Catherine Carpenter
Microbial Metabolism
Slide Duration:Table of Contents
40m 36s
- Intro0:00
- Overview of Microbiology0:35
- What is Microbiology?0:39
- History of Microbiology0:47
- What is Microbiology?3:11
- Study of Biology of Pathogen4:05
- Study of Biology of Vector4:13
- Biology of Human Host4:28
- Microbiology6:32
- Study of Microorganisms6:35
- Includes Viruses, Small Macroscopic Organisms, and Parasites7:48
- Microorganisms are Responsible for Cycling the Chemical Elements Essential for Life9:32
- Produce More Energy Through Photosynthesis Than Plants10:00
- 90% of Cells in Our Body are Microbes11:20
- Important Discoveries in Microbiology11:29
- Anton Van Leeuwenhoek11:48
- Invented of the Microscope11:59
- What Was Leeuwenhoek's World?12:47
- The First Smallpox Vaccination: Jenner 179613:25
- Jenner Invented the First Vaccine13:35
- Protected from Smallpox13:58
- Edward Jenner and Vaccination14:49
- Cowpox Virus15:25
- Material Used for Vaccine Probably Contained Cowpox Virus15:46
- Inoculate James Phipps by Taking Pus from the Lesions on the Hands of a Diary Maid16:20
- Louis Pasteur and Theory of Spontaneous Generation17:58
- Pasteur's S-Shaped Flask Kept Microbes Out but Let Air In18:04
- Disproved Theory of Spontaneous Generation18:20
- Fermentation, Pasteurization, and Vaccination: Louis Pasteur19:53
- Fermentation19:54
- Pasteurizing20:14
- Vaccination20:56
- The Germ Theory of Disease: Robert Koch21:13
- Koch's Postulates21:47
- Koch's Postulates23:13
- Procedure to Determine Criteria to Establish Casual Relationship Between a Microbe and Disease23:34
- A Fortunate Accident: Antibiotics25:40
- Alexander Fleming Discovered the First Antibiotic25:55
- Summary of Important Discoveries27:12
- Ability to Visualize Microorganisms27:49
- Vaccination28:59
- Fermentation, Pasteurization and Vaccination from Rabies29:21
- Germ Theory of Disease29:42
- Antibiotics30:08
- Example 131:36
- Example 232:02
- Example 333:56
- Example 437:53
- Example 538:57
44m 19s
- Intro0:00
- Laboratory Testing and Visualization0:37
- Serology1:09
- Visualization: Types of Microscopes1:32
- A Clinical Microbiology Lab Report Form1:57
- Generalized Tests for Microorganisms2:36
- Morphological Characteristics2:44
- Differential Staining3:00
- Biochemical Tests3:45
- A Clinical Microbiology Lab Report Form4:19
- Serology6:38
- Detect Levels of Antibodies6:46
- Blood Serum7:43
- Recent of Past Infection7:59
- Differentiate Different Strains9:39
- Example of Serology Testing for HBV10:02
- Direct Agglutination Testing12:52
- Visual Test13:08
- Positive Results13:16
- Antibodies Sufficient in Level14:13
- ELISA Test15:56
- Sandwich ELISA16:39
- Western Blot18:56
- Proteins are Positioned on the Filter so Antibodies Can Bind to the Antigens19:09
- Filter is Then Washed with Patient's Serum19:27
- Positive Test for Particular Microorganisms20:04
- Flow Cytometry21:09
- Used to Identify Bacteria Without Culturing the Bacteria21:17
- Moving Fluid Containing Bacteria is Forced Through Small Opening22:03
- Differences in Electrical Conductivity Between the Cells are Detected22:17
- Results Distinguishing Three Different Species of Microorganisms22:56
- Genetic Testing: DNA Fingerprinting23:49
- Way to Specify and Differentiate Bacteria25:36
- Some Produce Taxon25:47
- Used as a Proxy for Microbial Cell Abundance26:13
- Detailed Figure26:43
- Pattern Matching to Determine Bacterial Strain27:22
- Example28:00
- Picture of That28:04
- Instruments to Visualize Microorganisms29:36
- Light Microscope30:22
- Image31:18
- Darkfield Microscopy31:44
- An Illumination Technique Used to Enhance the Contrast in Unstained Samples31:51
- How It Works32:01
- Planaria in Pond Water32:19
- Electron Microscope32:55
- Uses Electron Beam to Illuminate a Specimen and Produce a Magnified Image33:23
- Electron Microscopy33:34
- Electron Microscope Image34:23
- Atomic Force Microscope34:41
- Manipulates Matter at the Nanoscale35:09
- Atomic Force Microscopy Image35:37
- Atomic Force Imaging35:54
- Instruments to Visualize Microorganisms37:02
- Light Microscopes37:18
- Example 137:28
- Example 240:19
- Example 340:57
- Example 442:13
- Example 542:35
43m 48s
- Intro0:00
- Two Important Topic Area in Microbiology0:41
- Gut Microbiome1:21
- A Forgotten Organ1:25
- Colonization of the Gut Begins at Birth2:34
- Factors That Alter the Relationship4:02
- Pathologic Inflammation7:05
- Commensal Species9:47
- Pathobionts10:28
- Functional Comparison of the Gut Microbiome with Other Sequenced Microbiomes10:38
- Genes and Microbiome11:34
- Vitamin K Example12:00
- Escherichia Coli13:07
- Genomes of the Bacteria and Viruses of the Human Gut Encode 3.3 Million Genes14:02
- Link to Microbiome and Health14:57
- Antibiotic Resistance15:42
- Natural Selection, Survival of the Fittest, Adaptation16:39
- Theory of Evolution17:07
- Origin of Species17:13
- Darwin Came Up with Theory17:50
- Link to Theory of Evolution18:01
- Natural Selection19:03
- Natural Selection19:09
- Adaptive Trait19:21
- Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria19:49
- Two Week Course of Antibiotics20:10
- Antibiotic Resistant Strains Found in Hospitals and Schools21:21
- Evolution of Resistant Bacteria22:01
- Evolution of Resistance24:06
- Natural Selection24:08
- Some Bacteria Transfers the Resistant Genes to Other Bacteria Who Don't Have It24:24
- It Reproduces and Soon Populates an Antibiotic Resistant Infection25:06
- Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria25:30
- Acquired Resistance25:31
- Resistance Develops by Mutation of Resident or by Acquisition of New Genes26:55
- Flourish in Areas of High Antimicrobial Use27:10
- Spread of Antibiotic Resistance27:19
- Selection of Resistant Bacteria by Overuse and Misuse of Antibiotics29:02
- Multiple Antibiotics29:46
- Antibiotics Used Unnecessarily30:35
- Bacterial and Viral Pneumonia31:13
- Indiscriminant Use of Antibiotic31:52
- Unnecessary Antibiotics Can Promote Resistant Bacteria32:25
- Future Antibiotics May Lose Effectiveness32:33
- Ease of Obtaining Antibiotics33:11
- Over the Counter33:13
- Encourages Indiscriminant and Inappropriate Use of Antibiotics33:25
- Use in Animal Feed34:26
- Prevent Infections and Promote Growth34:30
- Animals Can Develop Resistance Also35:03
- Tutorial on Antibiotic Resistance36:05
- Example 136:32
- Example 239:30
10m 2s
- Intro0:00
- Cellular Organization0:14
- Prokaryotes0:27
- Eukaryotes0:48
- Three Domains of Life0:51
- Eubacteria1:02
- Archaebacteria1:09
- Eukaryotes1:15
- Evolution of Bacteria1:21
- Common Qualities2:02
- Nucleus2:12
- Plasma Membrane2:47
- Cytoplasm3:09
- Multicellularity3:17
- Multicellularity Evolved3:28
- Cells Gave Rise to Earth's First Lineage of Multicellular Organisms3:57
- Fossils of Bangiomorpha Pubescens are 1.2 Billion Years Old4:18
- Cells Differentiated for Attaching to a Substrate4:37
- Longitudinal Division Divides Disc-Shaped Cells Into Radially Arranged Wedge-Shaped Cells4:54
- According to Energy5:08
- Phototrophs5:36
- Chemotrophs6:02
- Introducing Prokaryotic Cells6:46
- Bacteria and Archaea6:51
- Smallest Form of Life6:58
- Similar in Appearance and Size7:06
- Aerobic7:13
- Anaerobic7:19
- Facultative7:26
- Example 17:37
- Example 29:02
8m 40s
- Intro0:00
- Structures0:22
- Way to Remember Cell Structures0:23
- Membrane Similarities0:34
- Both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Have Plasma Membrane0:42
- Replication Molecules1:17
- Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Have DNA and RNA1:18
- One Way Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes are Different1:41
- Genome Differences1:49
- Eukaryotes1:52
- Prokaryotes2:12
- Cell Division Differences2:43
- Prokaryotes2:49
- Eukaryotes2:55
- Organelle Differences3:07
- Eukaryotes3:10
- Prokaryotes3:31
- Energy Metabolism Differences3:42
- Eukaryotes3:48
- Prokaryotes4:21
- Cytoskeleton Differences4:41
- Eukaryotes4:50
- Prokaryotes5:27
- Example 15:46
- Example 27:13
11m 46s
- Intro0:00
- Which Came First0:31
- RNA Came First0:38
- Short RNA Molecules0:54
- Stored Information1:05
- Early RNA1:21
- Synthesized Proteins and Carried Info1:24
- Information Carrying Role of RNA1:36
- Evolution of Double-Stranded DNA Enabled the Storage of More Complex Info2:01
- DNA Became a Better Mechanism for Information Storage of Complex Traits2:13
- Replicating Molecules2:35
- Replicating Molecules Evolved and Began to Undergo Natural Selection2:51
- Replication3:05
- Protein Synthesis3:13
- RNA Evolves Into DNA3:24
- DNA Contains Instruction3:32
- RNA Transcribes DNA3:54
- Proteins Are Made from the Instructions3:59
- DNA Structure4:15
- Chromosomal DNA5:02
- DNA Coiling5:26
- DNA - Nucleic Functions5:51
- Transcription6:04
- Replication6:29
- Function of DNA7:10
- DNA Replication7:36
- Complete Unzipping of DNA7:38
- Assembly of Complementary Nucleotides7:47
- Only Occurs in Cell Division8:09
- DNA Replication Diagram8:18
- DNA Transcription and Translation8:41
- Example 19:46
- Example 210:27
- Example 310:45
11m 24s
- Intro0:00
- Motility is an Important Property0:26
- Flagella0:37
- Pili0:55
- Prokaryotic Cell1:08
- Pili1:38
- Fimbriae1:45
- Pili Connect a Bacterium to Others of the Same Species1:57
- Transferred Plasmids Can Bring a New Function to the Cell2:37
- Fimbriae3:07
- Distributed Over the Entire Surface of the Cell3:08
- Have a Tendency to Adhere to Surfaces and to One Another3:17
- Example: Neisseria Gonorrhea3:40
- An Electron Micrograph of E Coli3:53
- Bacterial Conjugation with Pilus4:12
- Prokaryotic Flagella5:14
- Eukaryotes5:34
- Prokaryotes5:43
- Underneath Inner Plasma Membrane in Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria6:05
- Different Types of Flagella6:13
- Flagella Organization6:14
- Bacteria Alters Speed and Direction of Rotation7:11
- Examples8:07
- Example 18:41
- Example 210:05
16m 11s
- Intro0:00
- Plasma Membrane0:22
- Functions of Plasma Membrane0:28
- Physical Isolation0:31
- Regulation of Exchange with the Environment1:05
- Communication Between the Cell and Its Environment1:46
- Structural Support2:28
- Plasma Membrane Composition2:46
- Lipids2:59
- Proteins3:17
- Carbohydrates3:43
- Lipid Bi-Layer of Plasma Membrane4:19
- Micelle4:28
- Bilayer5:11
- Liposome5:40
- Cellular Evolution5:59
- Evoloution of Membranes Advantages6:49
- Encased Cells Out-Competed Naked Cells7:37
- Plasma Membrane Structure7:57
- Plasma Membrane Differences10:59
- Eukaryotic Cells Have Carbohydrates11:11
- Eukaryotic Plasma Membranes Contain Sterols12:08
- Prokaryotic Plasma Membranes Consist Mostly of Phospholipids and Proteins12:26
- Example 112:41
- Example 213:30
- Example 315:02
15m 50s
- Intro0:00
- Finding and Cell Signaling0:22
- Ligand Binding1:00
- Ligand Binds1:01
- Binding Site is Complementary to the Ligand1:30
- Interaction Between Ligand and Binding Site is Specific2:39
- Induced Fit3:24
- Ligand Binding Illustration 13:44
- Ligand Binding Illustration 24:21
- Antibody Structure4:44
- Antigen-Antibody Specificity5:40
- Antigen-Antibody Reaction6:27
- Example 110:10
- Example 211:54
- Example 313:29
21m 44s
- Intro0:00
- Organisms and Carbon0:20
- Autotrophs0:40
- Heterotrophs1:12
- Organisms and Energy2:07
- Metabolism3:19
- Metabolism3:26
- Catabolism3:53
- Anabolism4:15
- Cellular Respiration4:56
- Aerobic Respiration5:47
- Anaerobic Respiration6:13
- Glucose6:41
- Most Important Carbohydrate6:42
- Three Major Outcomes7:14
- Stored7:21
- Oxidized via Glycolysis7:22
- Oxidized via the Pentose Phosphate7:50
- Outcomes of Glucose I8:37
- Outcomes of Glucose II10:21
- Overview of Aerobic Metabolism11:50
- Glycolysis12:01
- Citric Acid Cycle12:05
- Oxidative Phosphorylation12:13
- Formula12:17
- Aerobic Metabolism12:28
- Respiration and Fermentation13:52
- Carbohydrate Catabolism15:00
- Overview of Anaerobic Metabolism15:59
- Energy in Glucose is Released Without the Presence of Oxygen16:00
- Lactic Acid16:08
- ATP Production Requirements17:13
- Energy Sources17:22
- Electron Carriers17:41
- Final Electron Acceptors17:49
- Example 118:09
- Example 218:41
- Example 320:13
39m 49s
- Intro0:00
- What is a Gene?0:39
- A Portion of the Chromosome That Determines or Affects a Single Character or Phenotype0:51
- Biochemical Definition of a Gene0:57
- Original Definition: One Gene-One Polypeptide1:20
- What is a Gene?1:48
- Regulatory Sequence1:50
- Genetic Code2:44
- Transcription and Replication3:56
- Replication of Bacterial DNA5:05
- Copy Both Sides of DNA Strand5:20
- DNA Transcription5:53
- DNA is Transcribed to Make RNA6:18
- RNA Polymerase Binds to the Promoter Sequence6:24
- Direction6:29
- Transcription Stops When It Reaches the Terminator Sequence6:33
- Bacterial Transcription6:39
- Transcription6:46
- No Nucleus6:52
- Translation7:51
- mRNA is Translated In Codons8:11
- Translation of mRNA Begins at the Start Codon8:18
- Translation Ends at Nonsense Codon8:22
- Gene Regulation8:34
- Constitutive Genes Are Expressed at a Fixed Rate8:43
- Other Genes Are Expressed Only as Needed8:58
- Regulation of Transcription9:11
- Repression10:16
- Induction11:04
- Germline Mutation12:09
- Evolutionary Biology12:32
- Molecular Biology13:48
- Mutations14:34
- Random and Rare14:36
- Can Be Beneficial or Neutral14:46
- Not All Mutations Matter14:58
- Somatic Mutations15:20
- Germline Mutations16:30
- Causes of Mutations16:44
- DNA Fails to Copy Accurately16:48
- External Influences Can Create Mutations17:21
- Types of Mutations18:14
- Substitution18:18
- Examples of Substitutions18:29
- Silent Mutations19:56
- Insertion20:39
- Deletion20:51
- Frame Shift21:12
- Bacterial Gene Recombination22:16
- Vertical Gene Transfer22:57
- Horizontal Gene Transfer23:16
- Genetic Recombination23:46
- Exchange of Genes Between Two DNA Molecules23:47
- Crossing Over Occurs When Two Chromosomes Break and Rejoin23:52
- Recipient Chromosome Contains New DNA23:57
- Bacterial Recombination24:51
- Bacterial Transformation25:53
- Conjugation in E. Coli28:36
- Transduction by a Bacteriophage30:04
- Plasmids31:53
- What are Plasmids?32:00
- F-Factor32:14
- Other Plasmids Encode for Proteins That Enhance the Pathogenicity of a Bacterium32:39
- Dissimilation Plasmids33:24
- R Factors33:44
- R-Factor, A Type of Plasmid33:53
- Transposons35:04
- Move From One Region of DNA to Another35:29
- Contain Insertion Sequences for Cutting and Resealing DNA (Tansposase)35:34
- Example 136:14
- Example 237:34
- Example 338:15
16m 50s
- Intro0:00
- Medical Virology0:11
- Viral Structure1:37
- Viral Genome1:55
- What is a Virus?2:09
- Smaller2:15
- DNA or RNA with no Nucleus2:34
- Classification of Viruses3:03
- Type and Confirmation of Genomic Nucleic Acid3:07
- Viral Morphology3:19
- Viral Structure3:54
- Virion3:58
- Envelope4:29
- Capsid5:39
- Nucleocapsid5:55
- Viral Genome - Composition6:27
- Viral Genome6:31
- DNA vs. RNA Structure6:42
- RNA7:49
- Pathogenicity & Virulence7:42
- DNA8:06
- Viral Genome - Shape8:36
- Segmented8:40
- Non-segmented9:22
- Changes in the Viral Genome9:36
- Genetic Recombination9:56
- Reassortment10:26
- Changes in the Viral Genome11:16
- Quasi-species11:24
- Ebola Virus11:58
- Example 112:33
- Example 213:42
- Example 315:13
12m 31s
- Intro0:00
- Medical Virology0:27
- Viral Entry Into a Cell0:30
- Viral Transmission0:39
- Viral Entry into Cells0:53
- Attachment0:58
- Membrane Fusion1:29
- Pre Formation1:56
- Penetration2:12
- Transmission of Viruses2:34
- Aerosol2:51
- Contaminated Food3:19
- Arthropods4:01
- Sexual Contact5:06
- Organ and Tissue Transplant5:22
- Site of Virus Entry6:17
- Respiratory Tract6:37
- GI Tract7:08
- Urethra, Vagina, Anus7:34
- Skin7:42
- Conjunctiva7:45
- Type of Cell Best Suited for Virus7:57
- Example 19:23
- Example 210:13
24m 41s
- Intro0:00
- Medical Virology0:41
- Viruses We Will Study1:00
- How the Viruses Differs1:10
- Medically-Important Viruses1:23
- Selected Viruses of Medical Importance2:55
- Herpesviridae, Simplevirus2:59
- Herpes Virus4:09
- Papillomaviridae, Alphapapillomavirus4:47
- Papilloma Virus5:27
- Reoviridae, Rotavirus6:57
- Rotavirus7:58
- Paramyxovirinae, Morbilivirus9:04
- Measles Virus10:19
- Orthomyxoviridae (Influenza Virus)10:58
- Influenza Virus - Antigenic Drift12:52
- Influenza Virus - Antigenic Shift15:19
- Medically-Important Viruses18:39
- Avian Influenza18:41
- Example 120:19
- Example 221:50
- Example 323:01
15m 51s
- Intro0:00
- What is Taxonomy?0:18
- Science of Classifying Organisms0:21
- Universal Names Used by All Countries1:11
- Reference for Identifying Organisms1:19
- Binomial Nomenclature1:28
- Systematics or Phylogeny2:11
- Phylogeny2:12
- Like Reading a Family Tree2:28
- Root of the Tree2:33
- Moving Forward in Time2:49
- Clade3:01
- Ancestors and Lineage3:39
- Taxonomic Hierarchy4:17
- Genus and Species4:28
- Classification Changes4:38
- History of Microbial Taxonomy4:51
- Discovery of Microscope5:09
- Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia5:33
- Smallpox Vaccine5:42
- Bacteria and Fungi6:11
- Kingdom Portista6:24
- Prokaryotes Introduced as a New Kingdom6:57
- Definition of Prokaryote7:17
- Kingdom Fungi7:33
- Kingdom Prokaryote7:40
- Two Types of Prokaryotic Cells7:48
- Using Molecular Techniques to Classify7:58
- Classify Microbes8:24
- Three Domain System of Classification9:21
- Classification Criteria9:29
- Physiology9:58
- Ecology10:06
- Behavior10:27
- Morphology10:54
- Molecular Evidence (RNA)11:11
- Three Domains of Life11:39
- Eukaryotes11:46
- Prokaryotes11:48
- Archaea11:54
- Example 112:13
- Example 213:15
12m 14s
- Intro0:00
- Classification of Prokaryotes0:45
- Lack of Nucleus0:51
- Culture1:05
- Clone1:19
- Strain1:37
- Phylogenetic Relationship2:02
- Archaea3:53
- Two Distinct Groups: Archaea and Bacteria4:05
- Archaea Lived in High Temperatures4:29
- Habitats4:51
- Only Habitants to Live in Extreme Habitats5:24
- New Research Shoes Archaeans are Abundant in the Open Sea5:40
- Archaea Morphology5:59
- Basic Archaeal Structure: Cytoplasm, Cell Membrane, and Cell Wall6:08
- Archaeal Cell Membranes6:13
- Plasmid7:11
- Archaeal Ribosomes7:29
- Example 18:20
- Example 211:01
20m 18s
- Intro0:00
- Immune System Introduction0:28
- Body Defends Itself from Anything Foreign0:49
- What Immunity Constitutes1:13
- Immune Responses Can be Classified as Nonspecific or Specific1:27
- Nonspecific Immune Response1:54
- Specific Immune Response2:22
- Physiological Barriers2:49
- The Immune System3:18
- Innate Immune Response3:20
- Adaptive Immune Response3:42
- Immunity4:47
- Immunology5:32
- Immunity5:39
- Immune System6:21
- Barriers to Infection - Mechanical6:41
- Physical Barriers6:54
- Epithelial Surfaces8:31
- Mucosal Surfaces9:54
- Muco-ciliary Escalator10:40
- Barriers to Infection - Chemical11:25
- Enzymes11:33
- pH12:29
- Lung13:48
- Physiological Barriers14:56
- The Immune System16:52
- Example 117:15
16m 53s
- Intro0:00
- What is Complement?0:37
- Proteins0:40
- Synthesized by Different Cell Types1:01
- Complement System1:14
- Destroy Pathogens Directly1:51
- Activate Other Components of the Immune Response2:02
- Collaborate with Other Components of the Immune Response2:12
- Classical Pathway2:28
- Lection Pathway3:29
- Alternative Pathway3:52
- Integral Protein Types That Function in Cell-Cell Interaction4:08
- Function of the Complement System4:49
- Complement is Activated Upon Infection4:50
- Complement Functions Like Enzymes6:16
- Enzyme Activation6:37
- Function of the Complement System7:43
- Complements the Ability of Antibodies and Phagocytic Cells to Identify and Remove Foreign Pathogens7:49
- Amplification8:50
- Activation of the Complement System9:17
- Cytolysis9:27
- Chemotaxis9:39
- Opsonization10:41
- Anaphylatoxins11:16
- Complement and Membrane Attack Complex12:10
- The Membrane Attached Complex12:49
- Pathways of Complement Activation13:07
- Classical13:43
- Lectin13:54
- Alternative14:07
- Example 114:33
- Example 215:23
- Example 316:11
31m 10s
- Intro0:00
- What is Adaptive Immunity?0:27
- Primary Immune Response0:41
- Initiated by a Dendritic Cell That Ingested a Pathogen1:24
- Naïve B Cells are Stimulated to Proliferate and Differentiate in Specific Response to the Pathogen1:49
- Process of Adaptive Immunity2:28
- Humoral Immunity3:03
- Development of Acquired Immune Cells3:41
- The B Cell4:50
- Produced in the Bone Marrow4:52
- Outer Surface Contains a Specialized B Cell Receptor5:01
- Initial Activation5:55
- Secondary Activation6:15
- Hallmarks of Humoral Immunity6:23
- B Lymphocyte is the Central Cell6:51
- Antibody-mediated6:58
- Highly Complex7:03
- Step 1: Antigen Recognition7:18
- B Cells Recognize Extracellular Antigenics7:22
- Antigens on Pathogen Surfaces7:54
- Step 2: Clonal Expansion10:43
- B Cell Divides10:48
- Clone11:46
- Maturation of B Cells12:33
- Step 3: Differentiation13:46
- B Cells Differentiate Into Plasma Cells13:49
- Plasma Cell Produces and Secrets Antibodies Specific to the Origin Antigen14:00
- Produce and Secrete Abs Specific to the Original Antigen15:38
- Antigen Presenting Cells Show Protein Antigens to Helper T Cells15:55
- Step 4: Antigen Elimination16:30
- Newly-Manufactured Antibodies Attach to the Antigen16:36
- Termination of the Humoral Immune Response17:30
- Step 5: Immune Memory18:32
- Memory B Cells Reside in Bone Marrow18:53
- High-Affinity Immunoglobulins19:15
- Survive for Years20:15
- Respond Rapidly When the Antigen is Seen Again20:39
- Antibodies22:34
- Classes - IgM22:41
- Example 124:51
- Example 226:54
- Example 328:03
41m 22s
- Intro0:00
- Antibody-Antigen0:22
- Where Do Antigens-Antibodies Belong?0:57
- What is an Antibody?1:12
- Immunoglobulin1:17
- Definition of Antibody1:32
- Each Antigen is Specific to an Antigen1:58
- Antigen Binds to an Antigen2:44
- Produced by Plasma Cells3:18
- Antibody Structure3:55
- Paratope4:17
- Hinge Region4:53
- Fragment Crystallizable5:44
- Antibody Function6:21
- Recognizes and Captures Foreign Proteins and Molecules6:41
- Activates Complement6:52
- Binds to Immune Cells to Activate Their Specific Functions7:55
- The Antibody Isotypes9:25
- IgM9:37
- IgG12:36
- IgD14:01
- IgA14:27
- IgE14:45
- What is an Antigen?15:18
- An Antigen is to Provoke an Immune Response15:53
- Exogenous16:43
- Endogenous17:16
- Autogenous18:10
- Antigen-Antibody Reaction19:08
- Affinity19:33
- Avidity19:57
- Specificity21:02
- Cross Reactivity21:31
- Foreignness22:17
- Size24:32
- What Determines Antigenicity?25:04
- Antigenicity Definition25:13
- Conformation25:29
- Composition26:02
- Bacterial Components26:27
- Antigenic Determinants: Innate Immunity26:53
- Example 130:41
- Example 233:15
- Example 336:37
33m 16s
- Intro0:00
- Antibodies Surrounding Tumor0:40
- Introduction to Tumor Immunology1:22
- Human Papilloma1:41
- Hepatitis B2:26
- Helicobacter Pylori2:47
- Immunology4:05
- Overview of Tumor Immunology4:17
- Immune Surveillance Theory4:18
- Malignant Transformation4:34
- Immune Reactivity to Tumors4:37
- Tumor Antigens4:43
- Tumor Immunotherapies4:49
- Inflammation and Cancer4:53
- Immune Surveillance Theory and Escape4:59
- Amount of Antigen Expressed is Too Low5:51
- Tumor Sheds Antigens That Block Antibodies and T-Cells from binding to the Tumor6:01
- Tumor Does Not Express Immunogenic Antigens6:15
- Tumor Does Not Express MHC Antigens6:32
- Tumor May Secrete Immunosuppressive6:51
- Hallmark of a Cancer Cell is Proliferation That is Dysregulated7:12
- Malignant Transformation7:39
- One Way to Cause Growth Regulations8:24
- Mutations Can Alter the Cellular Machinery Leading to Up Regulation of Oncogenes8:45
- Mutations Can Alter the Cellular Machinery Leading to Down Regulation of Tumor Suppressor Genes9:15
- Tumor Growth Over Time9:42
- Malignant Transformation10:46
- Benign11:20
- Malignant11:37
- Progression of Benign to Malignant12:35
- Micro-Induced Carcinogenesis13:40
- Initiation Promotion Progression Model14:28
- Examples of Malignant Transformation14:53
- Tumor Antigens15:46
- Tumor Must Express Antigens That the Immune System Recognizes as Foreign16:16
- Immune Reactivity to Tumors16:40
- Tumor Antigens17:07
- Tumor Immunotherapies17:15
- Tumorigenesis Secretes Chemical Signals That Change Gene Expression17:25
- Gene Expression Leads To The Following17:30
- Tumors in an Immunosuppressed Host18:48
- HIV and AIDS19:13
- Transplant Patients19:55
- Epstein-Barr Virus20:19
- Malaria20:27
- Tumor Immunotherapies20:45
- Active Therapy21:01
- Passive Therapy22:02
- Inflammation and Cancer24:05
- Chronic Inflammation24:18
- Inflammation as a Response to Cancer25:23
- Neoplastic Cells Induce an Inflammatory Immune System25:34
- Bacteria, Inflammation, and Cancer25:59
- Example 127:46
- Example 229:21
- Example 330:25
- Example 431:28
57m 13s
- Intro0:00
- Adaptive Immunity0:43
- Cell-Mediated Immunity1:47
- Lymphocyte T Cell1:56
- Antigen-Presenting Cells2:15
- Subset of T Cells2:22
- Immune Tolerance2:31
- Hallmarks of Cell-Mediated Immunity3:02
- Primary Actor is the T Lymphocyte3:06
- Directed at Pathogens That Survive in Phagocytes3:12
- Based on Activation3:23
- Induce Apoptosis in Cells Displaying Epitopes of Foreign Antigens4:25
- Activates Macrophages and Natural Killer Cells6:34
- Stimulates Cells to Secrete Cytokines That Signal Other Cells of the Humoral and Innate Immune Response6:47
- Responds to Intracellular Antigens7:16
- Requires Direct, Cell-to-Cell Contact7:24
- The T-Cell7:51
- Mature in the Thymus7:58
- Presence of the T-Cell Receptor8:04
- Important Components8:35
- Antigen-Presenting Cell9:36
- Type of Leukocyte11:17
- Responsible for the Immune Responses That Lead to the Following11:25
- T-Cell Maturation13:34
- Thymocyte13:42
- Thymopoiesis13:59
- Thymus Conducts a Testing Process of Positive and Negative Selection14:15
- Somatic Gene Rearrangement15:49
- Infinite Number of Configurations That Create TCRs17:00
- Cluster of Differentiation (CD)17:27
- Function18:23
- Immuno-Phenotyping19:18
- Cluster of Differentiation (CD)19:34
- Nomenclature19:40
- Example20:01
- Antigen-Presenting Cells20:50
- Antigen Presentation21:24
- Antigen-Presenting Cells21:32
- Direct Presentation21:52
- Cross-Presentation22:37
- Cross-Dressing23:04
- Professional23:24
- Others23:55
- Contact Between an APC and TCR Stimulates Important Signaling Events25:20
- T-Cell Subset: T-Helper Cells25:51
- Th127:05
- Th228:48
- Th1729:43
- T-Cell Subset: Cytotoxic (Killer) T-Cells31:26
- CD8+ Cells31:28
- Target Cells with Antigen31:50
- T-Cell Subset: Cytotoxic (Killer) T-Cells32:55
- Perforin33:30
- Granzyme34:07
- Pharmaceuticals are Designed to Alter T-Cell Responses35:00
- T-Cell Subset: Regulatory T-Cells37:01
- Suppress Activation of the Immune System37:40
- Functions38:36
- T-Cell Subset: Regulatory T-Cells39:45
- Commensal Bacteria39:51
- Graft/ Transplant41:02
- Pregnancy41:41
- Tumors41:47
- Cytokines42:46
- Types of Cytokines42:57
- Chemical Messengers43:19
- Functional Classes of Cytokines43:38
- Chemokines47:17
- Chemotaxis47:20
- Inflammation48:54
- Homeostatic49:10
- Antiviral Response49:23
- Designation49:27
- Pulling It All Together49:40
- Example 151:40
- Example 252:51
- Example 354:56
18m 38s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:45
- Gram Negative and Positive Bacteria1:17
- Bacteria Without Cell Walls1:38
- Recall the Prototype Cell1:52
- Plasma Membrane2:15
- Cytoplasm2:21
- Nucleus2:26
- Cell Wall Principles2:41
- Protects Bacteria2:50
- Survive in Fluid Environments3:08
- Attack by Antibiotics4:26
- Source of Identification4:40
- Peptidoglycan4:47
- Murein5:10
- Protects the Plasma Membrane5:18
- Gram Staining5:42
- Gram Positive and Gram Negative5:55
- Gram Positive Bacterial Cell Wall8:26
- Thick Structure8:45
- Gram Staining8:52
- Teichoic Acids in Cell Wall9:06
- Gram Positive Streptococci9:21
- Gram Negative Bacterial Cell Wall9:57
- Allows More Complexity10:15
- Outer Membrane Provides Barrier to Certain Antibiotics11:00
- Outer Membrane Contains Lipid A11:34
- The Gram Stain12:36
- Hans Christian Gram Invented a Stain to Visualize Bacteria12:52
- Gram Positive Bacteria13:51
- Gram Negative Bacteria14:27
- Example 114:55
- Example 215:49
15m 4s
- Intro0:00
- Bacteria Morphology and Shape0:28
- Classification of Bacteria0:50
- Based on Several Major Properties0:53
- Taxonomy Principles Do Not Quite Fit for Bacteria1:21
- Variation in Shape and Distribution3:00
- Cocci3:14
- Bacilli4:00
- Budding and Appendaged Bacteria4:27
- Others4:35
- Bacterial Distribution4:51
- Shapes of Bacteria5:45
- Bacterial Shapes6:40
- Three Basic Shapes6:41
- Variation in Shapes7:12
- Clusters7:31
- Clusters Example7:50
- Streptococcus Pneumoniae8:18
- Bacterial Shapes8:56
- Streptococci9:00
- Staphylococci9:12
- Comma Shaped10:28
- Vibrios10:37
- Spirilla11:04
- Spirochetes11:25
- Example 111:38
- Example 212:39
- Example 313:24
23m 50s
- Intro0:00
- Energy Metabolism0:40
- Classification of Bacteria1:48
- Metabolic Behavior1:51
- Some Organisms are Anaerobic1:57
- Organisms and Carbon2:07
- Autotrophs2:10
- Heterotrophs2:43
- Organisms and Energy3:28
- Metabolism4:13
- Metabolism4:14
- Catabolism4:50
- Anabolism5:04
- Cellular Respiration5:49
- Aerobic Respiration6:55
- Anaerobic Respiration7:13
- Glucose7:41
- Energy-Currency Molecule for Autotrophs and Heterotrophs7:42
- Three Major Outcomes7:56
- Outcomes of Glucose8:18
- Outcomes of Glucose and Pyruvate9:07
- Overview of Aerobic Metabolism11:19
- Glycolysis11:25
- Citric Acid Cycle11:28
- Oxidative Phosphorylation11:30
- Aerobic Metabolism11:51
- Respiration and Fermentation13:18
- Carbohydrate Catabolism14:35
- Overview of Anaerobic Metabolism15:37
- Energy in Glucose is Released Without the Presence of Oxygen15:48
- Lactic Acid15:46
- Types of Fermentation16:16
- Lactic Acid Fermentation16:20
- Alcohol Fermentation16:27
- Alcohol Fermentation16:57
- Any Spoilage of Food by Microorganisms17:08
- Any Process that Produces Alcoholic Beverages17:14
- Any Large-Scale Microbial Process Occurring With or Without Air17:25
- Yeast and Other Microorganisms Ferment Glucose to Ethanol17:39
- Two Step Process18:07
- Lactic Acid Fermentation18:34
- Classic Anaerobic Metabolism18:35
- Releases Energy from Oxidation of Organic Molecules18:44
- End Products of Fermentation19:05
- Ethanol, Acetic Acid, Lactic Acid19:22
- Propionin Acid and Carbon Dioxide, Acetone, Glycerol, Citric Acid, Sorbose20:02
- Example 120:29
- Example 221:43
- Example 322:55
41m 12s
- Intro0:00
- 'Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria'0:42
- Classification of Bacteria2:13
- Bacterial Pathogenesis2:31
- First Type of Immunity: Innate Immune System2:49
- Complement System3:00
- Innate Immune Cells: Phagocytosis3:10
- Cytokine Production and Epitopes3:29
- Location of Bacteria Infections4:05
- Steps of Bacterial Infection5:25
- Entry Into Host5:30
- Adherence to Host Tissue5:53
- Colonization5:58
- Overcome a Host's Defense6:02
- Hosts' Immune Response6:10
- Damage the Host Tissues6:17
- Progression or Recovery6:25
- Portals of Entry6:35
- The Skin7:18
- Viral and Bacterial Infection of Respiratory7:46
- Bacteria Entry8:00
- Some Bacteria Produce Toxins and Enzymes8:28
- Immune Response is Disease Causing Part of Bacterial Infection8:46
- Infection of Intestinal Epithelium8:59
- Shigella9:00
- Salmonella10:16
- Numbers of Invading Bacteria11:05
- Virulence11:30
- Potency12:07
- Virulence of Bacillus Anthracis12:33
- Adherence of Bacteria to Host Tissue13:49
- Adhesins or Ligands14:10
- Glycocalyx14:26
- Fimbriae14:32
- M Protein14:53
- Adherence15:07
- Adhesins or Ligands15:10
- E. coli Bacteria15:53
- Bacteria Adhering to Human Skin16:17
- Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococci16:28
- Bacterial Penetration of Host Defenses16:42
- Capsules16:57
- Cell Wall Components17:03
- Enzymes17:18
- Antigenic Variation17:27
- Penetration into Host Cell Cytoskeleton17:57
- Capsules18:06
- Capsule18:07
- Glycocalyx18:19
- Functions to Impair Phagocytosis18:58
- Host Can However Develop Antibodies Against the Capsule19:07
- Streptococcus Pneumoniae19:28
- Cell Wall Components20:06
- M Protein20:18
- Neisseria Gonorrhea20:49
- Fimbriae20:57
- Bacterial Enzymes21:23
- Coagulase22:08
- Hyalurpnidase22:09
- Collagenase22:13
- IgA Proteases22:19
- Penetration22:44
- Invasins22:59
- Invasins Cause Host Cell Membrane to Ruffle23:12
- Shigella and Listeria23:32
- Bacterial Damage to Host Cells23:50
- Production of Toxins24:11
- Types of Toxins24:56
- Production of Toxins25:00
- Toxin25:08
- Toxigenicity25:21
- Toxemia25:25
- Toxoid25:30
- Antitoxin25:38
- Exotoxin25:44
- Produced Inside Some Bacteria25:55
- Released When Bacteria Undergoes Lysis26:06
- Proteins and Enzymes That Catalyze Certain Biochemical Reactions26:39
- Bacteria That Produce Exotoxins Can be Gram + or Gram -26:53
- Exotoxins Are Soluble in Body Fluids27:04
- Some Diseases Caused by Their Exotoxins27:13
- Exotoxin Examples27:35
- Action of A-B Exotoxin28:11
- Endotoxin29:12
- Endotoxin Differ from Extoxin in Several Ways29:21
- Endotoxins are Released When Gram - is Liberated30:24
- Antibiotics Used to Treat Gem30:32
- Endotoxins Stimulate Macrophages to Release High Concentrations of Cytokines30:59
- Endotoxins and the Pyrogenic Response31:17
- Example Endotoxins32:08
- Salmonella Typhi32:15
- Neisseria Meningitidis32:22
- Proteus Spp32:35
- Steps of Bacterial Infection32:42
- Bacterial Penetration of Host Defenses33:59
- Example 134:41
- Example 237:25
- Example 339:39
20m 50s
- Intro0:00
- Bacterial Adaptation0:13
- Varied Tissues Within Human Host0:36
- Variable Levels of Oxygenation Both Inside and Outside of Host0:54
- Variable Levels of Moisture Both Inside and Outside Host1:10
- Survive Various Antibiotic and Other Types of Treatment1:23
- Variable Oxygen Environments1:58
- Bacterial Endospores3:33
- Clostridium Botulinum4:40
- Bacillus Anthracis4:48
- Clostridium Tetani4:50
- Botulism: Neurotoxin5:10
- Clostridium Botulinum6:29
- Gram Positive Rod-Shaped Bacteria That are Strictly Anaerobic6:58
- Produce Spores7:10
- Produces Paralysis7:49
- Toxin Can be Destroyed by Heating Food to 80 Degrees Celsius7:55
- Bacillus Anthracis8:47
- Produce Spores9:08
- Anthrax is Mostly a Disease of Herbivores9:20
- Weaponized Anthrax is Primarily Inhalation Form10:11
- Clostridium Tetani11:50
- Spores are Located in Solid and Can Colonize Gastrointestinal Tracts12:14
- Disease Uncommon12:27
- Toxin Produced During Growth Phase of Bacteria When Cell is Lysed13:14
- Toxin Blocks Release of GABA13:56
- Results in Paralysis14:09
- Example 115:38
- Example 216:45
- Example 318:01
33m 8s
- Intro0:00
- Bacteria as Antigens1:04
- Antigen-antibody Interaction1:12
- Bacterial Adaptations as Antigens1:31
- Cell Wall Components1:44
- Capsules as Antigens1:50
- Flagella as Antigens1:58
- Antigenic Variation2:00
- Bacterial Antigenicity and Vaccines2:13
- Antigen-Antibody Interaction2:20
- What are Antigens2:25
- Examples of Antigens3:09
- Bacteria as Antigens4:33
- Adaptation to the Human Host Environment5:09
- Pathogenic Agent5:30
- Criteria for Effective Antigenicity6:02
- Bacterial Adaptations That are Antigenic7:36
- Pila7:45
- Flagella as Antigens7:57
- Fimbriae7:59
- Capsules as Antigens8:22
- Peptidoglycan8:33
- S Proteins8:45
- M Protein and Lipid A9:09
- Cell Wall Components9:47
- Neisseria Gonorrhea9:52
- Fimbriae and Opa10:03
- After Attachment, Host Cell Takes Bacteria10:22
- Secretory Antibodies10:38
- Circulating Antibodies10:58
- Capsule11:33
- Neutralize the Virulence12:39
- Bacterial Capsules as Antigens13:20
- S. Pneumoniae13:55
- B. Anthracis14:09
- S. Pyogenes14:38
- Bacterial Antigenicity15:30
- Motility and Vibrio Cholerae16:11
- Flagella are Antigenic16:20
- Agglutinate or Immobilize Bacterial Cells17:00
- Antigenic Variation17:49
- Antigenic Variation Over Time18:54
- Antigenic Variation by Space and Time22:12
- Bacterial Antigenicity and Vaccines24:02
- Example 127:36
- Example 231:24
15m 43s
- Intro0:00
- Infectious Diseases: Extent of Problem0:43
- 26% of Deaths Worldwide1:21
- Ebola Outbreak in Africa1:50
- Cholera in Haiti and South America2:22
- West Nile Virus Infections in U.S.2:39
- Worldwide Cholera Occurrence3:03
- Extent of Research4:38
- Importance to National Security5:42
- Bioterrorism Key Achievements7:00
- Smallpox7:06
- Anthrax7:22
- Botulinum7:28
- Ebola7:52
- Importance of Epidemiology8:38
- Scientific Study of Causes and Determinants of Disease8:44
- Study of Vector and Animal Host Biology8:56
- Patterns of Disease Transmission9:39
- Determine Disease Causation10:31
- Development of Vaccines11:04
- Development and Evaluation of Effective Treatments11:55
- Example 112:28
56m 19s
- Intro0:00
- Human Host and Disease Transmission0:19
- Discuss the Basis of Human Disease0:27
- Non-random Distribution of Disease0:34
- Ways Disease are Transmitted0:44
- Occurrence of Disease1:09
- Measures of Disease Transmission1:19
- Disease Outbreaks1:23
- Basis of Human Disease1:39
- How Human Disease Arise1:43
- Host Must be Susceptible2:08
- Capacity to Infect2:32
- Environment2:53
- Non-Random Distribution of Disease3:27
- Genetic Predisposition3:34
- Nutrition4:16
- Immune Status4:24
- Socio-Economic Status4:40
- Modes of Disease Transmission5:46
- Direct Transmission5:54
- Indirect Transmission6:50
- Example of Disease Transmission8:30
- HIV/ AIDS8:34
- Hepatitis A,B,C10:10
- Clinical and Subclinical Disease12:42
- Clinical Disease12:49
- Subclinical Disease13:10
- Non Clinical Disease15:36
- Carrier Status17:48
- Carrier Status Example: Typhoid Mary18:33
- Occurrence of Disease20:18
- Endemic20:27
- Epidemic21:30
- Pandemic21:45
- Epidemic of Obesity22:22
- Measures of Infectious Disease Transmission23:45
- Incubation Period24:23
- Epidemic Curve27:44
- Disease Outbreaks28:37
- One Exposure, Common Vehicle28:43
- Outbreak Analysis32:14
- Food Borne Illness34:06
- 76 Million Cases of Food Borne Illness Per Year34:07
- Known Pathogens35:08
- 62 Million Cases from Unknown Agents35:23
- Example of Food Outbreak: Salmonella Saintpaul, 200835:34
- Distribution of Outbreak Strain of Salmonella Found on Tomatoes and/or Jalapeno Peppers36:21
- Number of Persons Infected with Salmonella Saintpaul38:10
- Clinical Features of Salmonella Infection40:47
- Diarrhea41:06
- Abdominal Cramps41:11
- Identified by Stool Sample Culture41:19
- Severe Infection41:50
- Case-Control Studies of Salmonella Saintpaul Infection42:26
- Description of Outbreak Source Investigation45:02
- Example 146:25
- Example 250:43
- Example 353:13
39m 23s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction0:16
- What is the Extent of Disease?1:00
- Who is at Risk for the Disease?1:07
- How is Disease Transmitted?1:36
- How is Disease Defined?1:52
- Counts2:17
- Assessment2:32
- Example of Tuberculosis Count3:04
- Counts of Influenza Positive Tests4:02
- Counts of AIDS Cases5:58
- Example of a Food Outbreak Investigation8:01
- Steps Public Health Investigators Follow to Determine Cause of Illness8:24
- Identifying the Source8:39
- Example9:04
- Potential Sources of Contamination9:44
- Production9:55
- Farms10:14
- Distribution10:31
- Retail Establishments10:39
- Restaurant Example10:56
- Food Borne Outbreak Investigation Steps11:43
- Determining if an Outbreak is Occurring11:57
- Defining Signs and Symptoms12:07
- Hypothesis12:14
- Collect Data and Test Hypothesis12:38
- Not Finding Associations13:09
- After Finding Pathogen, You Can Conduct Intervention to Remove Contaminated Food13:45
- Determine the Source14:09
- Clear Outbreak When All Contamination is Gone14:30
- Case Study: Norovirus Outbreak Michigan Jan-Feb, 200614:34
- Norovirus16:14
- Infects All Ages16:40
- Cause Infection Throughout the Year But There's a Peak in Time16:44
- Recognizing Outbreaks of Norovisur Infection16:51
- Cases of Norovirus Over Time18:42
- Attack Rate19:24
- Definition19:37
- Restaurant Example21:11
- Attack Rate by 3 Hour Time Intervals22:52
- Patrons Who Became Ill23:35
- Case Control Analysis to Determine Food Source24:21
- Attack Rate25:58
- Food Outbreak Measures26:16
- Compute the Denominator27:06
- Compute Attack Rate During Certain Time Period27:28
- Construct Possible Hypotheses28:14
- Conduct Case-Control Analysis with Odds Ratio29:37
- Example 129:47
- Example 234:55
- Example 336:51
20m 53s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction to Eukaryotic Microbes0:38
- Helminths0:57
- Why are They Called Microorganisms1:01
- Parasites1:25
- Introduction to Cell Theory2:03
- Evolution of Multi-Cellularity3:30
- Prokaryotes Can Form into Colonies and Biofilms3:42
- Eukaryotic Cells Can Arrange Themselves Into Tissue3:58
- Multicellularity Evolved5:03
- Fossils of Bangiomorpha Pubescens5:45
- Timeline6:45
- Endosymbiosis8:00
- Ancestral Anaerobic Eukaryote8:05
- Aerobic Eukaryote8:38
- Photosynthetic Cyanobacterium8:54
- Photosynthetic Eukaryote8:58
- Phylogeny9:24
- Prokaryotes9:34
- Eukaryotes9:39
- Organization of Eukaryotic Cell9:50
- Level 1: Monomeric Units10:13
- Level 2: Macromolecules10:16
- Level 3: Supramolecular Complexes10:37
- Level 4: The Cell and Its Organelles10:40
- Eukaryotic Animal Cell11:01
- Nuclear Envelope11:53
- Plasma Membrane11:58
- Mitochondrion12:15
- Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum12:23
- Ribosomes12:51
- Peroxisomes13:00
- Cytoskeleton13:05
- Lysosome13:23
- Golgi Complex Processes13:27
- Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum13:40
- Eukaryotic Plant Cell14:01
- Cell Wall14:29
- Chloroplast14:49
- Starch Granule15:06
- Thylakoids15:17
- Golgi Complex, Cytoskeleton, Ribosomes15:25
- Nucleus, Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, Nucleolus15:33
- Mitochondrion15:39
- Example 115:56
- Example 218:44
19m 45s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction to Fungi0:15
- 1.5 Million Different Species on Earth0:17
- Fungal Diseases1:10
- Fungi Live Outdoors and Indoors1:17
- Most Fungi Are Not Dangerous1:30
- Medically Important Fungi1:38
- Contagious Diseases1:40
- Commensal Organisms2:39
- Fungal Growth3:14
- Vegetative Growth3:36
- Septate Hypha3:43
- Continuous Hyphae3:52
- Spore3:58
- Fungal Dimorphism4:06
- Fungi Life Cycle4:44
- Filamentous Fungi4:49
- Fungal Spores5:21
- Fungal Fragmentation6:05
- Fungal Spore Formation6:29
- Fungi Sexual Reproduction6:57
- Plasmogamy7:06
- Karyogamy7:10
- Meiosis7:11
- Sexual Spores7:45
- Ascospore8:11
- Life Cycle of Ascomycete8:21
- Histoplasmosis Capsulatum (Ascomycete)9:18
- Histoplasmosis Distribution10:54
- Histoplasmosis Lifecycle11:28
- Fungal Diseases13:06
- Mycosis13:08
- Chronic and Long Term13:16
- Five Groups13:21
- Systemic13:30
- Subcutaneous13:37
- Cutaneous13:40
- Superficial13:42
- Opportunistic13:45
- Example 114:18
- Example 217:40
31m 55s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction to Fungi0:19
- Recap of Fungi Part One0:20
- 1.5 Million Species0:28
- Focus on Fungi That Cause Human Disease0:59
- Medically Important Fungi1:42
- Contagious Diseases?1:44
- Dermatophytosis Example2:02
- Pneumocystis Example2:22
- Commensal Organisms: Candida Albicans2:36
- Fungal Diseases3:02
- Mycosis3:06
- Fungal Mycoses3:12
- Five Groups3:22
- Superficial Fungal Diseases4:10
- Fungi That are Localized in Hair Shafts and on Skin Surface4:20
- Prevalent in Tropical Climate4:31
- Benign4:38
- Figures Explanation4:44
- Cutaneous Fungal Disease5:04
- Infect the Epidermis5:05
- Dermatomycoses5:21
- Dermatophytes5:31
- Dermatophytes Secrete Keratinase6:04
- Examples6:31
- Subcutaneous Fungal Diseases6:39
- Fungal Infections Beneath the Skin6:42
- Occur After a Puncture Wound6:58
- Infections Occur Among Farmers8:15
- Example: Sporotrichosis8:26
- Candidiasis Albicans8:57
- Most Common in Yeast Infections8:58
- Resides on Skin Surfaces9:16
- Resistant to Phagocytosis9:46
- Opportunistic Fungal Disease12:25
- Host is Debilitated or Traumatized12:52
- Under Treatment with Broad Spectrum Antibiotics13:20
- Immune System is Suppressed by Drugs14:03
- Has an Immune Disorder or Lung Disease14:19
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia14:47
- Caused by Pneumocystis Jirovecii14:56
- Most Frequent and Severe Opportunistic Infection15:05
- Immunocompetent Adults Have Few or No Symptoms15:59
- Example: Pneumocystis Cysts in Lung of Patient with AIDS16:58
- Life Cycle of Pheumocystis Jirovecii17:34
- Early Incidence of Pneumocystis18:49
- Systemic Fungal Disease21:21
- Fungal Infections Deep Within the Body21:24
- Caused by Fungi Living in the Soil21:44
- Infections Begin in Lungs and Spread to Other Tissue22:13
- Example: Coccidiodomycosis Infection of Lung Tissue22:21
- Life Cycle of Coccidiodes Immitis23:12
- Number of Coccidiomycosis Cases24:10
- Distribution of Coccidiomycosis Cases26:06
- Example 127:20
- Example 230:08
20m 1s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction to Parasites0:48
- Live in Human Hosts1:00
- Example of Parasites1:29
- Extent of Parasitic Diseases1:47
- Parasitic Infections Cause a Tremendous Burden of Disease1:54
- Malaria Example2:12
- Neglected Tropical Diseases2:38
- Extent of Malaria3:22
- Relationships Between Species6:51
- Symbiosis Between Pathogen and Host7:11
- Symbiosis7:29
- Mutualism7:58
- Commensalism8:05
- Parasitism9:10
- Parasite Definitions9:28
- Parasite Definition9:32
- Three Major Classes9:54
- Ectoparasites10:15
- Locations of Parasitic Infection10:48
- Parasite Hosts and Vectors12:21
- Vectors Convey a Parasite from Host to Host12:27
- Anopheles Mosquito and Malaria12:43
- Example 113:04
- Example 215:34
24m 59s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction to Protozoa0:13
- Protozoa Definition0:14
- Intestinal Protozoa1:19
- Insect Vectors1:47
- Transmission of Enteric Protozoa2:02
- Transmission of Blood Borne Protozoa: Leishmaniasis4:50
- Leishmaniasis Transmission Chart5:33
- Cutaneous Leishmaniasis7:15
- Visceral Leishmaniasis7:37
- Medically Important Protozoa8:07
- Four Classes8:24
- Described by the Systems They Infect8:54
- Flagellates9:10
- Intestinal and Genito-Urinary Flagellates9:32
- Blood and Tissue Flagellates9:42
- Ambae10:45
- Typically Amoeboid10:49
- Represented by Entamoeba, Negleria, and Acanthamoeba11:27
- Sporozoa12:38
- Alternating Sexual and Asexual Reproductive Phases12:56
- Cyclospora Life Stage13:13
- Lifecycle of Sporozoa: Cryptosporidium16:16
- Ciliates17:20
- Complex Protozoa Bearing Cilia Distributed in Rows or Patches with Two Kinds of Nuclei in Each Cell17:24
- Balantidium Coli17:54
- Example 120:06
- Example 222:52
32m 53s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction to Helminths0:30
- Definition of Helminths0:31
- Three Types of Helminths0:54
- Biological Properties of Helminths1:38
- Biological Life Cycle of Helminths1:42
- Adult Helminths May Be Dioecious3:25
- Monoecious Helminths3:58
- Characteristics of Helminths4:12
- May Lack a Digestive System4:16
- Nervous System is Reduced4:41
- Incidence of Helminth Infections Worldwide5:50
- Intestinal Helminths6:29
- Soil Transmitted Helminths8:15
- Wuchereria Bancrofti8:35
- Wuchereria Bancrofti Causes Lymphatic Filariasis9:01
- Nematode or Roundword That Inhibits Lymphatic Vessels9:18
- Life Cycle9:43
- Lifecycle of Wuchereria Bancrofti10:11
- Symptoms of Wuchereria Bancrofti11:41
- Elephantiasis11:59
- People Who Develop Lymphedema12:39
- Types of Chronic Tissue Helminth Infection14:53
- Distribution of Lymphatic Filariasis in India18:08
- Taenia Saginata or Solium19:19
- Human Tapeworms19:20
- Cestode That Inhabits Intestinal Tracts of Human Hosts19:36
- Taenia20:01
- Scolex20:53
- Tania or Tapeworms21:39
- Life Cycle of Taenia Saginata or Solium22:15
- Urban Myth of Reality24:35
- Example 125:41
- Example 228:38
32m 50s
- Intro0:00
- The Immune System0:45
- Innate Immune Response1:04
- Adaptive Immune Response1:15
- Autoimmunity and Helminth Infection2:20
- Endemic Type 1 Diabetes2:26
- Endemic Helminth Infections2:47
- Coevolution of Helminths and Immunity4:43
- Helminth Infections are a Driving Force in Shaping5:53
- Helminths Do Not Replicate in Human Host6:37
- Helminths are Able to Maintain a Co-existence With Immune System7:18
- Innate Immunity7:46
- Adaptive Immunity7:52
- Localized Impact of Helminth Infection9:05
- Immune Modulation of Helminth Infection14:07
- Helminths and Immune Response15:55
- Other Ways Helminths Facilitate Immune Response17:45
- Helminth Influence on Immunity19:07
- Types of Chronic Tissue Helminth Infection22:04
- Infected, Low Pathology - Develop Tolerance22:35
- Chronic Pathology22:50
- Pathogen Co-Existence and Immunity23:29
- Helminths and Autoimmunity in Mice25:31
- Summary of Helminths and Immunity26:39
- Hygiene Hypothesis26:42
- Driving Force in Shaping27:27
- Absence of Helminths and the Immune Tolerances27:46
- Example 128:10
- Example 230:23
46m 35s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction1:01
- External Peptidoglycan1:07
- Stain Purple1:16
- Reasons How External Peptidoglycan is Important1:30
- Properties of Gram Positive Bacteria1:51
- Immune Attack of Gram Positive Bacteria3:21
- Process of Opsonization3:29
- What is Opsonization3:39
- Complement Forms Membrane Attack Complexes4:38
- Ways Bacteria Gets Recognized by the System5:14
- Properties of Gram Positive Bacteria6:55
- Metabolism7:00
- Survival Mechanisms7:11
- Shapes7:23
- Environments7:39
- Examples of Gram Positive Bacteria7:59
- Shapes of Gram Positive Bacteria9:13
- Streptococci vs. Staphylococci9:26
- Staphylococci Shape9:38
- Streptococci Shape9:52
- Staphylococcus Bacteria10:04
- Staphylococcus10:20
- Salt-Tolerant11:36
- Two Main Species12:24
- Pathogenicity12:38
- Enzymes and Toxins13:38
- Staphylococcus Aureus14:57
- Food Borne Infection15:04
- Skin Infections15:29
- Systemic Disease16:14
- Staphylococcus Bacteria17:36
- Categorized According to Antigens18:00
- Streptococcus Group A18:09
- Streptococcus Pyogenes19:09
- Pathogenicity19:37
- Rheumatic Fever20:00
- Necrotizing Fasciatis20:39
- Glomerulonephritis21:30
- Surface M Protein21:50
- Hyaluronic Acid Capsule22:25
- Enzymes22:47
- Pyrogenic Toxins22:57
- Bacillus23:34
- Has Endospore Stage and Produces Toxins23:59
- Bacillus Anthracis24:16
- Spores Activated25:12
- Toxins Cause Disease25:40
- Clostridium Bacteria26:02
- Gram Positive, Anaerobic, and Endospore Producing26:30
- Different Clostridium Bacteria26:56
- Clostridium Difficile27:34
- Commonly Found Among the Intestinal Microbiota27:38
- Opportunistic Pathogen27:57
- Common in Hospital28:30
- Age-Adjusted Death Rate for Enterocolitis Due to C. Difficile29:16
- Listeria Bacteria29:54
- Avoidance of Immune Reaction by Listeria31:23
- Multi-State Listeriosis Outbreak from Whole Cantaloupes Grown by Jensen Farms, Colorado33:04
- Example 136:17
- Example 239:05
- Example 343:47
44m 38s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction0:29
- Internal Cell Wall0:45
- Characteristic Properties0:54
- Gram Negative Bacterial Cell Wall2:01
- Outer Membrane Provides a Barrier3:05
- Outer Membrane Contains Lipid A3:16
- Properties of Gram Negative Bacteria3:20
- Lipid A Molecule3:26
- Lipopolysaccharides3:40
- Most Gram Negative Bacteria Do Not Form Spores3:54
- Gram Negative Laboratory Algorithm4:05
- Properties of Gram Negative Bacteria6:45
- Outer Membrane6:50
- Genetic Exchange6:53
- Immune Reaction to Gram Negative Bacteria7:49
- Examples of Gram Negative Bacteria12:12
- Endotoxin12:52
- Differ from Exotoxin in Several Ways13:05
- Released When Gram Negative Bacteria Undergo Lysis and Endotoxin is Liberated13:50
- Stimulate Macrophages to Release High Concentrations of Cytokines14:36
- E. Coli Bacteria15:03
- Escherichia Coli15:06
- Pathogenic Strains of E. Coli15:28
- Shiga-Toxin E. Coli Outbreak, Germany 201116:24
- Salmonella Bacteria18:29
- Pathogenicity18:36
- Infection by Salmonella20:36
- Another Image of Infection by Salmonella21:41
- Bacterial Infections, 201323:44
- Vibrio Bacteria25:12
- Vibrio Genus25:37
- Most Virulent Species is Vibrio Cholerae25:50
- Cholera Life Cycle26:59
- Worldwide Cholera Cases29:44
- New Cases of Cholera in Haiti During a 2 Year Period30:24
- Preventing Cholera Infection with Gut Flora31:10
- Bordetella Pertussis32:55
- Aerobic Coccobacillus33:24
- Tracheal Toxin33:40
- Pertussis Toxin33:50
- Pertussis Infection Timeline34:25
- Pertussis Symptom Timeline36:10
- Reported Pertussis Cases in US 1922-200337:31
- Example 138:09
- Example 239:36
- Example 341:16
24m 6s
- Intro0:00
- Bacteria Classification by Cell Wall0:21
- Gram Positive vs. Gram Negative1:01
- Gram Stain1:18
- Shape1:24
- Bacteria Undetectable with Gram Stain3:07
- Mycobacteria3:23
- Mycoplasma Pneumonia4:02
- Chlamydia4:11
- Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Bacteria4:23
- Atypical Small Bacterium Without A Cell Wall4:30
- Lacks Rigid Cell Wall5:02
- Extracellular in Respiratory Tract7:02
- Acid-Fast Bacteria7:38
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis8:36
- Infectious Process10:31
- Tuberculosis Incidence in 200512:45
- Chlamydia Trachomatis Bacteria15:11
- Obligate Intracellular Human Parasite15:39
- Gram Negative16:01
- Three Human Biovars16:15
- Life Cycle of Chlamydia17:33
- Example 119:42
- Example 221:01
- Intro0:00
- Tuberculosis Introduction0:47
- Malaria0:51
- Acid-Fast Staining1:04
- Tuberculosis Disease1:42
- Latent and Active Disease1:51
- Strong Man Image Example2:22
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis2:39
- Cell Wall2:48
- Tuberculosis Incidence in 20123:21
- Worldwide Tuberculosis Incidence4:19
- TB Research Center, Chennai, India5:00
- Tuberculosis in United States5:47
- Estimated HIV Co-Infection Among Individuals Diagnosed with TB in U.S.6:28
- Tuberculosis Pathogenesis7:40
- Infection7:50
- How It's Spread8:09
- What Determines Whether or Not an Individual Will be Exposed8:49
- Bacilli can Multiply Once Reaching the Alveoli9:21
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis10:18
- Inactive Form of TB10:34
- Active vs. Inactive Form of TB Depends on If Bacilli Stay in Tissue or Break Out10:44
- Tuberculosis Pathogenesis11:20
- Bacilli That Reach Alveoli11:32
- Those Bacilli are Ingested by Macrophages12:28
- No Symptoms of Disease13:20
- More Advanced Stage13:25
- Multiply in Macrophages13:45
- Inflammation14:24
- After a Few Weeks Disease Symptoms Appear15:00
- Caseous Center15:30
- Aerobic Bacilli Do Not Grow Well in the Center16:18
- Granuloma Can Reactivate Later16:46
- Active Disease: The Granuloma Can Rupture with Liquefaction17:25
- Active TB18:04
- Tuberculosis Staging18:12
- Stage 3 Important Stage18:40
- Stage 5 You Have TB18:55
- Tuberculosis Testing19:31
- Tuberculin Skin Test19:32
- Positive Skin Reaction Image Example20:14
- Tuberculosis Vaccination20:32
- BCG Vaccination in Other Areas Around the World20:48
- BCG Protects from the Active Form of Tuberculosis21:06
- BCG Does Not Confer Lifelong Protection22:34
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis22:51
- Target Different Parts23:09
- Regiment23:32
- Example 124:34
- Example 226:40
29m 59s
- Intro0:00
- Protozoa Introduction1:13
- One-Celled Organisms1:14
- Free Living or Parasitic1:19
- Can Multiply in Humans1:27
- How Does a Pathogen Get to the Digestive Tract1:44
- Worldwide Cases of Malaria3:06
- Found Where There a Lot of Mosquitoes3:14
- Malaria Introduction4:00
- Protozoa4:03
- Lives Partially in Human Host, Partially in Mosquito4:06
- Four Major Species4:29
- Carried by Anopheles Mosquitoes4:49
- Lifecycle of Malaria5:08
- Two Stages in Human Host and One Stage in Mosquito5:30
- Mosquito Bites and Injects Sporozoites5:49
- Parasite Goes Into Liver7:14
- Blood Supply7:33
- Diagnostic Stage7:55
- Erythrocytes8:11
- Gametocytes9:04
- Final Stage: Release of Sporozoites9:39
- Sickle Cell Anemia and Moleria10:16
- Sickle Cell Anemia is a Genetic Mutation Disease10:34
- Function11:05
- Hemoglobin Shape and Oxygen Capacity are Slightly Different11:16
- Selective Advantages and Disadvantages12:04
- Effects at a Cellular Level12:06
- Effects at the Organismal Level12:39
- Effects at the Population Level12:54
- Evolution of Human Malaria13:31
- Plasmodium Parasite Has Evolved13:40
- Plasmodium Reichenowi13:56
- What's Going on in India14:43
- Malaria Pathogenicity15:40
- Incubation Period15:41
- Symptoms16:05
- P. vivax and P. ovale16:41
- Dormant Liver Stage16:57
- Diagnosis18:33
- Malaria Treatment19:30
- Depends on Many Factors19:32
- Medications20:32
- Example 122:28
- Example 227:38
38m 7s
- Intro0:00
- What is HIV / AIDS?0:31
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus0:32
- Once Infected, the Virus Will Always Be There1:28
- Exception1:45
- Transmitted Through Body Fluids2:10
- Virus2:15
- HIV Can be Transmitted Through3:13
- Sexual Contact, Injection Drug Use, Occupational Exposure, Pregnancy, Blood Transfusion3:14
- Blood Transfusion Used to be Significant for Disease Transmission3:31
- Adult HIV Prevalence, 20124:30
- Africa is Highest4:40
- North and South America are Also High Prevalence4:44
- India5:02
- Counts of AIDS Cases5:22
- Example of Disease Transmission7:19
- Males7:31
- Females7:42
- HIV/ AIDS Methods of Transmission8:33
- HIV Retrovirus9:10
- Retrovirus9:21
- Replicate the Virus10:13
- Life Cycle of HIV Virus10:55
- Genome11:10
- Reverse Transcription11:16
- Host DNA Produces Goes Through Transcription and Translation11:26
- Produce Viral RNA11:36
- Importance of Figure12:00
- Viral Load and Immune Cell12:45
- Individual Infected12:52
- Plasma Virus Load Increases then Rapidly Declines12:58
- CD4+ T Cell13:34
- Immune System is Suppressed Enough That AIDs Develops14:20
- Evolution of HIV/ AIDS15:31
- Immunodeficiency and Development of Opportunistic Infections17:40
- Herpes Simplex Virus18:00
- Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus18:10
- Kaposi Sarcoma and Many More18:22
- Disease Emerge at Different Time Depending on Degree of Suppression18:40
- Opportunistic Infections with HIV18:52
- Early 1900s19:04
- Pneumocystis19:21
- Opportunistic Fungal Disease20:15
- Harmless, Opportunistic Fungi20:31
- Can Happen to Individuals Who are Taking Drugs to Suppress Immune System20:44
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia21:13
- Pathogen21:32
- Immunodeficient Adults21:41
- Estimated HIV Co-Infection Among Individuals Diagnosed with TB in U.S.22:00
- Kaposi Sarcoma22:42
- Rare Cancer22:49
- Skin Neoplasm23:14
- Subtypes All Have Human Herpesvirus-823:31
- How It Looks23:57
- Kaposi Sarcoma Spindle Cells24:29
- How to Treat Kaposi Sarcoma25:17
- HIV Prevalence Among Young Adult Women in India26:02
- Example 131:24
- Example 233:32
43m 9s
- Intro0:00
- Ebola Virus Overview0:22
- Ebola Virus Outbreak Distribution0:59
- 1976 Ebola Outbreak First Identified1:00
- Recent Outbreak in Zaire2:15
- Three Countries Most Affected Today2:39
- Amount of Hospitals in Those Countries3:40
- Ebola Virus Ecology4:14
- Thought to Just Infect Warm Blooded Animals4:24
- Epidemic Starts When Virus Infects Humans4:45
- Ebola Virus Infection5:55
- Virus Comes From Animal and Infects Human5:57
- Infected Cells6:10
- Endothelial Cell Gaps Causes Leakage of Blood and Virus6:35
- Ebola Virus Symptoms7:37
- Fever7:43
- Early Signs7:54
- Big Sign of Being Infected: Travel History8:18
- Key About the Symptom Emerging9:40
- Timeline of Ebola Virus Symptoms11:21
- Day 2: First Symptoms11:36
- Day 10: High Fever and Vomiting12:29
- Day 11: Brain Damage and Bleeding13:13
- Day 12: Loss of Consciousness13:44
- Ebola Virus Characteristics14:14
- Filovirus14:27
- Enveloped, Helical Viruses14:31
- Ebola and Marburg Viruses14:36
- Morphology of Helical Ebola Virus14:52
- Capsid14:56
- Nucleic Acid15:04
- Ebola Virus Structure15:38
- Outside of the Structure15:42
- Inside the Envelope15:56
- Virus Can Recreate Itself in the Cytoplasm16:54
- RNA Viral Replication18:04
- Negative and Positive Strand18:32
- Ebola Virus Entry20:26
- Cell the Virus Penetrates21:18
- Inflammatory Reaction21:45
- Viruses Released Into Individuals Body22:23
- Ebola Virus: Immune Reaction23:08
- Survivors23:20
- Individuals Who Die From Ebola23:33
- Effective Dose24:03
- Host Immune Response to Ebola24:36
- Monocyte24:44
- Cytokines Storm25:01
- Ebola Virus Pathogenisis25:40
- Infection25:46
- Neutrophil25:56
- Depletion of Natural Killer Cells26:06
- Ebola Virus Can Serve to Surpress the Immune Reaction26:37
- How Contagious is Ebola?27:49
- Not Very Contagious, But Very Infectious27:58
- In Relation to Other Diseases28:43
- Ebola Transmission29:24
- Patient Zero Thought to be Infected by Animal29:28
- Eating Bushmeat In West Africa29:46
- Ebola Spreads by Direct Contact30:16
- Ebola in Healthcare Settings31:13
- Healthcare Workers at Higher Risk Because They Handle Body Fluids31:22
- Precautions32:07
- Treatment of Ebola34:13
- No Vaccine, but There Are Experimental Treatments (ZMAPP)34:18
- Basic Interventions When Done Early, Can Improve Chances of Survival36:27
- Example 137:41
- Example 239:18
- Example 341:05
For more information, please see full course syllabus of Microbiology
Microbiology Microbial Metabolism
In this lesson, our instructor Catherine Carpenter gives an introduction on microbial metabolism. She discusses organisms and carbon, organisms and energy, metabolism, cellular respiration, glucose, outcomes of glucose, aerobic metabolism, respiration and fermentation, carbohydrate catabolism, anaerobic metabolism, and ATP production requirements. She finishes the lesson with a few examples.
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