Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
MATLAB Essentials, Part 1
8m 36s
- Intro0:00
- Purpose of MATLAB0:17
- Interactive Use0:39
- Accessing MATLAB1:50
- MATLAB Command Line2:06
- Navigating MATLAB Page3:24
- Limits3:40
- Predefined Value4:10
- Variables4:48
- Exponentials6:59
- Changing Defined Values7:19
- Whos Function7:45
MATLAB Essentials, Part 2
7m 39s
- Intro0:00
- General Functions0:06
- Date0:09
- Calendar0:14
- Commands0:21
- Command Versus Function0:29
- Scalars Versus Arrays0:50
- Plot Command3:14
- Ezplot3:49
- Help4:30
- Magic (22)5:28
- Plotting 3D Graph6:54
Section 2: MATLAB Fundamentals
Introduction to Programs
6m 42s
- Intro0:00
- Help Function0:09
- Command History1:09
- Navigating1:14
- Current Folder1:20
- Resize and Undocking Windows1:31
- Sample Program1:49
- Example: Interest Calculator3:28
- Interpreter Versus Compiler5:10
Arrays & Matrices
7m 6s
- Intro0:00
- What is a matrix?0:12
- What is vector?0:23
- Initializing Array0:52
- Checking Vector Size1:38
- Using Commas1:56
- Linspace3:06
- Subscript4:40
- Matrices5:53
- Using Semicolon6:07
- Transposing Matrix6:44
Operator, Expression & Statements
13m 26s
- Intro0:00
- Scratchpad0:14
- Expressions0:54
- Numbers1:04
- Eps3:03
- Realmin3:24
- Realmax3:27
- Data Types3:37
- Default Data Types3:44
- Double Precision3:47
- Precedence of Operators4:19
- What Are Arithmetic Operators?4:49
- Combining Operations5:24
- Precedence Rules5:36
- Parenthesis5:53
- Power, Multiplication and Division6:12
- Addition and Subtraction6:18
- Arithmetic Operation on Arrays6:54
- Expressions8:21
- Ans9:09
- Statements9:19
- Multiple Statements11:50
Repeating With For
14m 21s
- Intro0:00
- Repetition0:19
- Newton’s Method1:39
- Factorials4:11
- Limit of a Sequence6:03
- Basic For Construct9:23
- Example: Leaving Out For12:26
Decisions, Part 1
14m 35s
- Intro0:00
- If Function0:13
- Rand0:44
- Meaning of “1” and “0”1:53
- If-Else Construct3:48
- Elseif8:43
- Using Elseif10:44
- Logical Operators12:13
- &, |, ~12:33
Decisions, Part 2
8m 53s
- Intro0:00
- Multiple Ifs Versus Elseif0:09
- Nested Ifs2:24
- Example Nested If2:52
- Vectorizing Ifs4:45
- Switch5:12
Last Notes on MATLAB Introduction
9m 47s
- Intro0:00
- Complex Numbers0:12
- i0:30
- j0:39
- Square Root1:19
- Exponential1:30
- Z1:38
- Absolute Value2:09
- Angle2:11
- Circle2:44
- Axis3:29
- Complex Conjugate Transpose5:24
- Input/ Output5:52
- Input Statement6:48
- Help9:19
Section 3: Logical Vectors
Logical Vectors, Part 1
11m 23s
- Intro0:00
- Executing a Logical Operation1:24
- Vector1:43
- Discontinuous Graphs2:50
- Avoiding Division By Zero5:03
- Epsilon6:35
- Rolling Dice7:49
- Rand8:09
- Floor8:24
- Finding Percentage9:46
Logical Vectors, Part 2
11m 40s
- Intro0:00
- Logical Operators and Vectors0:09
- Logical Functions1:09
- Any1:19
- Exist2:00
- Find(x)2:20
- Defining a New Vector3:31
- Logical Vectors Instead of Elseif Ladders4:35
- Example: Tax4:45
- If ti6:04
- Elseif ti6:25
- Executing in MATLAB7:51
- Example: Using Logical Vector8:21
Section 4: Program Design
Program Design & Algorithm Development
19m 36s
- Intro0:00
- Problem Analysis0:36
- Problem Statement0:57
- Processing Scheme1:06
- Algorithm1:16
- Program Algorithm1:52
- Evaluation2:12
- Application3:11
- Example: Projectile3:54
- Example Executed in MATLAB9:41
- Txmax11:19
- Xmax11:43
- Computing Speed and Angle Direction of Projectile13:27
- Velocity14:11
- Computing Time and Horizontal Distance at Max. Altitude15:05
- Display Altitude16:10
- Num2str16:55
- Plot17:22
- Figure18:25
Section 5: Graphics
Graphics, Part 1
9m 14s
- Intro0:00
- Plot Statement0:27
- Straight Line Graphs2:29
- MATLAB Easy-to-Use Plotting Commands3:38
- Labels4:17
- Example: Label4:36
- Xlabel6:33
- Ylabel6:51
- Line Styles, Markers and Color7:05
- Zooming In9:01
Graphics, Part 2
17m 20s
- Intro0:00
- Multiple Plots on the Same Axis0:07
- Hold On0:53
- Plotyy2:44
- Plot (x) (y)3:34
- Subplots4:39
- Figure9:15
- Graphical Input10:06
- Logarithmic Plots11:48
- Polar Plots12:57
- Fplot14:29
Graphics, Part 3
18m 37s
- Intro0:00
- Comet32:37
- Mesh Surfaces3:02
- Visualizing Vector Fields5:29
- Contour6:49
- Voltage Field and Gradients10:03
- Rotation of 3D Graphs10:30
- Rotation Angles12:30
- Polar Angle13:26
- Pause Command14:37
- Other Cool Graphics Functions14:59
- Area15:14
- Bar16:20
- Compass16:48
- Errorbar17:17
Section 6: Loops
10m 38s
- Intro0:00
- Powerful Force Statement and Determinate0:11
- Indeterminate Repetition0:36
- Binomial Coefficient0:50
- For Loop2:40
- Determinate Repetition Using For3:40
- Indeterminate Repetition Using While3:49
- A Guessing Game4:12
- Create Steps to Build a Program6:06
- Implement with Syntax in MATLAB6:08
- Fixing Code Error8:44
- Condition and Loop10:00
17m 1s
- Intro0:00
- Doubling Time of an Investment0:33
- Create Steps0:57
- Translate Into Code2:22
- Conditions and Loops4:57
- Determinate For Loop Unavailability5:07
- Prime Numbers5:27
- Create Steps6:59
- Compute in MATLAB11:11
- Break and Continue12:05
- Menu13:37
- Menu Window15:27
- Do This and Do That15:33
- Value of K16:44
Section 7: Project
Projectile Problem
16m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Projectile Problem0:12
- Air Resistance3:27
- Location of Projectile4:58
- Example in MATLAB6:20
- Air Friction (k)6:28
- Gravitational Force (g)6:32
- Dt6:41
- Solving Differential Equation10:59
- Determining If/When the Object Hits the Ground11:59
- xhit12:51
- Chart15:39
Section 8: Function M-Files
Function M-Files, Part 1
12m 55s
- Intro0:00
- Type0:21
- Type Sin0:33
- Type Fzero0:55
- M-file Versus Script File1:10
- Inline Objects1:54
- Input Argument4:29
- Function M-file6:01
- Defining Function7:24
- Function Y8:14
- Relative Error9:36
- Creating Finite Steps9:58
- Display10:58
Function M-Files, Part 2
14m 14s
- Intro0:00
- Calculating Mean and Average0:27
- Dummy Variables2:59
- Multiple Input/ Output Arguments4:05
- Function Names4:35
- Adding Comments4:56
- h-1 Line5:31
- Local Variables5:57
- Global Variables6:52
- Defining Global Variables7:15
- Persistent Variables8:17
- Clearing Persistent Variables9:49
- Subfunctions12:12
- P-code Files13:03
Function M-Files, Part 3
11m 54s
- Intro0:00
- Feval2:00
- Example: Rewriting Procedure as Newton Function2:35
- Defining Function2:50
- Overview: How to Use Function5:43
- Command/Function Duality6:18
- Example6:59
- Debugging a Script7:22
- Breakpoint Alley8:02
- Debugging a Function10:09
Section 9: Graphics Continued
More on Graphics
11m 13s
- Intro0:00
- Animation0:07
- Get Frame Function0:33
- Execute in MATLAB1:30
- Movie Function1:44
- Handle Graphics Facility2:29
- Example2:32
- P = Plot4:35
- Xor5:02
- Drawnow5:35
- Creating 3D Plot7:28
Graphical User Interface, Part 1
7m 25s
- Intro0:00
- GUIDE0:53
- GUIDE Quick Start Menu1:09
- Push Button1:54
- Property Inspector2:06
- Push Button Name2:26
- Edit Callback3:13
- Clock Function3:56
- String Property6:23
- Get Call Back Object (GCBO)6:31
- Set7:08
Graphical User Interface, Part 2
9m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Static Text0:39
- Changing Font0:59
- Push Button1:10
- Edit Text Versus Static Text1:49
- Changing Text2 Tag Name4:00
- Adding Program Routine to MATLAB4:51
- String5:01
- Changing String to Numbers5:15
- Where to Add Program8:56
Section 10: Dynamical Systems
Dynamical Systems
12m 45s
- Intro0:00
- Cantilever Beam1:10
- Examining Flow of Electric Current1:37
- Using MATLAB2:06
- Modulus of Elasticity4:40
- Moment of Inertia4:48
- Equation in MATLAB5:26
- Changing Property of Line Width6:36
- Deflection of Beam Graph8:06
- Electrical Current Figure8:21
- Equation for Finding Relation Between Voltage and Current9:00
- Graph of Solution12:09
Section 11: Simulation
Examples of Simulation
10m 45s
- Intro0:00
- Example: Flipping Coins0:34
- MATLAB Equation1:18
- Changing Value of N3:14
- Example: Roll of Dice3:49
- Example: Random Walk4:44
- Illustration5:17
- MATLAB Equation7:27
- Probability10:16
Section 12: Numerical Methods
Numerical Methods
22m 20s
- Intro0:00
- Integration0:14
- Non-Well Behaved Functions0:28
- Example: Integration1:18
- Trapezoidal Rule1:47
- Numerical Method5:39
- Quad Function7:41
- Symbolic Variables8:18
- Numerical Differentiation9:15
- Diff10:50
- First Order Differential Equation12:40
- Euler’s Method14:18
- Exponential Growth17:35
- Limitations of Euler’s21:44
Section 13: Simulink
9m 37s
- Intro0:00
- What is Simulink?0:04
- Simulink Library0:14
- Sine Wave1:13
- Add Noise1:22
- Scope1:42
- Properties2:18
- Limit Data Points2:37
- Configuration Parameters3:48
- MATLAB Demos4:45
- Bouncing Ball Method5:37
- Double Bouncing Ball Method, Animation7:25
- Non-Adaptive Model8:18
- Zero-Crossing Control8:35
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For more information, please see full course syllabus of MATLAB
For more information, please see full course syllabus of MATLAB
MATLAB Function M-Files, Part 2
Lecture Description
In this lesson, our instructor Arash Vafanejad discusses Function M-files. This lesson covers function names and subfunctions, as well as processes for finding variables.
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