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For more information, please see full course syllabus of Physical Chemistry
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- Intro
- Vibration-Rotation
- What is Molecular Spectroscopy?
- Microwave, Infrared Radiation, Visible & Ultraviolet
- Equation for the Frequency of the Absorbed Radiation
- Wavenumbers
- Diatomic Molecules: Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
- Selection Rules for Vibrational Transitions
- Energy of the Rigid Rotator
- Angular Momentum of the Rotator
- Rotational Term F(J)
- Selection Rules for Rotational Transition
- Vibration Level & Rotational States
- Selection Rules for Vibration-Rotation
- Frequency of Absorption
- Diagram: Energy Transition
- Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: HCl
- Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: Carbon Monoxide
- Intro 0:00
- Vibration-Rotation 0:37
- What is Molecular Spectroscopy?
- Microwave, Infrared Radiation, Visible & Ultraviolet
- Equation for the Frequency of the Absorbed Radiation
- Wavenumbers
- Diatomic Molecules: Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
- Selection Rules for Vibrational Transitions
- Energy of the Rigid Rotator
- Angular Momentum of the Rotator
- Rotational Term F(J)
- Selection Rules for Rotational Transition
- Vibration Level & Rotational States
- Selection Rules for Vibration-Rotation
- Frequency of Absorption
- Diagram: Energy Transition
- Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: HCl
- Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: Carbon Monoxide
Physical Chemistry Online Course
Transcription: Vibration-Rotation
Hello and welcome back to, welcome back to Physical Chemistry.0000
Today, we are going to start on the next major broad topic of Physical Chemistry which is molecular spectroscopy.0004
We have done the thermodynamics, we have done the quantum mechanics, and now, we are going to bring0013
the quantum mechanics to bare and talk about probably the most important topic for practicality0016
is concerned for the chemist because pretty much everything you do as a chemist is going to be some spectroscopic technique.0024
We will be discussing the theory behind molecular spectroscopy, let us get started.0031
Molecular spectroscopy studies the interaction between a matter and electromagnetic radiation.0039
Molecular spectroscopy studies the interaction of molecules with electromagnetic radiation.0053
We get molecules with certain amount of radiation in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and we see what happens.0079
That information gives us most of the information that we have about what is happening inside the molecules and how molecules behave.0085
We will be concerned with three regions of the E and M spectrum.0095
We are going to be concerned with the microwave region.0115
Microwave region is related to rotations.0120
When a molecule is hit with microwave radiation, there are changes in the rotational quantum state of the molecule.0125
And we are also going to be concerned with the infrared, the infrared vibrations.0133
When a molecule is hit with some infrared radiation, changes in the vibration levels of the molecules take place.0138
We have already done a fair amount of IR spectroscopy from your course in organic chemistry.0147
And then of course, the last is visible and ultraviolet.0152
Visible and ultraviolet range electronic transitions, that is when it is in this range,0157
the energy of the visible and ultraviolet range, where electrons actually move to higher states themselves, electronic states.0165
Rotation vibration electronic, rotational spectroscopy, vibration spectroscopy, and electronic spectroscopy.0175
Let me see how I want to do this.0184
The absorption of microwave radiation, as we just said, we have rotational transitions.0202
Now in the IR, not only do we have vibrational transitions but accompany those vibrational transitions there are also rotational transitions.0212
I’m going to say vibrational + rotational transitions.0224
As you would expect in the visible UV range, we have not only electronic transitions0232
but there is much energy there that that energy causes an electronic transition,0240
it causes vibrational transitions and rotational transitions.0244
+ vibrational + rotational transition, all transitions take place when you are hitting it with energy and the visible UV range.0249
Most of the information that we get from spectroscopy, we actually get from electronic spectroscopy.0263
Electronic spectroscopy allows us to, it is difficult to analyze but everything that we need is there.0268
It gives us information on electronic states, on vibrational states, on rotational states.0275
The rotational spectra, the vibrational spectra tend to be easier, but they do not give is as much information.0280
Electronic spectra give us all the information that we want.0288
Let us see, the frequency of the absorb radiation comes from this δ E = H ν,0297
Planck's constant × the frequency is a change in energy from one energy state to another.0318
If we solve for the frequency, what you would end up with is the frequency of absorption is going to equal0324
the change in the energy between the 2 states divided by Planck's constant,0330
or we can say the energy of the upper state - the energy of the lower state divided by Planck's constant.0335
That gives us the actual frequency that we observe in the spectra.0345
That is what we are going to see on the spectrum.0348
When we see a line of the spectrum or a peak, it is this number right here.0350
That is what that is, it come from this relation.0356
What we are going to do, we would use the energies for the rigid rotator, the harmonic oscillator,0359
and electronic energies, to find this difference.0365
Because we want to find the equation for what is the absorption number.0369
In general, spectroscopy frequencies, I will put in parentheses.0376
Frequencies are listed in something called wave numbers, we have seen them before.0387
Frequencies are given in wave number.0391
That is what we would be working in,0394
are given in wave numbers which is just the inverse of the wavelength to inverse cm.0396
In general, it is going to be inverse cm.0404
The wave number, anything that is in a wave numbers is going to have a ~ over it.0408
That is equal to 1/ λ, or my preference it is equal to the actual frequency0412
that we got from the other equation just divided by the speed of light.0420
If you get a frequency, if you divide that frequency by the speed of light, you are going to end up getting your wave number.0424
We said transitions between vibrational states are accompanied by transitions and rotational states as well.0431
The following discussion is going to apply to diatomic molecules.0480
We will discuss polyatomic molecules but for right now,0484
we are just going to talk about diatomic molecules, homo nuclear and hetero nuclear.0487
The following discussion and for several more lessons, the following discussion applies to diatomic molecules.0495
Let us begin with the energy of the harmonic oscillator.0514
The energy of the harmonic oscillator HO is energy, that space on the quantum number R,0518
the vibrational quantum number is equal to H ν × R + ½, or R takes on the values 0, 1, 2, and so on.0532
When R is equal to 0, we have ½ H ν, that is the energy of the ground state.0545
When the quantum number is 0, put it in the equation for the energy which gives the ground state energy.0551
We see that there is always some vibrational energy, it is never a 0.0557
Where ν, this frequency, is equal to 2 π × the force constant of the molecule divided by the reduced mass ^½.0564
And this ν is called the fundamental vibration frequency.0583
You will sometimes see it as ν sub 0, something like that.0604
K is the force constant of the bond and how springy the bond is.0611
Is it really tight or is it really loose?0621
And μ is the reduced mass, we have seen the reduced mass before.0625
I just want to make sure that we understand what all of the parameters are.0632
There are selection rules for vibrational transition.0638
The selection rules for vibrational transitions and the selections rules are that δ R = + or -1.0642
In other words, if it is going to make a transition from one vibrational state to another,0660
it is going to go from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, or 4 to 3, 3 to 2, 2 to 1.0664
In the case of emission, absorption up emission down, as far as the harmonic oscillator is concerned,0669
it is only going to go 1 or 2 steps.0677
I’m sorry, 1 step up or 1 step down.0681
Its not going to go from 1 to 5, from 1 to 4.0683
If it is going to make a transition from 1 to 5, it is going to pass to 2, 3, 4, and then to 5.0685
Those are the transitions that are allowed.0691
The other transition rule is the dipole moment of the molecule must vary during a vibration.0694
I would not worry too much about this idea of the selection rule.0715
Now the dipole moment is related to the selection rule, this is often called gross selection rule.0722
The name itself does not really matter.0728
The dipole moment of the molecule must vary during a vibrational transition.0729
This does not mean that the molecule has to have a permanent dipole.0737
It can or cannot have a permanent dipole, in the case of molecule like hydrogen chloride, it has a permanent dipole.0741
In the case of a molecule like N2, they are both the same.0748
It is homo nuclear so there is no permanent dipole.0752
Now, these are actually not the best examples to use but it has to change during the vibrations.0755
It does not have to have a permanent one.0764
But if the molecule, if somewhere during the vibration the dipole shows up then it is capable of a vibrational transition.0766
The one that we would be concert with most of all, is the changes in the quantum numbers itself.0779
In this case, δ R = + or -1, but it is good to know this because some of your classes depending on what they are going to cover,0783
what they are not going to cover, they may actually go into the mathematics behind this.0791
I do not know, we ourselves are not.0794
We are going to be concerned more with just the spectroscopic aspects.0795
As we said earlier, spectroscopy is conducted primarily in wave numbers.0801
Spectroscopy is conducted in inverse cm, in wave numbers.0817
We want to take this equation for energy and convert them to wave numbers.0825
For vibration, the symbol that we use is G.0832
G is a function of R, it is equal to the energy of R that we had from the previous page divided by HZ.0837
The energy that you have, the energy that is given in Joules divided by Planck's constant divided by the speed of light.0847
Any energy in Joules divided by those by HC is going to give you the number in inverse cm.0856
This is called the vibrational term and this is what you will see in the literature.0861
This G of R called the vibrational term and it is just a symbol for the vibrational energy expressed in terms of wave numbers,0868
expressed in inverse cm as opposed to joules or anything else.0882
G as a function of R is equal to, the E of R is H ν R + ½.0884
We will go ahead and divide by HC.0895
The H will cancel, what we end up with is this ν ~.0898
It is the frequency expressed in wave numbers, R + ½.0903
Everything else is the same, R is going to take on the values of 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.0908
The reason is here we are left with N/ C.0916
That is just equal to N/ C.0921
G of R is equal to ν ~, the fundamental vibration frequency expressed in wave numbers, × R + ½,0930
where ν ~ is equal to this ν/ C, which is equal to 1/ 2 π C.0944
That is it, just a little bit of mathematical manipulation.0955
This is the important thing right here.0958
This is what we have, this gives us the energy of a particular vibrational state depending on the quantum number R.0961
Let me go ahead and put R = 0, 1, 2, and so n.0968
It gives the energy of that particular vibrational state expressed in inverse cm.0974
That is all this.0979
That is the energy of the harmonic oscillator.0983
Let us go ahead and talk about the energy of the rigid rotator.0986
The energy of the rigid rotator, in case you are wondering why we are talking about the harmonic oscillator and the rigid rotator,0994
these things are for spectroscopic movement, spectroscopic transitions.1004
The harmonic oscillator is this way, it is the molecule that is vibrating.1011
The mathematics behind this is what we are doing.1014
The rigid rotator is something that rotates like this.1018
When you have a diatomic molecule that is rotating, we modeled it with the mathematics of the rigid rotator.1021
That is all, that is what we are doing here.1026
The energy of the rigid rotator is, in terms of what it is that we studied earlier, EJ = H ̅² / 2I × J × J + 1,1028
where J is the rotational quantum number that takes on the values 0, 1, 2, and so on.1043
Here I is the rotational inertia of the molecule.1050
It is equal to the reduced mass × the equilibrium bond length, the radius length between the two nuclei.1054
This E stands for its equilibrium², that is it.1066
This is the moment of inertia.1069
This I is the moment of inertia or the rotational inertia of the molecule.1071
Our E is the equilibrium bond length.1080
One of the parameters that you will see when you look at a table of constants for spectroscopic data is you are going to see the R sub E.1092
You are going to see the equilibrium bond length for that molecule.1099
The rotational say this gives the energy of the rotational state, the degeneracy of each level.1104
In other words, the number of levels that actually has this energy.1111
The degeneracy is equal to 2 J + 1.1115
When we discussed the rigid rotator earlier, I do not think I explained why this degeneracy exists.1121
I may have, but I do not believe that I did.1144
I think I just throw it out there as a number.1146
I do not think I explained where this degeneracy in the rotational states comes from,1149
explained that nature of this degeneracy.1155
Here is what is going on, I will tell you and then I will write it all out.1170
Let us say J is 1, that is going to have certain energy.1175
It is going to rotate with certain energy.1182
However, for each quantum number, in this case 1, there are 2 × 1 + 1.1186
There are going to be three actual orientations in space, fundamental orientations where the rotation is going to have that energy.1194
That is what degeneracy means.1202
It is going to be a particular quantum state that has that same energy, that is what the degeneracy.1204
We know that by definition.1209
The orientation in space of the molecule does not affect its rotational energy.1211
In other words, if I have a certain molecule that is oriented this way and it is rotating like this,1215
or if it is this way rotating like this, or if it is this way rotating like this, they have the same energy.1221
That is what this degeneracy means.1228
In the case of J = 1, it can be this way, it can be this way, it can be this way.1230
If J = 2, that is 2 × 2 + 1.1238
It means there are going to be 5 fundamental orientations in space that give you that same energy.1241
It is going to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1246
For 3, you are going to end up with 7 levels of degeneracy, 7 fundamental orientations in space that all have the same energy.1255
That is the nature of this degeneracy of the rotational states.1262
Let us write it all out and give you a little bit of a quantitative aspect of it.1265
In molecules orientation in space has no affect on this rotational energy.1274
J is the quantum number that represents the angular momentum of the rigid rotator.1298
In other words, we know that anything that rotates has an angular momentum.1325
That angular momentum is going to be perpendicular to the direction of rotation.1329
If the molecule is rotating like this, its angular momentum is that way.1332
The magnitude of that angular momentum that is what J is.1337
J² actually.1340
That is what it represents.1343
It represents the magnitude of the angular momentum.1345
If it is rotating this way, the angular momentum vector is pointing that way.1347
If it is rotating this way, it is pointing that way.1351
This is the Z axis, it can be rotating like this, like this like this.1356
Angular momentum pointing that way, angular momentum vector pointing this way,1363
angular momentum vector pointing this way.1366
For each value of J, there is a J sub Z.1369
It is the component of the angular momentum vector along the Z axis, J sub Z is, we already seen this before.1381
For angular momentum, for rotational angular, we have seen this for spin angular momentum already.1391
JZ is the component of the angular momentum vector along the Z axis.1395
JZ takes on the values 0, + or -1, + or -2, all way to + or - J.1422
If J is 1 then what we have is 1, 0, -1.1444
If J is 2, we have 2, 1, 0, -1, 2.1449
If J is 3, we have 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3.1454
It is the projection of the angular momentum vector along the Z axis.1461
All of those orientations in space carry the same energy given by the,1466
Here is where 2J + 1 come from.1473
There are 2J + 1 value in J sub Z.1475
For each J, or each J, there are 2J + 1.1478
I will just call that fundamental orientation with the same energy.1490
When we discuss the hydrogen atom, we call the J we called it L, the angular momentum quantum number.1519
The rotational quantum number.1537
And we called this J sub Z, we call it M sub L.1544
This was the magnetic quantum number, that is all that is going on here.1551
Remember for each value of L, you have 0, + or -1, + or – 2, all the way to ± L.1558
That is the magnetic quantum number which takes on the values 0, + or -1, + or -2, all the way to + or – L.1567
We will do the rotational term.1589
We went ahead and expressed the vibrational energy in terms of wave numbers.1596
We are going to express the rotational energy in terms of wave numbers.1600
The rotational term is symbolized as F of J.1604
F of J is equal to E of J divided by HZ equal to H ̅² / 2I HZ × J × J + 1.1612
H ̅ is equal to H/ 2 π, that implies that H ̅² is equal to H²/ 4 π².1630
When we put all of this back in to here, we get that the rotational term,1644
in other words the rotational energy expressed in terms of wave numbers is going to be equal to H² / 8 I π² HZ × J × J + 1.1648
We get some cancellation with the H and one of these.1668
What we are left with is F of J is equal to H/ 8I π² ψ × J × J + 1.1671
And again, J takes on the value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.1690
I will circle the whole thing not just the bottom part.1696
This whole thing this is called the rotational constant and is symbolized as a B with a ~ on it.1699
This is another one of the spectroscopic parameters that you find in a table of spectroscopic data.1722
Just like you see in the equilibrium bond length, you will also see the rotational constant.1730
And as we go on with the lessons, you will see that there are more and more constants that are actually tabulated.1734
Since that is symbolized that way, we will go ahead and write it as F of J is equal to B ~ × J × J + 1,1742
where J takes on the values of 0, 1, 2, and so on.1758
And B is of course what we just said F of J is now in inverse cm.1763
The selection rules for rotational transitions δ J = + or -1,1771
that means it can only go from one rotational state to the next, either up or down.1790
It is not going to jump 5 levels.1793
In this case, the molecule must have a permanent dipole.1795
In the case of a rotational transition, it has to have a permanent dipole.1807
In the case of the vibrational transition, there has to be a change in the dipole moment during the vibration, during the transition.1810
If the transition is to happen, it must have a permanent dipole.1821
That is the difference between the two.1825
We have the rigid rotator energy, we have the harmonic oscillator energy, therefore like we said,1828
the transitions in the infrared, the vibrational transitions are accompanied by rotational transitions.1835
The combined energy of the transition is going to be the energy of the rotation + the energy of the vibration.1841
The harmonic oscillator rigid rotator approximation for the energy of the molecule is1849
therefore, the sum of the vibrational rotational energy.1873
Therefore, the energy R J is equal to the vibrational term + the rotational term.1892
The vibrational energy + the rotational energy.1901
Let me make my J a little bit more clear so it is not connected like that.1903
E sub RJ is equal to, this one is ν prime R + ½ +, now we have B~ J × J + 1.1908
Here R takes on the values 0, 1, 2, and so on.1924
J takes on the values 0, 1, 2, and so on.1928
Notice, there are two quantum numbers here in the total expression for the energy.1932
Once again, this ν ~ is equal to 1/ 2 π Z × the force constant divided by the reduced mass ^½.1937
This is the fundamental frequency of the vibration.1949
B~ is equal to Planck's constant divided by 8I π² Z.1966
All the parameters are taken care of, this is the equation of the harmonic oscillator rigid rotator approximation.1976
The mathematical equation that approximates what we see when we look at vibration rotation spectra is this.1983
The energy level diagram looks like this.1997
Let me draw this one by hand, actually.2001
What we have is my harmonic oscillator R = 0, R = 1, R = 2.2004
Remember the spacing between energy levels is the same for the harmonic oscillator.2021
R = 3, this is R = 0.2027
R = 1, R = 2, R = 3.2030
Within each vibrational level, there is a series of rotational levels.2036
We have J = 0, J = 1, J = 2, J = 3, and so on.2042
Here we have this one, this one, this one, this one, this one.2053
For R = 2, for each vibrational level there is a series of rotational levels.2060
The spacing of the rotation levels is not the same, the energies.2072
Between each vibration level, or for each vibrational level2080
which is the vibrational quantum number R there is a progression of rotational states.2090
When a photon of infrared is absorbed,2119
not only does a vibrational transition take place from R to R + 12140
but several rotational transitions take place.2155
Several rotational transitions take place from J to either J + 1 or to J-1.2165
Right now, we are talking just about absorption.2182
When we are talking about absorption, we are going to go from R to R + 1.2184
If we are talking about emission, we would be talking about going from some level R to R -1.2189
For the sake of absorption, we are going up one vibrational level but the J level can actually go down or up.2194
You can go from J1 to J2 or J1 to J0, that is what this means.2202
But several rotation transitions take place when a photon of IR not only does the transition take place2211
from R to R + 1 but several rotational transitions take place from J to J + 1.2219
The selection rules, this is called vibration rotation.2230
When we to look a spectrum, it is called a vibration rotation spectrum.2242
We can get pure rotational spectra, we can get information of pure vibrational spectra2246
but when we run out of vibrational spectrum what we will get is a vibration rotation spectrum.2253
They are the combination of the R jump and the J jumps, that is what is happening.2256
The selection rules for vibration rotation are2267
δ R = + or -1, δ J = + or -1.2285
If R is + 1 that means it is going from a lower or to a higher state of absorption.2293
If R is -1, it means it is coming from a higher to a lower state, that is emission.2298
In the case of δ J + or -1, in the case of absorption, because you are going from one vibrational state to another vibrational state,2304
the rotational state might go up 1 or down 1.2316
But it is still absorption because it is actually going up an entire vibrational level.2322
You are still looking at a higher level.2331
Let us look at what the mathematics behind absorption.2337
What we want to do now is to derive an equation for the frequencies, for the spectra that we see.2341
Let us look at absorption, in the case of absorption δ R = + or -1.2352
Δ R is + 1, it is absorption, sorry about that.2365
Δ J is + or -1.2370
For R = + 1 and J = + 1, we would have two cases, 1 + 1 and 1 -1, + 1, the frequency of absorption.2374
The frequency of absorption is the difference between two energy levels.2389
The frequency of absorption is ν, what we observe.2399
It is the energy of the R + 1 J + 1 state - the lower state which is the energy of the R and J.2408
Let us go ahead and do the mathematics here.2434
This is going to equal, this energy term – this.2437
What we are going to have is prime × R + 1 + ½ + B~ × J + 1 × J + 2.2441
This is the upper state - the lower state which is ν~ × R + ½ + B ~ × J × J + 1.2455
I will not actually go through all the algebra here.2471
I think I actually will, I will do it for this one, that is not a problem.2481
This is equal to ν × R + 3/2 + B ~ × J² + 3J + 2 - ν × R + ½ - B ~ × J² + J,2484
I will distribute the - or both, what you end up with is ν ~ R + 3/2 ν ~ + B~ J² + 3 B ~ J + 2 B ~ – ν R - ½ ν - B ~ J.2511
This is just algebra, that is all it is.2538
It is always the worst part of mathematics.2540
Algebra has always been the worst and it will always be the worst.2542
Do not let it get to you.2546
A combined term, like for example I can cancel this one and this one.2548
I can cancel BJ² and that one I can combine the 3/2 ν - ½ ν.2553
When I'm left with is ν ~ + 2B ~ J + 2B ~.2559
Let me simplify this a little bit.2570
ν observed is going to equal ν + 2B.2572
I’m going to factor out the 2B ~, that is going to be J + 1, where J is going to take on the values 0, 1, 2, 3.2580
This is very important, J here is the value of the lower rotational state.2590
J is the value of the lower rotational state.2598
In other words, the smaller lower quantum number.2608
The quantum number of lower state.2611
It is the value of the quantum number in the lower state.2613
This is one of the equations.2637
This equation for the different values that J takes on.2640
What I'm going to see is the spectrum but I expect to see in the spectrum is this.2644
I expect to see a frequency at this number.2649
Its fundamental vibrational frequency + 2 × this rotational constant × whatever the J value happens to be in the lower state.2655
I expect to see a line there.2663
For the other case, for R = + 1.2668
This time J = -1, the observed frequency that I expect is going to be the energy of the R + 1 state J-1,2674
that is the upper state is J -1 – ERJ.2688
I go through the same algebra and what I end up with is, ν observe is going to equal ν -2 BJ.2697
Here, J takes on the values 1, 2, 3.2710
And again, J here is the value of the quantum number in the lower rotational state.2716
That is why there is a difference between these two.2725
Let us actually see what this looks like.2730
This is the other equation that I'm interested in right here.2731
This gives me one set of lines for different values of J.2739
This gives me another set of lines for different values of J.2742
Let us go ahead and go to a picture of the energy transitions to see what is happening first,2757
then we will take a look at the spectrum.2761
These right here, the blue lines, this blue level lower vibrational state,2765
Let me actually erase this.2771
Most books tend to use the symbol V or sort of a variation on ν as the vibrational quantum number.2774
I do not like that because it looks a lot like the frequency and it tends to get really confusing2782
which is why I use R for the vibrational quantum number.2788
This is R = 0, the 0 vibrational quantum state.2792
Here, this is the R = 1 vibrational quantum state.2795
Notice, within each vibration level, there are several rotational levels.2801
J = 0, J = 1, J = 2, J = 3, 4, 5.2806
And of course, in the upper level it has its own rotational quantum states 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.2810
What we see in the spectrum is a series of lines.2817
For right now, let us not worry about with this Q branch is.2821
I will tell you in a second.2825
What is happening is R, the vibrational state is going up by 1.2827
We are jumping up from this vibrational state to this vibrational state.2832
Let us go to the R branch first, the R branch of the spectrum.2837
Here, the δ R = + 1 and the δ J = + 1.2845
That is fine, I will stick with blue.2856
I'm going from the J = 0, this one right here, this black line is J equal 0 to the J = 1.2859
The vibrational quantum state is going up by 1.2866
The rotational quantum state is going up by 1.2871
The molecules that are in the state of J = 1, they transition to the J = 2.2877
The 2 go up to 3, the 3 go up to 4, the 4 go up to 5.2885
That is the R branch.2894
The L branch represents δ R = + 1, we are going up a vibrational state.2896
But for the δ J = -1, in other words on the spectrum, I see a line for this transition,2905
a line for this transition, a line for this transition, and a line for this transition.2912
Now for the P branch, sorry about that.2918
It represents a vibrational state of going from a lower vibration to a higher vibration R = + 1,2926
but the rotational state drops by 1.2931
Here we are going from 1 to 0, J = 2 to J = 1.2933
J = 3 to J = 2, J = 4 to J = 3, J = 5 to J = 4.2942
There is a line for each of these transitions.2950
What we see is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on lines.2954
To the left we see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on lines.2958
This Q branch, notice where the lines go.2963
We are jumping up from a vibrational state to a vibrational state R = 0 to R = 1.2967
That is fine, that is not a problem.2971
The selection rule can handle that but we said that δ J has to be + or -1.2973
Δ J cannot be 0, that is a forbidden transition.2977
Notice this line right here, that is going from J = 0 to J = 0.2983
J = 1 to J = 1, because δ J = 0 is a forbidden transition, these transitions we do not see them in the spectrum.2988
What you see in the spectrum is this, no line at ν, the fundamental vibration frequency.2999
Remember what we had just a second ago, we had a couple of equations.3009
We said that for the R branch, we would end up seeing a bunch of lines at ν + 2 B × J + 1.3014
And for the P branch, we would see a bunch at ν – 2BJ.3028
There are going to be lines to the left, lines to the right of this number.3037
But we do not actually see a line in there because the transition from the δ J = 0 transition is forbidden.3042
There is no actual Q branch.3051
There are molecules with Q branch, they will show up3053
Your teacher may or may not decide not to talk about it.3056
We, ourselves, we will not talk about it.3060
It was not altogether that important, at least for what we are doing.3061
But know that there is a P branch, there is a Q branch, there is an R branch.3064
But in general, for the vibration rotation spectra of diatomic molecule,3068
because δ G = 0 is a forbidden transition, δ J has to equal + or -1, we do not see a Q branch.3072
It is just that nothing there.3079
Let us go ahead and take a look at the vibration rotation spectra.3082
This is a vibration rotation spectrum for HCL.3089
Do not worry about this, it should not be in here.3093
This is a vibration rotation of HCL.3097
You will sometimes see them this way, in terms of the peaks to be pointing down.3101
Other times you are going to see them when the peaks are pointing up.3107
The R branch here, right here, see these lines?3110
This right here, this little gap, this is the ν sub 0.3113
This is the fundamental frequency.3122
It to this point where the J = 0 to J = 0 transitions should happen.3123
But because they are forbidden, it is not going to happen, but that is where we see it.3128
If we know what ν 0 is, reading of the spectrum we just find that middle point and we go down and we mark it.3134
That is our ν sub 0, that is our fundamental vibration frequency.3143
The R branch we said is where you do,3148
Let us write it down.3156
It is equal to that, + 2B × J + 1.3159
Notice, it is where the absorption frequency is going to be increasing from the fundamental frequency.3168
The fundamental frequency + a certain amount.3175
The fundamental frequency + a certain amount.3178
The fundamental frequency + a certain amount + a certain amount, this is a second transition.3180
+ a certain amount, this is the third transition.3184
+ a certain amount, this is the fourth transition.3186
+ a certain amount, it is the fifth transition.3187
As the frequencies go up, that is the R branch.3190
This right here is the R branch.3193
Over here, the frequencies go down.3196
The fundamental frequency of the P branch is the fundamental frequency - some value as J increases.3199
- - -, these are going down.3206
This is the P branch.3209
Like I said, sometimes you see it the other way.3212
When you look at the spectra, you are not going to look at left and right.3214
You are looking at R and P.3220
R is for the frequencies that increase, P is for the frequencies that decrease from the fundamental frequency.3222
That is what is happening here.3228
Let us look at these lines, the fundamental frequency is here.3230
This one represents the transition from 0 to J = 1.3233
This one represents J = 1 to J = 2.3237
This one represents J = 2 to J = 3.3240
J = 3 to J = 4, and so on.3244
Here represents J = 1 to J = 0, J = 2 to J = 1, J = 3 to J = 2.3246
This is the δ J = + 1, here is the δ J = -1.3260
Let us look at the spectra that actually look the other way.3267
This is the spectrum for carbon monoxide.3271
Let me write it down here.3274
This is the spectrum from carbon monoxide.3276
In this particular case, the peaks are pointing up.3278
This is interesting.3280
The left is actually increasing, to the right it is actually decreasing.3288
Here is the fundamental frequency increase.3291
This is the R branch decreasing, that is the P branch.3294
That is all that is going on here.3299
Because the equation R ν + 2B × J + 1 and ν - 2 BJ, the difference in the spacing, this difference right here,3303
the difference between the lines is 2B.3322
The difference between them is 2B.3328
We see absorptions.3334
That is what is going on there.3340
Let us go ahead and see what else we have to say about this.3342
Notice there is a nonexistent Q branch here.3349
Let us talk about the intensities.3359
Notice that all of these lines they have different intensities.3361
Some are very very intense, some not so intense.3364
This is the last page.3370
Let me go ahead and write it over here and continue it down here.3374
The intensities of the transitions are related to the populations of each J level.3386
In other words, if I had a bunch of molecules, let us just say I have 100 molecules in level 2.3405
A hundred molecules in level 2, the more molecules that you have, the more transitions are going to take place.3413
The more molecules you have, each one of those molecules is going to make a transition.3428
Each one of those transitions is represented by, it is going to contribute to the size of the peak.3432
If you only have 10 molecules making the transition, let us say from level 3 to level 4,3437
it is going to have a certain height of a peak.3443
If you have 100 molecules making the transition from level 2 to level 3, that peak is going to be higher.3445
In this particular case, notice that the level 2 to level 3 to level 4, those tend to be the peaks of highest intensity.3452
That tells us that the rotational levels 2, 3, 4, those are the ones that are most highly populated at normal temperatures.3461
As far as the rotational state level molecule, most molecules are not in there,3472
0, 1, 2 rotational states at room temperature, most of them tend to be in the 3, 4, 5 rotational states.3476
That is where most of the molecules are.3483
Therefore, the transitions that are going to take place, they are going to have the ones of higher intensity.3485
Let me say that again.3491
The intensities of the transitions are related to the populations of each J level.3492
The greater the population of the level, the greater the number of transitions,3504
therefore, the more intense the line.3532
We see from these spectra that the J = 3, 4, 5, are the most populated.3542
Once again, notice that the Q branch does not exist because δ J = 0 is a forbidden transition.3574
Thank you so much for joining us here at
We will see you next time for a continuation of molecular spectroscopy, bye.3584

Raffi Hovasapian
Slide Duration:Table of Contents
46m 5s
- Intro0:00
- Course Overview0:16
- Thermodynamics & Classical Thermodynamics0:17
- Structure of the Course1:30
- The Ideal Gas Law3:06
- Ideal Gas Law: PV=nRT3:07
- Units of Pressure4:51
- Manipulating Units5:52
- Atmosphere : atm8:15
- Millimeter of Mercury: mm Hg8:48
- SI Unit of Volume9:32
- SI Unit of Temperature10:32
- Value of R (Gas Constant): Pv = nRT10:51
- Extensive and Intensive Variables (Properties)15:23
- Intensive Property15:52
- Extensive Property16:30
- Example: Extensive and Intensive Variables18:20
- Ideal Gas Law19:24
- Ideal Gas Law with Intensive Variables19:25
- Graphing Equations23:51
- Hold T Constant & Graph P vs. V23:52
- Hold P Constant & Graph V vs. T31:08
- Hold V Constant & Graph P vs. T34:38
- Isochores or Isometrics37:08
- More on the V vs. T Graph39:46
- More on the P vs. V Graph42:06
- Ideal Gas Law at Low Pressure & High Temperature44:26
- Ideal Gas Law at High Pressure & Low Temperature45:16
46m 2s
- Intro0:00
- Math Lesson 1: Partial Differentiation0:38
- Overview0:39
- Example I3:00
- Example II6:33
- Example III9:52
- Example IV17:26
- Differential & Derivative21:44
- What Does It Mean?21:45
- Total Differential (or Total Derivative)30:16
- Net Change in Pressure (P)33:58
- General Equation for Total Differential38:12
- Example 5: Total Differential39:28
1h 6m 45s
- Intro0:00
- Properties of Thermodynamic State1:38
- Big Picture: 3 Properties of Thermodynamic State1:39
- Enthalpy & Free Energy3:30
- Associated Law4:40
- Energy & the First Law of Thermodynamics7:13
- System & Its Surrounding Separated by a Boundary7:14
- In Other Cases the Boundary is Less Clear10:47
- State of a System12:37
- State of a System12:38
- Change in State14:00
- Path for a Change in State14:57
- Example: State of a System15:46
- Open, Close, and Isolated System18:26
- Open System18:27
- Closed System19:02
- Isolated System19:22
- Important Questions20:38
- Important Questions20:39
- Work & Heat22:50
- Definition of Work23:33
- Properties of Work25:34
- Definition of Heat32:16
- Properties of Heat34:49
- Experiment #142:23
- Experiment #247:00
- More on Work & Heat54:50
- More on Work & Heat54:51
- Conventions for Heat & Work1:00:50
- Convention for Heat1:02:40
- Convention for Work1:04:24
- Schematic Representation1:05:00
1h 6m 33s
- Intro0:00
- The First Law of Thermodynamics0:53
- The First Law of Thermodynamics0:54
- Example 1: What is the Change in Energy of the System & Surroundings?8:53
- Energy and The First Law II, cont.11:55
- The Energy of a System Changes in Two Ways11:56
- Systems Possess Energy, Not Heat or Work12:45
- Scenario 116:00
- Scenario 216:46
- State Property, Path Properties, and Path Functions18:10
- Pressure-Volume Work22:36
- When a System Changes22:37
- Gas Expands24:06
- Gas is Compressed25:13
- Pressure Volume Diagram: Analyzing Expansion27:17
- What if We do the Same Expansion in Two Stages?35:22
- Multistage Expansion43:58
- General Expression for the Pressure-Volume Work46:59
- Upper Limit of Isothermal Expansion50:00
- Expression for the Work Done in an Isothermal Expansion52:45
- Example 2: Find an Expression for the Maximum Work Done by an Ideal Gas upon Isothermal Expansion56:18
- Example 3: Calculate the External Pressure and Work Done58:50
1h 2m 17s
- Intro0:00
- Compression0:20
- Compression Overview0:34
- Single-stage compression vs. 2-stage Compression2:16
- Multi-stage Compression8:40
- Example I: Compression14:47
- Example 1: Single-stage Compression14:47
- Example 1: 2-stage Compression20:07
- Example 1: Absolute Minimum26:37
- More on Compression32:55
- Isothermal Expansion & Compression32:56
- External & Internal Pressure of the System35:18
- Reversible & Irreversible Processes37:32
- Process 1: Overview38:57
- Process 2: Overview39:36
- Process 1: Analysis40:42
- Process 2: Analysis45:29
- Reversible Process50:03
- Isothermal Expansion and Compression54:31
- Example II: Reversible Isothermal Compression of a Van der Waals Gas58:10
- Example 2: Reversible Isothermal Compression of a Van der Waals Gas58:11
1h 4m 39s
- Intro0:00
- Recall0:37
- State Function & Path Function0:38
- First Law2:11
- Exact & Inexact Differential2:12
- Where Does (∆U = Q - W) or dU = dQ - dU Come from?8:54
- Cyclic Integrals of Path and State Functions8:55
- Our Empirical Experience of the First Law12:31
- ∆U = Q - W18:42
- Relations between Changes in Properties and Energy22:24
- Relations between Changes in Properties and Energy22:25
- Rate of Change of Energy per Unit Change in Temperature29:54
- Rate of Change of Energy per Unit Change in Volume at Constant Temperature32:39
- Total Differential Equation34:38
- Constant Volume41:08
- If Volume Remains Constant, then dV = 041:09
- Constant Volume Heat Capacity45:22
- Constant Volume Integrated48:14
- Increase & Decrease in Energy of the System54:19
- Example 1: ∆U and Qv57:43
- Important Equations1:02:06
16m 50s
- Intro0:00
- Joule's Experiment0:09
- Joule's Experiment1:20
- Interpretation of the Result4:42
- The Gas Expands Against No External Pressure4:43
- Temperature of the Surrounding Does Not Change6:20
- System & Surrounding7:04
- Joule's Law10:44
- More on Joule's Experiment11:08
- Later Experiment12:38
- Dealing with the 2nd Law & Its Mathematical Consequences13:52
43m 40s
- Intro0:00
- Changes in Energy & State: Constant Pressure0:20
- Integrating with Constant Pressure0:35
- Defining the New State Function6:24
- Heat & Enthalpy of the System at Constant Pressure8:54
- Finding ∆U12:10
- dH15:28
- Constant Pressure Heat Capacity18:08
- Important Equations25:44
- Important Equations25:45
- Important Equations at Constant Pressure27:32
- Example I: Change in Enthalpy (∆H)28:53
- Example II: Change in Internal Energy (∆U)34:19
32m 23s
- Intro0:00
- The Relationship Between Cp & Cv0:21
- For a Constant Volume Process No Work is Done0:22
- For a Constant Pressure Process ∆V ≠ 0, so Work is Done1:16
- The Relationship Between Cp & Cv: For an Ideal Gas3:26
- The Relationship Between Cp & Cv: In Terms of Molar heat Capacities5:44
- Heat Capacity Can Have an Infinite # of Values7:14
- The Relationship Between Cp & Cv11:20
- When Cp is Greater than Cv17:13
- 2nd Term18:10
- 1st Term19:20
- Constant P Process: 3 Parts22:36
- Part 123:45
- Part 224:10
- Part 324:46
- Define : γ = (Cp/Cv)28:06
- For Gases28:36
- For Liquids29:04
- For an Ideal Gas30:46
39m 15s
- Intro0:00
- General Equations0:13
- Recall0:14
- How Does Enthalpy of a System Change Upon a Unit Change in Pressure?2:58
- For Liquids & Solids12:11
- For Ideal Gases14:08
- For Real Gases16:58
- The Joule Thompson Experiment18:37
- The Joule Thompson Experiment Setup18:38
- The Flow in 2 Stages22:54
- Work Equation for the Joule Thompson Experiment24:14
- Insulated Pipe26:33
- Joule-Thompson Coefficient29:50
- Changing Temperature & Pressure in Such a Way that Enthalpy Remains Constant31:44
- Joule Thompson Inversion Temperature36:26
- Positive & Negative Joule-Thompson Coefficient36:27
- Joule Thompson Inversion Temperature37:22
- Inversion Temperature of Hydrogen Gas37:59
35m 52s
- Intro0:00
- Adiabatic Changes of State0:10
- Adiabatic Changes of State0:18
- Work & Energy in an Adiabatic Process3:44
- Pressure-Volume Work7:43
- Adiabatic Changes for an Ideal Gas9:23
- Adiabatic Changes for an Ideal Gas9:24
- Equation for a Fixed Change in Volume11:20
- Maximum & Minimum Values of Temperature14:20
- Adiabatic Path18:08
- Adiabatic Path Diagram18:09
- Reversible Adiabatic Expansion21:54
- Reversible Adiabatic Compression22:34
- Fundamental Relationship Equation for an Ideal Gas Under Adiabatic Expansion25:00
- More on the Equation28:20
- Important Equations32:16
- Important Adiabatic Equation32:17
- Reversible Adiabatic Change of State Equation33:02
42m 40s
- Intro0:00
- Fundamental Equations0:56
- Work2:40
- Energy (1st Law)3:10
- Definition of Enthalpy3:44
- Heat capacity Definitions4:06
- The Mathematics6:35
- Fundamental Concepts8:13
- Isothermal8:20
- Adiabatic8:54
- Isobaric9:25
- Isometric9:48
- Ideal Gases10:14
- Example I12:08
- Example I: Conventions12:44
- Example I: Part A15:30
- Example I: Part B18:24
- Example I: Part C19:53
- Example II: What is the Heat Capacity of the System?21:49
- Example III: Find Q, W, ∆U & ∆H for this Change of State24:15
- Example IV: Find Q, W, ∆U & ∆H31:37
- Example V: Find Q, W, ∆U & ∆H38:20
1h 23s
- Intro0:00
- Example I0:11
- Example I: Finding ∆U1:49
- Example I: Finding W6:22
- Example I: Finding Q11:23
- Example I: Finding ∆H16:09
- Example I: Summary17:07
- Example II21:16
- Example II: Finding W22:42
- Example II: Finding ∆H27:48
- Example II: Finding Q30:58
- Example II: Finding ∆U31:30
- Example III33:33
- Example III: Finding ∆U, Q & W33:34
- Example III: Finding ∆H38:07
- Example IV41:50
- Example IV: Finding ∆U41:51
- Example IV: Finding ∆H45:42
- Example V49:31
- Example V: Finding W49:32
- Example V: Finding ∆U55:26
- Example V: Finding Q56:26
- Example V: Finding ∆H56:55
44m 34s
- Intro0:00
- Example I0:15
- Example I: Finding the Final Temperature3:40
- Example I: Finding Q8:04
- Example I: Finding ∆U8:25
- Example I: Finding W9:08
- Example I: Finding ∆H9:51
- Example II11:27
- Example II: Finding the Final Temperature11:28
- Example II: Finding ∆U21:25
- Example II: Finding W & Q22:14
- Example II: Finding ∆H23:03
- Example III24:38
- Example III: Finding the Final Temperature24:39
- Example III: Finding W, ∆U, and Q27:43
- Example III: Finding ∆H28:04
- Example IV29:23
- Example IV: Finding ∆U, W, and Q25:36
- Example IV: Finding ∆H31:33
- Example V32:24
- Example V: Finding the Final Temperature33:32
- Example V: Finding ∆U39:31
- Example V: Finding W40:17
- Example V: First Way of Finding ∆H41:10
- Example V: Second Way of Finding ∆H42:10
59m 7s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Find ∆H° for the Following Reaction0:42
- Example II: Calculate the ∆U° for the Reaction in Example I5:33
- Example III: Calculate the Heat of Formation of NH₃ at 298 K14:23
- Example IV32:15
- Part A: Calculate the Heat of Vaporization of Water at 25°C33:49
- Part B: Calculate the Work Done in Vaporizing 2 Mols of Water at 25°C Under a Constant Pressure of 1 atm35:26
- Part C: Find ∆U for the Vaporization of Water at 25°C41:00
- Part D: Find the Enthalpy of Vaporization of Water at 100°C43:12
- Example V49:24
- Part A: Constant Temperature & Increasing Pressure50:25
- Part B: Increasing temperature & Constant Pressure56:20
49m 16s
- Intro0:00
- Entropy, Part 10:16
- Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (Isobaric)0:38
- Coefficient of Compressibility (Isothermal)1:25
- Relative Increase & Relative Decrease2:16
- More on α4:40
- More on κ8:38
- Entropy, Part 211:04
- Definition of Entropy12:54
- Differential Change in Entropy & the Reversible Path20:08
- State Property of the System28:26
- Entropy Changes Under Isothermal Conditions35:00
- Recall: Heating Curve41:05
- Some Phase Changes Take Place Under Constant Pressure44:07
- Example I: Finding ∆S for a Phase Change46:05
33m 59s
- Intro0:00
- Math Lesson II0:46
- Let F(x,y) = x²y³0:47
- Total Differential3:34
- Total Differential Expression6:06
- Example 19:24
- More on Math Expression13:26
- Exact Total Differential Expression13:27
- Exact Differentials19:50
- Inexact Differentials20:20
- The Cyclic Rule21:06
- The Cyclic Rule21:07
- Example 227:58
54m 37s
- Intro0:00
- Entropy As a Function of Temperature & Volume0:14
- Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics1:16
- Things to Notice9:10
- Entropy As a Function of Temperature & Volume14:47
- Temperature-dependence of Entropy24:00
- Example I26:19
- Entropy As a Function of Temperature & Volume, Cont.31:55
- Volume-dependence of Entropy at Constant Temperature31:56
- Differentiate with Respect to Temperature, Holding Volume Constant36:16
- Recall the Cyclic Rule45:15
- Summary & Recap46:47
- Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics46:48
- For Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Volume47:18
- The Volume-dependence of Entropy for Liquids & Solids52:52
31m 18s
- Intro0:00
- Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Pressure0:17
- Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Pressure0:18
- Rewrite the Total Differential5:54
- Temperature-dependence7:08
- Pressure-dependence9:04
- Differentiate with Respect to Pressure & Holding Temperature Constant9:54
- Differentiate with Respect to Temperature & Holding Pressure Constant11:28
- Pressure-Dependence of Entropy for Liquids & Solids18:45
- Pressure-Dependence of Entropy for Liquids & Solids18:46
- Example I: ∆S of Transformation26:20
23m 6s
- Intro0:00
- Summary of Entropy So Far0:43
- Defining dS1:04
- Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics3:51
- Temperature & Volume6:04
- Temperature & Pressure9:10
- Two Important Equations for How Entropy Behaves13:38
- State of a System & Heat Capacity15:34
- Temperature-dependence of Entropy19:49
25m 42s
- Intro0:00
- Entropy Changes for an Ideal Gas1:10
- General Equation1:22
- The Fundamental Theorem of Thermodynamics2:37
- Recall the Basic Total Differential Expression for S = S (T,V)5:36
- For a Finite Change in State7:58
- If Cv is Constant Over the Particular Temperature Range9:05
- Change in Entropy of an Ideal Gas as a Function of Temperature & Pressure11:35
- Change in Entropy of an Ideal Gas as a Function of Temperature & Pressure11:36
- Recall the Basic Total Differential expression for S = S (T, P)15:13
- For a Finite Change18:06
- Example 1: Calculate the ∆S of Transformation22:02
43m 39s
- Intro0:00
- Entropy Example Problems I0:24
- Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics1:10
- Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Volume2:04
- Entropy as a Function of Temperature & Pressure2:59
- Entropy For Phase Changes4:47
- Entropy For an Ideal Gas6:14
- Third Law Entropies8:25
- Statement of the Third Law9:17
- Entropy of the Liquid State of a Substance Above Its Melting Point10:23
- Entropy For the Gas Above Its Boiling Temperature13:02
- Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions15:26
- Entropy Change at a Temperature Other than 25°C16:32
- Example I19:31
- Part A: Calculate ∆S for the Transformation Under Constant Volume20:34
- Part B: Calculate ∆S for the Transformation Under Constant Pressure25:04
- Example II: Calculate ∆S fir the Transformation Under Isobaric Conditions27:53
- Example III30:14
- Part A: Calculate ∆S if 1 Mol of Aluminum is taken from 25°C to 255°C31:14
- Part B: If S°₂₉₈ = 28.4 J/mol-K, Calculate S° for Aluminum at 498 K33:23
- Example IV: Calculate Entropy Change of Vaporization for CCl₄34:19
- Example V35:41
- Part A: Calculate ∆S of Transformation37:36
- Part B: Calculate ∆S of Transformation39:10
56m 44s
- Intro0:00
- Example I0:09
- Example I: Calculate ∆U1:28
- Example I: Calculate Q3:29
- Example I: Calculate Cp4:54
- Example I: Calculate ∆S6:14
- Example II7:13
- Example II: Calculate W8:14
- Example II: Calculate ∆U8:56
- Example II: Calculate Q10:18
- Example II: Calculate ∆H11:00
- Example II: Calculate ∆S12:36
- Example III18:47
- Example III: Calculate ∆H19:38
- Example III: Calculate Q21:14
- Example III: Calculate ∆U21:44
- Example III: Calculate W23:59
- Example III: Calculate ∆S24:55
- Example IV27:57
- Example IV: Diagram29:32
- Example IV: Calculate W32:27
- Example IV: Calculate ∆U36:36
- Example IV: Calculate Q38:32
- Example IV: Calculate ∆H39:00
- Example IV: Calculate ∆S40:27
- Example IV: Summary43:41
- Example V48:25
- Example V: Diagram49:05
- Example V: Calculate W50:58
- Example V: Calculate ∆U53:29
- Example V: Calculate Q53:44
- Example V: Calculate ∆H54:34
- Example V: Calculate ∆S55:01
57m 6s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Isothermal Expansion0:09
- Example I: Calculate W1:19
- Example I: Calculate ∆U1:48
- Example I: Calculate Q2:06
- Example I: Calculate ∆H2:26
- Example I: Calculate ∆S3:02
- Example II: Adiabatic and Reversible Expansion6:10
- Example II: Calculate Q6:48
- Example II: Basic Equation for the Reversible Adiabatic Expansion of an Ideal Gas8:12
- Example II: Finding Volume12:40
- Example II: Finding Temperature17:58
- Example II: Calculate ∆U19:53
- Example II: Calculate W20:59
- Example II: Calculate ∆H21:42
- Example II: Calculate ∆S23:42
- Example III: Calculate the Entropy of Water Vapor25:20
- Example IV: Calculate the Molar ∆S for the Transformation34:32
- Example V44:19
- Part A: Calculate the Standard Entropy of Liquid Lead at 525°C46:17
- Part B: Calculate ∆H for the Transformation of Solid Lead from 25°C to Liquid Lead at 525°C52:23
54m 35s
- Intro0:00
- Entropy & Probability0:11
- Structural Model3:05
- Recall the Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics9:11
- Two Independent Ways of Affecting the Entropy of a System10:05
- Boltzmann Definition12:10
- Omega16:24
- Definition of Omega16:25
- Energy Distribution19:43
- The Energy Distribution19:44
- In How Many Ways can N Particles be Distributed According to the Energy Distribution23:05
- Example I: In How Many Ways can the Following Distribution be Achieved32:51
- Example II: In How Many Ways can the Following Distribution be Achieved33:51
- Example III: In How Many Ways can the Following Distribution be Achieved34:45
- Example IV: In How Many Ways can the Following Distribution be Achieved38:50
- Entropy & Probability, cont.40:57
- More on Distribution40:58
- Example I Summary41:43
- Example II Summary42:12
- Distribution that Maximizes Omega42:26
- If Omega is Large, then S is Large44:22
- Two Constraints for a System to Achieve the Highest Entropy Possible47:07
- What Happened When the Energy of a System is Increased?49:00
35m 5s
- Intro0:00
- Volume Distribution0:08
- Distributing 2 Balls in 3 Spaces1:43
- Distributing 2 Balls in 4 Spaces3:44
- Distributing 3 Balls in 10 Spaces5:30
- Number of Ways to Distribute P Particles over N Spaces6:05
- When N is Much Larger than the Number of Particles P7:56
- Energy Distribution25:04
- Volume Distribution25:58
- Entropy, Total Entropy, & Total Omega Equations27:34
- Entropy, Total Entropy, & Total Omega Equations27:35
28m 42s
- Intro0:00
- Reversible & Irreversible0:24
- Reversible vs. Irreversible0:58
- Defining Equation for Equilibrium2:11
- Defining Equation for Irreversibility (Spontaneity)3:11
- TdS ≥ dQ5:15
- Transformation in an Isolated System11:22
- Transformation in an Isolated System11:29
- Transformation at Constant Temperature14:50
- Transformation at Constant Temperature14:51
- Helmholtz Free Energy17:26
- Define: A = U - TS17:27
- Spontaneous Isothermal Process & Helmholtz Energy20:20
- Pressure-volume Work22:02
34m 38s
- Intro0:00
- Transformation under Constant Temperature & Pressure0:08
- Transformation under Constant Temperature & Pressure0:36
- Define: G = U + PV - TS3:32
- Gibbs Energy5:14
- What Does This Say?6:44
- Spontaneous Process & a Decrease in G14:12
- Computing ∆G18:54
- Summary of Conditions21:32
- Constraint & Condition for Spontaneity21:36
- Constraint & Condition for Equilibrium24:54
- A Few Words About the Word Spontaneous26:24
- Spontaneous Does Not Mean Fast26:25
- Putting Hydrogen & Oxygen Together in a Flask26:59
- Spontaneous Vs. Not Spontaneous28:14
- Thermodynamically Favorable29:03
- Example: Making a Process Thermodynamically Favorable29:34
- Driving Forces for Spontaneity31:35
- Equation: ∆G = ∆H - T∆S31:36
- Always Spontaneous Process32:39
- Never Spontaneous Process33:06
- A Process That is Endothermic Can Still be Spontaneous34:00
30m 50s
- Intro0:00
- The Fundamental Equations of Thermodynamics0:44
- Mechanical Properties of a System0:45
- Fundamental Properties of a System1:16
- Composite Properties of a System1:44
- General Condition of Equilibrium3:16
- Composite Functions & Their Differentiations6:11
- dH = TdS + VdP7:53
- dA = -SdT - PdV9:26
- dG = -SdT + VdP10:22
- Summary of Equations12:10
- Equation #114:33
- Equation #215:15
- Equation #315:58
- Equation #416:42
- Maxwell's Relations20:20
- Maxwell's Relations20:21
- Isothermal Volume-Dependence of Entropy & Isothermal Pressure-Dependence of Entropy26:21
34m 6s
- Intro0:00
- The General Thermodynamic Equations of State0:10
- Equations of State for Liquids & Solids0:52
- More General Condition for Equilibrium4:02
- General Conditions: Equation that Relates P to Functions of T & V6:20
- The Second Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics11:10
- Equation 117:34
- Equation 221:58
- Recall the General Expression for Cp - Cv28:11
- For the Joule-Thomson Coefficient30:44
- Joule-Thomson Inversion Temperature32:12
39m 18s
- Intro0:00
- Properties of the Helmholtz & Gibbs Energies0:10
- Equating the Differential Coefficients1:34
- An Increase in T; a Decrease in A3:25
- An Increase in V; a Decrease in A6:04
- We Do the Same Thing for G8:33
- Increase in T; Decrease in G10:50
- Increase in P; Decrease in G11:36
- Gibbs Energy of a Pure Substance at a Constant Temperature from 1 atm to any Other Pressure.14:12
- If the Substance is a Liquid or a Solid, then Volume can be Treated as a Constant18:57
- For an Ideal Gas22:18
- Special Note24:56
- Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy27:02
- Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy #127:52
- Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy #229:01
- Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy #329:50
- Temperature Dependence of Gibbs Energy #434:50
19m 40s
- Intro0:00
- Entropy of the Universe & the Surroundings0:08
- Equation: ∆G = ∆H - T∆S0:20
- Conditions of Constant Temperature & Pressure1:14
- Reversible Process3:14
- Spontaneous Process & the Entropy of the Universe5:20
- Tips for Remembering Everything12:40
- Verify Using Known Spontaneous Process14:51
54m 16s
- Intro0:00
- Example I0:11
- Example I: Deriving a Function for Entropy (S)2:06
- Example I: Deriving a Function for V5:55
- Example I: Deriving a Function for H8:06
- Example I: Deriving a Function for U12:06
- Example II15:18
- Example III21:52
- Example IV26:12
- Example IV: Part A26:55
- Example IV: Part B28:30
- Example IV: Part C30:25
- Example V33:45
- Example VI40:46
- Example VII43:43
- Example VII: Part A44:46
- Example VII: Part B50:52
- Example VII: Part C51:56
31m 17s
- Intro0:00
- Example I0:09
- Example II5:18
- Example III8:22
- Example IV12:32
- Example V17:14
- Example VI20:34
- Example VI: Part A21:04
- Example VI: Part B23:56
- Example VI: Part C27:56
- Intro0:00
- Example I0:10
- Example II15:03
- Example III21:47
- Example IV28:37
- Example IV: Part A29:33
- Example IV: Part B36:09
- Example IV: Part C40:34
58m 5s
- Intro0:00
- Example I0:41
- Part A: Calculating ∆H3:55
- Part B: Calculating ∆S15:13
- Example II24:39
- Part A: Final Temperature of the System26:25
- Part B: Calculating ∆S36:57
- Example III46:49
25m 20s
- Intro0:00
- Work, Heat, and Energy0:18
- Definition of Work, Energy, Enthalpy, and Heat Capacities0:23
- Heat Capacities for an Ideal Gas3:40
- Path Property & State Property3:56
- Energy Differential5:04
- Enthalpy Differential5:40
- Joule's Law & Joule-Thomson Coefficient6:23
- Coefficient of Thermal Expansion & Coefficient of Compressibility7:01
- Enthalpy of a Substance at Any Other Temperature7:29
- Enthalpy of a Reaction at Any Other Temperature8:01
- Entropy8:53
- Definition of Entropy8:54
- Clausius Inequality9:11
- Entropy Changes in Isothermal Systems9:44
- The Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics10:12
- Expressing Entropy Changes in Terms of Properties of the System10:42
- Entropy Changes in the Ideal Gas11:22
- Third Law Entropies11:38
- Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions14:02
- Statistical Definition of Entropy14:34
- Omega for the Spatial & Energy Distribution14:47
- Spontaneity and Equilibrium15:43
- Helmholtz Energy & Gibbs Energy15:44
- Condition for Spontaneity & Equilibrium16:24
- Condition for Spontaneity with Respect to Entropy17:58
- The Fundamental Equations18:30
- Maxwell's Relations19:04
- The Thermodynamic Equations of State20:07
- Energy & Enthalpy Differentials21:08
- Joule's Law & Joule-Thomson Coefficient21:59
- Relationship Between Constant Pressure & Constant Volume Heat Capacities23:14
- One Final Equation - Just for Fun24:04
34m 25s
- Intro0:00
- Complex Numbers0:11
- Representing Complex Numbers in the 2-Dimmensional Plane0:56
- Addition of Complex Numbers2:35
- Subtraction of Complex Numbers3:17
- Multiplication of Complex Numbers3:47
- Division of Complex Numbers6:04
- r & θ8:04
- Euler's Formula11:00
- Polar Exponential Representation of the Complex Numbers11:22
- Example I14:25
- Example II15:21
- Example III16:58
- Example IV18:35
- Example V20:40
- Example VI21:32
- Example VII25:22
59m 57s
- Intro0:00
- Probability & Statistics1:51
- Normalization Condition1:52
- Define the Mean or Average of x11:04
- Example I: Calculate the Mean of x14:57
- Example II: Calculate the Second Moment of the Data in Example I22:39
- Define the Second Central Moment or Variance25:26
- Define the Second Central Moment or Variance25:27
- 1st Term32:16
- 2nd Term32:40
- 3rd Term34:07
- Continuous Distributions35:47
- Continuous Distributions35:48
- Probability Density39:30
- Probability Density39:31
- Normalization Condition46:51
- Example III50:13
- Part A - Show that P(x) is Normalized51:40
- Part B - Calculate the Average Position of the Particle Along the Interval54:31
- Important Things to Remember58:24
42m 5s
- Intro0:00
- Schrӧdinger Equation & Operators0:16
- Relation Between a Photon's Momentum & Its Wavelength0:17
- Louis de Broglie: Wavelength for Matter0:39
- Schrӧdinger Equation1:19
- Definition of Ψ(x)3:31
- Quantum Mechanics5:02
- Operators7:51
- Example I10:10
- Example II11:53
- Example III14:24
- Example IV17:35
- Example V19:59
- Example VI22:39
- Operators Can Be Linear or Non Linear27:58
- Operators Can Be Linear or Non Linear28:34
- Example VII32:47
- Example VIII36:55
- Example IX39:29
30m 26s
- Intro0:00
- Schrӧdinger Equation as an Eigenvalue Problem0:10
- Operator: Multiplying the Original Function by Some Scalar0:11
- Operator, Eigenfunction, & Eigenvalue4:42
- Example: Eigenvalue Problem8:00
- Schrӧdinger Equation as an Eigenvalue Problem9:24
- Hamiltonian Operator15:09
- Quantum Mechanical Operators16:46
- Kinetic Energy Operator19:16
- Potential Energy Operator20:02
- Total Energy Operator21:12
- Classical Point of View21:48
- Linear Momentum Operator24:02
- Example I26:01
21m 34s
- Intro0:00
- The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation1:16
- The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation, Part 11:17
- The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation, Part 28:24
- The Plausibility of the Schrӧdinger Equation, Part 313:45
56m 22s
- Intro0:00
- Free Particle in a Box0:28
- Definition of a Free Particle in a Box0:29
- Amplitude of the Matter Wave6:22
- Intensity of the Wave6:53
- Probability Density9:39
- Probability that the Particle is Located Between x & dx10:54
- Probability that the Particle will be Found Between o & a12:35
- Wave Function & the Particle14:59
- Boundary Conditions19:22
- What Happened When There is No Constraint on the Particle27:54
- Diagrams34:12
- More on Probability Density40:53
- The Correspondence Principle46:45
- The Correspondence Principle46:46
- Normalizing the Wave Function47:46
- Normalizing the Wave Function47:47
- Normalized Wave Function & Normalization Constant52:24
45m 24s
- Intro0:00
- Free Particle in a Box0:08
- Free Particle in a 1-dimensional Box0:09
- For a Particle in a Box3:57
- Calculating Average Values & Standard Deviations5:42
- Average Value for the Position of a Particle6:32
- Standard Deviations for the Position of a Particle10:51
- Recall: Energy & Momentum are Represented by Operators13:33
- Recall: Schrӧdinger Equation in Operator Form15:57
- Average Value of a Physical Quantity that is Associated with an Operator18:16
- Average Momentum of a Free Particle in a Box20:48
- The Uncertainty Principle24:42
- Finding the Standard Deviation of the Momentum25:08
- Expression for the Uncertainty Principle35:02
- Summary of the Uncertainty Principle41:28
48m 43s
- Intro0:00
- 2-Dimension0:12
- Dimension 20:31
- Boundary Conditions1:52
- Partial Derivatives4:27
- Example I6:08
- The Particle in a Box, cont.11:28
- Operator Notation12:04
- Symbol for the Laplacian13:50
- The Equation Becomes…14:30
- Boundary Conditions14:54
- Separation of Variables15:33
- Solution to the 1-dimensional Case16:31
- Normalization Constant22:32
- 3-Dimension28:30
- Particle in a 3-dimensional Box28:31
- In Del Notation32:22
- The Solutions34:51
- Expressing the State of the System for a Particle in a 3D Box39:10
- Energy Level & Degeneracy43:35
46m 18s
- Intro0:00
- Postulate I0:31
- Probability That The Particle Will Be Found in a Differential Volume Element0:32
- Example I: Normalize This Wave Function11:30
- Postulate II18:20
- Postulate II18:21
- Quantum Mechanical Operators: Position20:48
- Quantum Mechanical Operators: Kinetic Energy21:57
- Quantum Mechanical Operators: Potential Energy22:42
- Quantum Mechanical Operators: Total Energy22:57
- Quantum Mechanical Operators: Momentum23:22
- Quantum Mechanical Operators: Angular Momentum23:48
- More On The Kinetic Energy Operator24:48
- Angular Momentum28:08
- Angular Momentum Overview28:09
- Angular Momentum Operator in Quantum Mechanic31:34
- The Classical Mechanical Observable32:56
- Quantum Mechanical Operator37:01
- Getting the Quantum Mechanical Operator from the Classical Mechanical Observable40:16
- Postulate II, cont.43:40
- Quantum Mechanical Operators are Both Linear & Hermetical43:41
39m 28s
- Intro0:00
- Postulate III0:09
- Postulate III: Part I0:10
- Postulate III: Part II5:56
- Postulate III: Part III12:43
- Postulate III: Part IV18:28
- Postulate IV23:57
- Postulate IV23:58
- Postulate V27:02
- Postulate V27:03
- Average Value36:38
- Average Value36:39
35m 32s
- Intro0:00
- The Postulates & Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Part III0:10
- Equations: Linear & Hermitian0:11
- Introduction to Hermitian Property3:36
- Eigenfunctions are Orthogonal9:55
- The Sequence of Wave Functions for the Particle in a Box forms an Orthonormal Set14:34
- Definition of Orthogonality16:42
- Definition of Hermiticity17:26
- Hermiticity: The Left Integral23:04
- Hermiticity: The Right Integral28:47
- Hermiticity: Summary34:06
29m 55s
- Intro0:00
- The Postulates & Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Part IV0:09
- Operators can be Applied Sequentially0:10
- Sample Calculation 12:41
- Sample Calculation 25:18
- Commutator of Two Operators8:16
- The Uncertainty Principle19:01
- In the Case of Linear Momentum and Position Operator23:14
- When the Commutator of Two Operators Equals to Zero26:31
54m 25s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Three Dimensional Box & Eigenfunction of The Laplacian Operator0:37
- Example II: Positions of a Particle in a 1-dimensional Box15:46
- Example III: Transition State & Frequency29:29
- Example IV: Finding a Particle in a 1-dimensional Box35:03
- Example V: Degeneracy & Energy Levels of a Particle in a Box44:59
46m 58s
- Intro0:00
- Review0:25
- Wave Function0:26
- Normalization Condition2:28
- Observable in Classical Mechanics & Linear/Hermitian Operator in Quantum Mechanics3:36
- Hermitian6:11
- Eigenfunctions & Eigenvalue8:20
- Normalized Wave Functions12:00
- Average Value13:42
- If Ψ is Written as a Linear Combination15:44
- Commutator16:45
- Example I: Normalize The Wave Function19:18
- Example II: Probability of Finding of a Particle22:27
- Example III: Orthogonal26:00
- Example IV: Average Value of the Kinetic Energy Operator30:22
- Example V: Evaluate These Commutators39:02
44m 11s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Good Candidate for a Wave Function0:08
- Example II: Variance of the Energy7:00
- Example III: Evaluate the Angular Momentum Operators15:00
- Example IV: Real Eigenvalues Imposes the Hermitian Property on Operators28:44
- Example V: A Demonstration of Why the Eigenfunctions of Hermitian Operators are Orthogonal35:33
35m 33s
- Intro0:00
- The Harmonic Oscillator0:10
- Harmonic Motion0:11
- Classical Harmonic Oscillator4:38
- Hooke's Law8:18
- Classical Harmonic Oscillator, cont.10:33
- General Solution for the Differential Equation15:16
- Initial Position & Velocity16:05
- Period & Amplitude20:42
- Potential Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator23:20
- Kinetic Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator26:37
- Total Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator27:23
- Conservative System34:37
43m 4s
- Intro0:00
- The Harmonic Oscillator II0:08
- Diatomic Molecule0:10
- Notion of Reduced Mass5:27
- Harmonic Oscillator Potential & The Intermolecular Potential of a Vibrating Molecule7:33
- The Schrӧdinger Equation for the 1-dimensional Quantum Mechanic Oscillator14:14
- Quantized Values for the Energy Level15:46
- Ground State & the Zero-Point Energy21:50
- Vibrational Energy Levels25:18
- Transition from One Energy Level to the Next26:42
- Fundamental Vibrational Frequency for Diatomic Molecule34:57
- Example: Calculate k38:01
26m 30s
- Intro0:00
- The Harmonic Oscillator III0:09
- The Wave Functions Corresponding to the Energies0:10
- Normalization Constant2:34
- Hermite Polynomials3:22
- First Few Hermite Polynomials4:56
- First Few Wave-Functions6:37
- Plotting the Probability Density of the Wave-Functions8:37
- Probability Density for Large Values of r14:24
- Recall: Odd Function & Even Function19:05
- More on the Hermite Polynomials20:07
- Recall: If f(x) is Odd20:36
- Average Value of x22:31
- Average Value of Momentum23:56
41m 10s
- Intro0:00
- Possible Confusion from the Previous Discussion0:07
- Possible Confusion from the Previous Discussion0:08
- Rotation of a Single Mass Around a Fixed Center8:17
- Rotation of a Single Mass Around a Fixed Center8:18
- Angular Velocity12:07
- Rotational Inertia13:24
- Rotational Frequency15:24
- Kinetic Energy for a Linear System16:38
- Kinetic Energy for a Rotational System17:42
- Rotating Diatomic Molecule19:40
- Rotating Diatomic Molecule: Part 119:41
- Rotating Diatomic Molecule: Part 224:56
- Rotating Diatomic Molecule: Part 330:04
- Hamiltonian of the Rigid Rotor36:48
- Hamiltonian of the Rigid Rotor36:49
30m 32s
- Intro0:00
- The Rigid Rotator II0:08
- Cartesian Coordinates0:09
- Spherical Coordinates1:55
- r6:15
- θ6:28
- φ7:00
- Moving a Distance 'r'8:17
- Moving a Distance 'r' in the Spherical Coordinates11:49
- For a Rigid Rotator, r is Constant13:57
- Hamiltonian Operator15:09
- Square of the Angular Momentum Operator17:34
- Orientation of the Rotation in Space19:44
- Wave Functions for the Rigid Rotator20:40
- The Schrӧdinger Equation for the Quantum Mechanic Rigid Rotator21:24
- Energy Levels for the Rigid Rotator26:58
35m 19s
- Intro0:00
- The Rigid Rotator III0:11
- When a Rotator is Subjected to Electromagnetic Radiation1:24
- Selection Rule2:13
- Frequencies at Which Absorption Transitions Occur6:24
- Energy Absorption & Transition10:54
- Energy of the Individual Levels Overview20:58
- Energy of the Individual Levels: Diagram23:45
- Frequency Required to Go from J to J + 125:53
- Using Separation Between Lines on the Spectrum to Calculate Bond Length28:02
- Example I: Calculating Rotational Inertia & Bond Length29:18
- Example I: Calculating Rotational Inertia29:19
- Example I: Calculating Bond Length32:56
33m 48s
- Intro0:00
- Equations Review0:11
- Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator0:12
- Selection Rule3:02
- Observed Frequency of Radiation3:27
- Harmonic Oscillator Wave Functions5:52
- Rigid Rotator7:26
- Selection Rule for Rigid Rotator9:15
- Frequency of Absorption9:35
- Wave Numbers10:58
- Example I: Calculate the Reduced Mass of the Hydrogen Atom11:44
- Example II: Calculate the Fundamental Vibration Frequency & the Zero-Point Energy of This Molecule13:37
- Example III: Show That the Product of Two Even Functions is even19:35
- Example IV: Harmonic Oscillator24:56
46m 43s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Harmonic Oscillator0:12
- Example II: Harmonic Oscillator23:26
- Example III: Calculate the RMS Displacement of the Molecules38:12
- Intro0:00
- The Hydrogen Atom I1:31
- Review of the Rigid Rotator1:32
- Hydrogen Atom & the Coulomb Potential2:50
- Using the Spherical Coordinates6:33
- Applying This Last Expression to Equation 110:19
- Angular Component & Radial Component13:26
- Angular Equation15:56
- Solution for F(φ)19:32
- Determine The Normalization Constant20:33
- Differential Equation for T(a)24:44
- Legendre Equation27:20
- Legendre Polynomials31:20
- The Legendre Polynomials are Mutually Orthogonal35:40
- Limits37:17
- Coefficients38:28
35m 58s
- Intro0:00
- Associated Legendre Functions0:07
- Associated Legendre Functions0:08
- First Few Associated Legendre Functions6:39
- s, p, & d Orbital13:24
- The Normalization Condition15:44
- Spherical Harmonics20:03
- Equations We Have Found20:04
- Wave Functions for the Angular Component & Rigid Rotator24:36
- Spherical Harmonics Examples25:40
- Angular Momentum30:09
- Angular Momentum30:10
- Square of the Angular Momentum35:38
- Energies of the Rigid Rotator38:21
36m 18s
- Intro0:00
- The Hydrogen Atom III0:34
- Angular Momentum is a Vector Quantity0:35
- The Operators Corresponding to the Three Components of Angular Momentum Operator: In Cartesian Coordinates1:30
- The Operators Corresponding to the Three Components of Angular Momentum Operator: In Spherical Coordinates3:27
- Z Component of the Angular Momentum Operator & the Spherical Harmonic5:28
- Magnitude of the Angular Momentum Vector20:10
- Classical Interpretation of Angular Momentum25:22
- Projection of the Angular Momentum Vector onto the xy-plane33:24
33m 55s
- Intro0:00
- The Hydrogen Atom IV0:09
- The Equation to Find R( r )0:10
- Relation Between n & l3:50
- The Solutions for the Radial Functions5:08
- Associated Laguerre Polynomials7:58
- 1st Few Associated Laguerre Polynomials8:55
- Complete Wave Function for the Atomic Orbitals of the Hydrogen Atom12:24
- The Normalization Condition15:06
- In Cartesian Coordinates18:10
- Working in Polar Coordinates20:48
- Principal Quantum Number21:58
- Angular Momentum Quantum Number22:35
- Magnetic Quantum Number25:55
- Zeeman Effect30:45
51m 53s
- Intro0:00
- The Hydrogen Atom V: Where We Are0:13
- Review0:14
- Let's Write Out ψ₂₁₁7:32
- Angular Momentum of the Electron14:52
- Representation of the Wave Function19:36
- Radial Component28:02
- Example: 1s Orbital28:34
- Probability for Radial Function33:46
- 1s Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r35:47
- 2s Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r37:46
- 3s Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r38:49
- 4s Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r39:34
- 2p Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r40:12
- 3p Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r41:02
- 4p Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r41:51
- 3d Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r43:18
- 4d Orbital: Plotting Probability Densities vs. r43:48
- Example I: Probability of Finding an Electron in the 2s Orbital of the Hydrogen45:40
51m 53s
- Intro0:00
- The Hydrogen Atom VI0:07
- Last Lesson Review0:08
- Spherical Component1:09
- Normalization Condition2:02
- Complete 1s Orbital Wave Function4:08
- 1s Orbital Wave Function4:09
- Normalization Condition6:28
- Spherically Symmetric16:00
- Average Value17:52
- Example I: Calculate the Region of Highest Probability for Finding the Electron21:19
- 2s Orbital Wave Function25:32
- 2s Orbital Wave Function25:33
- Average Value28:56
- General Formula32:24
34m 29s
- Intro0:00
- The Hydrogen Atom VII0:12
- p Orbitals1:30
- Not Spherically Symmetric5:10
- Recall That the Spherical Harmonics are Eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian Operator6:50
- Any Linear Combination of These Orbitals Also Has The Same Energy9:16
- Functions of Real Variables15:53
- Solving for Px16:50
- Real Spherical Harmonics21:56
- Number of Nodes32:56
43m 49s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Angular Momentum & Spherical Harmonics0:20
- Example II: Pair-wise Orthogonal Legendre Polynomials16:40
- Example III: General Normalization Condition for the Legendre Polynomials25:06
- Example IV: Associated Legendre Functions32:13
1h 1m 57s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Normalization & Pair-wise Orthogonal0:13
- Part 1: Normalized0:43
- Part 2: Pair-wise Orthogonal16:53
- Example II: Show Explicitly That the Following Statement is True for Any Integer n27:10
- Example III: Spherical Harmonics29:26
- Angular Momentum Cones56:37
- Angular Momentum Cones56:38
- Physical Interpretation of Orbital Angular Momentum in Quantum mechanics1:00:16
48m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Show That ψ₂₁₁ is Normalized0:07
- Example II: Show That ψ₂₁₁ is Orthogonal to ψ₃₁₀11:48
- Example III: Probability That a 1s Electron Will Be Found Within 1 Bohr Radius of The Nucleus18:35
- Example IV: Radius of a Sphere26:06
- Example V: Calculate <r> for the 2s Orbital of the Hydrogen-like Atom36:33
48m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Probability Density vs. Radius Plot0:11
- Example II: Hydrogen Atom & The Coulombic Potential14:16
- Example III: Find a Relation Among <K>, <V>, & <E>25:47
- Example IV: Quantum Mechanical Virial Theorem48:32
- Example V: Find the Variance for the 2s Orbital54:13
48m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Derive a Formula for the Degeneracy of a Given Level n0:11
- Example II: Using Linear Combinations to Represent the Spherical Harmonics as Functions of the Real Variables θ & φ8:30
- Example III: Using Linear Combinations to Represent the Spherical Harmonics as Functions of the Real Variables θ & φ23:01
- Example IV: Orbital Functions31:51
59m 18s
- Intro0:00
- Quantum Numbers Specify an Orbital0:24
- n1:10
- l1:20
- m1:35
- 4th Quantum Number: s2:02
- Spin Orbitals7:03
- Spin Orbitals7:04
- Multi-electron Atoms11:08
- Term Symbols18:08
- Russell-Saunders Coupling & The Atomic Term Symbol18:09
- Example: Configuration for C27:50
- Configuration for C: 1s²2s²2p²27:51
- Drawing Every Possible Arrangement31:15
- Term Symbols45:24
- Microstate50:54
34m 54s
- Intro0:00
- Microstates0:25
- We Started With 21 Possible Microstates0:26
- ³P State2:05
- Microstates in ³P Level5:10
- ¹D State13:16
- ³P State16:10
- ²P₂ State17:34
- ³P₁ State18:34
- ³P₀ State19:12
- 9 Microstates in ³P are Subdivided19:40
- ¹S State21:44
- Quicker Way to Find the Different Values of J for a Given Basic Term Symbol22:22
- Ground State26:27
- Hund's Empirical Rules for Specifying the Term Symbol for the Ground Electronic State27:29
- Hund's Empirical Rules: 128:24
- Hund's Empirical Rules: 229:22
- Hund's Empirical Rules: 3 - Part A30:22
- Hund's Empirical Rules: 3 - Part B31:18
- Example: 1s²2s²2p²31:54
38m 3s
- Intro0:00
- Spin Quantum Number: Term Symbols III0:14
- Deriving the Term Symbols for the p² Configuration0:15
- Table: MS vs. ML3:57
- ¹D State16:21
- ³P State21:13
- ¹S State24:48
- J Value25:32
- Degeneracy of the Level27:28
- When Given r Electrons to Assign to n Equivalent Spin Orbitals30:18
- p² Configuration32:51
- Complementary Configurations35:12
57m 49s
- Intro0:00
- Lyman Series0:09
- Spectroscopic Term Symbols0:10
- Lyman Series3:04
- Hydrogen Levels8:21
- Hydrogen Levels8:22
- Term Symbols & Atomic Spectra14:17
- Spin-Orbit Coupling14:18
- Selection Rules for Atomic Spectra21:31
- Selection Rules for Possible Transitions23:56
- Wave Numbers for The Transitions28:04
- Example I: Calculate the Frequencies of the Allowed Transitions from (4d) ²D →(2p) ²P32:23
- Helium Levels49:50
- Energy Levels for Helium49:51
- Transitions & Spin Multiplicity52:27
- Transitions & Spin Multiplicity52:28
1h 1m 20s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: What are the Term Symbols for the np¹ Configuration?0:10
- Example II: What are the Term Symbols for the np² Configuration?20:38
- Example III: What are the Term Symbols for the np³ Configuration?40:46
56m 34s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Find the Term Symbols for the nd² Configuration0:11
- Example II: Find the Term Symbols for the 1s¹2p¹ Configuration27:02
- Example III: Calculate the Separation Between the Doublets in the Lyman Series for Atomic Hydrogen41:41
- Example IV: Calculate the Frequencies of the Lines for the (4d) ²D → (3p) ²P Transition48:53
18m 24s
- Intro0:00
- Quantum Mechanics Equations0:37
- De Broglie Relation0:38
- Statistical Relations1:00
- The Schrӧdinger Equation1:50
- The Particle in a 1-Dimensional Box of Length a3:09
- The Particle in a 2-Dimensional Box of Area a x b3:48
- The Particle in a 3-Dimensional Box of Area a x b x c4:22
- The Schrӧdinger Equation Postulates4:51
- The Normalization Condition5:40
- The Probability Density6:51
- Linear7:47
- Hermitian8:31
- Eigenvalues & Eigenfunctions8:55
- The Average Value9:29
- Eigenfunctions of Quantum Mechanics Operators are Orthogonal10:53
- Commutator of Two Operators10:56
- The Uncertainty Principle11:41
- The Harmonic Oscillator13:18
- The Rigid Rotator13:52
- Energy of the Hydrogen Atom14:30
- Wavefunctions, Radial Component, and Associated Laguerre Polynomial14:44
- Angular Component or Spherical Harmonic15:16
- Associated Legendre Function15:31
- Principal Quantum Number15:43
- Angular Momentum Quantum Number15:50
- Magnetic Quantum Number16:21
- z-component of the Angular Momentum of the Electron16:53
- Atomic Spectroscopy: Term Symbols17:14
- Atomic Spectroscopy: Selection Rules18:03
50m 2s
- Intro0:00
- Spectroscopic Overview: Which Equation Do I Use & Why1:02
- Lesson Overview1:03
- Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy4:01
- Frequency of Absorption/Emission6:04
- Wavenumbers in Spectroscopy8:10
- Starting State vs. Excited State10:10
- Total Energy of a Molecule (Leaving out the Electronic Energy)14:02
- Energy of Rotation: Rigid Rotor15:55
- Energy of Vibration: Harmonic Oscillator19:08
- Equation of the Spectral Lines23:22
- Harmonic Oscillator-Rigid Rotor Approximation (Making Corrections)28:37
- Harmonic Oscillator-Rigid Rotor Approximation (Making Corrections)28:38
- Vibration-Rotation Interaction33:46
- Centrifugal Distortion36:27
- Anharmonicity38:28
- Correcting for All Three Simultaneously41:03
- Spectroscopic Parameters44:26
- Summary47:32
- Harmonic Oscillator-Rigid Rotor Approximation47:33
- Vibration-Rotation Interaction48:14
- Centrifugal Distortion48:20
- Anharmonicity48:28
- Correcting for All Three Simultaneously48:44
59m 47s
- Intro0:00
- Vibration-Rotation0:37
- What is Molecular Spectroscopy?0:38
- Microwave, Infrared Radiation, Visible & Ultraviolet1:53
- Equation for the Frequency of the Absorbed Radiation4:54
- Wavenumbers6:15
- Diatomic Molecules: Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator8:32
- Selection Rules for Vibrational Transitions10:35
- Energy of the Rigid Rotator16:29
- Angular Momentum of the Rotator21:38
- Rotational Term F(J)26:30
- Selection Rules for Rotational Transition29:30
- Vibration Level & Rotational States33:20
- Selection Rules for Vibration-Rotation37:42
- Frequency of Absorption39:32
- Diagram: Energy Transition45:55
- Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: HCl51:27
- Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: Carbon Monoxide54:30
46m 22s
- Intro0:00
- Vibration-Rotation Interaction0:13
- Vibration-Rotation Spectrum: HCl0:14
- Bond Length & Vibrational State4:23
- Vibration Rotation Interaction10:18
- Case 112:06
- Case 217:17
- Example I: HCl Vibration-Rotation Spectrum22:58
- Rotational Constant for the 0 & 1 Vibrational State26:30
- Equilibrium Bond Length for the 1 Vibrational State39:42
- Equilibrium Bond Length for the 0 Vibrational State42:13
- Bₑ & αₑ44:54
29m 24s
- Intro0:00
- The Non-Rigid Rotator0:09
- Pure Rotational Spectrum0:54
- The Selection Rules for Rotation3:09
- Spacing in the Spectrum5:04
- Centrifugal Distortion Constant9:00
- Fundamental Vibration Frequency11:46
- Observed Frequencies of Absorption14:14
- Difference between the Rigid Rotator & the Adjusted Rigid Rotator16:51
- Adjusted Rigid Rotator21:31
- Observed Frequencies of Absorption26:26
30m 53s
- Intro0:00
- The Anharmonic Oscillator0:09
- Vibration-Rotation Interaction & Centrifugal Distortion0:10
- Making Corrections to the Harmonic Oscillator4:50
- Selection Rule for the Harmonic Oscillator7:50
- Overtones8:40
- True Oscillator11:46
- Harmonic Oscillator Energies13:16
- Anharmonic Oscillator Energies13:33
- Observed Frequencies of the Overtones15:09
- True Potential17:22
- HCl Vibrational Frequencies: Fundamental & First Few Overtones21:10
- Example I: Vibrational States & Overtones of the Vibrational Spectrum22:42
- Example I: Part A - First 4 Vibrational States23:44
- Example I: Part B - Fundamental & First 3 Overtones25:31
- Important Equations27:45
- Energy of the Q State29:14
- The Difference in Energy between 2 Successive States29:23
- Difference in Energy between 2 Spectral Lines29:40
1h 1m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Electronic Transitions0:16
- Electronic State & Transition0:17
- Total Energy of the Diatomic Molecule3:34
- Vibronic Transitions4:30
- Selection Rule for Vibronic Transitions9:11
- More on Vibronic Transitions10:08
- Frequencies in the Spectrum16:46
- Difference of the Minima of the 2 Potential Curves24:48
- Anharmonic Zero-point Vibrational Energies of the 2 States26:24
- Frequency of the 0 → 0 Vibronic Transition27:54
- Making the Equation More Compact29:34
- Spectroscopic Parameters32:11
- Franck-Condon Principle34:32
- Example I: Find the Values of the Spectroscopic Parameters for the Upper Excited State47:27
- Table of Electronic States and Parameters56:41
33m 47s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Calculate the Bond Length0:10
- Example II: Calculate the Rotational Constant7:39
- Example III: Calculate the Number of Rotations10:54
- Example IV: What is the Force Constant & Period of Vibration?16:31
- Example V: Part A - Calculate the Fundamental Vibration Frequency21:42
- Example V: Part B - Calculate the Energies of the First Three Vibrational Levels24:12
- Example VI: Calculate the Frequencies of the First 2 Lines of the R & P Branches of the Vib-Rot Spectrum of HBr26:28
1h 1m 5s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Calculate the Frequencies of the Transitions0:09
- Example II: Specify Which Transitions are Allowed & Calculate the Frequencies of These Transitions22:07
- Example III: Calculate the Vibrational State & Equilibrium Bond Length34:31
- Example IV: Frequencies of the Overtones49:28
- Example V: Vib-Rot Interaction, Centrifugal Distortion, & Anharmonicity54:47
33m 31s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Part A - Derive an Expression for ∆G( r )0:10
- Example I: Part B - Maximum Vibrational Quantum Number6:10
- Example II: Part A - Derive an Expression for the Dissociation Energy of the Molecule8:29
- Example II: Part B - Equation for ∆G( r )14:00
- Example III: How Many Vibrational States are There for Br₂ before the Molecule Dissociates18:16
- Example IV: Find the Difference between the Two Minima of the Potential Energy Curves20:57
- Example V: Rotational Spectrum30:51
1h 1m 15s
- Intro0:00
- Statistical Thermodynamics: The Big Picture0:10
- Our Big Picture Goal0:11
- Partition Function (Q)2:42
- The Molecular Partition Function (q)4:00
- Consider a System of N Particles6:54
- Ensemble13:22
- Energy Distribution Table15:36
- Probability of Finding a System with Energy16:51
- The Partition Function21:10
- Microstate28:10
- Entropy of the Ensemble30:34
- Entropy of the System31:48
- Expressing the Thermodynamic Functions in Terms of The Partition Function39:21
- The Partition Function39:22
- Pi & U41:20
- Entropy of the System44:14
- Helmholtz Energy48:15
- Pressure of the System49:32
- Enthalpy of the System51:46
- Gibbs Free Energy52:56
- Heat Capacity54:30
- Expressing Q in Terms of the Molecular Partition Function (q)59:31
- Indistinguishable Particles1:02:16
- N is the Number of Particles in the System1:03:27
- The Molecular Partition Function1:05:06
- Quantum States & Degeneracy1:07:46
- Thermo Property in Terms of ln Q1:10:09
- Example: Thermo Property in Terms of ln Q1:13:23
47m 23s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:19
- Monatomic Ideal Gases6:40
- Monatomic Ideal Gases Overview6:42
- Finding the Parition Function of Translation8:17
- Finding the Parition Function of Electronics13:29
- Example: Na17:42
- Example: F23:12
- Energy Difference between the Ground State & the 1st Excited State29:27
- The Various Partition Functions for Monatomic Ideal Gases32:20
- Finding P43:16
- Going Back to U = (3/2) RT46:20
54m 9s
- Intro0:00
- Diatomic Gases0:16
- Diatomic Gases0:17
- Zero-Energy Mark for Rotation2:26
- Zero-Energy Mark for Vibration3:21
- Zero-Energy Mark for Electronic5:54
- Vibration Partition Function9:48
- When Temperature is Very Low14:00
- When Temperature is Very High15:22
- Vibrational Component18:48
- Fraction of Molecules in the r Vibration State21:00
- Example: Fraction of Molecules in the r Vib. State23:29
- Rotation Partition Function26:06
- Heteronuclear & Homonuclear Diatomics33:13
- Energy & Heat Capacity36:01
- Fraction of Molecules in the J Rotational Level39:20
- Example: Fraction of Molecules in the J Rotational Level40:32
- Finding the Most Populated Level44:07
- Putting It All Together46:06
- Putting It All Together46:07
- Energy of Translation51:51
- Energy of Rotation52:19
- Energy of Vibration52:42
- Electronic Energy53:35
48m 32s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Calculate the Fraction of Potassium Atoms in the First Excited Electronic State0:10
- Example II: Show That Each Translational Degree of Freedom Contributes R/2 to the Molar Heat Capacity14:46
- Example III: Calculate the Dissociation Energy21:23
- Example IV: Calculate the Vibrational Contribution to the Molar heat Capacity of Oxygen Gas at 500 K25:46
- Example V: Upper & Lower Quantum State32:55
- Example VI: Calculate the Relative Populations of the J=2 and J=1 Rotational States of the CO Molecule at 25°C42:21
57m 30s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Make a Plot of the Fraction of CO Molecules in Various Rotational Levels0:10
- Example II: Calculate the Ratio of the Translational Partition Function for Cl₂ and Br₂ at Equal Volume & Temperature8:05
- Example III: Vibrational Degree of Freedom & Vibrational Molar Heat Capacity11:59
- Example IV: Calculate the Characteristic Vibrational & Rotational temperatures for Each DOF45:03
2 answers
Last reply by: Kaye Lim
Sat Apr 8, 2017 3:06 PM
Post by Kaye Lim on April 5, 2017
Greeting sir,
You said around 5:20: 'Most of the information that we get from spectroscopy, we actually get from electronic spectroscopy. Electronic spectroscopy allows us to, it is difficult to analyze but everything that we need is there. It gives us information on electronic states, on vibrational states, on rotational states. The rotational spectra, the vibrational spectra tend to be easier, but they do not give is as much information.'
-a UV/Vis spectrum that I obtain from running UV/Vis spectroscopy on a sample gives me maximum absorption wavelength of that sample. And then I can create calibration curve and quantify the concentration of the sample. That is my experiences with UV/Vis spectroscopy which I think of it mostly as a quantitative method.
-From IR spectroscopy, it is more of a qualitative method since I know what functional group presented in my sample. I know IR could also be used as quantitative method as well.
-So to me, I think IR gives me more information then UV/Vis spectroscopy. Why did you say UV/Vis spectroscopy or electronic transitions give more information than IR spectroscopy? Do you mean when you do very high resolution UV/Vis spectroscopy inwhich you can zoom in the UV/Vis absorption peak to get sub-peaks of vibrational transitions and sub-subpeaks of rotational transitions?
-If that is the case, then what is the difference between vibrational and transitional transitions in high energy UV/Vis region compared to those in IR region? are they vibrational and transitional transitions between different electronic states instead of in the same electronic state as in the case of IR?