Section 1: Classical Thermodynamics Preliminaries
0:00Course Overview
0:16Thermodynamics & Classical Thermodynamics
0:17Structure of the Course
The Ideal Gas Law
3:06Ideal Gas Law: PV=nRT
3:07Units of Pressure
4:51Manipulating Units
5:52Atmosphere : atm
8:15Millimeter of Mercury: mm Hg
8:48SI Unit of Volume
9:32SI Unit of Temperature
10:32Value of R (Gas Constant): Pv = nRT
Extensive and Intensive Variables (Properties)
15:23Intensive Property
15:52Extensive Property
16:30Example: Extensive and Intensive Variables
Ideal Gas Law
19:24Ideal Gas Law with Intensive Variables
Graphing Equations
23:51Hold T Constant & Graph P vs. V
23:52Hold P Constant & Graph V vs. T
31:08Hold V Constant & Graph P vs. T
34:38Isochores or Isometrics
37:08More on the V vs. T Graph
39:46More on the P vs. V Graph
42:06Ideal Gas Law at Low Pressure & High Temperature
44:26Ideal Gas Law at High Pressure & Low Temperature
Math Lesson 1: Partial Differentiation 46m 2s
0:00Math Lesson 1: Partial Differentiation
Example I
3:00Example II
6:33Example III
9:52Example IV
17:26Differential & Derivative
21:44What Does It Mean?
21:45Total Differential (or Total Derivative)
30:16Net Change in Pressure (P)
33:58General Equation for Total Differential
Example 5: Total Differential
Section 2: Energy
Energy & the First Law I 1h 6m 45s
0:00Properties of Thermodynamic State
1:38Big Picture: 3 Properties of Thermodynamic State
1:39Enthalpy & Free Energy
3:30Associated Law
Energy & the First Law of Thermodynamics
7:13System & Its Surrounding Separated by a Boundary
7:14In Other Cases the Boundary is Less Clear
State of a System
12:37State of a System
12:38Change in State
14:00Path for a Change in State
14:57Example: State of a System
Open, Close, and Isolated System
18:26Open System
18:27Closed System
19:02Isolated System
Important Questions
20:38Important Questions
Work & Heat
22:50Definition of Work
23:33Properties of Work
25:34Definition of Heat
32:16Properties of Heat
34:49Experiment #1
42:23Experiment #2
More on Work & Heat
54:50More on Work & Heat
Conventions for Heat & Work
1:00:50Convention for Heat
1:02:40Convention for Work
1:04:24Schematic Representation
Energy & the First Law II 1h 6m 33s
0:00The First Law of Thermodynamics
0:53The First Law of Thermodynamics
Example 1: What is the Change in Energy of the System & Surroundings?
8:53Energy and The First Law II, cont.
11:55The Energy of a System Changes in Two Ways
11:56Systems Possess Energy, Not Heat or Work
12:45Scenario 1
16:00Scenario 2
16:46State Property, Path Properties, and Path Functions
Pressure-Volume Work
22:36When a System Changes
22:37Gas Expands
24:06Gas is Compressed
25:13Pressure Volume Diagram: Analyzing Expansion
27:17What if We do the Same Expansion in Two Stages?
35:22Multistage Expansion
43:58General Expression for the Pressure-Volume Work
46:59Upper Limit of Isothermal Expansion
50:00Expression for the Work Done in an Isothermal Expansion
Example 2: Find an Expression for the Maximum Work Done by an Ideal Gas upon Isothermal Expansion
56:18Example 3: Calculate the External Pressure and Work Done
Energy & the First Law III 1h 2m 17s
0:20Compression Overview
0:34Single-stage compression vs. 2-stage Compression
2:16Multi-stage Compression
Example I: Compression
14:47Example 1: Single-stage Compression
14:47Example 1: 2-stage Compression
20:07Example 1: Absolute Minimum
More on Compression
32:55Isothermal Expansion & Compression
32:56External & Internal Pressure of the System
Reversible & Irreversible Processes
37:32Process 1: Overview
38:57Process 2: Overview
39:36Process 1: Analysis
40:42Process 2: Analysis
45:29Reversible Process
50:03Isothermal Expansion and Compression
Example II: Reversible Isothermal Compression of a Van der Waals Gas
58:10Example 2: Reversible Isothermal Compression of a Van der Waals Gas
Changes in Energy & State: Constant Volume 1h 4m 39s
0:37State Function & Path Function
First Law
2:11Exact & Inexact Differential
Where Does (∆U = Q - W) or dU = dQ - dU Come from?
8:54Cyclic Integrals of Path and State Functions
8:55Our Empirical Experience of the First Law
12:31∆U = Q - W
Relations between Changes in Properties and Energy
22:24Relations between Changes in Properties and Energy
22:25Rate of Change of Energy per Unit Change in Temperature
29:54Rate of Change of Energy per Unit Change in Volume at Constant Temperature
32:39Total Differential Equation
Constant Volume
41:08If Volume Remains Constant, then dV = 0
41:09Constant Volume Heat Capacity
45:22Constant Volume Integrated
48:14Increase & Decrease in Energy of the System
Example 1: ∆U and Qv
57:43Important Equations
Joule's Experiment 16m 50s
0:00Joule's Experiment
0:09Joule's Experiment
Interpretation of the Result
4:42The Gas Expands Against No External Pressure
4:43Temperature of the Surrounding Does Not Change
6:20System & Surrounding
7:04Joule's Law
10:44More on Joule's Experiment
11:08Later Experiment
12:38Dealing with the 2nd Law & Its Mathematical Consequences
Changes in Energy & State: Constant Pressure 43m 40s
0:00Changes in Energy & State: Constant Pressure
0:20Integrating with Constant Pressure
0:35Defining the New State Function
6:24Heat & Enthalpy of the System at Constant Pressure
8:54Finding ∆U
15:28Constant Pressure Heat Capacity
Important Equations
25:44Important Equations
25:45Important Equations at Constant Pressure
Example I: Change in Enthalpy (∆H)
28:53Example II: Change in Internal Energy (∆U)
The Relationship Between Cp & Cv 32m 23s
0:00The Relationship Between Cp & Cv
0:21For a Constant Volume Process No Work is Done
0:22For a Constant Pressure Process ∆V ≠ 0, so Work is Done
1:16The Relationship Between Cp & Cv: For an Ideal Gas
3:26The Relationship Between Cp & Cv: In Terms of Molar heat Capacities
5:44Heat Capacity Can Have an Infinite # of Values
7:14The Relationship Between Cp & Cv
When Cp is Greater than Cv
17:132nd Term
18:101st Term
Constant P Process: 3 Parts
22:36Part 1
23:45Part 2
24:10Part 3
Define : γ = (Cp/Cv)
28:06For Gases
28:36For Liquids
29:04For an Ideal Gas
The Joule Thompson Experiment 39m 15s
0:00General Equations
0:14How Does Enthalpy of a System Change Upon a Unit Change in Pressure?
2:58For Liquids & Solids
12:11For Ideal Gases
14:08For Real Gases
The Joule Thompson Experiment
18:37The Joule Thompson Experiment Setup
18:38The Flow in 2 Stages
22:54Work Equation for the Joule Thompson Experiment
24:14Insulated Pipe
26:33Joule-Thompson Coefficient
29:50Changing Temperature & Pressure in Such a Way that Enthalpy Remains Constant
Joule Thompson Inversion Temperature
36:26Positive & Negative Joule-Thompson Coefficient
36:27Joule Thompson Inversion Temperature
37:22Inversion Temperature of Hydrogen Gas
Adiabatic Changes of State 35m 52s
0:00Adiabatic Changes of State
0:10Adiabatic Changes of State
0:18Work & Energy in an Adiabatic Process
3:44Pressure-Volume Work
Adiabatic Changes for an Ideal Gas
9:23Adiabatic Changes for an Ideal Gas
9:24Equation for a Fixed Change in Volume
11:20Maximum & Minimum Values of Temperature
Adiabatic Path
18:08Adiabatic Path Diagram
18:09Reversible Adiabatic Expansion
21:54Reversible Adiabatic Compression
22:34Fundamental Relationship Equation for an Ideal Gas Under Adiabatic Expansion
25:00More on the Equation
Important Equations
32:16Important Adiabatic Equation
32:17Reversible Adiabatic Change of State Equation
Section 3: Energy Example Problems
1st Law Example Problems I 42m 40s
0:00Fundamental Equations
2:40Energy (1st Law)
3:10Definition of Enthalpy
3:44Heat capacity Definitions
4:06The Mathematics
Fundamental Concepts
9:48Ideal Gases
Example I
12:08Example I: Conventions
12:44Example I: Part A
15:30Example I: Part B
18:24Example I: Part C
Example II: What is the Heat Capacity of the System?
21:49Example III: Find Q, W, ∆U & ∆H for this Change of State
24:15Example IV: Find Q, W, ∆U & ∆H
31:37Example V: Find Q, W, ∆U & ∆H
1st Law Example Problems II 1h 23s
0:00Example I
0:11Example I: Finding ∆U
1:49Example I: Finding W
6:22Example I: Finding Q
11:23Example I: Finding ∆H
16:09Example I: Summary
Example II
21:16Example II: Finding W
22:42Example II: Finding ∆H
27:48Example II: Finding Q
30:58Example II: Finding ∆U
Example III
33:33Example III: Finding ∆U, Q & W
33:34Example III: Finding ∆H
Example IV
41:50Example IV: Finding ∆U
41:51Example IV: Finding ∆H
Example V
49:31Example V: Finding W
49:32Example V: Finding ∆U
55:26Example V: Finding Q
56:26Example V: Finding ∆H
1st Law Example Problems III 44m 34s
0:00Example I
0:15Example I: Finding the Final Temperature
3:40Example I: Finding Q
8:04Example I: Finding ∆U
8:25Example I: Finding W
9:08Example I: Finding ∆H
Example II
11:27Example II: Finding the Final Temperature
11:28Example II: Finding ∆U
21:25Example II: Finding W & Q
22:14Example II: Finding ∆H
Example III
24:38Example III: Finding the Final Temperature
24:39Example III: Finding W, ∆U, and Q
27:43Example III: Finding ∆H
Example IV
29:23Example IV: Finding ∆U, W, and Q
25:36Example IV: Finding ∆H
Example V
32:24Example V: Finding the Final Temperature
33:32Example V: Finding ∆U
39:31Example V: Finding W
40:17Example V: First Way of Finding ∆H
41:10Example V: Second Way of Finding ∆H
Thermochemistry Example Problems 59m 7s
0:00Example I: Find ∆H° for the Following Reaction
0:42Example II: Calculate the ∆U° for the Reaction in Example I
5:33Example III: Calculate the Heat of Formation of NH₃ at 298 K
14:23Example IV
32:15Part A: Calculate the Heat of Vaporization of Water at 25°C
33:49Part B: Calculate the Work Done in Vaporizing 2 Mols of Water at 25°C Under a Constant Pressure of 1 atm
35:26Part C: Find ∆U for the Vaporization of Water at 25°C
41:00Part D: Find the Enthalpy of Vaporization of Water at 100°C
Example V
49:24Part A: Constant Temperature & Increasing Pressure
50:25Part B: Increasing temperature & Constant Pressure
Section 4: Entropy
0:00Entropy, Part 1
0:16Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (Isobaric)
0:38Coefficient of Compressibility (Isothermal)
1:25Relative Increase & Relative Decrease
2:16More on α
4:40More on κ
Entropy, Part 2
11:04Definition of Entropy
12:54Differential Change in Entropy & the Reversible Path
20:08State Property of the System
28:26Entropy Changes Under Isothermal Conditions
35:00Recall: Heating Curve
41:05Some Phase Changes Take Place Under Constant Pressure
Example I: Finding ∆S for a Phase Change
0:00Math Lesson II
0:46Let F(x,y) = x²y³
0:47Total Differential
3:34Total Differential Expression
6:06Example 1
More on Math Expression
13:26Exact Total Differential Expression
13:27Exact Differentials
19:50Inexact Differentials
The Cyclic Rule
21:06The Cyclic Rule
21:07Example 2
Entropy As a Function of Temperature & Volume 54m 37s
0:00Entropy As a Function of Temperature & Volume
0:14Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics
1:16Things to Notice
9:10Entropy As a Function of Temperature & Volume
14:47Temperature-dependence of Entropy
Example I
26:19Entropy As a Function of Temperature & Volume, Cont.
31:55Volume-dependence of Entropy at Constant Temperature
31:56Differentiate with Respect to Temperature, Holding Volume Constant
36:16Recall the Cyclic Rule
Summary & Recap
46:47Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics
46:48For Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Volume
47:18The Volume-dependence of Entropy for Liquids & Solids
Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Pressure 31m 18s
0:00Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Pressure
0:17Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Pressure
0:18Rewrite the Total Differential
9:04Differentiate with Respect to Pressure & Holding Temperature Constant
9:54Differentiate with Respect to Temperature & Holding Pressure Constant
Pressure-Dependence of Entropy for Liquids & Solids
18:45Pressure-Dependence of Entropy for Liquids & Solids
Example I: ∆S of Transformation
Summary of Entropy So Far 23m 6s
0:00Summary of Entropy So Far
0:43Defining dS
1:04Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics
3:51Temperature & Volume
6:04Temperature & Pressure
9:10Two Important Equations for How Entropy Behaves
13:38State of a System & Heat Capacity
15:34Temperature-dependence of Entropy
Entropy Changes for an Ideal Gas 25m 42s
0:00Entropy Changes for an Ideal Gas
1:10General Equation
1:22The Fundamental Theorem of Thermodynamics
2:37Recall the Basic Total Differential Expression for S = S (T,V)
5:36For a Finite Change in State
7:58If Cv is Constant Over the Particular Temperature Range
Change in Entropy of an Ideal Gas as a Function of Temperature & Pressure
11:35Change in Entropy of an Ideal Gas as a Function of Temperature & Pressure
11:36Recall the Basic Total Differential expression for S = S (T, P)
15:13For a Finite Change
Example 1: Calculate the ∆S of Transformation
Section 5: Entropy Example Problems
Entropy Example Problems I 43m 39s
0:00Entropy Example Problems I
0:24Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics
1:10Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Volume
2:04Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Pressure
2:59Entropy For Phase Changes
4:47Entropy For an Ideal Gas
6:14Third Law Entropies
8:25Statement of the Third Law
9:17Entropy of the Liquid State of a Substance Above Its Melting Point
10:23Entropy For the Gas Above Its Boiling Temperature
13:02Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions
15:26Entropy Change at a Temperature Other than 25°C
Example I
19:31Part A: Calculate ∆S for the Transformation Under Constant Volume
20:34Part B: Calculate ∆S for the Transformation Under Constant Pressure
Example II: Calculate ∆S fir the Transformation Under Isobaric Conditions
27:53Example III
30:14Part A: Calculate ∆S if 1 Mol of Aluminum is taken from 25°C to 255°C
31:14Part B: If S°₂₉₈ = 28.4 J/mol-K, Calculate S° for Aluminum at 498 K
Example IV: Calculate Entropy Change of Vaporization for CCl₄
34:19Example V
35:41Part A: Calculate ∆S of Transformation
37:36Part B: Calculate ∆S of Transformation
Entropy Example Problems II 56m 44s
0:00Example I
0:09Example I: Calculate ∆U
1:28Example I: Calculate Q
3:29Example I: Calculate Cp
4:54Example I: Calculate ∆S
Example II
7:13Example II: Calculate W
8:14Example II: Calculate ∆U
8:56Example II: Calculate Q
10:18Example II: Calculate ∆H
11:00Example II: Calculate ∆S
Example III
18:47Example III: Calculate ∆H
19:38Example III: Calculate Q
21:14Example III: Calculate ∆U
21:44Example III: Calculate W
23:59Example III: Calculate ∆S
Example IV
27:57Example IV: Diagram
29:32Example IV: Calculate W
32:27Example IV: Calculate ∆U
36:36Example IV: Calculate Q
38:32Example IV: Calculate ∆H
39:00Example IV: Calculate ∆S
40:27Example IV: Summary
Example V
48:25Example V: Diagram
49:05Example V: Calculate W
50:58Example V: Calculate ∆U
53:29Example V: Calculate Q
53:44Example V: Calculate ∆H
54:34Example V: Calculate ∆S
Entropy Example Problems III 57m 6s
0:00Example I: Isothermal Expansion
0:09Example I: Calculate W
1:19Example I: Calculate ∆U
1:48Example I: Calculate Q
2:06Example I: Calculate ∆H
2:26Example I: Calculate ∆S
Example II: Adiabatic and Reversible Expansion
6:10Example II: Calculate Q
6:48Example II: Basic Equation for the Reversible Adiabatic Expansion of an Ideal Gas
8:12Example II: Finding Volume
12:40Example II: Finding Temperature
17:58Example II: Calculate ∆U
19:53Example II: Calculate W
20:59Example II: Calculate ∆H
21:42Example II: Calculate ∆S
Example III: Calculate the Entropy of Water Vapor
25:20Example IV: Calculate the Molar ∆S for the Transformation
34:32Example V
44:19Part A: Calculate the Standard Entropy of Liquid Lead at 525°C
46:17Part B: Calculate ∆H for the Transformation of Solid Lead from 25°C to Liquid Lead at 525°C
Section 6: Entropy and Probability
Entropy & Probability I 54m 35s
0:00Entropy & Probability
0:11Structural Model
3:05Recall the Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics
9:11Two Independent Ways of Affecting the Entropy of a System
10:05Boltzmann Definition
16:24Definition of Omega
Energy Distribution
19:43The Energy Distribution
19:44In How Many Ways can N Particles be Distributed According to the Energy Distribution
Example I: In How Many Ways can the Following Distribution be Achieved
32:51Example II: In How Many Ways can the Following Distribution be Achieved
33:51Example III: In How Many Ways can the Following Distribution be Achieved
34:45Example IV: In How Many Ways can the Following Distribution be Achieved
38:50Entropy & Probability, cont.
40:57More on Distribution
40:58Example I Summary
41:43Example II Summary
42:12Distribution that Maximizes Omega
42:26If Omega is Large, then S is Large
44:22Two Constraints for a System to Achieve the Highest Entropy Possible
47:07What Happened When the Energy of a System is Increased?
Entropy & Probability II 35m 5s
0:00Volume Distribution
0:08Distributing 2 Balls in 3 Spaces
1:43Distributing 2 Balls in 4 Spaces
3:44Distributing 3 Balls in 10 Spaces
5:30Number of Ways to Distribute P Particles over N Spaces
6:05When N is Much Larger than the Number of Particles P
7:56Energy Distribution
25:04Volume Distribution
Entropy, Total Entropy, & Total Omega Equations
27:34Entropy, Total Entropy, & Total Omega Equations
Section 7: Spontaneity, Equilibrium, and the Fundamental Equations
Spontaneity & Equilibrium I 28m 42s
0:00Reversible & Irreversible
0:24Reversible vs. Irreversible
0:58Defining Equation for Equilibrium
2:11Defining Equation for Irreversibility (Spontaneity)
3:11TdS ≥ dQ
Transformation in an Isolated System
11:22Transformation in an Isolated System
Transformation at Constant Temperature
14:50Transformation at Constant Temperature
Helmholtz Free Energy
17:26Define: A = U - TS
17:27Spontaneous Isothermal Process & Helmholtz Energy
20:20Pressure-volume Work
Spontaneity & Equilibrium II 34m 38s
0:00Transformation under Constant Temperature & Pressure
0:08Transformation under Constant Temperature & Pressure
0:36Define: G = U + PV - TS
3:32Gibbs Energy
5:14What Does This Say?
6:44Spontaneous Process & a Decrease in G
14:12Computing ∆G
Summary of Conditions
21:32Constraint & Condition for Spontaneity
21:36Constraint & Condition for Equilibrium
A Few Words About the Word Spontaneous
26:24Spontaneous Does Not Mean Fast
26:25Putting Hydrogen & Oxygen Together in a Flask
26:59Spontaneous Vs. Not Spontaneous
28:14Thermodynamically Favorable
29:03Example: Making a Process Thermodynamically Favorable
Driving Forces for Spontaneity
31:35Equation: ∆G = ∆H - T∆S
31:36Always Spontaneous Process
32:39Never Spontaneous Process
33:06A Process That is Endothermic Can Still be Spontaneous
The Fundamental Equations of Thermodynamics 30m 50s
0:00The Fundamental Equations of Thermodynamics
0:44Mechanical Properties of a System
0:45Fundamental Properties of a System
1:16Composite Properties of a System
1:44General Condition of Equilibrium
3:16Composite Functions & Their Differentiations
6:11dH = TdS + VdP
7:53dA = -SdT - PdV
9:26dG = -SdT + VdP
Summary of Equations
12:10Equation #1
14:33Equation #2
15:15Equation #3
15:58Equation #4
Maxwell's Relations
20:20Maxwell's Relations
20:21Isothermal Volume-Dependence of Entropy & Isothermal Pressure-Dependence of Entropy
The General Thermodynamic Equations of State 34m 6s
0:00The General Thermodynamic Equations of State
0:10Equations of State for Liquids & Solids
0:52More General Condition for Equilibrium
4:02General Conditions: Equation that Relates P to Functions of T & V
6:20The Second Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics
11:10Equation 1
17:34Equation 2
21:58Recall the General Expression for Cp - Cv
28:11For the Joule-Thomson Coefficient
30:44Joule-Thomson Inversion Temperature
Properties of the Helmholtz & Gibbs Energies 39m 18s
0:00Properties of the Helmholtz & Gibbs Energies
0:10Equating the Differential Coefficients
1:34An Increase in T; a Decrease in A
3:25An Increase in V; a Decrease in A
6:04We Do the Same Thing for G
8:33Increase in T; Decrease in G
10:50Increase in P; Decrease in G
11:36Gibbs Energy of a Pure Substance at a Constant Temperature from 1 atm to any Other Pressure.
14:12If the Substance is a Liquid or a Solid, then Volume can be Treated as a Constant
18:57For an Ideal Gas
22:18Special Note
Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy
27:02Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy #1
27:52Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy #2
29:01Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy #3
29:50Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy #4
The Entropy of the Universe & the Surroundings 19m 40s
0:00Entropy of the Universe & the Surroundings
0:08Equation: ∆G = ∆H - T∆S
0:20Conditions of Constant Temperature & Pressure
1:14Reversible Process
3:14Spontaneous Process & the Entropy of the Universe
5:20Tips for Remembering Everything
12:40Verify Using Known Spontaneous Process
Section 8: Free Energy Example Problems
Free Energy Example Problems I 54m 16s
0:00Example I
0:11Example I: Deriving a Function for Entropy (S)
2:06Example I: Deriving a Function for V
5:55Example I: Deriving a Function for H
8:06Example I: Deriving a Function for U
Example II
15:18Example III
21:52Example IV
26:12Example IV: Part A
26:55Example IV: Part B
28:30Example IV: Part C
Example V
33:45Example VI
40:46Example VII
43:43Example VII: Part A
44:46Example VII: Part B
50:52Example VII: Part C
Free Energy Example Problems II 31m 17s
0:00Example I
0:09Example II
5:18Example III
8:22Example IV
12:32Example V
17:14Example VI
20:34Example VI: Part A
21:04Example VI: Part B
23:56Example VI: Part C
Free Energy Example Problems III 45m
0:00Example I
0:10Example II
15:03Example III
21:47Example IV
28:37Example IV: Part A
29:33Example IV: Part B
36:09Example IV: Part C
Three Miscellaneous Example Problems 58m 5s
0:00Example I
0:41Part A: Calculating ∆H
3:55Part B: Calculating ∆S
Example II
24:39Part A: Final Temperature of the System
26:25Part B: Calculating ∆S
Example III
Section 9: Equation Review for Thermodynamics
Looking Back Over Everything: All the Equations in One Place 25m 20s
0:00Work, Heat, and Energy
0:18Definition of Work, Energy, Enthalpy, and Heat Capacities
0:23Heat Capacities for an Ideal Gas
3:40Path Property & State Property
3:56Energy Differential
5:04Enthalpy Differential
5:40Joule's Law & Joule-Thomson Coefficient
6:23Coefficient of Thermal Expansion & Coefficient of Compressibility
7:01Enthalpy of a Substance at Any Other Temperature
7:29Enthalpy of a Reaction at Any Other Temperature
8:53Definition of Entropy
8:54Clausius Inequality
9:11Entropy Changes in Isothermal Systems
9:44The Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics
10:12Expressing Entropy Changes in Terms of Properties of the System
10:42Entropy Changes in the Ideal Gas
11:22Third Law Entropies
11:38Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions
14:02Statistical Definition of Entropy
14:34Omega for the Spatial & Energy Distribution
Spontaneity and Equilibrium
15:43Helmholtz Energy & Gibbs Energy
15:44Condition for Spontaneity & Equilibrium
16:24Condition for Spontaneity with Respect to Entropy
17:58The Fundamental Equations
18:30Maxwell's Relations
19:04The Thermodynamic Equations of State
20:07Energy & Enthalpy Differentials
21:08Joule's Law & Joule-Thomson Coefficient
21:59Relationship Between Constant Pressure & Constant Volume Heat Capacities
23:14One Final Equation - Just for Fun
Section 10: Quantum Mechanics Preliminaries
0:00Complex Numbers
0:11Representing Complex Numbers in the 2-Dimmensional Plane
0:56Addition of Complex Numbers
2:35Subtraction of Complex Numbers
3:17Multiplication of Complex Numbers
3:47Division of Complex Numbers
6:04r & θ
8:04Euler's Formula
11:00Polar Exponential Representation of the Complex Numbers
Example I
14:25Example II
15:21Example III
16:58Example IV
18:35Example V
20:40Example VI
21:32Example VII
Probability & Statistics 59m 57s
0:00Probability & Statistics
1:51Normalization Condition
1:52Define the Mean or Average of x
Example I: Calculate the Mean of x
14:57Example II: Calculate the Second Moment of the Data in Example I
22:39Define the Second Central Moment or Variance
25:26Define the Second Central Moment or Variance
25:271st Term
32:162nd Term
32:403rd Term
Continuous Distributions
35:47Continuous Distributions
Probability Density
39:30Probability Density
39:31Normalization Condition
Example III
50:13Part A - Show that P(x) is Normalized
51:40Part B - Calculate the Average Position of the Particle Along the Interval
Important Things to Remember
Schrӧdinger Equation & Operators 42m 5s
0:00Schrӧdinger Equation & Operators
0:16Relation Between a Photon's Momentum & Its Wavelength
0:17Louis de Broglie: Wavelength for Matter
0:39Schrӧdinger Equation
1:19Definition of Ψ(x)
3:31Quantum Mechanics
Example I
10:10Example II
11:53Example III
14:24Example IV
17:35Example V
19:59Example VI
22:39Operators Can Be Linear or Non Linear
27:58Operators Can Be Linear or Non Linear
Example VII
32:47Example VIII
36:55Example IX
Schrӧdinger Equation as an Eigenvalue Problem 30m 26s
0:00Schrӧdinger Equation as an Eigenvalue Problem
0:10Operator: Multiplying the Original Function by Some Scalar
0:11Operator, Eigenfunction, & Eigenvalue
4:42Example: Eigenvalue Problem
8:00Schrӧdinger Equation as an Eigenvalue Problem
9:24Hamiltonian Operator
Quantum Mechanical Operators
16:46Kinetic Energy Operator
19:16Potential Energy Operator
20:02Total Energy Operator
21:12Classical Point of View
21:48Linear Momentum Operator
Example I
The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation 21m 34s
0:00The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation
1:16The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation, Part 1
1:17The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation, Part 2
8:24The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation, Part 3
Section 11: The Particle in a Box
The Particle in a Box Part I 56m 22s
0:00Free Particle in a Box
0:28Definition of a Free Particle in a Box
0:29Amplitude of the Matter Wave
6:22Intensity of the Wave
6:53Probability Density
9:39Probability that the Particle is Located Between x & dx
10:54Probability that the Particle will be Found Between o & a
12:35Wave Function & the Particle
14:59Boundary Conditions
19:22What Happened When There is No Constraint on the Particle
34:12More on Probability Density
The Correspondence Principle
46:45The Correspondence Principle
Normalizing the Wave Function
47:46Normalizing the Wave Function
47:47Normalized Wave Function & Normalization Constant
The Particle in a Box Part II 45m 24s
0:00Free Particle in a Box
0:08Free Particle in a 1-dimensional Box
0:09For a Particle in a Box
Calculating Average Values & Standard Deviations
5:42Average Value for the Position of a Particle
6:32Standard Deviations for the Position of a Particle
10:51Recall: Energy & Momentum are Represented by Operators
13:33Recall: Schrӧdinger Equation in Operator Form
15:57Average Value of a Physical Quantity that is Associated with an Operator
18:16Average Momentum of a Free Particle in a Box
The Uncertainty Principle
24:42Finding the Standard Deviation of the Momentum
25:08Expression for the Uncertainty Principle
35:02Summary of the Uncertainty Principle
The Particle in a Box Part III 48m 43s
0:12Dimension 2
0:31Boundary Conditions
1:52Partial Derivatives
Example I
6:08The Particle in a Box, cont.
11:28Operator Notation
12:04Symbol for the Laplacian
13:50The Equation Becomes…
14:30Boundary Conditions
14:54Separation of Variables
15:33Solution to the 1-dimensional Case
16:31Normalization Constant
28:30Particle in a 3-dimensional Box
28:31In Del Notation
32:22The Solutions
34:51Expressing the State of the System for a Particle in a 3D Box
39:10Energy Level & Degeneracy
Section 12: Postulates and Principles of Quantum Mechanics
The Postulates & Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Part I 46m 18s
0:00Postulate I
0:31Probability That The Particle Will Be Found in a Differential Volume Element
Example I: Normalize This Wave Function
11:30Postulate II
18:20Postulate II
18:21Quantum Mechanical Operators: Position
20:48Quantum Mechanical Operators: Kinetic Energy
21:57Quantum Mechanical Operators: Potential Energy
22:42Quantum Mechanical Operators: Total Energy
22:57Quantum Mechanical Operators: Momentum
23:22Quantum Mechanical Operators: Angular Momentum
23:48More On The Kinetic Energy Operator
Angular Momentum
28:08Angular Momentum Overview
28:09Angular Momentum Operator in Quantum Mechanic
31:34The Classical Mechanical Observable
32:56Quantum Mechanical Operator
37:01Getting the Quantum Mechanical Operator from the Classical Mechanical Observable
Postulate II, cont.
43:40Quantum Mechanical Operators are Both Linear & Hermetical
The Postulates & Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Part II 39m 28s
0:00Postulate III
0:09Postulate III: Part I
0:10Postulate III: Part II
5:56Postulate III: Part III
12:43Postulate III: Part IV
Postulate IV
23:57Postulate IV
Postulate V
27:02Postulate V
Average Value
36:38Average Value
The Postulates & Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Part III 35m 32s
0:00The Postulates & Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Part III
0:10Equations: Linear & Hermitian
0:11Introduction to Hermitian Property
3:36Eigenfunctions are Orthogonal
9:55The Sequence of Wave Functions for the Particle in a Box forms an Orthonormal Set
14:34Definition of Orthogonality
16:42Definition of Hermiticity
17:26Hermiticity: The Left Integral
23:04Hermiticity: The Right Integral
28:47Hermiticity: Summary
The Postulates & Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Part IV 29m 55s
0:00The Postulates & Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Part IV
0:09Operators can be Applied Sequentially
0:10Sample Calculation 1
2:41Sample Calculation 2
5:18Commutator of Two Operators
8:16The Uncertainty Principle
19:01In the Case of Linear Momentum and Position Operator
23:14When the Commutator of Two Operators Equals to Zero
Section 13: Postulates and Principles Example Problems, Including Particle in a Box
Example Problems I 54m 25s
0:00Example I: Three Dimensional Box & Eigenfunction of The Laplacian Operator
0:37Example II: Positions of a Particle in a 1-dimensional Box
15:46Example III: Transition State & Frequency
29:29Example IV: Finding a Particle in a 1-dimensional Box
35:03Example V: Degeneracy & Energy Levels of a Particle in a Box
Example Problems II 46m 58s
0:25Wave Function
0:26Normalization Condition
2:28Observable in Classical Mechanics & Linear/Hermitian Operator in Quantum Mechanics
6:11Eigenfunctions & Eigenvalue
8:20Normalized Wave Functions
12:00Average Value
13:42If Ψ is Written as a Linear Combination
Example I: Normalize The Wave Function
19:18Example II: Probability of Finding of a Particle
22:27Example III: Orthogonal
26:00Example IV: Average Value of the Kinetic Energy Operator
30:22Example V: Evaluate These Commutators
Example Problems III 44m 11s
0:00Example I: Good Candidate for a Wave Function
0:08Example II: Variance of the Energy
7:00Example III: Evaluate the Angular Momentum Operators
15:00Example IV: Real Eigenvalues Imposes the Hermitian Property on Operators
28:44Example V: A Demonstration of Why the Eigenfunctions of Hermitian Operators are Orthogonal
Section 14: The Harmonic Oscillator
The Harmonic Oscillator I 35m 33s
0:00The Harmonic Oscillator
0:10Harmonic Motion
0:11Classical Harmonic Oscillator
4:38Hooke's Law
8:18Classical Harmonic Oscillator, cont.
10:33General Solution for the Differential Equation
15:16Initial Position & Velocity
16:05Period & Amplitude
20:42Potential Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
23:20Kinetic Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
26:37Total Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
27:23Conservative System
The Harmonic Oscillator II 43m 4s
0:00The Harmonic Oscillator II
0:08Diatomic Molecule
0:10Notion of Reduced Mass
5:27Harmonic Oscillator Potential & The Intermolecular Potential of a Vibrating Molecule
7:33The Schrӧdinger Equation for the 1-dimensional Quantum Mechanic Oscillator
14:14Quantized Values for the Energy Level
15:46Ground State & the Zero-Point Energy
21:50Vibrational Energy Levels
25:18Transition from One Energy Level to the Next
26:42Fundamental Vibrational Frequency for Diatomic Molecule
34:57Example: Calculate k
The Harmonic Oscillator III 26m 30s
0:00The Harmonic Oscillator III
0:09The Wave Functions Corresponding to the Energies
0:10Normalization Constant
2:34Hermite Polynomials
3:22First Few Hermite Polynomials
4:56First Few Wave-Functions
6:37Plotting the Probability Density of the Wave-Functions
8:37Probability Density for Large Values of r
14:24Recall: Odd Function & Even Function
19:05More on the Hermite Polynomials
20:07Recall: If f(x) is Odd
20:36Average Value of x
22:31Average Value of Momentum
Section 15: The Rigid Rotator
The Rigid Rotator I 41m 10s
0:00Possible Confusion from the Previous Discussion
0:07Possible Confusion from the Previous Discussion
Rotation of a Single Mass Around a Fixed Center
8:17Rotation of a Single Mass Around a Fixed Center
8:18Angular Velocity
12:07Rotational Inertia
13:24Rotational Frequency
15:24Kinetic Energy for a Linear System
16:38Kinetic Energy for a Rotational System
Rotating Diatomic Molecule
19:40Rotating Diatomic Molecule: Part 1
19:41Rotating Diatomic Molecule: Part 2
24:56Rotating Diatomic Molecule: Part 3
Hamiltonian of the Rigid Rotor
36:48Hamiltonian of the Rigid Rotor
The Rigid Rotator II 30m 32s
0:00The Rigid Rotator II
0:08Cartesian Coordinates
0:09Spherical Coordinates
7:00Moving a Distance 'r'
8:17Moving a Distance 'r' in the Spherical Coordinates
11:49For a Rigid Rotator, r is Constant
13:57Hamiltonian Operator
15:09Square of the Angular Momentum Operator
17:34Orientation of the Rotation in Space
19:44Wave Functions for the Rigid Rotator
20:40The Schrӧdinger Equation for the Quantum Mechanic Rigid Rotator
21:24Energy Levels for the Rigid Rotator
The Rigid Rotator III 35m 19s
0:00The Rigid Rotator III
0:11When a Rotator is Subjected to Electromagnetic Radiation
1:24Selection Rule
2:13Frequencies at Which Absorption Transitions Occur
6:24Energy Absorption & Transition
10:54Energy of the Individual Levels Overview
20:58Energy of the Individual Levels: Diagram
23:45Frequency Required to Go from J to J + 1
25:53Using Separation Between Lines on the Spectrum to Calculate Bond Length
Example I: Calculating Rotational Inertia & Bond Length
29:18Example I: Calculating Rotational Inertia
29:19Example I: Calculating Bond Length
Section 16: Oscillator and Rotator Example Problems
Example Problems I 33m 48s
0:00Equations Review
0:11Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
0:12Selection Rule
3:02Observed Frequency of Radiation
3:27Harmonic Oscillator Wave Functions
5:52Rigid Rotator
7:26Selection Rule for Rigid Rotator
9:15Frequency of Absorption
9:35Wave Numbers
Example I: Calculate the Reduced Mass of the Hydrogen Atom
11:44Example II: Calculate the Fundamental Vibration Frequency & the Zero-Point Energy of This Molecule
13:37Example III: Show That the Product of Two Even Functions is even
19:35Example IV: Harmonic Oscillator
Example Problems II 46m 43s
0:00Example I: Harmonic Oscillator
0:12Example II: Harmonic Oscillator
23:26Example III: Calculate the RMS Displacement of the Molecules
Section 17: The Hydrogen Atom
0:00The Hydrogen Atom I
1:31Review of the Rigid Rotator
1:32Hydrogen Atom & the Coulomb Potential
2:50Using the Spherical Coordinates
6:33Applying This Last Expression to Equation 1
10:19Angular Component & Radial Component
13:26Angular Equation
15:56Solution for F(φ)
19:32Determine The Normalization Constant
20:33Differential Equation for T(a)
24:44Legendre Equation
27:20Legendre Polynomials
31:20The Legendre Polynomials are Mutually Orthogonal
The Hydrogen Atom II 35m 58s
0:00Associated Legendre Functions
0:07Associated Legendre Functions
0:08First Few Associated Legendre Functions
6:39s, p, & d Orbital
13:24The Normalization Condition
Spherical Harmonics
20:03Equations We Have Found
20:04Wave Functions for the Angular Component & Rigid Rotator
24:36Spherical Harmonics Examples
Angular Momentum
30:09Angular Momentum
30:10Square of the Angular Momentum
35:38Energies of the Rigid Rotator
The Hydrogen Atom III 36m 18s
0:00The Hydrogen Atom III
0:34Angular Momentum is a Vector Quantity
0:35The Operators Corresponding to the Three Components of Angular Momentum Operator: In Cartesian Coordinates
1:30The Operators Corresponding to the Three Components of Angular Momentum Operator: In Spherical Coordinates
3:27Z Component of the Angular Momentum Operator & the Spherical Harmonic
5:28Magnitude of the Angular Momentum Vector
20:10Classical Interpretation of Angular Momentum
25:22Projection of the Angular Momentum Vector onto the xy-plane
The Hydrogen Atom IV 33m 55s
0:00The Hydrogen Atom IV
0:09The Equation to Find R( r )
0:10Relation Between n & l
3:50The Solutions for the Radial Functions
5:08Associated Laguerre Polynomials
7:581st Few Associated Laguerre Polynomials
8:55Complete Wave Function for the Atomic Orbitals of the Hydrogen Atom
12:24The Normalization Condition
15:06In Cartesian Coordinates
18:10Working in Polar Coordinates
20:48Principal Quantum Number
21:58Angular Momentum Quantum Number
22:35Magnetic Quantum Number
25:55Zeeman Effect
The Hydrogen Atom V: Where We Are 51m 53s
0:00The Hydrogen Atom V: Where We Are
0:14Let's Write Out ψ₂₁₁
7:32Angular Momentum of the Electron
14:52Representation of the Wave Function
19:36Radial Component
28:02Example: 1s Orbital
28:34Probability for Radial Function
33:461s Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
35:472s Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
37:463s Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
38:494s Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
39:342p Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
40:123p Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
41:024p Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
41:513d Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
43:184d Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r
Example I: Probability of Finding an Electron in the 2s Orbital of the Hydrogen
The Hydrogen Atom VI 51m 53s
0:00The Hydrogen Atom VI
0:07Last Lesson Review
0:08Spherical Component
1:09Normalization Condition
Complete 1s Orbital Wave Function
4:081s Orbital Wave Function
4:09Normalization Condition
6:28Spherically Symmetric
16:00Average Value
Example I: Calculate the Region of Highest Probability for Finding the Electron
21:192s Orbital Wave Function
25:322s Orbital Wave Function
25:33Average Value
28:56General Formula
The Hydrogen Atom VII 34m 29s
0:00The Hydrogen Atom VII
0:12p Orbitals
1:30Not Spherically Symmetric
5:10Recall That the Spherical Harmonics are Eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian Operator
6:50Any Linear Combination of These Orbitals Also Has The Same Energy
9:16Functions of Real Variables
15:53Solving for Px
16:50Real Spherical Harmonics
21:56Number of Nodes
Section 18: Hydrogen Atom Example Problems
Hydrogen Atom Example Problems I 43m 49s
0:00Example I: Angular Momentum & Spherical Harmonics
0:20Example II: Pair-wise Orthogonal Legendre Polynomials
16:40Example III: General Normalization Condition for the Legendre Polynomials
25:06Example IV: Associated Legendre Functions
The Hydrogen Atom Example Problems II 1h 1m 57s
0:00Example I: Normalization & Pair-wise Orthogonal
0:13Part 1: Normalized
0:43Part 2: Pair-wise Orthogonal
Example II: Show Explicitly That the Following Statement is True for Any Integer n
27:10Example III: Spherical Harmonics
29:26Angular Momentum Cones
56:37Angular Momentum Cones
56:38Physical Interpretation of Orbital Angular Momentum in Quantum mechanics
The Hydrogen Atom Example Problems III 48m 33s
0:00Example I: Show That ψ₂₁₁ is Normalized
0:07Example II: Show That ψ₂₁₁ is Orthogonal to ψ₃₁₀
11:48Example III: Probability That a 1s Electron Will Be Found Within 1 Bohr Radius of The Nucleus
18:35Example IV: Radius of a Sphere
26:06Example V: Calculate <r> for the 2s Orbital of the Hydrogen-like Atom
The Hydrogen Atom Example Problems IV 48m 33s
0:00Example I: Probability Density vs. Radius Plot
0:11Example II: Hydrogen Atom & The Coulombic Potential
14:16Example III: Find a Relation Among <K>, <V>, & <E>
25:47Example IV: Quantum Mechanical Virial Theorem
48:32Example V: Find the Variance for the 2s Orbital
The Hydrogen Atom Example Problems V 48m 33s
0:00Example I: Derive a Formula for the Degeneracy of a Given Level n
0:11Example II: Using Linear Combinations to Represent the Spherical Harmonics as Functions of the Real Variables θ & φ
8:30Example III: Using Linear Combinations to Represent the Spherical Harmonics as Functions of the Real Variables θ & φ
23:01Example IV: Orbital Functions
Section 19: Spin Quantum Number and Atomic Term Symbols
Spin Quantum Number: Term Symbols I 59m 18s
0:00Quantum Numbers Specify an Orbital
1:354th Quantum Number: s
Spin Orbitals
7:03Spin Orbitals
7:04Multi-electron Atoms
Term Symbols
18:08Russell-Saunders Coupling & The Atomic Term Symbol
Example: Configuration for C
27:50Configuration for C: 1s²2s²2p²
27:51Drawing Every Possible Arrangement
31:15Term Symbols
Spin Quantum Number: Term Symbols II 34m 54s
0:25We Started With 21 Possible Microstates
0:26³P State
2:05Microstates in ³P Level
5:10¹D State
13:16³P State
16:10²P₂ State
17:34³P₁ State
18:34³P₀ State
19:129 Microstates in ³P are Subdivided
19:40¹S State
21:44Quicker Way to Find the Different Values of J for a Given Basic Term Symbol
22:22Ground State
Hund's Empirical Rules for Specifying the Term Symbol for the Ground Electronic State
27:29Hund's Empirical Rules: 1
28:24Hund's Empirical Rules: 2
29:22Hund's Empirical Rules: 3 - Part A
30:22Hund's Empirical Rules: 3 - Part B
31:18Example: 1s²2s²2p²
Spin Quantum Number: Term Symbols III 38m 3s
0:00Spin Quantum Number: Term Symbols III
0:14Deriving the Term Symbols for the p² Configuration
0:15Table: MS vs. ML
3:57¹D State
16:21³P State
21:13¹S State
24:48J Value
25:32Degeneracy of the Level
27:28When Given r Electrons to Assign to n Equivalent Spin Orbitals
30:18p² Configuration
32:51Complementary Configurations
Term Symbols & Atomic Spectra 57m 49s
0:00Lyman Series
0:09Spectroscopic Term Symbols
0:10Lyman Series
Hydrogen Levels
8:21Hydrogen Levels
Term Symbols & Atomic Spectra
14:17Spin-Orbit Coupling
14:18Selection Rules for Atomic Spectra
21:31Selection Rules for Possible Transitions
23:56Wave Numbers for The Transitions
Example I: Calculate the Frequencies of the Allowed Transitions from (4d) ²D →(2p) ²P
32:23Helium Levels
49:50Energy Levels for Helium
Transitions & Spin Multiplicity
52:27Transitions & Spin Multiplicity
Section 20: Term Symbols Example Problems
Example Problems I 1h 1m 20s
0:00Example I: What are the Term Symbols for the np¹ Configuration?
0:10Example II: What are the Term Symbols for the np² Configuration?
20:38Example III: What are the Term Symbols for the np³ Configuration?
Example Problems II 56m 34s
0:00Example I: Find the Term Symbols for the nd² Configuration
0:11Example II: Find the Term Symbols for the 1s¹2p¹ Configuration
27:02Example III: Calculate the Separation Between the Doublets in the Lyman Series for Atomic Hydrogen
41:41Example IV: Calculate the Frequencies of the Lines for the (4d) ²D → (3p) ²P Transition
Section 21: Equation Review for Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics: All the Equations in One Place 18m 24s
0:00Quantum Mechanics Equations
0:37De Broglie Relation
0:38Statistical Relations
1:00The Schrӧdinger Equation
1:50The Particle in a 1-Dimensional Box of Length a
3:09The Particle in a 2-Dimensional Box of Area a x b
3:48The Particle in a 3-Dimensional Box of Area a x b x c
4:22The Schrӧdinger Equation Postulates
4:51The Normalization Condition
5:40The Probability Density
8:31Eigenvalues & Eigenfunctions
8:55The Average Value
9:29Eigenfunctions of Quantum Mechanics Operators are Orthogonal
10:53Commutator of Two Operators
10:56The Uncertainty Principle
11:41The Harmonic Oscillator
13:18The Rigid Rotator
13:52Energy of the Hydrogen Atom
14:30Wavefunctions, Radial Component, and Associated Laguerre Polynomial
14:44Angular Component or Spherical Harmonic
15:16Associated Legendre Function
15:31Principal Quantum Number
15:43Angular Momentum Quantum Number
15:50Magnetic Quantum Number
16:21z-component of the Angular Momentum of the Electron
16:53Atomic Spectroscopy: Term Symbols
17:14Atomic Spectroscopy: Selection Rules
Section 22: Molecular Spectroscopy
Spectroscopic Overview: Which Equation Do I Use & Why 50m 2s
0:00Spectroscopic Overview: Which Equation Do I Use & Why
1:02Lesson Overview
1:03Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy
4:01Frequency of Absorption/Emission
6:04Wavenumbers in Spectroscopy
8:10Starting State vs. Excited State
10:10Total Energy of a Molecule (Leaving out the Electronic Energy)
14:02Energy of Rotation: Rigid Rotor
15:55Energy of Vibration: Harmonic Oscillator
19:08Equation of the Spectral Lines
Harmonic Oscillator-Rigid Rotor Approximation (Making Corrections)
28:37Harmonic Oscillator-Rigid Rotor Approximation (Making Corrections)
28:38Vibration-Rotation Interaction
33:46Centrifugal Distortion
38:28Correcting for All Three Simultaneously
41:03Spectroscopic Parameters
47:32Harmonic Oscillator-Rigid Rotor Approximation
47:33Vibration-Rotation Interaction
48:14Centrifugal Distortion
48:28Correcting for All Three Simultaneously
Vibration-Rotation 59m 47s
0:37What is Molecular Spectroscopy?
0:38Microwave, Infrared Radiation, Visible & Ultraviolet
1:53Equation for the Frequency of the Absorbed Radiation
6:15Diatomic Molecules: Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
8:32Selection Rules for Vibrational Transitions
10:35Energy of the Rigid Rotator
16:29Angular Momentum of the Rotator
21:38Rotational Term F(J)
26:30Selection Rules for Rotational Transition
29:30Vibration Level & Rotational States
33:20Selection Rules for Vibration-Rotation
37:42Frequency of Absorption
39:32Diagram: Energy Transition
45:55Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: HCl
51:27Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: Carbon Monoxide
Vibration-Rotation Interaction 46m 22s
0:00Vibration-Rotation Interaction
0:13Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: HCl
0:14Bond Length & Vibrational State
4:23Vibration Rotation Interaction
10:18Case 1
12:06Case 2
Example I: HCl Vibration-Rotation Spectrum
22:58Rotational Constant for the 0 & 1 Vibrational State
26:30Equilibrium Bond Length for the 1 Vibrational State
39:42Equilibrium Bond Length for the 0 Vibrational State
42:13Bₑ & αₑ
The Non-Rigid Rotator 29m 24s
0:00The Non-Rigid Rotator
0:09Pure Rotational Spectrum
0:54The Selection Rules for Rotation
3:09Spacing in the Spectrum
5:04Centrifugal Distortion Constant
9:00Fundamental Vibration Frequency
11:46Observed Frequencies of Absorption
14:14Difference between the Rigid Rotator & the Adjusted Rigid Rotator
16:51Adjusted Rigid Rotator
21:31Observed Frequencies of Absorption
The Anharmonic Oscillator 30m 53s
0:00The Anharmonic Oscillator
0:09Vibration-Rotation Interaction & Centrifugal Distortion
0:10Making Corrections to the Harmonic Oscillator
4:50Selection Rule for the Harmonic Oscillator
8:40True Oscillator
11:46Harmonic Oscillator Energies
13:16Anharmonic Oscillator Energies
13:33Observed Frequencies of the Overtones
15:09True Potential
17:22HCl Vibrational Frequencies: Fundamental & First Few Overtones
Example I: Vibrational States & Overtones of the Vibrational Spectrum
22:42Example I: Part A - First 4 Vibrational States
23:44Example I: Part B - Fundamental & First 3 Overtones
Important Equations
27:45Energy of the Q State
29:14The Difference in Energy between 2 Successive States
29:23Difference in Energy between 2 Spectral Lines
Electronic Transitions 1h 1m 33s
0:00Electronic Transitions
0:16Electronic State & Transition
0:17Total Energy of the Diatomic Molecule
3:34Vibronic Transitions
4:30Selection Rule for Vibronic Transitions
9:11More on Vibronic Transitions
10:08Frequencies in the Spectrum
16:46Difference of the Minima of the 2 Potential Curves
24:48Anharmonic Zero-point Vibrational Energies of the 2 States
26:24Frequency of the 0 → 0 Vibronic Transition
27:54Making the Equation More Compact
29:34Spectroscopic Parameters
32:11Franck-Condon Principle
Example I: Find the Values of the Spectroscopic Parameters for the Upper Excited State
47:27Table of Electronic States and Parameters
Section 23: Molecular Spectroscopy Example Problems
Example Problems I 33m 47s
0:00Example I: Calculate the Bond Length
0:10Example II: Calculate the Rotational Constant
7:39Example III: Calculate the Number of Rotations
10:54Example IV: What is the Force Constant & Period of Vibration?
16:31Example V: Part A - Calculate the Fundamental Vibration Frequency
21:42Example V: Part B - Calculate the Energies of the First Three Vibrational Levels
24:12Example VI: Calculate the Frequencies of the First 2 Lines of the R & P Branches of the Vib-Rot Spectrum of HBr
Example Problems II 1h 1m 5s
0:00Example I: Calculate the Frequencies of the Transitions
0:09Example II: Specify Which Transitions are Allowed & Calculate the Frequencies of These Transitions
22:07Example III: Calculate the Vibrational State & Equilibrium Bond Length
34:31Example IV: Frequencies of the Overtones
49:28Example V: Vib-Rot Interaction, Centrifugal Distortion, & Anharmonicity
Example Problems III 33m 31s
0:00Example I: Part A - Derive an Expression for ∆G( r )
0:10Example I: Part B - Maximum Vibrational Quantum Number
6:10Example II: Part A - Derive an Expression for the Dissociation Energy of the Molecule
8:29Example II: Part B - Equation for ∆G( r )
14:00Example III: How Many Vibrational States are There for Br₂ before the Molecule Dissociates
18:16Example IV: Find the Difference between the Two Minima of the Potential Energy Curves
20:57Example V: Rotational Spectrum
Section 24: Statistical Thermodynamics
Statistical Thermodynamics: The Big Picture 1h 1m 15s
0:00Statistical Thermodynamics: The Big Picture
0:10Our Big Picture Goal
0:11Partition Function (Q)
2:42The Molecular Partition Function (q)
4:00Consider a System of N Particles
13:22Energy Distribution Table
15:36Probability of Finding a System with Energy
16:51The Partition Function
28:10Entropy of the Ensemble
30:34Entropy of the System
Expressing the Thermodynamic Functions in Terms of The Partition Function
39:21The Partition Function
39:22Pi & U
41:20Entropy of the System
44:14Helmholtz Energy
48:15Pressure of the System
49:32Enthalpy of the System
51:46Gibbs Free Energy
52:56Heat Capacity
Expressing Q in Terms of the Molecular Partition Function (q)
59:31Indistinguishable Particles
1:02:16N is the Number of Particles in the System
1:03:27The Molecular Partition Function
1:05:06Quantum States & Degeneracy
1:07:46Thermo Property in Terms of ln Q
1:10:09Example: Thermo Property in Terms of ln Q
Statistical Thermodynamics: The Various Partition Functions I 47m 23s
0:00Lesson Overview
0:19Monatomic Ideal Gases
6:40Monatomic Ideal Gases Overview
6:42Finding the Parition Function of Translation
8:17Finding the Parition Function of Electronics
13:29Example: Na
17:42Example: F
23:12Energy Difference between the Ground State & the 1st Excited State
29:27The Various Partition Functions for Monatomic Ideal Gases
32:20Finding P
43:16Going Back to U = (3/2) RT
Statistical Thermodynamics: The Various Partition Functions II 54m 9s
0:00Diatomic Gases
0:16Diatomic Gases
0:17Zero-Energy Mark for Rotation
2:26Zero-Energy Mark for Vibration
3:21Zero-Energy Mark for Electronic
5:54Vibration Partition Function
9:48When Temperature is Very Low
14:00When Temperature is Very High
15:22Vibrational Component
18:48Fraction of Molecules in the r Vibration State
21:00Example: Fraction of Molecules in the r Vib. State
23:29Rotation Partition Function
26:06Heteronuclear & Homonuclear Diatomics
33:13Energy & Heat Capacity
36:01Fraction of Molecules in the J Rotational Level
39:20Example: Fraction of Molecules in the J Rotational Level
40:32Finding the Most Populated Level
Putting It All Together
46:06Putting It All Together
46:07Energy of Translation
51:51Energy of Rotation
52:19Energy of Vibration
52:42Electronic Energy
Section 25: Statistical Thermodynamics Example Problems
Example Problems I 48m 32s
0:00Example I: Calculate the Fraction of Potassium Atoms in the First Excited Electronic State
0:10Example II: Show That Each Translational Degree of Freedom Contributes R/2 to the Molar Heat Capacity
14:46Example III: Calculate the Dissociation Energy
21:23Example IV: Calculate the Vibrational Contribution to the Molar heat Capacity of Oxygen Gas at 500 K
25:46Example V: Upper & Lower Quantum State
32:55Example VI: Calculate the Relative Populations of the J=2 and J=1 Rotational States of the CO Molecule at 25°C
Example Problems II 57m 30s
0:00Example I: Make a Plot of the Fraction of CO Molecules in Various Rotational Levels
0:10Example II: Calculate the Ratio of the Translational Partition Function for Cl₂ and Br₂ at Equal Volume & Temperature
8:05Example III: Vibrational Degree of Freedom & Vibrational Molar Heat Capacity
11:59Example IV: Calculate the Characteristic Vibrational & Rotational temperatures for Each DOF
The Particle in a Box Part II 45m 24s
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