution of Lymphocytes0:08
- Lymphoid System / Immune System1:26
- Lymph Network1:34
- Lymph1:40
- Lymphatic Vessels2:26
- Lymph Nodes2:37
- Lymphoid Organs2:54
- Lymphocytes3:11
- Nonspecific Defenses3:25
- Specific Defenses3:47
- Lymphatic Vessels4:06
- Larger Lymphatic Vessels4:40
- Lymphatic Capillaries5:17
- Differ From Blood Capillaries5:47
- Lymph Nodes6:51
- Concentrated in Neck, Armpits, and Groin7:05
- Functions Like a Kitchen Water Filter7:52
- Thymus8:58
- Contains Lobules with a Cortex and Medulla9:18
- Promote Maturation of Lymphocytes10:36
- Spleen10:43
- Pulp12:04
- Red Pulp12:19
- White Pulp12:25
- Nonspecific Defenses13:00
- Physical Barriers13:18
- Phagocyte Cells14:17
- Immunological Surveillance14:55
- Interferons16:05
- Inflammation16:37
- Fever17:07
- Specific Defenses18:16
- Immunity18:31
- Innate Immunity18:41
- Acquired Immunity19:04
- T Cells23:58
- Cytotoxic T Cells24:14
- Helper T Cells24:52
- Suppressor T Cells25:09
- Activate T Cells25:40
- Major Histocompatibility Complex Proteins (MHC)26:37
- Antigen Presentation27:58
- B Cells29:44
- Responsible for Antibody-Mediated Immunity29:50
- Memory B Cells30:44
- Antibody Structure32:46
- Five Types of Constant Segments33:45
- Primary vs. Secondary Response34:51
- Immune Conditions / Disorders35:35
- Allergy35:38
- Anaphylactic Shock37:17
- Autoimmune Disease38:34
- HIV / AIDS39:06
- Cancer40:51
- Lymphomas42:02
- Lymphedema42:21
- Graft Rejection42:48
- Tonsillitis43:23
47m 19s
- Intro0:00
- External Genitalia0:05
- Mons Pubis0:12
- Vulva0:29
- Vagina0:51
- Clitoris1:23
- Prepuce2:10
- Labia Minora2:29
- Labia Majora2:35
- Urethra3:09
- Vestibular Glands3:30
- Internal Reproductive Organs3:47
- Vagina3:51
- Uterus3:57
- Fallopian Tubes4:13
- Ovaries4:19
- Vagina4:28
- Passageway for Elimination of Menstrual Fluids5:13
- Receives Penis During Sexual Intercourse5:31
- Forms the Inferior Portion of the Birth Canal5:34
- Hymen5:42
- Uterus7:21
- Provides Protection, Nutritional Support, and Waste Removal for Embryo7:25
- Anteflexion8:30
- Anchored by Ligaments9:18
- Uterine Regions9:57
- Perimetrium10:56
- Myometrium11:19
- Endometrium11:44
- Fallopian Tubes13:03
- Oviducts / Uterine Tubes13:04
- Infundibulum13:49
- Ampulla15:07
- Isthmus15:12
- Peristalsis15:21
- Ovaries16:06
- Produce Female Gametes16:37
- Secrete Sex Hormones16:47
- Ligaments, Artery / Vein17:18
- Mesovarium17:45
- Oogenesis Explanation17:59
- Ovum Production18:08
- Oogonia Undergo Mitosis18:44
- Oogenesis Picture22:22
- Ovarian / Menstrual Cycle25:48
- Menstruation33:05
- Thickened Endometrial Lining Sheds33:08
- 1-7 Days33:37
- Ovarian Cycle33:48
- Formation of Primary Follicles34:20
- Formation of Secondary Follicles34:28
- Formation of Tertiary Follicles34:30
- Ovulation34:37
- Formation / Degeneration of Corpus Luteum34:52
- Menarche and Menopause35:28
- Menarche35:30
- Menopause36:24
- Mammaries38:16
- Breast Tissue38:18
- Mammary Gland39:19
- Female Reproductive Conditions / Disorders41:32
- Amenorrhea41:35
- Dysmenorrhea42:29
- Endometriosis42:40
- STDs43:11
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)43:37
- Premature Menopause43:55
- Ovarian, Cervical, Breast Cancers44:20
- Hysterectomy45:37
- Tubal Ligation46:12
36m 35s
- Intro0:00
- External Genitalia0:06
- Penis0:09
- Corpora Cavernosa3:10
- Corpus Spongiosum3:57
- Scrotum4:15
- Testes4:21
- Gubernaculum Testis4:54
- Contracts in Male Babies5:34
- Cryptorchidism5:50
- Inside the Scrotal Sac7:01
- Scrotum7:08
- Cremaster Muscle7:54
- Epididymis8:43
- Testis Anatomy9:50
- Lobules10:03
- Septa11:35
- Efferent Ductule11:39
- Epididymis11:50
- Vas Deferens11:53
- Spermatogenesis12:02
- Mitosis12:14
- Meiosis12:37
- Spermiogenesis12:48
- Sperm Anatomy15:14
- Head15:19
- Centrioles17:01
- Mitochondria17:37
- Flagellum18:29
- The Path of Sperm18:50
- Testis18:58
- Epididymis19:05
- Vas Deferens19:16
- Accessory Glands19:57
- Urethra21:33
- Vas Deferens21:45
- Takes Sperm from Epididymides to the Ejaculatory Duct21:53
- Peristalsis22:35
- Seminal Vesicles23:45
- Fructose24:25
- Prostaglandins24:51
- Fibrinogen25:13
- Alkaline Secretions25:45
- Prostate Gland26:12
- Secretes Fluid and Smooth Muscles26:49
- Produces Prostatic Fluid27:02
- Bulbo-Urethral Gland27:43
- Cowper Glands27:48
- Secretes a Thick, Alkaline Mucus28:13
- Semen28:45
- Typical Ejaculation Releases 2-5mL28:48
- Contains Spermatozoa, Seminal Fluid, Enzymes28:58
- Male Reproductive Conditions / Disorders29:59
- Impotence30:02
- Low Sperm Count30:24
- Erectile Dysfunction31:36
- Priapism32:11
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy32:58
- Prostatectomy33:39
- Prostate Cancer33:59
- STDs34:30
- Orchiectomy34:47
- Vasectomy35:10
49m 15s
- Intro0:00
- Development Overview0:05
- Fertilization0:13
- Embryological Development0:23
- Fetal Development1:14
- Postnatal Development1:25
- Maturity1:36
- Fertilization Overview1:39
- 23 Chromosomes2:23
- Occurs a Day After Ovulation3:44
- Forms a Zygote4:16
- Oocyte Activation4:33
- Block of Polyspermy4:51
- Completion of Meiosis II6:05
- Activation of Enzymes That Increase Metabolism6:26
- Only Nucleus of Sperm Moves Into Oocyte Center7:04
- Cleavage8:14
- Day 08:25
- Day 18:35
- Day 29:10
- Day 39:12
- Day 49:21
- Day 69:29
- Implantation11:03
- Day 811:10
- Initial Implantation11:15
- Lacunae11:27
- Fingerlike Villi11:38
- Gastrulation12:39
- Day 1212:48
- Ectoderm14:06
- Mesoderm14:17
- Endoderm14:44
- Extraembryonic Membranes16:17
- Yolk Sac16:28
- Amnion17:28
- Allantois18:05
- Chorion18:27
- Placenta19:28
- Week 519:50
- Decidua Basalis20:08
- Cavity21:20
- Umbilical Cord22:20
- Week 4 Embryo23:01
- Forebrain23:35
- Eye23:46
- Heart23:54
- Pharyngeal Arches24:02
- Arm and Leg Buds24:53
- Tail25:56
- Week 8 Embryo26:33
- Week 12 Fetus27:36
- Ultrasound28:26
- Image of the Fetus28:28
- Sex Can Be Detected28:54
- Week 40 Fetus29:46
- Labor31:10
- False Labor31:16
- True Labor31:38
- Dilation32:02
- Expulsion33:21
- Delivery33:49
- Delivery Problems33:57
- Episiotomy34:02
- Breech Birth34:39
- Caesarian Section35:41
- Premature Delivery36:12
- Conjoined Twins37:34
- Embryological Conditions / Disorders40:00
- Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia40:07
- Miscarriage41:04
- Induced Abortions41:37
- Ectopic Pregnancy41:47
- In Vitro Fertilization43:03
- Amniocentesis44:01
- Birth Defects45:15
27m 47s
- Intro0:00
- Ethanol0:06
- Made from Alcohol Fermentation0:20
- Human Liver Can Break Down Ethyl Alcohol1:40
- Other Alcohols3:06
- Ethanol Metabolism3:33
- Alcohol Dehydrogenase Converts Ethanol to Acetaldehyde3:38
- Acetaldehyde is Converted to Acetate4:01
- Factors Affecting the Pace4:24
- Sex and Sex Hormones4:33
- Body Mass5:30
- Medications5:59
- Types of Alcoholic Beverages6:07
- Hard Alcohol6:14
- Wine6:51
- Beer6:56
- Mixed Drinks8:17
- Alcohol's Immediate Effects8:55
- Depressant9:12
- Blood Alcohol Concentration9:31
- 100 mg/ dL = 0.1%10:19
- 0.0510:48
- 0.111:29
- 0.211:56
- 0.312:52
- Alcohol's Effects on Organs13:45
- Brain13:59
- Heart14:09
- Stomach14:20
- Liver14:31
- Reproductive System14:37
- Misconceptions on Alcohol Intoxication14:54
- Cannot Speed Up the Liver's Breakdown of Alcohol14:57
- Passing Out16:27
- Binge Drinking17:50
- Hangovers18:40
- Alcohol Tolerance18:51
- Acetaldehyde19:10
- Dehydration19:40
- Congeners20:34
- Ethanol is Still in Bloodstream21:26
- Alarming Statistics22:26
- Alcoholism Affects 10+ Million People in U.S. Alone22:33
- Society's Most Expensive Health Problem22:40
- Affects All Physiological Tissues22:15
- Women Drinking While Pregnant23:57
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)24:06
- Genetics24:26
- Health Problems Related to Alcohol24:57
- Alcohol Abuse25:01
- Alcohol Poisoning25:20
- Alcoholism26:14
- Fatty Liver26:46
- Cirrhosis27:13
For more information, please see full course syllabus of Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy & Physiology Hearing
The outer part of the ear is called the auricle and contains mostly fat and cartilage. The hole going into the ear is called the external acoustic meatus and extends into the eardrum (tympanic membrane). The middle ear or tympanic cavity contains the auditory ossicles (bones) and tympanic muscles and extends to the inner ear, containing the cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canals (control equilibrium). The cochlea is spiral-shaped and contains an oval window, round window, organ of corti, vestibular duct, cochlear duct, tympanic duct, basilar membrane, tectorial membrane, hair cells, and nerve fibers. The vestibule contains the utricle and saccule which contain maculae, crystals that help verify the position of the head. This lecture also explains how soundwaves travel through the ear as well as different diseases and conditions.
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1 answer
Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:41 AM
Post by Maryam Fayyazi on November 29, 2018
is the tympanic and the tectorial membrane the same thing?
1 answer
Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:03 PM
Post by Melika Shayegh on November 17, 2013
I was wondering if otoconia is the same thing as otoliths
thank you