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For more information, please see full course syllabus of AP Calculus AB
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Solving Integrals by Substitution
Lecture Slides are screen-captured images of important points in the lecture. Students can download and print out these lecture slide images to do practice problems as well as take notes while watching the lecture.
- Intro
- Table of Integrals
- Example I: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral
- Example II: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral
- Example IIII: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral
- Example IV: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral
- Example V: Evaluate the Following
- Example VI: Evaluate the Following
- Example VII: Evaluate the Following
- Example VIII: Evaluate the Following
- Example IX: Evaluate the Following
- Intro 0:00
- Table of Integrals 0:35
- Example I: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral 2:02
- Example II: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral 7:27
- Example IIII: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral 10:57
- Example IV: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral 12:33
- Example V: Evaluate the Following 14:28
- Example VI: Evaluate the Following 16:00
- Example VII: Evaluate the Following 19:01
- Example VIII: Evaluate the Following 21:49
- Example IX: Evaluate the Following 24:34
AP Calculus AB Online Prep Course
Transcription: Solving Integrals by Substitution
Hello, welcome back to, and welcome back to AP Calculus.0000
Today, we are going to introduce a technique called solving integrals by substitution.0004
This is a very powerful technique.0009
For all practical purposes, for the rest of you, the work that you do as an engineer or physicist or mathematician,0012
this solving by substitution is probably the one technique that you are going to use more than any other,0018
if you are going to do anything by hand.0023
Most of the time, you are going to be using software to do it.0027
But this technique is really what we use, most of the time.0028
Let us jump right on in.0033
I’m going to do this lesson not by doing theory because the theory will make sense by doing the examples.0036
It is the examples that I think make it clear, what it is that is going on.0045
If we just sort of launch into theory, this is one of those things0050
where I think the symbolism gets in the way of what is actually happening which is very simple.0053
I do not want to off you skate that.0057
Let us take a look at what it is that we do know, as far as antiderivatives and solving integrals.0062
This gives us a list of the antiderivatives and integrals that we know how to find.0066
Pretty straightforward.0072
We know how to do polynomials, things with powers.0074
We know how to do basic trigonometric functions, things like this.0077
However, we are going to be dealing with functions that are a lot more complicated than this.0080
We want to be able to integrate those functions.0085
In order to integrate those functions, what we are going to be doing is using the substitution rule,0088
in order to transform these complex integrals into something that looks like one of these.0093
This is our home base, we are going to transform them into something that looks like one of these, by using the substitution.0098
We are going to integrate it because we know how to do these.0105
And then, we are going to substitute back and get back our final answer.0108
Having said that, let us jump right on in with some examples and I think it will make sense.0115
Evaluate the following indefinite integral, the integral of tan(x) dx.0123
We know that we do not have a basic integral for tan x dx, it is not in that list.0129
Let me go ahead and write that out.0138
I think I will work in red here.0139
We do not have a basic integral or antiderivative whichever you prefer, the derivative for the tan(x).0147
The question is how can we transform this and turn it into something we recognize, that we can integrate.0170
How can we transform this into something we recognize, something on our basic integral list?0174
A lot of this substitution technique is going to be based on just start trial and error.0198
You remember back in pre-calculus, when you are doing those identities,0203
when you have to prove that two identities are equivalent.0205
Sometimes you might start on a path and you end up hitting a wall, not a problem.0208
There is no way of knowing beforehand until you gain some experience,0213
what to choose for your substitution how to go about this.0218
You are just going to try things and follow the mathematical logic.0220
If you end up at some place which is good, you are good.0225
If you end up hitting a wall, just go back to the beginning, like everything else in life.0227
If you lose your way, just go back to the beginning, that is it, nice and simple.0231
Do not think that you have to just look at it and know exactly what to do.0235
You are going to try different things.0238
Calculus is sophisticated mathematics.0240
We do not just look at it and see, we know what to do.0242
Let us go ahead and change this around.0247
We know what tan x is, in terms of the basic functions sin x and cos x.0249
I’m going to write this as the integral of sin x.0256
Let us make this a little clearer.0260
The integral of sin x/ cos x dx.0262
I’m going to do a substitution, I'm going to call cos x and I’m going to call it u.0270
Let me do this in red.0280
I'm going to call cos x u.0284
I'm going to take du dx, that equal cos x, I'm sorry.0288
That is not equal cos x, the derivative of cos x du dx is -sin x.0294
I’m going to write du is equal to -sin x dx.0301
All I have done is I have moved this over here.0306
This is a ratio, I can just move that over.0308
Now I have du = - sin x dx.0311
I’m going to move the negative sign over and I’m going to write sin x dx is equal to –du.0315
I’m going to plug those back in.0323
Sin x dx, that is right there, that is sin x dx.0327
This is the integral of, I’m going to put this in for that – du.0333
The denominator, I have cos x.0341
Cos x is just u, that is that.0343
I will pull the negative sign out and I will get du/u.0349
I have transformed this into something I recognize.0353
I recognize that in the list in the previous page, I know that dx/x, the integral of that is just ln x.0356
The variable does not matter.0364
du/u, dx/x, dz/z, dp/p, it is the same thing.0367
It is just a symbol.0373
I have transformed it by making an appropriate substitution.0374
I have called something, something, I have taken the derivative of it.0379
By doing that, I ended up having something which looks like,0382
Now I put that back in, I have transformed it into something I recognize.0387
I just go ahead and integrate this.0391
-the integral of du/u = the natlog of the absolute of u + c.0395
I substitute back in, u is equal to cos(x).0404
ln of the absolute of cos x + c, then I have my negative sign, and I’m done.0412
That is all I have done, taken something, I have transformed it and then I have made a u substitution.0421
Transformed it into something I do recognize, for which I do have an antiderivative, an elementary antiderivative.0431
I have taken the antiderivative and I have substituted it back to turn it back into a function of x.0436
Do not worry, we will do plenty of these.0445
Evaluate the following indefinite integral, let us go to blue.0451
Let us do just a little bit of trial and error here.0457
I need a substitution, I need to set u this variable, substitution that I’m making to equal something in here.0460
Let us do a little trial and error.0471
I’m going to let u = cos x.0480
My choices are, I can let u = cos x, I can let u = sin x, or I can let u = sin³ x.0486
Just to see if I get something that works.0492
If I let u = cos x, du is equal to -sin x dx.0495
-sin x dx = du, is there a -sin x dx in here?0506
No, there is a sin³ x.0510
This does not really work too well because we need sin³ x to be some differential du.0512
Let us try something else.0540
Let us try u = sin x.0542
du = du dx = cos x which means that du = cos x dx.0553
Do I have a cos x dx?0569
I do, there is a cos x dx.0571
I’m going to let that equal u.0578
Now I have the integral, cos x, that is this part.0582
I’m going to call that du, I’m going to put that in here.0585
u is equal to sin x.0592
This is sin³ x, that is just u³.0595
I’m going to rewrite it in the order that I’m accustomed to.0600
The function and the differential, u³ du.0603
I recognize that, I can integrate that.0606
The integral of that is u⁴/ 4 + c.0608
U is equal to sin x, it becomes 4x/4 + c.0617
That is it, nice and simple.0628
I choose my appropriate u, I see if it gives me something that I can convert into, that I recognize.0631
I chose u = sin x, I got down to du = cos x dx.0637
Yes, cos x dx is in the integrand, I will call that du.0642
For this part, I call it u³.0646
This is now an integral that I do know how to solve.0649
It is an elementary integral.0652
I solve it then I substitute back.0653
Evaluate the following indefinite integral.0658
We have a couple of choices, we can let u = x, we can let u = ln x, we can let u = ln³ x of ln(x)³.0662
Again, experience will dictate what choices you are going to make for your u.0671
In this case, I’m just going to go ahead and go directly.0675
u = natlog(x).0677
du dx is equal to 1/x, which implies that du is equal to dx/x.0682
dx/x, here is my dx/x, this is equal to, the integral of,0698
this is my dx/x is my du, I will put the du there.0706
I have ln x³, ln x is u, it is just u³.0711
I ended up with the same thing, u³ du.0716
I will write it in a form that I’m used to, which is the function first and the differential afterwards.0720
This is just u⁴/ 4 + c, u is ln x, it becomes ln x⁴/ 4 + c.0725
I’m done, this is the integral of that via this process of substitution.0740
Turning it into an elementary integral that I do recognize.0746
Evaluate the following indefinite integral.0756
This time I'm going to let u equal to x ^½, that is just √x du dx.0758
I will just go ahead and do it straight.0770
I will put the dx over there.0773
du dx = ½ x⁻¹/2 which means that du = ½ × x⁻¹/2 dx, which is equal to 1/ 2 × √x dx.0779
I’m going to bring this 2, multiply it out over here.0807
This is going to be 2 du = dx/ √x.0810
Here is my dx/ √x, that is equal to 2 du.0819
I’m going to write 2 du.0823
Cos(√x), √x is equal to u, this is cos(u).0829
I’m going to pull the 2 out, 2 × the integral of cos u du, that is an elementary integral, I know how to do that.0837
That is equal to 2 × sin(u) + c.0845
I know what u is, u is equal to √x.0852
Therefore, my final answer is 2 × sin √x + c.0855
The integral of cos x/ 1 + sin² x.0872
u could be cos x, u can be sin x, u could be 1 + sin² x.0875
Let us see what works, I’m going to go ahead and take u is equal to sin x.0881
Again, there is no way for you to know beforehand, what u was supposed to be.0886
Try things, if you try it and it works out well, then you can convert it an integral of the elementary type.0891
You are good, if not, then start again, pick another u.0897
It is that simple, that is all.0900
You are not supposed to just look at it and know.0901
Experience will dictate, looking at it, and knowing eventually.0904
Which is why I just immediately chose sin x.0908
du = cos x d(x), cos x d(x) = du.0912
Here is my cos x d(x), I’m going to rewrite that as the integral of du/ 1 + sin² x.0922
Sin is u, this is 1 + u².0932
This is an elementary integral, du/ 1 + u², that is equal to the inv tan(u) + c.0939
u is sin x, I substitute back in, the inv tan of sin(x) + c, I’m done.0947
Evaluate the following, we do the same thing, except now we actually evaluate the integral of the n.0961
Because now it is a definite integral from 0 to 2.0968
Do the exact same thing that you did.0970
Now instead of c, you are just going to evaluate the integral, f(b) – f(a).0972
u is equal to x² + 2, du is equal to 2x dx.0980
I’m just going to do the whole thing.0991
du/dx is equal to 2x which means that du is equal to 2x dx.0996
I have an x and dx, I’m going to move the 2 over.1007
du/2 is equal to x dx.1010
My x dx is right here, this is going to be the integral from 0 to,1014
I’m not going to put those in yet.1021
I’m just going to do the integral, first part.1023
x dx that is my du/2 × u which is x² + 2.1025
x² + 2 ⁺15, it is u ⁺15.1033
I'm going to pull the ½ out and I’m going to write this as u ⁺15 du, switch the order,1037
in order to turn it into the order that I’m accustomed to which is integrand times the differential element.1044
It will always be that way, there are books that actually put the du first, especially in science.1051
Do not worry about the order, the order itself does not matter.1057
This is just multiplication.1059
Now I solve it, nice and straightforward.1062
This is just equal to ½ × u ⁺16/ 16.1065
I put the u back in, I get ½ of x² + 2 ⁺16/ 16.1085
I evaluate that from 0,2.1102
That is it, I just put my values in.1107
I’m going to leave the ½ out for a minute.1109
I put 2 into here, it is going to be 2 × 2² is 4, 4 + 2 is 6.1112
It is going to be 6 ⁺16/ 16 -, then I put a 0 in.1120
It is just going to be 6 ⁺16/ 32, nice and simple.1129
Evaluate the following, what do we pick for u?1144
This is the integral from e ⁺e³ of 1/ x × 3√ln x, this is not x³.1148
This is x × 3√ln x.1156
I’m going to let u equal to ln x which means that du dx is 1/x, which implies that du is equal to dx/x.1160
There we go, I have got my dx/x, right here.1176
This equals the integral of, I will write my du.1183
This 3√ln x, the 3√ln(x) is just ln(x)¹/3.1192
1/ ln(x)¹/3 is nothing more than ln x⁻¹/3.1205
Therefore, 1/ ln x¹/3 is ln x⁻¹/3.1218
Ln x is equal to u, we are dealing with u, this is just u⁻¹/3.1225
I will write in a form that I’m accustomed to, u⁻¹/3.1233
du is going to equal u²/3 / 2/3 which is going to be 3/2 u²/3, which is equal to 3/2.1241
u is equal to ln x, it is going to be 3/2 ln x²/3.1260
I'm going to evaluate it from e ⁺e³, that is going to equal 3/2 ln(e³) is just 3.1270
It is 3²/3 – ln (e) is just 1 - 1²/3.1287
It is just equal to 3/2 × 3²/3 – 1.1298
Evaluate the following, nice and simple.1311
u can equal inv sin(x), u can equal 1 - x², or u can equal √1 - x², which one do we choose?1315
This is going to be trial and error.1323
That will save a little time, in terms of the trial and error, I'm just going to go ahead and say u is equal to inv sin(x).1326
du dx = 1/ 1 - x² under radical which means that du is equal to 1/ 1 – x² under the radical × dx.1337
There we go, I have my dx × √1 – x².1357
This is equal to the integral of my du, this is du.1363
Inv sin(x) is u.1370
This one is easy, u du this is equal to u²/ 2.1373
u is inv sin(x)²/ 2.1383
I’m going to evaluate that from 0 to 1.1394
This is going to be inv sin of 1²/ 2 - inv sin of,1401
I will slow down and write everything out properly.1426
Inv sin(0)²/ 2.1429
The inv sin(1) is π/2.1438
It is going to be π/2²/ 2.1444
The inv sin(0) is 0.1452
My answer is just π²/4/ 2.1456
This is going to be π²/ 8.1463
That is it, nice and straightforward.1471
Nothing strange happening here.1473
Evaluate the following, sin x × cos of cos x dx.1477
In this case, I'm going to let u equal cos x.1484
I'm going to let du dx = -sin x, which means that du = -sin x dx,1490
which means -du = sin x dx.1504
Sin x dx, here is my sin x dx.1509
I’m going to write the integral, this is my –du.1514
I have u is equal to cos x, it is cos(u).1520
I rewrite that by pulling the negative out, putting the cos u first, du.1527
I know how to do that, that is just equal to –the integral of cos is sin u.1533
This is going to be -sin of cos x because u is cos x.1542
I get –sin(cos x) evaluated from 0 to π/2.1551
I will go ahead and leave it like this which is equal to -,1564
cos(π/2), I put this in for here.1572
cos(π/2) is 0, the sin(0) is 0, that is 0.1576
cos(0) is 1, sin(1) is 0.841.1582
I hope that make sense.1597
The whole idea behind u substitution is to find some appropriate u.1599
Take the derivative of it, move the dx over and see if you can find something that actually matches this,1605
so we can start substituting back in and turning the variable into everything in terms of u,1617
some elementary function of u.1623
Once we have an elementary function of u, we just integrate it.1626
Once we get our final answer, we substitute back and turn it back into a function of x.1630
At that point, we can either have a c, stop, we are indefinite integral, or evaluate the integral itself.1636
Thank you so much for joining us here at, we will see you next time, bye.1643

Raffi Hovasapian
Solving Integrals by Substitution
Slide Duration:Table of Contents
42m 8s
- Intro0:00
- Overview & Slopes of Curves0:21
- Differential and Integral0:22
- Fundamental Theorem of Calculus6:36
- Differentiation or Taking the Derivative14:24
- What Does the Derivative Mean and How do We Find it?15:18
- Example: f'(x)19:24
- Example: f(x) = sin (x)29:16
- General Procedure for Finding the Derivative of f(x)37:33
50m 53s
- Intro0:00
- Slope of the Secant Line along a Curve0:12
- Slope of the Tangent Line to f(x) at a Particlar Point0:13
- Slope of the Secant Line along a Curve2:59
- Instantaneous Slope6:51
- Instantaneous Slope6:52
- Example: Distance, Time, Velocity13:32
- Instantaneous Slope and Average Slope25:42
- Slope & Rate of Change29:55
- Slope & Rate of Change29:56
- Example: Slope = 233:16
- Example: Slope = 4/334:32
- Example: Slope = 4 (m/s)39:12
- Example: Density = Mass / Volume40:33
- Average Slope, Average Rate of Change, Instantaneous Slope, and Instantaneous Rate of Change47:46
59m 12s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Water Tank0:13
- Part A: Which is the Independent Variable and Which is the Dependent?2:00
- Part B: Average Slope3:18
- Part C: Express These Slopes as Rates-of-Change9:28
- Part D: Instantaneous Slope14:54
- Example II: y = √(x-3)28:26
- Part A: Calculate the Slope of the Secant Line30:39
- Part B: Instantaneous Slope41:26
- Part C: Equation for the Tangent Line43:59
- Example III: Object in the Air49:37
- Part A: Average Velocity50:37
- Part B: Instantaneous Velocity55:30
18m 43s
- Intro0:00
- Desmos Tutorial1:42
- Desmos Tutorial1:43
- Things You Must Learn To Do on Your Particular Calculator2:39
- Things You Must Learn To Do on Your Particular Calculator2:40
- Example I: y=sin x4:54
- Example II: y=x³ and y = d/(dx) (x³)9:22
- Example III: y = x² {-5 <= x <= 0} and y = cos x {0 < x < 6}13:15
51m 53s
- Intro0:00
- The Limit of a Function0:14
- The Limit of a Function0:15
- Graph: Limit of a Function12:24
- Table of Values16:02
- lim x→a f(x) Does not Say What Happens When x = a20:05
- Example I: f(x) = x²24:34
- Example II: f(x) = 727:05
- Example III: f(x) = 4.530:33
- Example IV: f(x) = 1/x34:03
- Example V: f(x) = 1/x²36:43
- The Limit of a Function, Cont.38:16
- Infinity and Negative Infinity38:17
- Does Not Exist42:45
- Summary46:48
24m 43s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Explain in Words What the Following Symbols Mean0:10
- Example II: Find the Following Limit5:21
- Example III: Use the Graph to Find the Following Limits7:35
- Example IV: Use the Graph to Find the Following Limits11:48
- Example V: Sketch the Graph of a Function that Satisfies the Following Properties15:25
- Example VI: Find the Following Limit18:44
- Example VII: Find the Following Limit20:06
53m 48s
- Intro0:00
- Plug-in Procedure0:09
- Plug-in Procedure0:10
- Limit Laws9:14
- Limit Law 110:05
- Limit Law 210:54
- Limit Law 311:28
- Limit Law 411:54
- Limit Law 512:24
- Limit Law 613:14
- Limit Law 714:38
- Plug-in Procedure, Cont.16:35
- Plug-in Procedure, Cont.16:36
- Example I: Calculating Limits Mathematically20:50
- Example II: Calculating Limits Mathematically27:37
- Example III: Calculating Limits Mathematically31:42
- Example IV: Calculating Limits Mathematically35:36
- Example V: Calculating Limits Mathematically40:58
- Limits Theorem44:45
- Limits Theorem 144:46
- Limits Theorem 2: Squeeze Theorem46:34
- Example VI: Calculating Limits Mathematically49:26
21m 22s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Evaluate the Following Limit by Showing Each Application of a Limit Law0:16
- Example II: Evaluate the Following Limit1:51
- Example III: Evaluate the Following Limit3:36
- Example IV: Evaluate the Following Limit8:56
- Example V: Evaluate the Following Limit11:19
- Example VI: Calculating Limits Mathematically13:19
- Example VII: Calculating Limits Mathematically14:59
50m 1s
- Intro0:00
- Limit as x Goes to Infinity0:14
- Limit as x Goes to Infinity0:15
- Let's Look at f(x) = 1 / (x-3)1:04
- Summary9:34
- Example I: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity12:16
- Example II: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity21:22
- Example III: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity24:10
- Example IV: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity36:00
36m 31s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity0:14
- Example II: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity3:27
- Example III: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity8:11
- Example IV: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity14:20
- Example V: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity20:07
- Example VI: Calculating Limits as x Goes to Infinity23:36
- Intro0:00
- Definition of Continuity0:08
- Definition of Continuity0:09
- Example: Not Continuous3:52
- Example: Continuous4:58
- Example: Not Continuous5:52
- Procedure for Finding Continuity9:45
- Law of Continuity13:44
- Law of Continuity13:45
- Example I: Determining Continuity on a Graph15:55
- Example II: Show Continuity & Determine the Interval Over Which the Function is Continuous17:57
- Example III: Is the Following Function Continuous at the Given Point?22:42
- Theorem for Composite Functions25:28
- Theorem for Composite Functions25:29
- Example IV: Is cos(x³ + ln x) Continuous at x=π/2?27:00
- Example V: What Value of A Will make the Following Function Continuous at Every Point of Its Domain?34:04
- Types of Discontinuity39:18
- Removable Discontinuity39:33
- Jump Discontinuity40:06
- Infinite Discontinuity40:32
- Intermediate Value Theorem40:58
- Intermediate Value Theorem: Hypothesis & Conclusion40:59
- Intermediate Value Theorem: Graphically43:40
- Example VI: Prove That the Following Function Has at Least One Real Root in the Interval [4,6]47:46
40m 2s
- Intro0:00
- Derivative0:09
- Derivative0:10
- Example I: Find the Derivative of f(x)=x³2:20
- Notations for the Derivative7:32
- Notations for the Derivative7:33
- Derivative & Rate of Change11:14
- Recall the Rate of Change11:15
- Instantaneous Rate of Change17:04
- Graphing f(x) and f'(x)19:10
- Example II: Find the Derivative of x⁴ - x²24:00
- Example III: Find the Derivative of f(x)=√x30:51
53m 45s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Find the Derivative of (2+x)/(3-x)0:18
- Derivatives II9:02
- f(x) is Differentiable if f'(x) Exists9:03
- Recall: For a Limit to Exist, Both Left Hand and Right Hand Limits Must Equal to Each Other17:19
- Geometrically: Differentiability Means the Graph is Smooth18:44
- Example II: Show Analytically that f(x) = |x| is Nor Differentiable at x=020:53
- Example II: For x > 023:53
- Example II: For x < 025:36
- Example II: What is f(0) and What is the lim |x| as x→0?30:46
- Differentiability & Continuity34:22
- Differentiability & Continuity34:23
- How Can a Function Not be Differentiable at a Point?39:38
- How Can a Function Not be Differentiable at a Point?39:39
- Higher Derivatives41:58
- Higher Derivatives41:59
- Derivative Operator45:12
- Example III: Find (dy)/(dx) & (d²y)/(dx²) for y = x³49:29
31m 38s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Sketch f'(x)0:10
- Example II: Sketch f'(x)2:14
- Example III: Find the Derivative of the Following Function sing the Definition3:49
- Example IV: Determine f, f', and f'' on a Graph12:43
- Example V: Find an Equation for the Tangent Line to the Graph of the Following Function at the Given x-value13:40
- Example VI: Distance vs. Time20:15
- Example VII: Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration23:56
- Example VIII: Graph the Displacement Function28:20
47m 35s
- Intro0:00
- Differentiation of Polynomials & Exponential Functions0:15
- Derivative of a Function0:16
- Derivative of a Constant2:35
- Power Rule3:08
- If C is a Constant4:19
- Sum Rule5:22
- Exponential Functions6:26
- Example I: Differentiate7:45
- Example II: Differentiate12:38
- Example III: Differentiate15:13
- Example IV: Differentiate16:20
- Example V: Differentiate19:19
- Example VI: Find the Equation of the Tangent Line to a Function at a Given Point12:18
- Example VII: Find the First & Second Derivatives25:59
- Example VIII27:47
- Part A: Find the Velocity & Acceleration Functions as Functions of t27:48
- Part B: Find the Acceleration after 3 Seconds30:12
- Part C: Find the Acceleration when the Velocity is 030:53
- Part D: Graph the Position, Velocity, & Acceleration Graphs32:50
- Example IX: Find a Cubic Function Whose Graph has Horizontal Tangents34:53
- Example X: Find a Point on a Graph42:31
47m 25s
- Intro0:00
- The Product, Power and Quotient Rules0:19
- Differentiate Functions0:20
- Product Rule5:30
- Quotient Rule9:15
- Power Rule10:00
- Example I: Product Rule13:48
- Example II: Quotient Rule16:13
- Example III: Power Rule18:28
- Example IV: Find dy/dx19:57
- Example V: Find dy/dx24:53
- Example VI: Find dy/dx28:38
- Example VII: Find an Equation for the Tangent to the Curve34:54
- Example VIII: Find d²y/dx²38:08
41m 8s
- Intro0:00
- Derivatives of the Trigonometric Functions0:09
- Let's Find the Derivative of f(x) = sin x0:10
- Important Limits to Know4:59
- d/dx (sin x)6:06
- d/dx (cos x)6:38
- d/dx (tan x)6:50
- d/dx (csc x)7:02
- d/dx (sec x)7:15
- d/dx (cot x)7:27
- Example I: Differentiate f(x) = x² - 4 cos x7:56
- Example II: Differentiate f(x) = x⁵ tan x9:04
- Example III: Differentiate f(x) = (cos x) / (3 + sin x)10:56
- Example IV: Differentiate f(x) = e^x / (tan x - sec x)14:06
- Example V: Differentiate f(x) = (csc x - 4) / (cot x)15:37
- Example VI: Find an Equation of the Tangent Line21:48
- Example VII: For What Values of x Does the Graph of the Function x + 3 cos x Have a Horizontal Tangent?25:17
- Example VIII: Ladder Problem28:23
- Example IX: Evaluate33:22
- Example X: Evaluate36:38
24m 56s
- Intro0:00
- The Chain Rule0:13
- Recall the Composite Functions0:14
- Derivatives of Composite Functions1:34
- Example I: Identify f(x) and g(x) and Differentiate6:41
- Example II: Identify f(x) and g(x) and Differentiate9:47
- Example III: Differentiate11:03
- Example IV: Differentiate f(x) = -5 / (x² + 3)³12:15
- Example V: Differentiate f(x) = cos(x² + c²)14:35
- Example VI: Differentiate f(x) = cos⁴x +c²15:41
- Example VII: Differentiate17:03
- Example VIII: Differentiate f(x) = sin(tan x²)19:01
- Example IX: Differentiate f(x) = sin(tan² x)21:02
25m 32s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Differentiate f(x) = sin(cos(tanx))0:38
- Example II: Find an Equation for the Line Tangent to the Given Curve at the Given Point2:25
- Example III: F(x) = f(g(x)), Find F' (6)4:22
- Example IV: Differentiate & Graph both the Function & the Derivative in the Same Window5:35
- Example V: Differentiate f(x) = ( (x-8)/(x+3) )⁴10:18
- Example VI: Differentiate f(x) = sec²(12x)12:28
- Example VII: Differentiate14:41
- Example VIII: Differentiate19:25
- Example IX: Find an Expression for the Rate of Change of the Volume of the Balloon with Respect to Time21:13
52m 31s
- Intro0:00
- Implicit Differentiation0:09
- Implicit Differentiation0:10
- Example I: Find (dy)/(dx) by both Implicit Differentiation and Solving Explicitly for y12:15
- Example II: Find (dy)/(dx) of x³ + x²y + 7y² = 1419:18
- Example III: Find (dy)/(dx) of x³y² + y³x² = 4x21:43
- Example IV: Find (dy)/(dx) of the Following Equation24:13
- Example V: Find (dy)/(dx) of 6sin x cos y = 129:00
- Example VI: Find (dy)/(dx) of x² cos² y + y sin x = 2sin x cos y31:02
- Example VII: Find (dy)/(dx) of √(xy) = 7 + y²e^x37:36
- Example VIII: Find (dy)/(dx) of 4(x²+y²)² = 35(x²-y²)41:03
- Example IX: Find (d²y)/(dx²) of x² + y² = 2544:05
- Example X: Find (d²y)/(dx²) of sin x + cos y = sin(2x)47:48
47m 34s
- Intro0:00
- Linear Approximations & Differentials0:09
- Linear Approximations & Differentials0:10
- Example I: Linear Approximations & Differentials11:27
- Example II: Linear Approximations & Differentials20:19
- Differentials30:32
- Differentials30:33
- Example III: Linear Approximations & Differentials34:09
- Example IV: Linear Approximations & Differentials35:57
- Example V: Relative Error38:46
45m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Related Rates0:08
- Strategy for Solving Related Rates Problems #10:09
- Strategy for Solving Related Rates Problems #21:46
- Strategy for Solving Related Rates Problems #32:06
- Strategy for Solving Related Rates Problems #42:50
- Strategy for Solving Related Rates Problems #53:38
- Example I: Radius of a Balloon5:15
- Example II: Ladder12:52
- Example III: Water Tank19:08
- Example IV: Distance between Two Cars29:27
- Example V: Line-of-Sight36:20
37m 17s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Shadow0:14
- Example II: Particle4:45
- Example III: Water Level10:28
- Example IV: Clock20:47
- Example V: Distance between a House and a Plane29:11
40m 44s
- Intro0:00
- Maximum & Minimum Values of a Function, Part 10:23
- Absolute Maximum2:20
- Absolute Minimum2:52
- Local Maximum3:38
- Local Minimum4:26
- Maximum & Minimum Values of a Function, Part 26:11
- Function with Absolute Minimum but No Absolute Max, Local Max, and Local Min7:18
- Function with Local Max & Min but No Absolute Max & Min8:48
- Formal Definitions10:43
- Absolute Maximum11:18
- Absolute Minimum12:57
- Local Maximum14:37
- Local Minimum16:25
- Extreme Value Theorem18:08
- Theorem: f'(c) = 024:40
- Critical Number (Critical Value)26:14
- Procedure for Finding the Critical Values of f(x)28:32
- Example I: Find the Critical Values of f(x) x + sinx29:51
- Example II: What are the Absolute Max & Absolute Minimum of f(x) = x + 4 sinx on [0,2π]35:31
40m 44s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Identify Absolute and Local Max & Min on the Following Graph0:11
- Example II: Sketch the Graph of a Continuous Function3:11
- Example III: Sketch the Following Graphs4:40
- Example IV: Find the Critical Values of f (x) = 3x⁴ - 7x³ + 4x²6:13
- Example V: Find the Critical Values of f(x) = |2x - 5|8:42
- Example VI: Find the Critical Values11:42
- Example VII: Find the Critical Values f(x) = cos²(2x) on [0,2π]16:57
- Example VIII: Find the Absolute Max & Min f(x) = 2sinx + 2cos x on [0,(π/3)]20:08
- Example IX: Find the Absolute Max & Min f(x) = (ln(2x)) / x on [1,3]24:39
25m 54s
- Intro0:00
- Rolle's Theorem0:08
- Rolle's Theorem: If & Then0:09
- Rolle's Theorem: Geometrically2:06
- There May Be More than 1 c Such That f'( c ) = 03:30
- Example I: Rolle's Theorem4:58
- The Mean Value Theorem9:12
- The Mean Value Theorem: If & Then9:13
- The Mean Value Theorem: Geometrically11:07
- Example II: Mean Value Theorem13:43
- Example III: Mean Value Theorem21:19
25m 54s
- Intro0:00
- Using Derivatives to Graph Functions, Part I0:12
- Increasing/ Decreasing Test0:13
- Example I: Find the Intervals Over Which the Function is Increasing & Decreasing3:26
- Example II: Find the Local Maxima & Minima of the Function19:18
- Example III: Find the Local Maxima & Minima of the Function31:39
44m 58s
- Intro0:00
- Using Derivatives to Graph Functions, Part II0:13
- Concave Up & Concave Down0:14
- What Does This Mean in Terms of the Derivative?6:14
- Point of Inflection8:52
- Example I: Graph the Function13:18
- Example II: Function x⁴ - 5x²19:03
- Intervals of Increase & Decrease19:04
- Local Maxes and Mins25:01
- Intervals of Concavity & X-Values for the Points of Inflection29:18
- Intervals of Concavity & Y-Values for the Points of Inflection34:18
- Graphing the Function40:52
49m 19s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Intervals, Local Maxes & Mins0:26
- Example II: Intervals, Local Maxes & Mins5:05
- Example III: Intervals, Local Maxes & Mins, and Inflection Points13:40
- Example IV: Intervals, Local Maxes & Mins, Inflection Points, and Intervals of Concavity23:02
- Example V: Intervals, Local Maxes & Mins, Inflection Points, and Intervals of Concavity34:36
59m 1s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Intervals, Local Maxes & Mins, Inflection Points, Intervals of Concavity, and Asymptotes0:11
- Example II: Intervals, Local Maxes & Mins, Inflection Points, Intervals of Concavity, and Asymptotes21:24
- Example III: Cubic Equation f(x) = Ax³ + Bx² + Cx + D37:56
- Example IV: Intervals, Local Maxes & Mins, Inflection Points, Intervals of Concavity, and Asymptotes46:19
30m 9s
- Intro0:00
- L'Hospital's Rule0:19
- Indeterminate Forms0:20
- L'Hospital's Rule3:38
- Example I: Evaluate the Following Limit Using L'Hospital's Rule8:50
- Example II: Evaluate the Following Limit Using L'Hospital's Rule10:30
- Indeterminate Products11:54
- Indeterminate Products11:55
- Example III: L'Hospital's Rule & Indeterminate Products13:57
- Indeterminate Differences17:00
- Indeterminate Differences17:01
- Example IV: L'Hospital's Rule & Indeterminate Differences18:57
- Indeterminate Powers22:20
- Indeterminate Powers22:21
- Example V: L'Hospital's Rule & Indeterminate Powers25:13
38m 14s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Evaluate the Following Limit0:17
- Example II: Evaluate the Following Limit2:45
- Example III: Evaluate the Following Limit6:54
- Example IV: Evaluate the Following Limit8:43
- Example V: Evaluate the Following Limit11:01
- Example VI: Evaluate the Following Limit14:48
- Example VII: Evaluate the Following Limit17:49
- Example VIII: Evaluate the Following Limit20:37
- Example IX: Evaluate the Following Limit25:16
- Example X: Evaluate the Following Limit32:44
49m 59s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Find the Dimensions of the Box that Gives the Greatest Volume1:23
- Fundamentals of Optimization Problems18:08
- Fundamental #118:33
- Fundamental #219:09
- Fundamental #319:19
- Fundamental #420:59
- Fundamental #521:55
- Fundamental #623:44
- Example II: Demonstrate that of All Rectangles with a Given Perimeter, the One with the Largest Area is a Square24:36
- Example III: Find the Points on the Ellipse 9x² + y² = 9 Farthest Away from the Point (1,0)35:13
- Example IV: Find the Dimensions of the Rectangle of Largest Area that can be Inscribed in a Circle of Given Radius R43:10
55m 10s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Optimization Problem0:13
- Example II: Optimization Problem17:34
- Example III: Optimization Problem35:06
- Example IV: Revenue, Cost, and Profit43:22
30m 22s
- Intro0:00
- Newton's Method0:45
- Newton's Method0:46
- Example I: Find x2 and x313:18
- Example II: Use Newton's Method to Approximate15:48
- Example III: Find the Root of the Following Equation to 6 Decimal Places19:57
- Example IV: Use Newton's Method to Find the Coordinates of the Inflection Point23:11
55m 26s
- Intro0:00
- Antiderivatives0:23
- Definition of an Antiderivative0:24
- Antiderivative Theorem7:58
- Function & Antiderivative12:10
- x^n12:30
- 1/x13:00
- e^x13:08
- cos x13:18
- sin x14:01
- sec² x14:11
- secxtanx14:18
- 1/√(1-x²)14:26
- 1/(1+x²)14:36
- -1/√(1-x²)14:45
- Example I: Find the Most General Antiderivative for the Following Functions15:07
- Function 1: f(x) = x³ -6x² + 11x - 915:42
- Function 2: f(x) = 14√(x) - 27 4√x19:12
- Function 3: (fx) = cos x - 14 sinx20:53
- Function 4: f(x) = (x⁵+2√x )/( x^(4/3) )22:10
- Function 5: f(x) = (3e^x) - 2/(1+x²)25:42
- Example II: Given the Following, Find the Original Function f(x)26:37
- Function 1: f'(x) = 5x³ - 14x + 24, f(2) = 4027:55
- Function 2: f'(x) 3 sinx + sec²x, f(π/6) = 530:34
- Function 3: f''(x) = 8x - cos x, f(1.5) = 12.7, f'(1.5) = 4.232:54
- Function 4: f''(x) = 5/(√x), f(2) 15, f'(2) = 737:54
- Example III: Falling Object41:58
- Problem 1: Find an Equation for the Height of the Ball after t Seconds42:48
- Problem 2: How Long Will It Take for the Ball to Strike the Ground?48:30
- Problem 3: What is the Velocity of the Ball as it Hits the Ground?49:52
- Problem 4: Initial Velocity of 6 m/s, How Long Does It Take to Reach the Ground?50:46
51m 3s
- Intro0:00
- The Area Under a Curve0:13
- Approximate Using Rectangles0:14
- Let's Do This Again, Using 4 Different Rectangles9:40
- Approximate with Rectangles16:10
- Left Endpoint18:08
- Right Endpoint25:34
- Left Endpoint vs. Right Endpoint30:58
- Number of Rectangles34:08
- True Area37:36
- True Area37:37
- Sigma Notation & Limits43:32
- When You Have to Explicitly Solve Something47:56
33m 7s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Using Left Endpoint & Right Endpoint to Approximate Area Under a Curve0:10
- Example II: Using 5 Rectangles, Approximate the Area Under the Curve11:32
- Example III: Find the True Area by Evaluating the Limit Expression16:07
- Example IV: Find the True Area by Evaluating the Limit Expression24:52
43m 19s
- Intro0:00
- The Definite Integral0:08
- Definition to Find the Area of a Curve0:09
- Definition of the Definite Integral4:08
- Symbol for Definite Integral8:45
- Regions Below the x-axis15:18
- Associating Definite Integral to a Function19:38
- Integrable Function27:20
- Evaluating the Definite Integral29:26
- Evaluating the Definite Integral29:27
- Properties of the Definite Integral35:24
- Properties of the Definite Integral35:25
32m 14s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Approximate the Following Definite Integral Using Midpoints & Sub-intervals0:11
- Example II: Express the Following Limit as a Definite Integral5:28
- Example III: Evaluate the Following Definite Integral Using the Definition6:28
- Example IV: Evaluate the Following Integral Using the Definition17:06
- Example V: Evaluate the Following Definite Integral by Using Areas25:41
- Example VI: Definite Integral30:36
24m 17s
- Intro0:00
- The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus0:17
- Evaluating an Integral0:18
- Lim as x → ∞12:19
- Taking the Derivative14:06
- Differentiation & Integration are Inverse Processes15:04
- 1st Fundamental Theorem of Calculus20:08
- 1st Fundamental Theorem of Calculus20:09
- 2nd Fundamental Theorem of Calculus22:30
- 2nd Fundamental Theorem of Calculus22:31
25m 21s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Find the Derivative of the Following Function0:17
- Example II: Find the Derivative of the Following Function1:40
- Example III: Find the Derivative of the Following Function2:32
- Example IV: Find the Derivative of the Following Function5:55
- Example V: Evaluate the Following Integral7:13
- Example VI: Evaluate the Following Integral9:46
- Example VII: Evaluate the Following Integral12:49
- Example VIII: Evaluate the Following Integral13:53
- Example IX: Evaluate the Following Graph15:24
- Local Maxs and Mins for g(x)15:25
- Where Does g(x) Achieve Its Absolute Max on [0,8]20:54
- On What Intervals is g(x) Concave Up/Down?22:20
- Sketch a Graph of g(x)24:34
34m 22s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral0:10
- Example II: Evaluate the Following Definite Integral0:59
- Example III: Evaluate the Following Integral2:59
- Example IV: Velocity Function7:46
- Part A: Net Displacement7:47
- Part B: Total Distance Travelled13:15
- Example V: Linear Density Function20:56
- Example VI: Acceleration Function25:10
- Part A: Velocity Function at Time t25:11
- Part B: Total Distance Travelled During the Time Interval28:38
27m 20s
- Intro0:00
- Table of Integrals0:35
- Example I: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral2:02
- Example II: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral7:27
- Example IIII: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral10:57
- Example IV: Evaluate the Following Indefinite Integral12:33
- Example V: Evaluate the Following14:28
- Example VI: Evaluate the Following16:00
- Example VII: Evaluate the Following19:01
- Example VIII: Evaluate the Following21:49
- Example IX: Evaluate the Following24:34
34m 56s
- Intro0:00
- Areas Between Two Curves: Function of x0:08
- Graph 1: Area Between f(x) & g(x)0:09
- Graph 2: Area Between f(x) & g(x)4:07
- Is It Possible to Write as a Single Integral?8:20
- Area Between the Curves on [a,b]9:24
- Absolute Value10:32
- Formula for Areas Between Two Curves: Top Function - Bottom Function17:03
- Areas Between Curves: Function of y17:49
- What if We are Given Functions of y?17:50
- Formula for Areas Between Two Curves: Right Function - Left Function21:48
- Finding a & b22:32
42m 55s
- Intro0:00
- Instructions for the Example Problems0:10
- Example I: y = 7x - x² and y=x0:37
- Example II: x=y²-3, x=e^((1/2)y), y=-1, and y=26:25
- Example III: y=(1/x), y=(1/x³), and x=412:25
- Example IV: 15-2x² and y=x²-515:52
- Example V: x=(1/8)y³ and x=6-y²20:20
- Example VI: y=cos x, y=sin(2x), [0,π/2]24:34
- Example VII: y=2x², y=10x², 7x+2y=1029:51
- Example VIII: Velocity vs. Time33:23
- Part A: At 2.187 Minutes, Which care is Further Ahead?33:24
- Part B: If We Shaded the Region between the Graphs from t=0 to t=2.187, What Would This Shaded Area Represent?36:32
- Part C: At 4 Minutes Which Car is Ahead?37:11
- Part D: At What Time Will the Cars be Side by Side?37:50
34m 15s
- Intro0:00
- Volumes I: Slices0:18
- Rotate the Graph of y=√x about the x-axis0:19
- How can I use Integration to Find the Volume?3:16
- Slice the Solid Like a Loaf of Bread5:06
- Volumes Definition8:56
- Example I: Find the Volume of the Solid Obtained by Rotating the Region Bounded by the Given Functions about the Given Line of Rotation12:18
- Example II: Find the Volume of the Solid Obtained by Rotating the Region Bounded by the Given Functions about the Given Line of Rotation19:05
- Example III: Find the Volume of the Solid Obtained by Rotating the Region Bounded by the Given Functions about the Given Line of Rotation25:28
51m 43s
- Intro0:00
- Volumes II: Volumes by Washers0:11
- Rotating Region Bounded by y=x³ & y=x around the x-axis0:12
- Equation for Volumes by Washer11:14
- Process for Solving Volumes by Washer13:40
- Example I: Find the Volume of the Solid Obtained by Rotating the Region Bounded by the Following Functions around the Given Axis15:58
- Example II: Find the Volume of the Solid Obtained by Rotating the Region Bounded by the Following Functions around the Given Axis25:07
- Example III: Find the Volume of the Solid Obtained by Rotating the Region Bounded by the Following Functions around the Given Axis34:20
- Example IV: Find the Volume of the Solid Obtained by Rotating the Region Bounded by the Following Functions around the Given Axis44:05
49m 36s
- Intro0:00
- Solids That Are Not Solids-of-Revolution0:11
- Cross-Section Area Review0:12
- Cross-Sections That Are Not Solids-of-Revolution7:36
- Example I: Find the Volume of a Pyramid Whose Base is a Square of Side-length S, and Whose Height is H10:54
- Example II: Find the Volume of a Solid Whose Cross-sectional Areas Perpendicular to the Base are Equilateral Triangles20:39
- Example III: Find the Volume of a Pyramid Whose Base is an Equilateral Triangle of Side-Length A, and Whose Height is H29:27
- Example IV: Find the Volume of a Solid Whose Base is Given by the Equation 16x² + 4y² = 6436:47
- Example V: Find the Volume of a Solid Whose Base is the Region Bounded by the Functions y=3-x² and the x-axis46:13
50m 2s
- Intro0:00
- Volumes by Cylindrical Shells0:11
- Find the Volume of the Following Region0:12
- Volumes by Cylindrical Shells: Integrating Along x14:12
- Volumes by Cylindrical Shells: Integrating Along y14:40
- Volumes by Cylindrical Shells Formulas16:22
- Example I: Using the Method of Cylindrical Shells, Find the Volume of the Solid18:33
- Example II: Using the Method of Cylindrical Shells, Find the Volume of the Solid25:57
- Example III: Using the Method of Cylindrical Shells, Find the Volume of the Solid31:38
- Example IV: Using the Method of Cylindrical Shells, Find the Volume of the Solid38:44
- Example V: Using the Method of Cylindrical Shells, Find the Volume of the Solid44:03
32m 13s
- Intro0:00
- The Average Value of a Function0:07
- Average Value of f(x)0:08
- What if The Domain of f(x) is Not Finite?2:23
- Let's Calculate Average Value for f(x) = x² [2,5]4:46
- Mean Value Theorem for Integrate9:25
- Example I: Find the Average Value of the Given Function Over the Given Interval14:06
- Example II: Find the Average Value of the Given Function Over the Given Interval18:25
- Example III: Find the Number A Such that the Average Value of the Function f(x) = -4x² + 8x + 4 Equals 2 Over the Interval [-1,A]24:04
- Example IV: Find the Average Density of a Rod27:47
50m 32s
- Intro0:00
- Integration by Parts0:08
- The Product Rule for Differentiation0:09
- Integrating Both Sides Retains the Equality0:52
- Differential Notation2:24
- Example I: ∫ x cos x dx5:41
- Example II: ∫ x² sin(2x)dx12:01
- Example III: ∫ (e^x) cos x dx18:19
- Example IV: ∫ (sin^-1) (x) dx23:42
- Example V: ∫₁⁵ (lnx)² dx28:25
- Summary32:31
- Tabular Integration35:08
- Case 135:52
- Example: ∫x³sinx dx36:39
- Case 240:28
- Example: ∫e^(2x) sin 3x41:14
24m 50s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: ∫ sin³ (x) dx1:36
- Example II: ∫ cos⁵(x)sin²(x)dx4:36
- Example III: ∫ sin⁴(x)dx9:23
- Summary for Evaluating Trigonometric Integrals of the Following Type: ∫ (sin^m) (x) (cos^p) (x) dx15:59
- #1: Power of sin is Odd16:00
- #2: Power of cos is Odd16:41
- #3: Powers of Both sin and cos are Odd16:55
- #4: Powers of Both sin and cos are Even17:10
- Example IV: ∫ tan⁴ (x) sec⁴ (x) dx17:34
- Example V: ∫ sec⁹(x) tan³(x) dx20:55
- Summary for Evaluating Trigonometric Integrals of the Following Type: ∫ (sec^m) (x) (tan^p) (x) dx23:31
- #1: Power of sec is Odd23:32
- #2: Power of tan is Odd24:04
- #3: Powers of sec is Odd and/or Power of tan is Even24:18
22m 12s
- Intro0:00
- Trigonometric Integrals II0:09
- Recall: ∫tanx dx0:10
- Let's Find ∫secx dx3:23
- Example I: ∫ tan⁵ (x) dx6:23
- Example II: ∫ sec⁵ (x) dx11:41
- Summary: How to Deal with Integrals of Different Types19:04
- Identities to Deal with Integrals of Different Types19:05
- Example III: ∫cos(5x)sin(9x)dx19:57
17m 22s
- Intro0:00
- Example I: ∫sin²(x)cos⁷(x)dx0:14
- Example II: ∫x sin²(x) dx3:56
- Example III: ∫csc⁴ (x/5)dx8:39
- Example IV: ∫( (1-tan²x)/(sec²x) ) dx11:17
- Example V: ∫ 1 / (sinx-1) dx13:19
55m 12s
- Intro0:00
- Integration by Partial Fractions I0:11
- Recall the Idea of Finding a Common Denominator0:12
- Decomposing a Rational Function to Its Partial Fractions4:10
- 2 Types of Rational Function: Improper & Proper5:16
- Improper Rational Function7:26
- Improper Rational Function7:27
- Proper Rational Function11:16
- Proper Rational Function & Partial Fractions11:17
- Linear Factors14:04
- Irreducible Quadratic Factors15:02
- Case 1: G(x) is a Product of Distinct Linear Factors17:10
- Example I: Integration by Partial Fractions20:33
- Case 2: D(x) is a Product of Linear Factors40:58
- Example II: Integration by Partial Fractions44:41
42m 57s
- Intro0:00
- Case 3: D(x) Contains Irreducible Factors0:09
- Example I: Integration by Partial Fractions5:19
- Example II: Integration by Partial Fractions16:22
- Case 4: D(x) has Repeated Irreducible Quadratic Factors27:30
- Example III: Integration by Partial Fractions30:19
46m 37s
- Intro0:00
- Introduction to Differential Equations0:09
- Overview0:10
- Differential Equations Involving Derivatives of y(x)2:08
- Differential Equations Involving Derivatives of y(x) and Function of y(x)3:23
- Equations for an Unknown Number6:28
- What are These Differential Equations Saying?10:30
- Verifying that a Function is a Solution of the Differential Equation13:00
- Verifying that a Function is a Solution of the Differential Equation13:01
- Verify that y(x) = 4e^x + 3x² + 6x + e^π is a Solution of this Differential Equation17:20
- General Solution22:00
- Particular Solution24:36
- Initial Value Problem27:42
- Example I: Verify that a Family of Functions is a Solution of the Differential Equation32:24
- Example II: For What Values of K Does the Function Satisfy the Differential Equation36:07
- Example III: Verify the Solution and Solve the Initial Value Problem39:47
28m 8s
- Intro0:00
- Separation of Variables0:28
- Separation of Variables0:29
- Example I: Solve the Following g Initial Value Problem8:29
- Example II: Solve the Following g Initial Value Problem13:46
- Example III: Find an Equation of the Curve18:48
51m 7s
- Intro0:00
- Standard Growth Model0:30
- Definition of the Standard/Natural Growth Model0:31
- Initial Conditions8:00
- The General Solution9:16
- Example I: Standard Growth Model10:45
- Logistic Growth Model18:33
- Logistic Growth Model18:34
- Solving the Initial Value Problem25:21
- What Happens When t → ∞36:42
- Example II: Solve the Following g Initial Value Problem41:50
- Relative Growth Rate46:56
- Relative Growth Rate46:57
- Relative Growth Rate Version for the Standard model49:04
24m 37s
- Intro0:00
- Slope Fields0:35
- Slope Fields0:36
- Graphing the Slope Fields, Part 111:12
- Graphing the Slope Fields, Part 215:37
- Graphing the Slope Fields, Part 317:25
- Steps to Solving Slope Field Problems20:24
- Example I: Draw or Generate the Slope Field of the Differential Equation y'=x cos y22:38
45m 29s
- Intro0:00
- Exam Link0:10
- Problem #11:26
- Problem #22:52
- Problem #34:42
- Problem #47:03
- Problem #510:01
- Problem #613:49
- Problem #715:16
- Problem #819:06
- Problem #923:10
- Problem #1028:10
- Problem #1131:30
- Problem #1233:53
- Problem #1337:45
- Problem #1441:17
41m 55s
- Intro0:00
- Problem #150:22
- Problem #163:10
- Problem #175:30
- Problem #188:03
- Problem #199:53
- Problem #2014:51
- Problem #2117:30
- Problem #2222:12
- Problem #2325:48
- Problem #2429:57
- Problem #2533:35
- Problem #2635:57
- Problem #2737:57
- Problem #2840:04
58m 47s
- Intro0:00
- Problem #11:22
- Problem #24:55
- Problem #310:49
- Problem #413:05
- Problem #514:54
- Problem #617:25
- Problem #718:39
- Problem #820:27
- Problem #926:48
- Problem #1028:23
- Problem #1134:03
- Problem #1236:25
- Problem #1339:52
- Problem #1443:12
- Problem #1547:18
- Problem #1650:41
- Problem #1756:38
25m 40s
- Intro0:00
- Problem #1: Part A1:14
- Problem #1: Part B4:46
- Problem #1: Part C8:00
- Problem #2: Part A12:24
- Problem #2: Part B16:51
- Problem #2: Part C17:17
- Problem #3: Part A18:16
- Problem #3: Part B19:54
- Problem #3: Part C21:44
- Problem #3: Part D22:57
31m 20s
- Intro0:00
- Problem #4: Part A1:35
- Problem #4: Part B5:54
- Problem #4: Part C8:50
- Problem #4: Part D9:40
- Problem #5: Part A11:26
- Problem #5: Part B13:11
- Problem #5: Part C15:07
- Problem #5: Part D19:57
- Problem #6: Part A22:01
- Problem #6: Part B25:34
- Problem #6: Part C28:54
1 answer
Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:08 PM
Post by Ling Zhang on August 18, 2020
Hello Professor,
I believe example 9 is wrong, because the sin(1) is 0.017. The answer should be 0.174.
1 answer
Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:47 PM
Post by Sarmad Khokhar on January 14, 2017
Hello Professor ,
Do we need to learn evaluating integrals involving hyperbolic functions .
0 answers
Post by Richard Kennesson on January 2, 2017
Hello Professor,
For example for IV (4), would the 2 before the integral sign carry through to the C as it did for the sine?
I'm thinking that the reasons you didn't write it was because 2 times a constant is just another constant. Is that correct?
1 answer
Wed May 11, 2016 2:49 AM
Post by Acme Wang on April 26, 2016
Hi Professor,
I think in example VI, the answer should be 6^16/32-2^16/32,right?
2 answers
Last reply by: Gautham Padmakumar
Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:07 PM
Post by Gautham Padmakumar on December 15, 2015
Example 6 is done wrong I believe, Because when performing the substitution the upper and lower limits of the integral to changes to 6 and 2 respectively. right?
thanks again. really helpful lessons